AutoCAD 2013 :: Mouse Drift When Rapidly Drawing Lines

Nov 3, 2012

We're using AutoCAD 2013 via a Citrix XenApp server. We have a strange issue where the pointer continues to drift for a few seconds when rapidly drawing lines. This makes it very hard to draw with any speed because we have to keep waiting for the pointer to stop moving.

We've already followed the guidelines here, but they made no noticeable difference. The XenApp server has plenty of spare CPU and RAM. How we can stop this happening?

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AutoCAD LT :: Mouse Lag When Drawing Lines In 2011 / Windows 8

Feb 22, 2013

Just got my new work PC and I'm having issues drawing lines in AutoCAD LT 2011.

Much like other people, circles are fine, as is most everything else.  It's just the lines (and who uses lines when drawing things?).  So, as you can imagine, my frustration level is to the point where my head is about to explode.

Here are my PC Specs:

Windows 8
Intel Core i7-3770 3.40GHz - 8 CPUS
Memory - 16GB Ram
AMD Radeon HD 7770
2GB GDDR5 Memory

And this is coming from an old Dell that ran 2011 like a champ, the computer just got old and died.

I can't see any reason, component wise, why the CPU can't handle it, and, since it's just on lines, it leads me to believe it's a software issue where 2011 LT isn't playing nicely with Windows 8 or some other component.

Could it be that it's just time to get with the times and upgrade or is there some workaround?

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Illustrator :: CS6 Paintbrush And Pencil Lines Do Not Show While Drawing Unless Release Mouse

Aug 9, 2013

I can't draw with it like this. It's basically what the title says, when I draw a blue line shows up until I release the mouse button and then my stroke appears.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing In 2D And Get 3D Lines

Apr 15, 2013

I use auto cad for work and the other day I was drawing and it accidental got switched to 3d view and I noticed that all of my lines are in 3d it only happens in the company template because if i make a new drawing the lines are flat. i have tried flatten but when i start drawing again the same thing happens.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing Lines Within Shapes?

Apr 22, 2012

Whenever I want to draw a line within a shape I have to start the line from the corner. Why am I not free to start where I want?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing Lines By Bearing And Distance

Jun 4, 2013

I keep trying to draw a line by bearing and distance using the format @50.00'<N80d04'30''E. Everything enters but when I enter the last command of the bearing and hit enter it stays in the red boxed outline and does nothing. Upgraded to 2014 and trying to get things set for drawing property boundaries. Tried setting the units to surveyors mode and such but nothing works.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing Lines At Specific Angles

Sep 11, 2012

If I am drawing in 3D and I want to draw a line with a specific angle, how do I choose the plane that it is drawn in? Cos whenever I specify an angle the line is drawn in the horizontal plane

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Drawing In 2D - Lines Keep Coming Up On Z Axis

Nov 29, 2012

I am drawing in autocad in 2d and my lines keep coming up on the z axis which i only want them to come out in x and y is there anyway to shut that off so it will no longer draw on the z axis?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Export / Plot To PDF Skews Drawing Lines

Mar 14, 2013

The following pictures are the same areas of a drawing zoomed in (cannot post proprietary DWG or PDF). In Layout mode I have the following

When I try to make a PDF of it (either by going File>Export>PDF or File>Print>Plot>select DWG to PDF.pc3) it produces the following

What is going on?

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AutoCad :: 2013 On Mac Running Slow When Drawing And Copying Lines And Objects?

Sep 15, 2012

im currently using Autocad 2013 and it is running painfully slow when drawing lines and copying lines and objects... my experience on autocad is very minimal and how to speed things up a bit. also icons appear next to lines when i join 2 or more line, one for each join, but i suspect they may also be causing my drawing to lag.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Convert Imported Photo In JPEG / BMP / TIFF Or Any Format Into Lines In Drawing

May 22, 2013

Is there any way one can convert an imported photo in Jpeg or Bmp or Tiff or any other format into lines in a drawing?

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GIMP :: Saving Selections As Separate Files Rapidly?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm scanning old photos from a photo album. There are a lot of these pages, so taking the pictures out and scanning them would be a huge hassle. The photos are too close on most pages for the scanning software to recognize them as separate images and save them as such.

I'd like to save them as individual pictures, both because that's neater and because some require color corrections.

I'd be able to open up the scanned image, select or outline the picture, and have some script save that selection as an individual file. Super ideally the name would be automatically generated, typing in "1" "2" "3" etc gets old, and I obviously don't want to overwrite. And if I could get automatic color correction before saving or in a batch, that would also be great.

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VideoStudio :: 11 - Can't Load MOV Files From Drift Camera

Jan 17, 2012

I can't load my MOV files from my Drift camera. I get the "file format mismatch". is there a patch for VS 11?

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VideoStudio :: Video And Audio Drift Out Of Sync On DVD

Jan 29, 2013

I was following the old instructions on the recommended way of working with UVS10+ re DVD creation, i.e. do the work on the project save as a video file then come back into UVS10+ with a new project with nothing in the timeline (old computer Win XP, for burning I have a video editing profile) when ready to go into burn phase. In burn phase did the title, added transitions between the 10 clips, let UVS10+ auto add chapters between clips.

Kept all burn phase properties the same as the original, with smart render (no re-render of compatible MPEG2).

Burnt it on to a DL disc, all seemed hunky dory (but took ages to do the title) until came to play it, and then I found that the sound had gone progressively out of sync on the DVD.

The video files are kept on an external hard drive connected via USB. To be honest the old XP computer does run very slow now, as they all do with time as leeches attach themselves and drain speed and resources.

My question is what are the usual suspects for sync problems ? Data transfer from external hard drive ? Project settings in burn phase different from edit phase ?

Would it be better to create an iso on the internal C-Drive, then burn from the iso ? NB whatever USB port I attach devices to front/rear etc. I have always got the message this device can run faster, searched the net tried all the tips to no avail.

However this did not prevent me from creating single layer DVDs without sync problems in the past using this set-up/way of working, but PC is way slower now.

I guess the PC's effective speed might be in the frame ? How far back will the 'rot' go ?

Should I go as far back as putting the converted clips into the time line in the edit phase (totally new project), or will the VSP project/video files be ok, i.e. problem at data transfer/burn stage.

I'm thinking about re-doing the XP user profile to ensure that later installs have not cluttered all the profiles on the machine, i.e. including the video editing profile.

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AutoCAD LT :: Mouse Left Click Selecting Multiple Lines / Objects Not Working

Feb 26, 2012

Can not click on multiple objects or lines for erase,trim or extend commands. Is there a mode that I have turned on by accident , driver warning also comes up in trim offset command.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Locks Up When Using Mouse Scroll

Apr 30, 2012

2013 Civil 3D locks up when using mouse scroll.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Way To Make Right Click On Mouse

Nov 1, 2012

is there a way to make it so that i right click on the mouse, it does the 'cancel' command??

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Assign Mouse Commands

Aug 21, 2013

I have a G300 9-button mouse from Logitech and I would like to assign some frequently used commands to each button, is there any way to do this.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mouse Wheel Pan Not Working?

Jul 16, 2013

my mouse wheel worked for panning while i am in the middle of a command, put now it stopped working and when i click the wheel i get my osnaps command. how can i get my mouse wheel to pan again?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mouse Click Taking 3 Or 4 Goes?

Apr 24, 2012

Everyone so far in the office who is using 2013 has found that intermitently but fairly often (maybe 1 in 8 attempts) when clicking on a tool button it seems to take about 3-4 goes at clicking before the command kicks in, this is with any command and there are various versions of windows and mouse hardware involved.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Mouse Cursor While Dragging From ListView To Drawing Area?

Feb 27, 2013

I have a ListView control from where I drag items to Drawing area. Whenever mouse leaves the ListView Control and enters the AutoCAD drawing area, AutoCAD claims the mouse cursor back to Cross Pointer.

Is it possible to change this cursor during drag operation to a pointer with some attachment? As normally happened in Windows Explorer while dragging and dropping files among folders.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Selecting Point2D With Your Mouse On Drawing Sheet

Dec 18, 2012

How can I define a Point2D with my mouse by clicking on an random place in a drawingsheet?

I have made the code below that creates a DetailDrawingView automatic. I am now searching a method to select the oPoint & oCenterPoint with my mouse. Both are defined as Poin2D.

I find a lot a method's where you can manipulate the Point2D using maths but I never found a method where you can get the Point2D by just clicking somewhere on the sheet (drawingview).
Sub AutoDetailedView()' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Set a reference to the active sheet. Dim oSheet As Sheet Set oSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet ' Manually select a drawing view Dim oDrawingView As DrawingView
[Code] ........

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2011 Mouse Wheel Pan Not Working

Jun 19, 2013

I recently installed the Student version of AutoCad 2013 on my Mac through Windows 7. I am not able to use the wheel on my mouse to get to the hand tool to move around. When I hold down the wheel, it swipes over to my Mac dashboard. Also the delete button does not delete. I have to use the E command.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Keyword Dropdown On Mouse Pointer

Sep 23, 2013

I use a plug-in that prompt me for a keyword. In the 2012 version of AutoCAD I could press key down to get a drop down list on the mouse pointer with all the keywords, see attached image. In the 2014 version I don't get this choice, I only get the possibility to choose keyword from the command line at the bottom. Is the functionality with key down gone in the never versions or can I set a variable so it shows?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Double Click Mouse Wheel

Jun 7, 2012

I just got a new pc upgrade so I'm walking through everything to see if it all works. Now when I double click my mouse wheel, nothing happens where before it would zoom extents. I'm using a MS Wireless Mouse 5000 with AutoCAD 2013.

I played around with programming the mouse buttons directly, but I couldn't get it to work right. I don't see anything in AutoCAD about a setting for mouse wheel double click. All I see is that it just says that double clicking the mouse wheel should execute the zoom extents command.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Slow Mouse Move Xendesktop 5.6?

Feb 13, 2013

We have installed autocad 2013 on windows 7 64bits VM (xendesktop 5.6 on VMWare Hypervisor) and the mouse move is very slow or the cursor stop and move again.

I have tried these tips without success


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mouse Buttons 1&2 Working Inconsistently

Nov 19, 2013

I have acad 13 installed on an asus laptop.   I wanted to do some serious work last night so I plugged in the mouse to the usb port.   Doing my usual quick clicking,  anytime i was "inside the dwg" like say select or pick a point on the screen,  i needed a second pick to do anything.   Same with rt click for return.  picking a menu item or dropdown or button works fine, "outside the dwg".

Noticed that a slow deliberate click seems to work.I reloaded the asus mouse driver,  no dice.I took a 10 year logitech old mouse out,  same problem.This problem does not occur using the pointing/click device built into the laptop.Is there something that is looking at the duration of my click in acad? in asus computer ?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2011 Mouse Wheel Pan Not Working

Aug 15, 2013

How do I configure my mouse wheel to "press to pan" in AutoCAD 2014?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Screen Flickers When Moving Mouse Around Open Drawing?

Oct 15, 2010

The screen flickers when I move the mouse around an open drawing.  I just applied the latest patch to Civil 3D 2010.  It was not doing this before the patch.

Have Quadro 3500 video card. Updated the driver for that with no change.

Have a Logitech wireless mouse, M310.  Up dated the driver for that with effect.

Changed to a wired mouse, no change.

Is there a setting in Autocad where I can set the refresh rate so that it does not refresh while moving the mouse. Or at least slow the automatic refresh rate down?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Mouse Has Started Jumping Across Drawing Screen - Snap Is Off?

Jun 20, 2013

ouse has started jumping across the drawing screen. snap is off 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mouse Wheel Click Snap Menu?

Aug 23, 2012

When zooming, I middle click the mouse to bring up osnaps, then type the letter to force the snap I want.  That stopped working today: the menu pops up, I type "E", the menu goes away, but it doesn't default to endpoint, there's an "E" on my command line. 

I'm not sure if this is a Service Pack 1 issue or not, but I just installed that yesterday.

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