AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting A Drawing Border To Act On A Modified Custom Property
Feb 20, 2012
The company I work for produce drawings for various types of fabrication.
Using Inventor I have a drawing border in which tolerance values change depending on the type of fabrication to be produced. The type of fabrication (0,1,2,or 3) is designated by a custom property entered during part/fab model creation.
This property may change depending on various production factors. The issue I have is how do I get the border to recognize this potential change in fab type and populate the tolerance fields with the necessary information?
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Jul 14, 2012
I'm trying to see if I can write a rule that will link a custom property at the part level in a template and have it update when I copy the part and drawing to a new design. Below is the formula I'm using and it works in the original files but when I use Design Assistant to create a copy for a new design, this formula will not update.
iProperties.Value("Custom", "Title")=Parameter("Bearing_#01.ipt.Build_Title")
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May 16, 2013
When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.
I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".
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Sep 15, 2011
I have been trying to find a method to extract custom properties from the custom property bag.
I have been able to extract the property value, using the "GetProperty" and the associated "GetValue" method, this method works when I know exactly what property name I am looking for. What do you do when you don't know the property name?
here is my code snippet..
dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag
dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty("SOMENAME")
dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue
what I want to do is:
dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag
dim myPN as string = ??????????.tostring
dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty(myPN)
dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue
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Nov 30, 2011
I am trying to create a sketched symbol on the fly that has custom properties in it. I am also creating the custom properties on the fly. I need to get the actual expression for the property into the sketched symbol not just a value. I need this so that I can export the drawing as an autocad .dwg that has attributes in it.
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Sep 21, 2011
I would like to set the custom property format for all user paramters from an iLogic code. This is what I've come up with. It runs, but it does not seem to alter the custom property format. What am I doing wrong here?
i7-2720QM Dell Precision M6600, Win 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB RAM
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
Autodesk Vault Professional 2013
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Oct 25, 2013
In the parameters window you can right click a value and choose a custom property format.
We always change everything to fraactional instead of decimal.
Is there a way to set this as default?
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Mar 22, 2013
My company has a custom property named 'Released date, Type Date.
This date is still empty
I am working on a rule that adds all the custom properties required for the company title block.
This rule can be useful whenever you get a model from a supplier.
I can add a custom property date using the following
Dim oDoc As Document = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim customPropertySet As PropertySet = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")
iProperties.Value("Custom", "Released Date") = iProperties.Value("Custom", "Released Date")
This code works but sets the released date to Now.
But the release date needs to remain blank when adding.
I tried to make the value Null but I get the error:
"Value of type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to 'Date'."
Is there a way to keep a custom property date blank?
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Oct 31, 2013
I have a part number that i want to defined in custom properties.
Then would it be possible to call it out in Ilogic? that way in any drawing doesn't matter where the part number will always be the same for that part when i balloon and the same in the BOM.
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Apr 8, 2013
I have a frame fabrication / assembly with a Custom iProperty called "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE". I have set the following parameter for this property:
FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE = <Stock Number> x <G_L>mm
This returns the stock size and length to my drawing cutlist. The problem is that the <G_L> Parameter returns the trailing zeros and unit string.
I would like to set all the frame members in the assembly such that the G_L parameter returns a value rounded off to 0 decimal places with no trailing zeros and removes the unit string as well.
Is there a way I can achieve this from the assembly so I don't have to manually open each frame member and make the changes in the fx parameters dialog one at a time?
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Sep 29, 2011
How would i insert the "variable name" of a custom iProp to a sketched symbol definition (in an idw)?
I can plonk the value of the iProp in no worries, but to make it "live" is a bit beyond me...
Sub WeldNote()On Error Resume NextDim oDoc As DrawingDocumentDim SketchedSym As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oNoteDef As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oDefSketch As SketchDim oTextbox As TextBoxDim SNewText As StringDim sNoteText As StringDim oReffedDoc As DocumentDim lReffedWeldType As Long'Err.ClearIf
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Aug 24, 2013
I have generated frame that has 100 members in it. Is there a quicker way of changing G_L unit to a mm so that I don't have to go into all 100 parts to change the custom properties? also I do not need unit string to be appear in my BOM.
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Mar 12, 2013
If I have my username set in Inventor (Application options>General tab) as F Last (First initial, last name), is there a way, for drawing purposes, that I can take that property, extract my initials (FL, with no space), and save that as a new property in the drawing? I'd like to have a "By" column in my revision table that will be my initials that are extracted from that username property.
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Jun 25, 2012
I am creating a standalone .exe with that opens an Inventor .idw and creates a few custom tables. I want one of the tables to have no border at all.
So far I have tried:
Dim oFormat As TableFormat oFormat = oInvSheet.CustomTables.CreateTableFormat oFormat.InsideLineWeight = 0 oFormat.OutsideLineWeight = 0 oCustomTable_Hardware.OverrideFormat = oFormat
But that does not hide the border lines.
I've found no similar code to try out that dealt with table borders or that sort.
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Aug 10, 2012
I need some VBA code that will allow me to get the Filename from the border of a drawing. I've got code to get to the text of the filename, but I need to get the filename itself. Hope that males sense. Here's the
Public Sub GetModelFilename()
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
What the code returns is the text <FILENAME>. What I need is the filename itself.
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Sep 18, 2013
I am using AutoCAD 2014 and VB.NET 2010. I am trying to get the value of a custom property and cannot seem to do so.
The old command I used for AutoCAD 2010 was:
ThisDrawing.SummaryInfo.GetCustomByKey(strParameter, strValue)
But this does not work anymore. So I created this sub but it does not seem to work either.
Sub subFindCustomParam(ByVal strUserParameter AsString)
Dim infoDB AsDatabase =Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database
Dim infoBuilder AsDatabaseSummaryInfoBuilder = NewDatabaseSummaryInfoBuilder(infoDB.SummaryInfo)
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Jul 31, 2012
I'm having real difficulties getting my drawing borders to work between Inventor and AutoCAD. I am using Product Design Suite 2012.
I have created a drawing border using Inventor, which is the template for any drawings I produce. I often export the Inventor drawings into AutoCAD 2007 dwg's to send to customers. However, it seems all the text goes up the creek after the export...
When I open the exported AutoCAD drawing, first I explode the drawing border. Then, if I scale the border from within AutoCAD, none of the text wants to scale up. - I've attached the border. I've tried several different ways to fix it using text styles, heights (setting to 0) etc and still no luck!
How to fix the text scaling?!
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Nov 13, 2013
What is the proper syntax for removing a bmp file inserted into a drawing border defintiion? I am using
I got all the way into editing the sketch of my border defintion...
I know the name of the sketch image I want to delete it's something like "C:Temp12345678.bmp"
So I wanted to use the name to get the image file and set it to a variable. Then run the .Delete() command on that. But it's not working.
This is what I have, where oCSTicBorderDef is equal to the border defintiion of the active document..
Dim oSketch As DrawingSketch
Dim strImageDirectory AsString
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May 27, 2013
I am mainly developing for AutoCAD 2013/2014 how to implement a custom property as a drop-down list using OPM and .NET/C# wrapper. I have successfully created categorized custom properties already and can read/save them in XRecords via the OPM. I further implemented the members for IDynamicEnumProperty (using an ObjectARX DLL) in .NET/C# which are:
// ENUM-PROPERTY INTERFACE METHODS DEFINITIONenum myEnum{ steel = 0, copper, wood};public void GetNumPropertyValues( int numValues ){ numValues = 3;}public void GetPropValueName( int index, out String valueName ){ valueName = Enum.GetName(typeof(myEnum), index);}public void GetPropValueData( int index, ref Object valueName ){ valueName = index;}
And I have implemented the GetCurrentValueData() and SetCurrentValueData() members in my .NET/C# wrapper as per the IDynamicProperty2 interface as following:
public void GetCurrentValueData( Object pUnk, ref Object varData ) {AcadObject obj = pUnk as AcadObject; if ( obj != null ){using ( Active .Document.LockDocument( DocumentLockMode.ProtectedAutoWrite, null, null, true ) ){using ( var tr = Active.Transaction ){ObjectId ObjId = new ObjectId( (IntPtr) obj.ObjectID ); DBObject DbObj = tr.GetObject( ObjId, OpenMode.ForRead ); if ( DbObj != null ){try {if (
This code compiles without error but instead of the expected drop-down list the OPM only shows a field where I can enter or edit integer numbers, but there is no drop-down list when clicking on the field....
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Dec 12, 2012
The SheetSetObject has an inbuilt custom property called "TransmittalSetups", but the property has a different internal object structure compared to other CustomProperty
Dim myPropEnum As IAcSmEnumProperty = myCPB.GetPropertyEnumerator
Dim myPropName As String = Nothing
Dim myPropValue As AcSmCustomPropertyValue = Nothing
myPropEnum.Next(myPropName, myPropValue)
myPropName is a string, and in this instance it returns a value of "TransmittalSetups"
myPropValue.GetValue is a string, and it says "System.__ComObject" not a "value".
So my question is, how do identify this object, how to interigate it or assign it to its native object type.
I have tried to cast it to different IAcSmEnum types but without success.
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Mar 1, 2012
I am having trouble getting a field in a multi leader which is part of a block to reference a sheet set custom property. I have fields within mtext in paper space that are not blocked that are referencing correctly but just not in my blocks.
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Dec 13, 2013
I am using some custom property set definitions to add information to spaces. However as I insert spaces I find that I have to go to the extra step to add the property set to the object using the Extended Data tab in the Properties Palette.
It is not a huge deal but sometimes it is forgotten and schedules are not reporting properly, or the display theme is not correct. Although there are tools to quickly add them I would like to know if there is an automatic way to add them while creating the spaces/zones.
On a related note. There is a property set definition that is in each file by default called RoomFinishObjects. Is there a way to purge this? I don't want to attach finishes to my objects. But it seems to be embedded in the file.
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May 3, 2012
I FINALLY decided to get my head around the Sheet Set Manager (kudos to Kate Morrical's video series).
I understand the need to create custom properties, and I can see that you can either "add" or "delete" custom properties, but is there any way to CHANGE the property after it's been defined?
For example, if I create a custom property complete with a default value, but discover later that I made a spelling mistake (eg. "Darwn By" instead of "Drawn By"), is there any way to MODIFY it?
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Nov 11, 2012
I have a drawing that has a white background.
I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.
I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.
If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?
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Jul 18, 2013
I'm tasked with setting up a new dwt file to be used along with the Sheet Set Manager.
I've got as far as adding in my own custom properties at both the Sheet Set level (things like project name, site name, etc.), and at the Sheet level (drawing title).
But more specifically, at the Sheet Level, I want to be able to facilitate having a multi-line drawing title. Things start to get a little cloudy.
In order to be able to control where the line breaks are, I've simply created 5 fields (3 for an odd number of lines, 2 for even), and I want to set their Default Value so they don't display anything, i.e. a space or blank of some kind, instead of the four dots. So when I want to add the title I go to the Sheet properties and change the value.
I thought it'd be as simple as adding the ASCII code for a space (U+00A0) into the Default Value, but that seems to display the text U+00A0 instead of the space.
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Nov 14, 2012
I need importing and exporting custom layer property filters. Long story short, we XREF a lot of mechanical equipment in our models and when we create a structural drawing make all of the mechanical item print in a light ghosted color. I created a layer property filter with a huge list of all the possible equipment prefix's like *cl-* *tk-* *rv-* and so on to filter out all the equipment layers. It took a long time to create, so I want to export it and import it into future drawing.
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Jun 28, 2012
Having problems using custom pipe properties in pipe label expressions in 2013? I have some expressions relating to stub callouts and the ones that directly reference the custom properties lose that reference every so often.
For example I have and expression called "STUB-Riser-Length2d" which is defined as "{Riser Length} / SQRT(2)" where "Riser Length" is the custom pipe property. Every week or so it changes to "/ SQRT(2)".
I haven't been able to find the pattern as to exactly when this happens yet. All expressions not referencing custom properties seem to be holding steady. The pipe catalog is on a shared drive on the network, if that makes any difference.
Civil 3D 2013 - Windows 7 Pro 64 - Dell T3500 - Xeon 2.67 - 24gb - Quadro 600
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Jul 10, 2012
how to make a multi-value drop down menu in drawing iProperties?
I want to make a list with aluminum extrusion sizes where I can pick it's name from a list of names. Similar to the custom iProperties "Design State".
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Oct 26, 2012
I have a form that is loading automatically in my part model. where i write the part number, description, project and custom titles.
my questions are:
1 - when i write the part number i would like then when i click apply it opens the save box with the same part number.
2 - it's possible to check-in the file during the saving and keeping the file checkout?
3 - i would like that some of the properties would be transfer to the drawing, like the description and the project (this two are from the part properties.
4 - transfer also for the drawing the custom titles to the custom i properties of the drawing as pre fill in.
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Feb 14, 2013
I am attempting to create a series of drawing templates in Inventor 2013.
I have successfully created four unique Sheet Formats with Border, Title Blocks, Revision Table, and text populated by iProperties.
I have a bunch of text that I want to have inside a square on the first page of a series of drawings. I draw the square in sketch mode, Create Sheet Format, and the sketch ends up as a separate AutoCAD Block ("SheetTemplates_XXX_Sketch1") rather than in the Sheet Format. I can place the block on the new sheet, but it can be placed anywhere as the block floats.
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Nov 19, 2012
I'm using Inventor 2011 and when I go to change parameters using iLogic in an assembly model, (sometimes it is a component suppression, other times it is an iPart component change) it won't update the associated drawing file. I need to go into the BOM on the drawing and renumber the balloons, or change something else in order for the custom iProperties to update in the drawing template. If I just change the iPart component, then the BOM doesn't need to update making the renumbering of balloons redundant.
I'm using iLogic to update all of the iProperties and component references, then reattach balloons. What I would like to do is automatically update the custom iProperties drawing template fields, and renumber the drawing BOM.
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