AutoCAD 2013 :: Different Annotative Scales In Xref?

Jan 3, 2013

so in one drawing, the annotative scales of the objects are listed as 1" = 30' etc, and in the drawing i have them xref'ed into are 1:30.  the only way i can get the annotative txt to show up is to make them non-annotative.

im assuming it has to do with the difference of 1:30 and 1" = 30'. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Annotative Scales And Text

Oct 11, 2012

I would like to change our office template to have one text style and one dimension style that shows up at 1/8" tall text in any viewport scale.  This would also include setting up the multiple global settings.  Is this possible?  

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AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Annotative Scales To MText

Dec 18, 2011

I have been able to turn on the annotation for the Mtext, which applies the current annotative scale, but how do I add additional scales to the Mtext object.

ObjMText.Annotative = AnnotativeStates.True

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Too Many Annotative Object Scales?

Nov 13, 2012

There are obvious reasons to limit the number of annotative scales while your drafting. I don't know that I'm aware of what file errors/issues can come about from using annotative scales.  I've read where you should clean up the scales in your drawing but I'm not sure why?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotative Blocks With Several Different Scales

Nov 21, 2013

We use a lot of annotative blocks with several different scales and often find that they have changed from thier standard names to several *u blocks that do not behave annotatively. I have to go in and explode them once or twice to get them back the right name and they show up as individual blocks in different scales. Is there a fix for this?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Extract All Of Annotative Scales In Drawing?

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to extract all of the annotative scales in a drawing, I have found some code which will extract the current annotative scale, but not all.

Dim doc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim db AsDatabase = doc.Database
Dim ed AsEditor = doc.Editor
Dim ocm AsObjectContextManager = db.ObjectContextManager
Dim occ As ObjectContextCollection = ocm.GetContextCollection("ACDB_ANNOTATIONSCALES")

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AutoCad 2D :: Annotative Multileader Skews At Different Scales

Dec 17, 2013

I am having issues with an Annotative Multileader skewing at different scales. It was inserted at 3/16" (1st Image) scale and when I add a 1/4" (2nd Image) scale it becomes skewed at that scale (3rd Image the leader is highlighted to show what it looks like).

3_16 scale.jpg1_4 Scale.jpgboth.jpg

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AutoCAD LT :: Annotative Dimensions Appears In 3 Different Scales

May 2, 2012

Am having problems with annotative dimensions in Autocad LT 2010. When I click on a dimension it appears in at least 3 different scales, do not have this problem in Autocad LT 2012 on different computer.

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AutoCAD LT :: Crash - Many New Layers Created By Annotative Scales?

May 23, 2012

I went to change the annotative scale while working on a drawing and LT 2011 crashed. When I recovered the drawing there are now over a 1000 new layers, I assume related to the annotative scales I had used.

What do I do with this mess? I am scared to start working on this drawing because I don't want all these new layers. I thought a central point of annotative scales was to simplify layer management. What happens when it blows up on you?

Update: I found that I can purge these layers out and just did that. I will give another update if things get weird again.

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AutoCad :: Changing Viewport Scales That Contain Annotative Blocks

Dec 5, 2011

If you change a view port scale of a view port that contains a bunch of annotative blocks.

How do you change the active annotative scale of all those blocks without individually picking the blocks.

So all the blocks appear the proper size in the viewport.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Make Annotative Blocks Non-annotative

Jan 3, 2013

How do I make annotative tags, callouts, and blocks non-annotative.  AutoCad will not let me change them in the properties tab.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Smart Structure Pipe Scales And Xref

Jan 24, 2011

We set up our projects with a Topo sheet, a separate Design sheet, then a plot sheet with the drawing referenced in.  The design sheet consist of basically all the design information unless this is a larger project, then the design components are given their own drawing file.  Pretty industry standard, right?

 The problem we are having is that the symbols are not scaling correctly for the plot sheets.  I did some testing and the topo sheets are working as expected, but the "smart" pipes and structures are not from the design sheets.  For the structures we are using a block for the plan view, and that is using the current drawing scale for the symbol size.  But that is not carrying over to the plot sheet or viewport scale, it is locked to the scale of the saved Design drawing.  So when plotting the project, half way through, people have to open the design drawing, change scale and resave to get the structures the right size for that sheet.

Do I have the structure style setup wrong?  Shouldn't the symbol change to the plot sheets current view scale like a survey point?

I have played with making that plan block annotative but Civil 3D doesn't see a annotative block in the definition of a style.

I don't think that the network should have to be native to each plot sheet, but the only work around I have is to dataref the network into each plot sheet, and then have to freeze the xref's layers so there are not doubles.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Annotative Blocks In Xref

May 16, 2012

I have a file I received from a consultant that has an annotative block in it. I've been trying to xref (attachment, not overlay) it into our files, and it's not showing up. I've got the affected layers on, the block units for both files are identical..

This block has editable attributes in it. The attribute is what is not showing up...the point, which is the other block component, displays correctly in the xref. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Modify Annotative Blocks In XREF

Aug 30, 2012

I have inserted an XREF with annotative blocks.  The blocks in the original drawing are 1:1.  In the new drawing I want to plot the XREF at 1:250.  How do I set the annotative scale to the blocks with out adding scales to the original drawing?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Set Up Annotative Text Styles In Xref Base Drawing

Aug 2, 2012

I'm trying to set up Annotative Text styles in my Xref base drawing, so that I can alter the Annotative Text Scale in paperspace of my titlesheet drawings.

Is it possible to create the Annotative Text styles in an xref and amend these on a titlesheet when said xref has been imported?

I've checked the "Help" section of AutoCad but it all seems to relate to creating Annotative Styles within a single drawing.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plot Styles For Different Scales?

Sep 10, 2013

I've been using Autocad for over 20 years.  Any office I've ever worked in never used custom plot styles.

Can custom plot styles control lineweights of objects at different scales?  For example, I have a floor plan drawn for 1/4" plotting the lineweights look fine.  Now I want to print that floor plan at 1/8" but many lines now look darker than before.  Can I create a plotstyle for the 1/8" scale to control the lineweights?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Add Scales To List Scales?

Oct 6, 2013

create a code to add scales to the scale’s list?

I just want to have the necessary scales, so don’t want to add to the template.

The command function is basically to allow me type the value of the scale and based on that, adjust the properties of the scale. (Name appearing in scale list - Paper Milimeters - Drawing Meters)


>Command line: setscale

>type the value of the scale to create: 50

set 1:50 to default

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Linetypes Show Up In Different Scales In The Same Drawing

Oct 20, 2013

I am trying to understand how Linetype scale works, and have been researching on LTSCALE, MSLTSCLAE and PSLTSCLAE. I believe I have a fair understanding of each of these settings. Still, I can't figure out how the scaling works while I was trying to create custom line type. To illustrate, I created a new linetype called XCENTER, which is exactly the same line type as CENTER except its name, in a new LIN file.

*XCENTER,XCenter ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____

After loading the new linetype into my drawing, I was surprised to see that CENTER and XCenter show up in different scales in the same drawing (see png).

My work file is WORK.DWG, I have purged everything except the two polylines, one with the line type of CENTER, the other xCENTER. Not that my global scale is 1:100, LTSCLAE=, MSLTSCALE=1, the object scales are both set to 1.0.

I copied the two lines to clipboard and pasted on a brand new drawing TEST.DWG, and the two lines show up in the same scale.

What in my original drawing WORK.DWG is causing this problem?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Deformation Occurring When Printing With Different Scales

Feb 27, 2013

Deformation occurring when printing with different scales,

It is gorgeous that one can preserve the text size, hatch size, dimension size, etc. regardless the scale the drawing is going to be printed with.

For example, if the text size, hatch size, dimension size, etc. are proper as the drawing is printed with a scale of 1:100 then how about printing this drawing with a scale of 1/50 and 1/200?
A scale of 1:50 looks fine (attached)
 A scale of 1:200 has some overlaps! (attached)
Then how to get a nice drawing (dimension size, text size, hatch size) when printing the drawing with a scale of 1/200? In other words, how the annotation objects can be adjusted proportionally such that no overlaps and distortion is occurred?

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Multiple Details On One Sheet But There Are Several Different Scales

Jan 17, 2013

How you can have multiple details on one sheet but there are several different scales.  Some are 3'-0"=1'-0", some are 1 1/2"=1'-0'.  Then when you set up the sheet you just make different view ports.  But i don't understand how you can draw them all in model space in difference scales. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy / Paste - Drawing In Multiple Scales

Dec 4, 2013

when i copy paste this drawing from autocad architecture 2013 to another drawing it goes into that drawing in multiple scales

before     after

I have checked all ins settings, I have tried to block it and unblock it, all items are there, some are just super small, some are normal.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: MV Blocks And Annotative Scaling

Sep 3, 2012

I'm currently trying to make an MV block which is a combination of a 2D symbol and its 3D representation. I want the 2D symbol to scale in line with the annotation scale so have set the annotative flag on my symbol block but I do not want the 3D representation to scale so this does not have the flag set. However, when I put the two blocks into my MV block and then alter the annotation scale, both the 2D and 3D blocks both scale.

Is there something more that I need to be doing to to make the two blocks act independently and comply with the annotative flag set on them? I have seen this behaviour work on MEP2013 but can't see anything different on its 'devices' and my simple blocks.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Check Annotative Box In DIMSTYLE?

Jan 29, 2013

Can a DIMSTYLE with annotative box checked be used in Layout or Paper Space? If so, are dimension at risk of losing their associative to part being dimension or be subject to change their Scale Factor when moving model or a different user (machine) opens the file?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Measure Annotative Dimensions

Nov 28, 2012

IN Autocad 2013, I'm trying to measure an annotative dimension. When I do it, it doesn't show the units along with the measurement.

For instance, it just shows up 24 when in fact I want it to say 24". Or if it was metric I would want the "m" to show up after the 24. How do I get the unit to appear?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Making Block Partially Annotative?

Jun 27, 2013

I've got a dynamic block for an irrigation spray head that I want to make annotative.  My problem is that I need to spray radius (i.e. 15', 10') to stay the same, but the head symbol and text to scale with the viewport.  So far I've only been able to make the entire block annotive.  I've attached a of the block for refence.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Annotative Text Using Multiple Viewports

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying to learn Annotative text using multiple viewports.  My question: I have text in Model space with Annotative scales to match two different viewports in layout space. Sometimes the text or dimensions for that matter appears in a different place in the two windows. What gives?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Annotative Blocks With Attributes Move To Anywhere

Oct 16, 2012

When I insert Annotative blocks and change the scale drawing (E.g. 1:100 to 1:200), attributes of Annotative blocks move to anywhere. I tried already ANNORESET and ATTSYNC, and it solved at that moment. But when I close and open the file, the problem appears again. I have to apply ANNORESET and ATTSYNC every moment. How can I definitely solve this problem?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Hatch Ignore Annotative Leaders?

Feb 26, 2013

Is there a way when creating hatches, for it to ignore annotative leaders? If the line of the leader crosses the area to be hatched, it breaks at the line. But if the arrow crosses the area, it totally freaks out and won't do what it's supposed to (usually inverses what is to be hatched.)

There REALLY needs to be an option to ignore mleader & mtext objects...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Keep Annotative Blocks In Same Spot On Different Scale Viewports?

Oct 4, 2013

Im trying to keep annotative blocks in the same spot on different scale viewports. The main issue Im having is, when i have a lets say house plan in viewport #1 and have all my blocks in place that I moved copyed from my template. When I open another viewport at a diffrent scale the blocks move. Im useing a large number of blocks for electrical symbols we use at work that I need to be in every viewport so we can copy them and place them where needed on the plan.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Annotative Objects Inheriting Every Annotative Scale?

Sep 19, 2012

I am running Autocad arch 2011 (as Autocad 2011)  and a co worker is using Autocad electrical 2012 and when he works in a drawing of mine the every annotative scale that is used in the file is attached to every annotative object.  Which means I have to go through every object and delete scales that should be be there....all my annotative objects appear in every view port because every annotative object has every scale..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Annotative Block Moves When Annotation Scale Changed

Mar 13, 2013

Annotative block moves when annotation scale changed,

The solution for this problem is mentioned in the link below but sounds not to be useful:


I got a block that contains an attribute (attached) and created on layer zero while the current annotation scale is 1:100. As this annotation scale is changed (say to 1:200 or 1:50) this block moves from its original place to another one (as shown in the attached screenshots).

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