AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Standard IPart To ILogic Based Part
Nov 4, 2011
I am trying to convert a standard iPart to an iLogic based part. The part has some text driven, cells..PatNumber, Description..ect..But when I try to referance those cells the iLogic code either does nothing or errors out.
Basicly i have a bunch of flange rings with have several variables theat need to change as the part number changes, sounds simple right?I have rewritten the code so many times...I have gone from hunt and pecking to typing 300 words a min...well maybe not.
About 75-80% of all our parts are identical in shape but just get smaller or larger depending on what size portable auger it goes on.I have been trying to get the part to changed based on "PartNumber" but it has text in the value.
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Aug 29, 2012
In previous releases (2009 i think) when i converted a standard part to a sheet metal part i could recall all the sheet metal styles by linking back to the sheet metal template (i can't remember exactly how this was done, but it was possible with one operation)
In 2011 i canot find a quick way of doing this, it looks like i have to open the sheet metal template and export each different style (about 40 of them) and then import each one into the converted part. am i missing something? is there a simpler way similar to how it used to be done? Why have Autodesk made this more difficult?
As it stands at the moment it would be quicker for me to remodel the parts from scratch using the sheet metal template. I know this is the obvious solution, but seems strange to change something that worked well to something that doesn't!
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Jan 20, 2012
On a daily basis I work with two different types of drawings; machining and fabrication. The machine shop prefers dimensions in decimal inches, and the fab shop only understands fractional inches. Is there any way to set up the styles/standards/templates to allow me to pick out which type of drawing I am creating and have Inventor use the correct object defaults for the dimensions?
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Apr 4, 2013
I have an ipart that will has the length and a quantity of patterned features controlled by a table. I've created a work plane that I'll be using when I take this part into an iassembly. The problem is that the features I used to create this work plane (midplane between two parallel planes) do not exist in (2) of the (3) it gives me an error message. I've tried adding the work plane to the table, but 'exclude' isn't a drop-down (and typing it in doesn't work). How to make the work plane "inactive" for those particular members?
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Apr 1, 2013
I have created the part based on piece of standard angle taken from library. Now I want to make a mirrored copy of this part by Component-Mirror.
Inventor does not let me do it with standard part.
The question is: How I can transform a standard part to normal one, I mean I could get rid of belonging to standard part? Making a copy does not work. The only way is to derive and mirror this part but I wish there could be easy way.
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Oct 25, 2012
I have a sheet metal part that I converted into an iPart and I set up different rows with different sheet metal styles. What I want to do is run an iLogic code to change to a specific row which in turn would change the actual material of that sheet metal part....I've tried the snippet iPart.ChangeRow but cannot get it to run the code. I'm not sure if I'm not doing something right or what...
Inventor 2014, Windows 7, 64 bit
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Jul 10, 2012
I made part with iPart. And I use iLogic to engrave the P/N on the part.
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Aug 8, 2013
We are looking to switch from SW to Autodesk in order to utilize advanced surfacing in Alias, and its interoperability with Inventor. However, we need to continue to perform Kinimatic linkage studies as well using Inventor. I need to make sure we can perform the same calculations with ease before making the switch.
At this point I am trying to mimic in Inventor the kinimatic studies I perform in SW. In SW I would perform these studies within a single part file, using a single sketch only (no solid parts). Within this part file I would break up the total "travel" of the linkage into configurations that are driven by a "Design Table". The Design Table would be used for both the main driving value, and for any driven values I wanted to use for analysis.
I am trying to find a way to get the same driven variables written to an Excel file to use for analysis using Inventor.
As a test example:
I would like to drive one variable(Damper Length) to get ~20 different iParts, each with the linkage moved to a new point within its set range of motion. I then would like to write several Driven variables(Displacement_1-3 shown in "RULE CODE" attachement) from each iPart instance to an Excel file.
I have been able to get my 20 iParts and the linkage to move accordingly(iPART INSTANCES attachement), but I have not figured out how to write the driven data to excel for each iPart instance(20 rows of data, 3 columns). I have only been able to write the dimesions for one row of data...whichever iPart is currently open.
with the necessary iLogic code or another solution? It seems like this should be pretty straight forward. Do I need to be using the "ChangeRow" iPart Snippet?
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Apr 1, 2013
I’m trying to make an iLogic rule that creates a new row in the iPart table (new member). Is it possible?
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Dec 3, 2010
it is possible to set the value of one or more "custom" column of an iPart row.
Per example woul this iLogic method work?
iPart.ChangeRow("iComponentName:1", "RowMemberName", customParam1, customParam2)
If so, could you demonstrate how to use it?
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Jul 8, 2013
I have a form with a multi value selection containing name vaules from an iPart.
I want to make a selection from the field in my form and swap out my iPart in the assembly for my selection.
I thought that something like:
Dim iFactory As String
MulitValue.SetListInComponent ("FileName:1", "Param name", "list of params.......")
Parameter("FileName:1", Param name") = "PK 407" 'could be any thing selected from the list of params..
iFactory=Param name
iPart.ChangeRow("iPart Factory File Name:1", iFactory)
Such that the part would be swaped out for what ever Param name = as a result of user selection.
I get the following error from this: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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Jul 29, 2013
I have an Ipart I would like to have a Ilogic form to change the active Ipart. I tried iPart.ChangeRow but I did something wrong and it doesn't work.
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Aug 8, 2011
I am looking to generate ipart members for each ipart as I activate it?
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Nov 1, 2012
I've created a main assembly containing several ipart components. With the following rule I can read the model parameters, but not the user parameters of the iparts:
A = Parameter("Part1:1", "d0")
If I create a component, insert it in the main assembly and make it an ipart afterwards, the user parameters can be read out with ilogic. But if I insert the same ipart again, the user parameters can not be read out anymore. Model parameters are no problem.
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a simple iPart, with driven parameters Length and Width. When length changes (from a multi-value list), the spacing on a pattern and the number of occurrences of that pattern also change.
Invariably, it requires a rebuild. Occasionally, it requires two rebuilds. As this part is in a second-level subassembly, opening the part, rebuilding it, then rebuilding its assembly, then rebuilding the top-level is consumptive.
I've been using iLogic and iParts for about a week now, so I might be missing something basic. File attached.
Inventor 2013
Win 7 Pro SP1 (x64)
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May 3, 2011
I created an iPart which includes 10 or more different part. I need put the part number (text) on the surface (could use emboss or extrude). When I change the part, I need the embossed or extruded part number can be changed automatically.
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Oct 6, 2013
Long time Autocad user but now am moving most of my work across to Autodesk Inventor.
Some of the work I do is with companies that their parts are standard components that will not change.
So I am using Inventor to automate the drawings based on their requirements. For example if it needs to be 4m high. then to use 2 x 2m sections. Currently I have create different assemblies of the different potential heights that I can switch between using ilogic but I need to be able to shift the top truss arch depending on how high the truss is.
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Sep 2, 2011
I am trying to have one drawing with B size and E size sheets I am trying to get the border, title block and standard to change when the sheet format changes. I can get it to work when I run the rule but have hard time find information to just change when sheet format changes. And I can't find anything or I should say a sample of how to. I think I found the code just don't know how to make it work. Here is what I have so far.
ActiveSheet.TitleBlock="G&T (E)"
ActiveSheet.Border="G&T Border (E)"
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Apr 1, 2013
I`m looking for the iLogic code that can change one parameter (user defined) for each (ipt) part in assembly (iam)
The one below doesn`t work.
Sub Main Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication Dim oAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = oApp.ActiveDocument For Each oSubDoc as Inventor.Document In oAssy.AllReferencedDocuments On Error Resume Next Parameter(oSubDoc, "FH") = 15.26 Next End Sub
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Aug 14, 2013
I have several iParts with their respective derived parts in my library. There are not many other Inventor users here that use those parts, but they might benefit from having those individual parts. The iPart may change from time to time, and in order to keep the individual parts current, I am required to activate them one by one, exporting them to STEP, IGES, SAT or IPT files for both people here to use as well as our Pro-E and Solidworks users. Is there a way to automate that process so I can hit a button and have it save all instances to a certain file format?
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Oct 31, 2011
I have a part that occurs nine times in an assembly. These were all the same parts before but now I need to make them table driven iParts in order to add a custom iProperty that changes to make them all different. They are all the same except for this on iProperty field that changes.I can create the iPart no problem. My questions are:
1.) Should I just open the part file and make it an iPart?
2.) Do I need to replace the files in the assembly somehow?
3.) I would assume that I can just edit the file to make it an iPart and then use some kind of "change component" right click to select which one goes where right?
4.) Is there some other workflow I should be using?
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Aug 7, 2013
I have facing issue to link the ipart members in to the new part.
for example, i have one machining part that machining part showing make from number. so, i created make from first. it has 10 instance.using iPART i created 10 members.after that i need to be do the machining.machining drawing also having 10 members. How i call the each make from members in to the machining model.
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Aug 7, 2012
I am trying to suppress features or Extrusions if the extrusions are outside of the Raduis of a contruction circle Called the OTL. I have added a model to look at. So lets say I have holes enougth for a 40" dia but I want only hole today for a 20" dia how do i suppress the holes on that radius. Sketch 10 is where the OTL contruction line is and its a radius so its always moving as I go from center out.
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May 30, 2013
what code I would use in an assembly if I want to enable and make visible certain parts depending on the positional rep I am using.
Basically I am having trouble reading the pos rep into an iLogic code
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Oct 6, 2004
i am looking for a resource for models for standard this particular case a micrometer or something that i can through in an assembly to give a sense of scale.
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Feb 8, 2013
I have a part that was derived from an assembly. However now I need to make this part have different center dimensions. Is there a way to make a derived part into an iPart without creating more parts? see attachment.
I am using Inventor 2012. BTW the part is more detailed than I am showing in the attachment.
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Feb 8, 2013
Is there a way to connect parameters from part1 to part 2 using iLogic, without using an assembly.
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Jul 16, 2013
Within an IDW file, you can go to the Styles Editor, then click on a standard. On the General tab, there's a drop down for the unit of length.
Provide the code so that I can change this setting from Inches to mm with an iLogic rule?
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May 31, 2012
I am using IV 2010. After creating a sheetmetal ipart my part grows slightly between each variance.
When toggling between the different parts IV says that they need updated. I have updated them but if I toggle back after updating the other parts IV wants me to update again and it creates a circle of updating. Does this mean that making a sheet metal i part is a half baked idea? Right now the way the program is responding to sheet metal iparts it would appear that you either cannot have a flat pattern or you part cannot lengthen or shorten the different variances with keeping the flat pattern. It would appear that all is well with part with exception of this updating problem. How to eliminate IV from asking to update in between variances while keeping the flat pattern? Also I am using sheet metal extens add in.
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Jun 28, 2012
After saving a part from libary as 'user-defined' to edit it, it still appears with the symbol for 'standard part' (blue T): Means I cannot move it around to sort the parts in the 'tree' or from a folder to another and so on.
Open the part and it has a normal component part symbol. But still not in the assembly. I sometimes cannot change properties in the parts list. The name is different from the name in the folder (pictures).
Second thing: Using 'copy' to copy a assembly into a new folder, the user-defined part still behaves like a standard part and will not be copied as a normal part. - Not exactly what I need, when I make a part 'user defined'...
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Apr 23, 2012
Is there a way to convert the pixel based phtoshop files to the vector based illustrator files?
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