AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic / IPart Custom Column Value Setting?

Dec 3, 2010

it is possible to set the value of one or more "custom" column of an iPart row.

Per example woul this iLogic method work?

iPart.ChangeRow("iComponentName:1", "RowMemberName", customParam1, customParam2)

If so, could you demonstrate how to use it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ipart - Standard Parameter Column Change Depending On Custom Parameter Column

Jan 3, 2013

I am trying to publish to the CC a guide rail. The vendor of the rail gives me the option of entering the desired length of the rail. After that he gives me the option to choose between the length that I entered and a shorter and longer standard length witch can be delivered faster.

I want to do the same thing with my published part, but I cannot make a key parameter to change depending on the entered custom parameter. I want the user to make the next steps when inserting from the CC: 1- select the size of the rail; 2-select the type of the rail; 3- enter the desired length of the rail; 4- choose between the desired length and the 2 recommended lengths (I need these 3 lengths to be shown)

Is this possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Parameter Column Changing In IPart Author Table?

Sep 3, 2013

When I place a custom ipart (a simple one in this case) the length in my table changes
Inventor Professional 2014.
Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drive IPart LENGTH Param By IAssembly Table Custom Parameter Column?

Feb 21, 2012

In a simple case I have an extrusion with some attached seals/weather stripping, all implemented as iParts having their own LENGTH parameters.

RailPart.ipt, Seal_A.ipt, Seal_B.ipt

The goal is to encapsulate these IParts within an iAssembly: RailAssy.iam, where a LENGTH parameter can be input when the iAssembly is placed, causing RailPart and Seal_A to have their length parameters set to the LENGTH provided at that time and SEAL_B having Length set by an iLogic rule to LENGTH - 5.

I've been unable to set up a Custom Parameter Column in an iAssembly table.  Is this even permitted? 

Inventor Premium 2012 SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add IPart Column?

Nov 21, 2009

Is there a way to add an iPart column to the iPartTableColumns collection? I'm using Inventor 2009.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Add A Volume Column To Ipart Author Table

Apr 19, 2011

How to add a volume column to ipart author table?

Evantually I need to display a table with part weights.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change File Name Column In IPart Table?

Jul 25, 2013

We are using Inventor and Vault pro 2013.

I have an iPart in which I want to change the File Name Column from "Member" to "Part Number". These columns are not the same and makes the filenames for the members different when generated.

The challenge is that I already have about 100 members generated and used in different assemblies. I want these to be replaced by the new files and be deleted.

If I change the File Name Column I will get 100 new files (ipart members) that is not used anywhere. The only way I know of to replace the 100 "old" members is to do this in Vault - one by one..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Change An IPart Row?

Oct 25, 2012

I have a sheet metal part that I converted into an iPart and I set up different rows with different sheet metal styles. What I want to do is run an iLogic code to change to a specific row which in turn would change the actual material of that sheet metal part....I've tried the snippet iPart.ChangeRow but cannot get it to run the code. I'm not sure if I'm not doing something right or what...

Inventor 2014, Windows 7, 64 bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Correct Partnumber When Using IPart And ILogic?

Jul 10, 2012

I made part with iPart. And I use iLogic to engrave the P/N on the part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Switch From SolidWorks To ILogic And IPart

Aug 8, 2013

We are looking to switch from SW to Autodesk in order to utilize advanced surfacing in Alias, and its interoperability with Inventor.  However, we need to continue to perform Kinimatic linkage studies as well using Inventor.  I need to make sure we can perform the same calculations with ease before making the switch.

At this point I am trying to mimic in Inventor the kinimatic studies I perform in SW.  In SW I would perform these studies within a single part file, using a single sketch only (no solid parts).  Within this part file I would break up the total "travel" of the linkage into configurations that are driven by a "Design Table".  The Design Table would be used for both the main driving value, and for any driven values I wanted to use for analysis.

I am trying to find a way to get the same driven variables written to an Excel file to use for analysis using Inventor.

As a test example:

I would like to drive one variable(Damper Length) to get ~20 different iParts, each with the linkage moved to a new point within its set range of motion.  I then would like to write several Driven variables(Displacement_1-3 shown in "RULE CODE" attachement) from each iPart instance to an Excel file.

I have been able to get my 20 iParts and the linkage to move accordingly(iPART INSTANCES attachement), but I have not figured out how to write the driven data to excel for each iPart instance(20 rows of data, 3 columns).  I have only been able to write the dimesions for one row of data...whichever iPart is currently open.

with the necessary iLogic code or another solution?  It seems like this should be pretty straight forward.  Do I need to be using the "ChangeRow" iPart Snippet?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding New Members To IPart By ILogic Rule

Apr 1, 2013

I’m trying to make an iLogic rule that creates a new row in the iPart  table (new member). Is it possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Multivalue List For IPart Selection?

Jul 8, 2013

I have a form with a multi value selection containing name vaules from an iPart.

I want to make a selection from the field in my form and swap out my iPart in the assembly for my selection. 

I thought that something like:

Dim iFactory As String

MulitValue.SetListInComponent ("FileName:1", "Param name", "list of params.......")

Parameter("FileName:1", Param name") = "PK 407"  'could be any thing selected from the list of params..

iFactory=Param name

iPart.ChangeRow("iPart Factory File Name:1", iFactory)

Such that the part would be swaped out for what ever Param name = as a result of user selection.

I get the following error from this: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Active IPart With ILogic Form

Jul 29, 2013

I have an Ipart I would like to have a Ilogic form to change the active Ipart. I tried iPart.ChangeRow but I did something wrong and it doesn't work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate IPart Member Files In ILogic?

Aug 8, 2011

I am looking to generate ipart members for each ipart as I activate it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom IPart Description

Dec 6, 2011

I have a custom iPart for a rectangular flat bar that's 100x10mm.   The length is the custom field. 

I would like the description in the BOM to append the length, e.g. 100x10 Flat bar-235mm.  (This is so that I don't have to create a length column in the BOM just for this item).

I have tried 100x10 Flat bar - <length> but this gives an error. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Specific Column In Excel Template?

Apr 30, 2012

i want to export my part list with ilogic in a excel template but dont want all the part list column and dont erase the column i skip in excel?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete Column In Excel File - ILogic

Oct 23, 2013

Is there any way using ilogic to find a value in an excel file and delete the column that value was found in?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part List Column Width ILogic

Jun 11, 2013

I found the following code on Curtis Waguespack site. [URL] ........

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule To Read Out User Parameter Of IPart

Nov 1, 2012

I've created a main assembly containing several ipart components. With the following rule I can read the model parameters, but not the user parameters of the iparts:

A = Parameter("Part1:1", "d0")
If I create a component, insert it in the main assembly and make it an ipart afterwards, the user parameters can be read out with ilogic. But if I insert the same ipart again, the user parameters can not be read out anymore. Model parameters are no problem. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Standard IPart To ILogic Based Part

Nov 4, 2011

I am trying to convert a standard iPart to an iLogic based part.  The part has some text driven, cells..PatNumber, Description..ect..But when I try to referance those cells the iLogic code either does nothing or errors out. 

Basicly i have a bunch of flange rings with have several variables theat need to change as the part number changes, sounds simple right?I have rewritten the code so many times...I have gone from hunt and pecking to typing 300 words a min...well maybe not. 

About 75-80% of all our parts are identical in shape but just get smaller or larger depending on what size portable auger it goes on.I have been trying to get the part to changed based on "PartNumber" but it has text in the value.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Drive Pattern In IPart Requires Rebuilds

Aug 29, 2013

I have a simple iPart, with driven parameters Length and Width. When length changes (from a multi-value list), the spacing on a pattern and the number of occurrences of that pattern also change.

Invariably, it requires a rebuild. Occasionally, it requires two rebuilds. As this part is in a second-level subassembly, opening the part, rebuilding it, then rebuilding its assembly, then rebuilding the top-level is consumptive.

I've been using iLogic and iParts for about a week now, so I might be missing something basic. File attached.

Inventor 2013
Win 7 Pro SP1 (x64)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Rows To Custom IPart?

Sep 19, 2013

I am having difficulty adding two new rows to an iPart I made and published previously. Is there a way to do this without using the API?

Since it's a custom iPart not a standard CC part I would have thought this would be fairly straightforward but I can't work it out.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Set Custom Property In Custom Content Center Part

May 16, 2013

When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.

I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BOM Adding Custom Column View?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a program that create a bunch of new custom Iprop in each part of an assembly.

How can I show all those new properties when I open the BOM in the assembly file. Manually I can add a custom column but that is time consuming. Is there a way I can create a macro that will add those custom column in the BOM view?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Delete Custom Iprop Column From BOM

Feb 7, 2011

I have an assembly with a custom iproperty column that filled a need that has recently been removed. How do I delete the column from the BOM editor? I realize the iProp will still exist in the part files, I just want it gone from the BOM editor when I open it. I thought I could just delete it from the "Add Custom iProperty Columns" button but no dice.

Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Write Text String To Parts List Column With ILogic

Mar 5, 2013

I'm trying to create an iLogic rule that will print a text string to a cell or column of a parts list in inventor.My code so far...

Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

I want to print what is in the MessageBox into a cell in the parts list, and i am stumped.The cell i am trying to print to is a custom property in the Parts List.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Column Error In Content Center

Nov 23, 2010

I copied an existing family into my new read library. I added some rows to be able to generate a few variations that were not contained in the original family. I just copied existing row up several times and edited the information in those rows to yield desired new variations. I made sure the file name column contained a unique file name for these new members. When I go to publish I get this error message:

Defined file name does not include all custom columns. An identical file name can be generated for different members. Make sure that the file name is unique for any combination of custom column values to avoid placement failure

Missing Custom Columns:


(see also attached screen shot)

 I have scoured the file name column and can find no repeated file names; I cannot understand the rest of the error message. It must have something to do with the "does not include all custom values" portion of the error message.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change The Parameters Of A Custom Ipart Inserted Into An Assembly?

Sep 10, 2013

Is it possible to change the parameters of a custom ipart in an assembly after it has been inserted, or can I only do an insert using AddCustomiPartMember?

In that case I simply remove the previous occurrence and insert a new one I suppose?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart With Custom Parameter Saves Parts In Workspace

Sep 10, 2013

when i create an ipart with an custom parameter column, the files are created in the workspace. Is there any way how i can change this location?

Many parts are piling up in the workspace.For example to the library (like "normal iparts" do) or to a folder in the workspace (workspace/ custom_ ipart_ folder)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Column With Custom Values Based On Formula

Nov 25, 2012

I want to add a column to my parts list, which displays a value based on a formula.

Lets say i want to show the submerged weight of a part; So i need to create a column, which can use the information about a parts volume and mass to calculate its submerged weight.

An easy formula, but is this possible in Inventor (2012 Pro)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules Setting

Jul 23, 2012

I'm trying to set a rule in which i have 2 i parts that i can change the length of . I want a rule where if i change one of them it changes the other to fit with it.

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