AutoCAD Inventor :: Work Plane Based On Pattern Controlled By IPart Table - Cannot Build?

Apr 4, 2013

I have an ipart that will has the length and a quantity of patterned features controlled by a table.  I've created a work plane that I'll be using when I take this part into an iassembly.  The problem is that the features I used to create this work plane (midplane between two parallel planes) do not exist in (2) of the (3) it gives me an error message.  I've tried adding the work plane to the table, but 'exclude' isn't a drop-down (and typing it in doesn't work). How to make the work plane "inactive" for those particular members? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Controlled With ILogic

Jan 8, 2013

I have a pattern of holes (exactly 3) on an object and when the object height changes so does the pattern base on height. My issue is that i need to create a rule or code that ensures that apart from the first hole (which is fixed), the remaining two holes are at a location that is divisible by 6. The reason being that this is a sheet metal part and our punch press has a template for aligning punches at every 6 IN.

We are using iLogic to automate some of our designs and the code is needed to eliminate having to worry if the punches are at the correct location for faster production.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Work Plane Rotated At Angle To Another Plane And Passing Through Axis Of Cylinder

Jul 13, 2013

How to make a new work plane rotated at an angle to another plane and passing through the axis of a cylinder, or one of the main axes.On the plane commands, in V2013, i don't find an option for plane at an angle

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Standard IPart To ILogic Based Part

Nov 4, 2011

I am trying to convert a standard iPart to an iLogic based part.  The part has some text driven, cells..PatNumber, Description..ect..But when I try to referance those cells the iLogic code either does nothing or errors out. 

Basicly i have a bunch of flange rings with have several variables theat need to change as the part number changes, sounds simple right?I have rewritten the code so many times...I have gone from hunt and pecking to typing 300 words a min...well maybe not. 

About 75-80% of all our parts are identical in shape but just get smaller or larger depending on what size portable auger it goes on.I have been trying to get the part to changed based on "PartNumber" but it has text in the value.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Appearance Tab To IPart Table?

May 31, 2013

Is it possible to add a Appearance tab to a Ipart table?  I am cataloging a set of parts and one part is made with steel but in Gloss - Black and Matte - Black and i'd like to differentiate the 2 without haveing to make 2 seperate Ipart files. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Expression In IPart Table

Nov 27, 2011

Having this issue with IE9? I have a table driven iPart that has an expression in the description field. The expression is =PL <THICK> x <WIDTH>, so that as the thickness and width change the description of this plate also changes. I have recently added rows to this part for the use of bar instead of plate on certain shapes. In order for the bar description to match standard steel shape nomenclature the expression on these parts needs to be =BAR <WIDTH> x <THICK>. How can I add the description to the iPart table so that I can simply edit the bar parts to be as needed?

Some things to note:

1.) These are custom iParts so when the item is inserted you select the thickness, file name, save location, etc.

2.) There are about 705 lines to this iPart right now and I would prefer not to go higher.

3.) I would like to keep these as the same iPart instead of having two different files.

4.) I need the description to be an expression because long after these parts are placed, they sometimes change and I need the dimensions to update after the fact like all our other parts (so don't forget that these one won't and then the drawings are incorrect).

Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Working With Table IPart

May 18, 2012

I am using the VBA need to replace the contents of table cells in columns iPart MemberName PartNumber. By what teams can do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Table - Adding New Row?

Dec 9, 2011

I am looking for a way to add a new row to my ipart table.

I am able to get to the excel worksheet.

But from there, I can I save it? Will that add a new row to the table?

Dim oiPartFactory As iPartFactory
Set oiPartFactory = oCompDef.iPartFactory
Dim FactorySheet As WorkSheet


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Work Axis Where Work Plane Intersects Curved Surface?

Sep 9, 2013

I keep running into a situation where I would like to be able to create an edge or a work axis at the intersection of a work plane and the surface of the part.  I figured out a work around if the surface is flat, but I haven't figured out a work around for a curved surface.

How do I create work axis where work plane intersects curved surface?

Or put another way: How do I project intersection of work plane and curved surface onto the work plane in a 2D sketch?

I need to be able to draw a 2D sketch on the work plane, but get a perfectly matching projected line onto the work plane, from the curved surface, at the intersection of the curved surface and the work plane.

The attached jpg shows the intersection in question.  I circled it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart And Rectangular Pattern

Nov 3, 2011

I am having a problem with an iPart. I created a rectangular patern in an iPart. When I place the member of the iPart in the Assembly file the pattern is not there. I need it to constrain another part to it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Dimensions In IPart Table

Aug 14, 2011

The question I want to ask is about reference dimensions in iPart.

I can create a sketch and place reference dimensions on it, there's no problem. I can activate any configuration manually and see the reference dimensions adjusted according to configuration, no problem again.

I would like to know — is it possible to automatically populate column of the iPart table with reference dimension value, as it stands for each configuration?

I was able to find some solution for that, but it's not automatic. I can mark reference dimension of export, and add it as a column to the table, but I need to manually activate each configuration to populate the column with measured reference value. Not very good, because there can be very many configurations.

How to automatically get complete list of reference dimensions values for each configuration of the iPart?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Access And Get Details Of Ipart Table

Apr 24, 2012

How can i access and get details of ipart Table. Even if i want to modify are there any chances of doing them

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rearrange Columns In IPart Table

Jul 16, 2012

Is there is any way to re-arrange the columns in my ipart table without having to delete all of my parameters and then adding them back in the order that I want them to appear in? I would like certain information grouped together instead of having to scroll back and forth across the row to edit certain parameters.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete A IPart Table Row Programmatically

May 17, 2012

In ipart there is an option to add and delete rows when working with inventor graphically.I have displayed the iPart table and the values in gridview using VB.Net.

The user then selects the row in datagridview and clicks the button delete.When the button onclick even is triggered i want to delete the selected row on ipart table inside inventor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Put Hole Feature Into IPart Table

Mar 26, 2013

I have created an iPart which uses the Hole Feature (counterbore hole).  The hole is not threaded.  Is there a way to put the Hole Feature into the iPart table so when a user enters specific values, he/she could type in or select a bolt size and the counter bore hole feature will use the correct dimensions for said bolt size (ie.  I would like the counterbore holes for an M6 Socket Head Cap Screw.  So instead of typing in the counterbore hole diameter, depth, and bolt diameter, etc... it would automatically enter the default values.)  Or is this something that must use iLogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart / Family Table Equations

Oct 26, 2012

Inventor 2012

Can equations like this cell equals this cell be used in the Ipart or Iassembly family tables?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ipart Table Driven Mass Override

Aug 14, 2012

I’m currently running Inventor 2010.  Is there a way I can override the calculated physical mass and drive the mass value with a column in the ipart table?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Add A Volume Column To Ipart Author Table

Apr 19, 2011

How to add a volume column to ipart author table?

Evantually I need to display a table with part weights.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating IPart - Failed To Export Table

May 11, 2011

Get a message "Failed to export desel table" when i try to create an iPart, i have excel installed. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Update Table In Drawing - IPart Active Row

Feb 27, 2013

I have two tables on a drawing one showing a parts list the other changes to dimensions.

The table to show the dimension changes is a configuration table pointing to an ipart.

iLogic is used to update the ipart but you have to right click to update the Active Member in the ipart to see the drawing update.

Is there a way to automate the 'update active member'? (on the ipart table - this does update the drawing)

I just have the one row in the table, it's purpose was to pass the values onto the drawing (as the part resizes I didn't want the dimensions moving so opted to tabulate them) - hoping they would update!


Is there a way to have a table update parametrically i.e. I've tried .csv as a source to the table but can't force an update. This way I could scrap the ipart & just import the values to a table.

The table also includes some txt comments which change with the ipart properties.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Parameters In IAssembly General Table?

Dec 20, 2012

How can I display iPart parameters in an iAssembly general table?

On my .dwg I would like to use one detail with a table.  The 2 table columns I need are:

(1)   iAssembly name (no problems here, shows up in the general table by default)

(2)   Length (this parameter value is in the iPart)

Inventor RS 2011
AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
ASD 2013
Vault Collaboration 2011
Windows 7 Pro

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart User Parameters In IDW General Table?

May 1, 2013

I have an IPart with about 100 instances in it that is sheet metal. I created a user parameter for the gauge of the sheet metal relating to the thickness and that works fine in the ipart. My dilema is how to get the gauge to show up in my drawing in the general table. Pretty much I woud like the table to list part number, material and then have a column for the gauge of the steel related to the thickness in the Ipart table. I am using Inventor 2011 if that makes a difference.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change File Name Column In IPart Table?

Jul 25, 2013

We are using Inventor and Vault pro 2013.

I have an iPart in which I want to change the File Name Column from "Member" to "Part Number". These columns are not the same and makes the filenames for the members different when generated.

The challenge is that I already have about 100 members generated and used in different assemblies. I want these to be replaced by the new files and be deleted.

If I change the File Name Column I will get 100 new files (ipart members) that is not used anywhere. The only way I know of to replace the 100 "old" members is to do this in Vault - one by one..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Manage IPart Configurations Inside Assembly Table?

Apr 17, 2013

Basically I need to have 2 configurations of an assembly. These assemblies are identical except there is one part that will vary within them. Eventually I would like to be able to drive an assembly with multiple part configurations and suppressing and unsuppressing of parts from a table however this is my starting spot.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Drive Pattern In IPart Requires Rebuilds

Aug 29, 2013

I have a simple iPart, with driven parameters Length and Width. When length changes (from a multi-value list), the spacing on a pattern and the number of occurrences of that pattern also change.

Invariably, it requires a rebuild. Occasionally, it requires two rebuilds. As this part is in a second-level subassembly, opening the part, rebuilding it, then rebuilding its assembly, then rebuilding the top-level is consumptive.

I've been using iLogic and iParts for about a week now, so I might be missing something basic. File attached.

Inventor 2013
Win 7 Pro SP1 (x64)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Parameter Column Changing In IPart Author Table?

Sep 3, 2013

When I place a custom ipart (a simple one in this case) the length in my table changes
Inventor Professional 2014.
Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Factory Table On Drawing Show Equation Not Value For Parameters

Oct 21, 2008

I have an iPart that I have created parameters to perform some basic calcs so the values will show up on every member. The parameters are correct for the different member so it appears to be working correctly on the model side. For example I have a parameter called 'CutLength' that performs simple math functions. But when I make the table on the drawing and I include this parameter, I see the formula in the table instead of the value. Is there a way I can have it display the value instead of the equation?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Creation Error Message - Failed To Export Desel Table

Aug 28, 2009

what this error message means. I cant find any reference to it in the help files.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drive IPart LENGTH Param By IAssembly Table Custom Parameter Column?

Feb 21, 2012

In a simple case I have an extrusion with some attached seals/weather stripping, all implemented as iParts having their own LENGTH parameters.

RailPart.ipt, Seal_A.ipt, Seal_B.ipt

The goal is to encapsulate these IParts within an iAssembly: RailAssy.iam, where a LENGTH parameter can be input when the iAssembly is placed, causing RailPart and Seal_A to have their length parameters set to the LENGTH provided at that time and SEAL_B having Length set by an iLogic rule to LENGTH - 5.

I've been unable to set up a Custom Parameter Column in an iAssembly table.  Is this even permitted? 

Inventor Premium 2012 SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 IPart Does Not Work In 2013

May 6, 2012

Got a rather large ipart that I haver been using in 2013.  When I try to check this in, Inventor runs through the "analyzing members" thingy and fails about the 8000 member mark.  Actually get a CER. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Symmetric Pattern Of Components Equally Mid Plane

Sep 14, 2009

I'm using Inventor 2009.

Imagine a flat, rectangular plate with origin plains located symmetrically down the middle of the plate. Place a component, say a small cube, and constrain it to the face of the plate and the origin planes so that it too is symmetrically located. I now wish to pattern this cube about the midplane and create a total of five instances. I select "Pattern Component" in assembly mode and select the cube. For direction 1, I put in two instances and select an edge of the plate so that the pattern is taken to the left of the midplane. For direction 2, I again select two instances but pick an edge so that the pattern is taken to the right of the midplane. I now should have a total of 5 cubes but I don't. I have 6.

The second pattern is actually a repeating pattern of the first which, in the end, creates too many cubes. Visually, it looks correct because the cubes are placed excatly on top of each other. Numercially, like in BOMS, it is not correct.

Is there a way to avoid these duplications?

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