AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Column With Custom Values Based On Formula

Nov 25, 2012

I want to add a column to my parts list, which displays a value based on a formula.

Lets say i want to show the submerged weight of a part; So i need to create a column, which can use the information about a parts volume and mass to calculate its submerged weight.

An easy formula, but is this possible in Inventor (2012 Pro)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ipart - Standard Parameter Column Change Depending On Custom Parameter Column

Jan 3, 2013

I am trying to publish to the CC a guide rail. The vendor of the rail gives me the option of entering the desired length of the rail. After that he gives me the option to choose between the length that I entered and a shorter and longer standard length witch can be delivered faster.

I want to do the same thing with my published part, but I cannot make a key parameter to change depending on the entered custom parameter. I want the user to make the next steps when inserting from the CC: 1- select the size of the rail; 2-select the type of the rail; 3- enter the desired length of the rail; 4- choose between the desired length and the 2 recommended lengths (I need these 3 lengths to be shown)

Is this possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Command To Add Values In Column In Part List

Sep 13, 2012

Is there a command in Inventor to add values in a column in the Part list ( BOM) and to display a total value bottom like the Grand Total in Revit?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Beam And Column Calculator Not Finding All Values

May 31, 2012

I am having trouble using the beam and column calculator in Autodesk Inventor.  When I choose the beam that I want to test all the dimensions are not being put in automatically.

This is happening with most types of beams that I import from the CC the angle (6X3-1/2X3/8) that I am trying to test is getting no Wx, Wy, Wk or Jk. and the I beam (W6X25) is not getting Wk and Jk.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Extraction Formula Column

Sep 27, 2013

I continue to suffer project downtime and setbacks due to a variety of defects in the software. Here formula columns are not working. I created a Formula Column for simply computing ItemQTY *Item Cost in a Data Extraction table for a current project. 

QTO is defective, and now Data Extraction is not working. What does the product leadership expect us to do for quantity analysis?How can Quality Control of this software significantly improve?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Schedule - Formula Column Totals

Nov 22, 2013

when creating a schedule with a simple formula column (e.g : [QUANTITY]*Width), the formula column total doesn't add the formula results for a grand total. The total shown is the addition of Width of element.If I try and enable "Apply formula to totals", the total is : total quantity*total width instead of just a simple addition of formula resulting values.

For example:

I have 4 windows of 2 different styles.Two windows have a width of 2 meters, the other 2 windows have a width of 3 meters. I want to find out, my total window width, of all window styles.Therefore, i make a schedule with the following columns: QUANTITY, WIDTH and TOTAL WIDTH. The total width column is a formula column (Quantity*Width). The total of the formula column (Quantity*Width) doesn't add the resulting values (2*2+3*2=10), it only adds the simple widths without multiplication with quantity, my result is 5, wich is incorect. If i enable "Apply formula to totals", it multiplies total quantity (4) by total width (5).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Duplicate Row Or Column Heading Values Detected - Change The Redundant

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to create different bend tables for different thickness material.  If I have two radii that are the same for different thicknesses it gives me an error message on the second one that it is a duplicate column heading value.  The values of the bend table are dependent on the thickness of the material.  Why can't I have several different thicknesses with the same radii?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Architecture 2014 - Formula Column Totals In Schedule

Nov 22, 2013

when creating a schedule with a simple formula column (e.g : [QUANTITY]*Width), the formula column total doesn't add the formula results for a grand total. The total shown is the addition of Width of element.

If I try and enable "Apply formula to totals", the total is : total quantity*total width instead of just a simple addition of formula resulting values.

For example:

I have 4 windows of 2 different styles.Two windows have a width of 2 meters, the other 2 windows have a width of 3 meters. I want to find out, my total window width, of all window styles.Therefore, i make a schedule with the following columns: QUANTITY, WIDTH and TOTAL WIDTH. The total width column is a formula column (Quantity*Width). The total of the formula column (Quantity*Width) doesn't add the resulting values (2*2+3*2=10), it only adds the simple widths without multiplication with quantity, my result is 5, wich is incorect. If i enable "Apply formula to totals", it multiplies total quantity (4) by total width (5).

I need a solution for having the corect total on the formula column.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BOM Adding Custom Column View?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a program that create a bunch of new custom Iprop in each part of an assembly.

How can I show all those new properties when I open the BOM in the assembly file. Manually I can add a custom column but that is time consuming. Is there a way I can create a macro that will add those custom column in the BOM view?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Delete Custom Iprop Column From BOM

Feb 7, 2011

I have an assembly with a custom iproperty column that filled a need that has recently been removed. How do I delete the column from the BOM editor? I realize the iProp will still exist in the part files, I just want it gone from the BOM editor when I open it. I thought I could just delete it from the "Add Custom iProperty Columns" button but no dice.

Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic / IPart Custom Column Value Setting?

Dec 3, 2010

it is possible to set the value of one or more "custom" column of an iPart row.

Per example woul this iLogic method work?

iPart.ChangeRow("iComponentName:1", "RowMemberName", customParam1, customParam2)

If so, could you demonstrate how to use it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Column Error In Content Center

Nov 23, 2010

I copied an existing family into my new read library. I added some rows to be able to generate a few variations that were not contained in the original family. I just copied existing row up several times and edited the information in those rows to yield desired new variations. I made sure the file name column contained a unique file name for these new members. When I go to publish I get this error message:

Defined file name does not include all custom columns. An identical file name can be generated for different members. Make sure that the file name is unique for any combination of custom column values to avoid placement failure

Missing Custom Columns:


(see also attached screen shot)

 I have scoured the file name column and can find no repeated file names; I cannot understand the rest of the error message. It must have something to do with the "does not include all custom values" portion of the error message.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Picture Based On Mathematical Formula

Oct 9, 2012

 I work a lot with Processing to create picture based on mathematical formula, but i need to do the same in Illustrator in order to print those picture.
Is there any way to do this, like the expressions in After Effects, or a third party plugins.
Or did i have to find a way to output good picture from Processing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Parameter Column Changing In IPart Author Table?

Sep 3, 2013

When I place a custom ipart (a simple one in this case) the length in my table changes
Inventor Professional 2014.
Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating IDW Template Based On DWG

May 16, 2012

I was trying to make new .idw (inventor) templates based on .dwg (autocad) templates. For some reason the type face Simplex is not showing correctly on screen and on print outs. I have checked on various machines and result was same.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Title Block Properties Based On Project File?

Mar 21, 2013

As I am creating drawings for parts/assemblies, I have to fill out the customers name and the job number which I currently do on every drawing I create by right clicking on the Drawing name in the tree, going to iProperties, and then filling out the fields I need.

I have to do this for every sheet. Sometimes over 100 sheets per job.

Is there a way, within the project file maybe, to have these fields be already filled in with the customers name and job number? 

Every new project file I make is a new customer. So I'm wondering if there is someway to tweak the project file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drive IPart LENGTH Param By IAssembly Table Custom Parameter Column?

Feb 21, 2012

In a simple case I have an extrusion with some attached seals/weather stripping, all implemented as iParts having their own LENGTH parameters.

RailPart.ipt, Seal_A.ipt, Seal_B.ipt

The goal is to encapsulate these IParts within an iAssembly: RailAssy.iam, where a LENGTH parameter can be input when the iAssembly is placed, causing RailPart and Seal_A to have their length parameters set to the LENGTH provided at that time and SEAL_B having Length set by an iLogic rule to LENGTH - 5.

I've been unable to set up a Custom Parameter Column in an iAssembly table.  Is this even permitted? 

Inventor Premium 2012 SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Custom Table And Entering Values

Nov 2, 2011

I need to insert a table on one of my Inventor drawings, however, it will vary in size (Fixed colums, variable number of rows). I have searched the forum and found this snippet of code to add a 2x20 table.

Sub Main()Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocumentoDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oSheet As SheetoSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet' Set the column titlesDim oTitles() As String = {"Member","Pos. From Datum A"}Dim oPoint As Point2doPoint = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(1, 28.7)' Create the custom tableDim oCustomTable As CustomTableoCustomTable = oSheet.CustomTables.Add("Infill Spacing", oPoint, 2, 20, oTitles)End Sub
The Problem

I now need to be able to do two things:

1. Delete all custom tables that may be on the drawing ( I may have more than 1 custom table on the drawing)

2. Access the individual rows and colums in a specific table so I can write a variable into them.

I have searched high and low for the API commands, but cant seem to find them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Parameter Expression List - Allow Custom Values?

Mar 21, 2013

Where do I find the "Allow custom values" option for a multi list parameter expression?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy All Information From QTY Column To PartQty Column

Oct 17, 2013

In Bill of material i have custom PartQty column and is beside QTY column. I need  all informations from QTY column to PartQty column to copy. Possible with iLogic? I'm selecting now manualy copy and paste but it would be nice to have automatic. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating Formula In Block?

Oct 24, 2012

I've been fighting with building a formula in a block utilizing a field from another block. I have a support steel member that once placed, will be lengthened. I need a distance from center of the pipe to the top of concrete. I created a block with a field referencing the insertion point (center of pipe) it works fine giving me this elevation. I also have another block that is the datum node. I have several fields in this block, and it is located at the bottom of the support steel plate. I am trying to create a field that takes the center of pipe elevation and subtracts the datum node elevation to get a distance. I created the formula referencing the COP elevation field and the elevation of the datum node. The information shows properly where I am building the formula, when I click evaluate, the Preview gives me ##### and when I create the datum node block that is also the output I get. I can't figure out why it won't give me the difference between the two elevation fields. I don't know what I can do differently to have that information in the datum node.

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Illustrator :: Having Data Values Display Within Column Graph

Jun 6, 2012

How to get data values to display inside the columns on a column graph?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Custom Feature Using API?

Jul 5, 2012

is it possible to create an entire feature using the API: an entry to the feature tree, regenerate geometry on demand, edit/create dialog box.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Custom Dialogue To Edit A Sketch Symbol Text?

Jul 18, 2013

What I would like to do is create a custom dialogue for each of 3 or 4 standard sketch symbols we use on a regular basis. I'd like to load 'suggsted' values out of an excel spreadsheet and allow the user to pick from them or enter in a custom text string if required.  The values would then become part of the sketch symbol.

I've spent some time looking into iLogic rules and I think I've determined that they're not flexible enough to do what I want.

If I'm correct, it is possible (or a good idea) to do this using a VBA macro? I'm a little hesitant to go down the full blown add-in route. While I'm pretty confident I could work it out.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Creating Table With Preset Column Widths?

Mar 25, 2013

I have been able to create a table, populate the Title and Headers with text.  Which is all I want it to do for now.  The problem is, I can calculate how wide I want each column, but it never gets drawn with the correct column width.

how to make it use the correct column width specified?  Keep in mind all of the column widths may differ.

Attached is my code.
Public Sub AddTable(ByVal dwg_scale As Double, ByVal dwgTextHeight As Double) Dim doc As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Using tableTrans


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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get Custom Property Names / Values From Custom Property Bag

Sep 15, 2011

I have been trying to find a method to extract custom properties from the custom property bag.

I have been able to extract the property value, using the "GetProperty" and the associated "GetValue" method, this method works when I know exactly what property name I am looking for. What do you do when you don't know the property name?

here is my code snippet..

dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag
dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty("SOMENAME")
dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue

what I want to do is:

dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag
dim myPN as string = ??????????.tostring
dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty(myPN)
dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Blocks - Custom Variables / Values?

Jul 12, 2012

Just a quick query about Dynamic Blocks. I use dynamic blocks with various visibility states regularly in my drawings. Is it possible to add some kind of custom variable or value to a dynamic block so that I can identify them in automated scheduling?

For example, if I have a dynamic block which represents three variations of very similar machine models is it possible to somehow give each visibility state a value, ie: the model numbers. M100/M125/M150 etc which can then be extrapolated depending which visibility state is active?

Also regarding the limitations of dynamic blocks. Is there a number of visibility states I should not exceed so that the blocks still perform 100%?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Creating Column Bubble Block That Have Attribute And Both Be Annotative

Sep 22, 2011

I'm having an issue with creating a column bubble block that would have an attribute and both be annotative.

I've created a 3/8" dia circle with 3/16" text and the text is NOT annotative.  The bottom of the circle is at 0,0 with the text justification at MC

I create the block of the circle and text and make it annotative and save

When I insert it into another drawing, the block inserts properly and scales as desired.  The issue is when inserted, I'm NOT given the option to fill in the column # attribute.  I can double click and enter text, but this should happen during insertion.  

When I create the block, if I do NOT select the attribute as part of the block, I am given the option for the attribute during insertion but it does not scale automatically.

What am I doing wrong?  I'm attaching my block as an example.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Creating Multiple Layouts Based On Form Input

Nov 3, 2011

I've been working on this code for a bit now and I've got a Windows Form with a numeric up down box which is designed to determine how many Layouts (PaperSpace) that a user would like generated.

I've got the form to pass the value as to the function as an argument but an not sure how to get the function to automatically generate "x" amount of Layouts based on the value of "int x". Right now i've just got a few "if" statements controlling the system, but i'm looking for a more elegant solution than a sea of "if" statements.

namespace CHPaperSpace
public class PaperSpace

// This will be the function associated with my command
public void CHPAPERSPACECOMMAND(int x)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Dodecahedron With A Formula

Nov 29, 2013

is it possible to draw a  dodecahedron with a formula?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Replace Dimension Formula With Current Value

Nov 15, 2011

During design development dimensions get modified a lot.  E.g. shorten something by 25mm I just edit the feature dimension by tagging on "-25" in the edit dimension box.  If lots of modifications are made the dimension gets messy since all the edits are saved (e.g. 150 mm - 25 mm +1 mm -5 mm).  In sketch mode, I just retype the shown dimension, but for other features like offset work planes, extrusion depth, etc, the actual value isn't even shown anywhere.  Is there any easy way to replace the formula with the current dimension value without having to measure the feature?

Basically, I like being able to use the dimension entry box as my calculator, but more often then not, don't want the calculation history saved.

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