AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Property Format In ILogic
Sep 21, 2011
I would like to set the custom property format for all user paramters from an iLogic code. This is what I've come up with. It runs, but it does not seem to alter the custom property format. What am I doing wrong here?
When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.
I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".
I have a frame fabrication / assembly with a Custom iProperty called "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE". I have set the following parameter for this property:
FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE = <Stock Number> x <G_L>mm
This returns the stock size and length to my drawing cutlist. The problem is that the <G_L> Parameter returns the trailing zeros and unit string.
I would like to set all the frame members in the assembly such that the G_L parameter returns a value rounded off to 0 decimal places with no trailing zeros and removes the unit string as well.
Is there a way I can achieve this from the assembly so I don't have to manually open each frame member and make the changes in the fx parameters dialog one at a time?
I have a part number that i want to defined in custom properties.
Then would it be possible to call it out in Ilogic? that way in any drawing doesn't matter where the part number will always be the same for that part when i balloon and the same in the BOM.
I have generated frame that has 100 members in it. Is there a quicker way of changing G_L unit to a mm so that I don't have to go into all 100 parts to change the custom properties? also I do not need unit string to be appear in my BOM.
I have been trying to find a method to extract custom properties from the custom property bag.
I have been able to extract the property value, using the "GetProperty" and the associated "GetValue" method, this method works when I know exactly what property name I am looking for. What do you do when you don't know the property name?
here is my code snippet..
dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty("SOMENAME") dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue
what I want to do is:
dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag dim myPN as string = ??????????.tostring dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty(myPN) dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue
I got here on in my templates, two types of weight - net and gross. I've changed the main property MASS of each PART to be the GROSS weight, so when i have one assembly i always get the total gross weight.
And when i wanna get the NET, I open the BOM, show the proper column with this net weight and then export do XLS to sum all of then..
Now the doubt is, to get the things easier, is there a way to put some code in the assemblies, that could sum all the properties "X" from each part and sub assembly to get the total net weight ?
I got here on in my templates, two types of weight - net and gross. I've changed the main property MASS of each PART to be the GROSS weight, so when i have one assembly i always get the total gross weight.
And when i wanna get the NET, I open the BOM, show the proper column with this net weight and then export do XLS to sum all of then..
Now the doubt is, to get the things easier, is there a way to put some code in the assemblies, that could sum all the properties "X" from each part and sub assemblie to get the total net weight ?
Dim propertyName1 As String = "Mortise"Dim propertyName2 As String = "Cut Length"customPropertySet = ThisDoc.Document.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")Try prop = customPropertySet.Item(propertyName1) prop = customPropertySet.Item(propertyName2)Catch ' Assume error means not found customPropertySet.Add("", propertyName1) customPropertySet.Add("", propertyName2)End Try'output the custom iproperties and update the fileRuleParametersOutput()InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()'set iProperties 'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Mortise") = ""'update fileiLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True
This code creates custom iProperties if the iProperty isn't found. I'd like to add another iProperty called "Resaw" with a Yes/No property type. Is there a way of doing this the way I have things started here?
I am trying to create a sketched symbol on the fly that has custom properties in it. I am also creating the custom properties on the fly. I need to get the actual expression for the property into the sketched symbol not just a value. I need this so that I can export the drawing as an autocad .dwg that has attributes in it.
The company I work for produce drawings for various types of fabrication.
Using Inventor I have a drawing border in which tolerance values change depending on the type of fabrication to be produced. The type of fabrication (0,1,2,or 3) is designated by a custom property entered during part/fab model creation.
This property may change depending on various production factors. The issue I have is how do I get the border to recognize this potential change in fab type and populate the tolerance fields with the necessary information?
My company has a custom property named 'Released date, Type Date.
This date is still empty
I am working on a rule that adds all the custom properties required for the company title block.
This rule can be useful whenever you get a model from a supplier.
I can add a custom property date using the following
Dim oDoc As Document = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim customPropertySet As PropertySet = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties") Try iProperties.Value("Custom", "Released Date") = iProperties.Value("Custom", "Released Date") Catch
This code works but sets the released date to Now.
But the release date needs to remain blank when adding.
I tried to make the value Null but I get the error:
"Value of type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to 'Date'."
Is there a way to keep a custom property date blank?
I'm trying to see if I can write a rule that will link a custom property at the part level in a template and have it update when I copy the part and drawing to a new design. Below is the formula I'm using and it works in the original files but when I use Design Assistant to create a copy for a new design, this formula will not update.
How would i insert the "variable name" of a custom iProp to a sketched symbol definition (in an idw)?
I can plonk the value of the iProp in no worries, but to make it "live" is a bit beyond me...
Sub WeldNote()On Error Resume NextDim oDoc As DrawingDocumentDim SketchedSym As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oNoteDef As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oDefSketch As SketchDim oTextbox As TextBoxDim SNewText As StringDim sNoteText As StringDim oReffedDoc As DocumentDim lReffedWeldType As Long'Err.ClearIf
I am trying to have iLogic change the custom property format for my user parameters. I am able to work with linear measurements, but I would like to also work with angular measurements. I want my angular units to be "Degrees" the format to be "Deg-Min-Sec" and the precision to be DD MM.
Below is my code to change the units to deg, but I can't change the format or precision:
Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oParameter As Parameter Dim oFormat As CustomPropertyFormat
Im trying to get a sheet format to save and stay in the sheet format folder under drawing resources for every drawing i make. i've watched videos and read books and searched on here but just couldn't find the right fix.
i have made the title block, border, and sheet size. named them and saved them. while its open everything is where it should be, then if i open a new sheet it is not in the list of sheet formats to pick from .
I would like to create an new custom ipropertie with ilogic. The reason is the contentcenter, thei haven't custom iproperties. How should the code work:
if propertie "test" is available write the value in the propertie else if propertie test isn't available create prpertie write the value in the propertie end if
How can i check if the propertie is already exists in the file?
How can i create a new custom iPropertie?
The rest of teh code is ready and works fine.
i've faund already some code with VBA but not with "pure" ilogic.
I am migrating our old Inventor data to our new system. I will do an ilogic script for that.
I know how to add custom iProperties with iLogic but how can I remove them? Is it possible with iLogic? I would like to clean out all old iProperties that we don't need anymore.
I have a form used to select from pre-defined settings (case statements in the rule) and custom entry.
I have a drop down that provides the selections from the pre-defined stuff or custom with fields that show the results.
If custom is selected the user is prompted to enter data in popup dialog boxes which all works fine but I would rather select custom and enter the data in the fields on the form than in the popup. can that be done?
See the png files
I want to just enter the data in without the popup box
I made a form that allows the user to enter in a custom sheet size. Using the API I am changing the Drawing Sheet Size Enumerator to the Custom Sheet size which allows the user to enter in custom values. That part is all working fine. My problem is that when a custom size is used in my title block it says that the size is "Custom Size (mm)". I know that the API uses cm for the sheet size units so I have the code convert the values into cm.
In the sheet settings window built into inventor it has the option for Custom Size (inches) and Custom Size (mm). How do I change whether it is inches or mm?
I'm trying to find a way to trigger an "Add-Ins" button that we have customized, and have it pop up on the closing of a form. If you know a way to program how to close a form through iLogic, or find a way to see if it's still open
I'm not sure that I actually want to access the button per say, but instead launch the dialog box. I'm not sure if this differs your answer in any way, but I searched the customization forum and found little information.
I tried Curtis Waguespack's iLogic: Export Parts List with Options, and it works great on Part Lists. I'd like to do the same thing on a custom table, but I don't know what needs to be changed.
I've been using iLogic. I'm creating a template assembly that will be used for multiple jobs. Therefore, the job number will be changing. I want a custom iProperty in ALL parts and sub-assemblies (cleverly call it "Job #" maybe) that I can include an a separate property called "Drawing #" which whose value will be [some text]-<Job #>-[some more text]. I want to be able to update all the "some text" parts manually for each component, but I want the Job # to update automatically. I need this property because I have a column in all my Parts Lists called "Drawing #" which tells the drawing number for any given part or assembly.
Ultimately what I want to do is open a text or Excel file, enter the job number, open my Inventor drawing, and have every Drawing # entry in every parts list magically update to the correct job number.
I've managed to use iLogic to do just that with a single .ipt/.iam file. But I have dozens upon dozens of components in the main assembly. I'd like to run some rule or hit some button or do something that will cause the Job # property to update for ALL sub-assemblies and parts, so that all my parts lists reflect the change.