AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Part Number To Be A Custom Property ILogic?
Oct 31, 2013
I have a part number that i want to defined in custom properties.
Then would it be possible to call it out in Ilogic? that way in any drawing doesn't matter where the part number will always be the same for that part when i balloon and the same in the BOM.
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May 16, 2013
When using Inventor with Vault, we have a problem when categorizing custom content center parts in Vault. In short, custom content center parts are incorrectly categorized as "Content Center" and automatically released - as there is no property that we can use to identify these files.
I need iLogic code to trigger when custom content center files are created/saved, wich adds the following custom iproperty "IsCustomContentCenter=True".
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Nov 17, 2011
I would like the size of bearing to be included in addition to existing data to the File name, Part number and Browser name like for example the DIN 625 T1 does. I have copied the DIN 625 bearings to the custom library. I have added required info to File Name building and to the Part Number building in the custom library and now my Filename and Part Number are as I like to.
But I cannot find how to force the Browser name to be equal to Part number or File Name? [URL]
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Sep 21, 2011
I would like to set the custom property format for all user paramters from an iLogic code. This is what I've come up with. It runs, but it does not seem to alter the custom property format. What am I doing wrong here?
i7-2720QM Dell Precision M6600, Win 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB RAM
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
Autodesk Vault Professional 2013
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Jul 14, 2012
I'm trying to see if I can write a rule that will link a custom property at the part level in a template and have it update when I copy the part and drawing to a new design. Below is the formula I'm using and it works in the original files but when I use Design Assistant to create a copy for a new design, this formula will not update.
iProperties.Value("Custom", "Title")=Parameter("Bearing_#01.ipt.Build_Title")
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Jan 28, 2013
I have made a configurator, that defines my part. Now i would like to add some intelligence for the Save process...
When i activate my rule it should.:
1. Go to a Excel spreadsheet and find next Empty cell in a specific collum
2. Place Title from inventor in that empty cell
3. Return the value from the cell next to this cell
3. Use this value as the new filename for my part.
Example: here i would like to get the parts tile put into B3 and A3 (103) returned to Inventor as filename to my part
1 101 Title1
2 102 Title2
3 103
If possible, i would like to be able to adjust this alittle as i go forward in my work,
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Sep 21, 2011
I would like to have the part number automatically be entered with ilogic.
Normally I know how to do this but this time I'm trying to have a couple constant letters with numbers to be filled in.
MGR is constant and the 72 will change with the width
What I thought would work but doesn't is
iProperties.Value('Project", "Part Number")="MGR" Width
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Nov 15, 2011
I'd like to create a part number generator using iLogic. The rule would run as follows:
If the iProperty "Part Number" was not blank or the same as the file name (as Inventor default), then a question box would pop up asking if you would like to overwrite the part number. If one were to select yes, then the following would happen.
iLogic would open an xls that is on the network. The xls would have two columns. Column A would be the part number, B would be the filename associated with that part number.
Column A (the part number) is a sequential count in the form of 6 or seven digits. The format would be something like =TEXT(ROW(A1),"JFRC-000000")
Everytime the part number generator rule is triggered, it would create a new part number on the next blank row, copy this part number to the Part Number iProperty and assign the file in which the iLogic rule was executed to column B in the xls, save and close.
If, when the rule is triggered, the Part Number property is blank or the same as the file name, the user would not be asked if they would like to overwrite the part number. This rule would be triggered manually from a form.
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Nov 2, 2011
I am using ilogic in Inventor 2011 to update my iproperties when I save a .dwg file. I am having problems with some custom iProperties I have created that are of the type 'number' and are initially set to 0 (zero). After the iLogic rule has run and the user has entered a numeric value the type of the custom iproperty has changed to 'text'.
The ilogic code I am using is:
If iProperties.Value("Custom", "Nominal ID") = 0 Then
iProperties.Value("Custom", "Nominal ID") = InputBox("Enter The Nominal ID (Enter 0 if no value is available)", "Nominal ID", 0)
Custom_iProp_Nom_ID = iProperties.Value("Custom", "Nominal ID")
End If
I am using Vault 2011 and would like to map this property to a numeric property so I can perform <= and >= searches.
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Aug 15, 2012
iLogic rule that will retrieve a part number(s) from an excel sheet. I work for a company that built vacuum trucks and I'm trying to make an . I am template where the user can select different lengths of shells to achieve the desire overall length. I have been able to achieve this using iLogic rules and forms and making the shell length parameter multi value.
But now I need to show predetermined SAP part numbers for the shells in BOM or part list. I all ready have an excel sheet with shell sizes with corresponding part numbers on file. I also thought about incorporating our custom CC parts/shells that already have the SAP part numbers set up as a custom iProperty but might be to complicated for a newbie iLogic user.
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Oct 28, 2013
I have two user parameters saved in a part template that are tied to the part volume and an overall estimated part weight. The user parameter Pc_Volume is the volume in cubic feet and calculated by pulling the part mass (in cubic inches) and converting to cubic feet via ilogic rule. This is then automatically run via event triggers before a file is saved and if the part geometry has changed to keep the volume up to date. These are exported because they get pulled into iproperties of our drawing files as well as used to create a parts lists showing the volumes and weights.
I have the property formats of the user parameters set to Number and to unitless and the unit display turned off so it does not show on the parts list, with a precision of 0.000 for Pc_Volume. The Pc_Weight is set the same way however with a precision rounded to the nearest whole number.
These are created this way so when we use the part file as the template when we select "Make Components" to separate our parts and tie them to an assembly all the files are then updated and the information saved for exporting.
The problem is, the Pc_Volume always comes in rounded to a whole number. The Pc_Weight Does as well, but that doesn't bother me since we want it to do that anyway. If I would go into the part file after it's created, double check the precision and then re-run the rule the volume will show up with the correct precision in the exported parameters. I don't want to have to open each partfile however to get this to update.
Attached are images of the parameters, ilogic rule, and exported results.
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Oct 26, 2012
I had wanted to find a way to engrave/emboss the part number on a part model and have it be parametrically tied to the part number iProperty. Since it doesn't appear that I can create a text box and insert the iProperty directly, here's what I did to work around this. (I setup my part templates to have this out of the box....)
1. Within, the IPT file, add a user text parameter called "PartNo" and set its initial value to any text value.
2. Create your sketch for your text to be engraved. Insert the User parameter you just created.
3. Create the engraving/embossing for your text.
4. Create the following iLogic rule:
' Requires a User Text Parameter called "PartNo" prior to running' Set the appropriate event trigger to tasteIf Parameter("PartNo") <> iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") ThenParameter("PartNo") = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()End If
5. I set this rule to fire using the "iProperty Change" event trigger. So if the iProperty is set or changed, your text will update. Obviously, you can set this to run with whatever trigger you like.
Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
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Nov 29, 2012
I dont no in english if odd number is the right word but i want to make all my number to 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc,....
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May 10, 2013
I'm looking for a way to change the size of a custom content center part via ilogic. I found a way to replace them on this forum but this is not ideal for, because that creates a new part every time i change the size of the part.
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Dec 6, 2011
I am trying to make a custom flange to my sheet metal part. The flange tool only gives parallel flanges, but I would like my flange to be longer on one end than the other. Basically cut at the red lines.
I am using Inventor 2009 Suite.
ACAD 2010
ACADE 2008
AIS 2009
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Sep 19, 2013
I was looking for some iLogic Code for Inventor 2013 that would cycle through all the parts in an assembly grabbing the quantity of each part and setting it equal to the custom property "Qty" of each part.
Having a little trouble creating the for each loop and setting reference to each part without referencing each part by specific name.
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Sep 15, 2011
I have been trying to find a method to extract custom properties from the custom property bag.
I have been able to extract the property value, using the "GetProperty" and the associated "GetValue" method, this method works when I know exactly what property name I am looking for. What do you do when you don't know the property name?
here is my code snippet..
dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag
dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty("SOMENAME")
dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue
what I want to do is:
dim myProps as acsmcustompropertybag = mysheet.getcustompropertybag
dim myPN as string = ??????????.tostring
dim myProp as iacsmcustompropertyvalue = myprops.getproperty(myPN)
dim myPV as string = myProp.GetValue
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Oct 26, 2012
I got here on in my templates, two types of weight - net and gross. I've changed the main property MASS of each PART to be the GROSS weight, so when i have one assembly i always get the total gross weight.
And when i wanna get the NET, I open the BOM, show the proper column with this net weight and then export do XLS to sum all of then..
Now the doubt is, to get the things easier, is there a way to put some code in the assemblies, that could sum all the properties "X" from each part and sub assembly to get the total net weight ?
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Oct 25, 2012
I got here on in my templates, two types of weight - net and gross. I've changed the main property MASS of each PART to be the GROSS weight, so when i have one assembly i always get the total gross weight.
And when i wanna get the NET, I open the BOM, show the proper column with this net weight and then export do XLS to sum all of then..
Now the doubt is, to get the things easier, is there a way to put some code in the assemblies, that could sum all the properties "X" from each part and sub assemblie to get the total net weight ?
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Jun 21, 2012
Dim propertyName1 As String = "Mortise"Dim propertyName2 As String = "Cut Length"customPropertySet = ThisDoc.Document.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")Try prop = customPropertySet.Item(propertyName1) prop = customPropertySet.Item(propertyName2)Catch ' Assume error means not found customPropertySet.Add("", propertyName1) customPropertySet.Add("", propertyName2)End Try'output the custom iproperties and update the fileRuleParametersOutput()InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()'set iProperties 'iProperties.Value("Custom", "Mortise") = ""'update fileiLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True
This code creates custom iProperties if the iProperty isn't found. I'd like to add another iProperty called "Resaw" with a Yes/No property type. Is there a way of doing this the way I have things started here?
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Feb 19, 2012
Is it possible, if you have a merged BOM.row to get the total quantity of each part?
inventor professional 2011 / 2012 / 2013
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Dec 3, 2013
Why when I mirror a part in an assembly the mirrored part gets a new part number? I want to mirror only the position of the part which is always the same part. Is it possible to do that in Inventor?
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Aug 28, 2013
I need to use the property " File Subtype" for programming a function in logic, but inventor not recognise this property.
I use this function "If iProperties.Value("Project","File Subtype")=Sheet metal"
How i can do for use this property for a ilogic function?
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Nov 30, 2011
I am trying to create a sketched symbol on the fly that has custom properties in it. I am also creating the custom properties on the fly. I need to get the actual expression for the property into the sketched symbol not just a value. I need this so that I can export the drawing as an autocad .dwg that has attributes in it.
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Oct 25, 2013
In the parameters window you can right click a value and choose a custom property format.
We always change everything to fraactional instead of decimal.
Is there a way to set this as default?
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Apr 1, 2013
I`m looking for the iLogic code that can change one parameter (user defined) for each (ipt) part in assembly (iam)
The one below doesn`t work.
Sub Main Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication Dim oAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = oApp.ActiveDocument For Each oSubDoc as Inventor.Document In oAssy.AllReferencedDocuments On Error Resume Next Parameter(oSubDoc, "FH") = 15.26 Next End Sub
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Feb 20, 2012
The company I work for produce drawings for various types of fabrication.
Using Inventor I have a drawing border in which tolerance values change depending on the type of fabrication to be produced. The type of fabrication (0,1,2,or 3) is designated by a custom property entered during part/fab model creation.
This property may change depending on various production factors. The issue I have is how do I get the border to recognize this potential change in fab type and populate the tolerance fields with the necessary information?
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Mar 22, 2013
My company has a custom property named 'Released date, Type Date.
This date is still empty
I am working on a rule that adds all the custom properties required for the company title block.
This rule can be useful whenever you get a model from a supplier.
I can add a custom property date using the following
Dim oDoc As Document = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim customPropertySet As PropertySet = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties")
iProperties.Value("Custom", "Released Date") = iProperties.Value("Custom", "Released Date")
This code works but sets the released date to Now.
But the release date needs to remain blank when adding.
I tried to make the value Null but I get the error:
"Value of type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to 'Date'."
Is there a way to keep a custom property date blank?
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Feb 8, 2013
Is there a way to connect parameters from part1 to part 2 using iLogic, without using an assembly.
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Apr 8, 2013
I have a frame fabrication / assembly with a Custom iProperty called "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE". I have set the following parameter for this property:
FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE = <Stock Number> x <G_L>mm
This returns the stock size and length to my drawing cutlist. The problem is that the <G_L> Parameter returns the trailing zeros and unit string.
I would like to set all the frame members in the assembly such that the G_L parameter returns a value rounded off to 0 decimal places with no trailing zeros and removes the unit string as well.
Is there a way I can achieve this from the assembly so I don't have to manually open each frame member and make the changes in the fx parameters dialog one at a time?
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Sep 29, 2011
How would i insert the "variable name" of a custom iProp to a sketched symbol definition (in an idw)?
I can plonk the value of the iProp in no worries, but to make it "live" is a bit beyond me...
Sub WeldNote()On Error Resume NextDim oDoc As DrawingDocumentDim SketchedSym As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oNoteDef As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oDefSketch As SketchDim oTextbox As TextBoxDim SNewText As StringDim sNoteText As StringDim oReffedDoc As DocumentDim lReffedWeldType As Long'Err.ClearIf
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