Using AutoCAD 2013, I have set my the placement of the alternate units to "Below primary value" (in Dimension Style), but they do not go underneath, they remain after the primary units. I tested in 2012, and it works fine there but not in 2013.
When using alternate dimensions in hole notes it repeats the full note for both dimension units. I would like to only have the dimensional data have the alternate information and not repeat the full note (see attached file).
The above image is the closest description of what I mean by a "chord" setting. I need to be able to place lines with a specific length and orientation at a certian radius from two nonparallell curved lines. I've been finding it extremely difficult.
The blue lines are the property lines and the circles are the setbacks (hypothetically). To simplify the problem I offset the blue lines by the setback like so. which brigs me to the original problem. I need to place the building at the optimal point. So far, I have only been able to get close and I know/think there should be a better method to solve my problem. In the example I provided, I knew exactly where the building should be placed because the offsets were the last thing I drew. How can I get this result if my drawing is composed of fully drawn but nonaligned components?
Trying to place this dimension text. Is there any circumstance that someone would want the leader to be the final result of this animation?
Of all the ways to generate a leader (when the correct one to the center of the dim can't be generated), the extremely acute angle version doesn't seem like the best option.
We are having an issue with Dimensioning and the Primary Units not maintaining the correct value. We use metric so the multiplier of 25.4 or .039370079 for Dim Scale Linear would be used in our Dimension Styles depending on if we are drawing in model space or annotating in paper space. We have created specific Dim Styles for Model and Paper space. Every so often some of us will us the Dim Style for paper space and a metric unit would be shown. When we go into the properties of that dimension and change the Dim Scale Linear to 1 it shows as a different dimension then it actually is. After looking at the correct dimenion, we noticed the Dim Scale Linear shows .9449 but gives the correct dimension.
Note: We are drawing in Metric a multiplier of 25.4, our dimensions are done in english. A scale factor of .039370079 is used to accomplish this.
There is a simple fix with Match Properties but it still doesn't answer why our dimension show up wrong with a different multiplier for Dim Scale Linear.
I have just installed my autocad 2013 software. I've set the units to millimeters. But the workspace is still in inches. Even the dimentions are coming in inches. How to set the unit in millimeters?
After installation of the AutoCAD 14 and setting up drawing parameters to support the .dwt template, from the Format menu, tried initiating the units, points, table style, and layer states command but get a prompt for indicating for example: "units" unknown command, "DDTYPE" unknown comand, etc.. What setting do I have to adjust in order for these commands to work?
Units of objects from the tools palettes, I’m wondering in which unit does the objects of the tool palettes are inserted. For example, as my drawing unit is meter, I need them to be inserted in meter to fit well with my drawing.
I have a drawing from a contractor that is dimensioned in metric units. I have been tasked with converting the displayed units to inches for our machine shop. I have tried to display alternate units but they don't appear, yes, I did check the "display alternate units" box. I am using AutoCAD 2013.
We need to xref a drawing with a different unit. When I go into the drawing file I want to xref and use the "-DWGUNITS" command I change it from feet to inches and use Architectural. Answer yes to all questions and certain objects disappear. Most of the objects are pline or spline objects. Here is what I see in the AutoCAD Text Window:
I have just upgraded from AutoCAD 2008 to 2013 so I'm unfamiliar with the latest set up & dont' have time to explore it properly yet. I see that 2013 has a different projection method for paper space views but for the present I am still using solview & soldraw which I am familiar with to get my work done on time.
In 2008 the 'Linetype manager' page let you tick a box 'Use paper space units for scaling' so that different paper space view ports would automatically scale line types to suit the viewport scale. To draw details of parts of a view I would normally copy the basic solview view port, alter its property to a layer named VPORT, scale this viewport to the desired scale to show what I want to detail & the linetypes would automatically scale so that they appear the same as in the original solview view port.
This pick box is not in the linetype manager page in 2013, how can I achieve this?
I've noticed an anomoly when working with XREF's and changing units. With the company that I work, we receive client drawings, XREF them in, and put our drawings on top of them. For this particular project, we have about 150 drawings that we are working with. The biggest problem is the drawings we receive are in various units, and we draw in millimeters. So when we go to XATTACH, we have to make sure the XREF drawing's units are set to mm, although most of them are not. So we navigate to the XREF drawing, open it, open the UNITS window, change it to millimeters, accept, save, and close the drawing. However, when we go back into the actual drawing to XATTACH again, the unit change in the XREF has not taken effect. Reopening the drawing and launching UNITS will show that, indeed, the unit change was not saved. Doing it a second time will take effect, but why do we have to do this dance in the first place?
This problem occurs about 50% of the time. I can't seem to find a pattern with it. If I make a change to the XREF drawing itself as well as changing the units (like moving the pan or zoom), but to no avail.
Windows 7 Pro SP1 AutoCAD LT 2013 Version: G.55.0.0
Our office created a library of blocks for use in our dwgs in the early days of Autocad. Since installing MEP2013 when inserting the blocks many of them have mysteriously changed from inches to millimeter units. We have to go back to each block(dwg) and change the units and rescale the blocks. We upgraded from MEP2012 and they were working fine.
I can get the leading zeros in the architectural dim style. My problem is I cant seem to get the leading zero in the parts list format. If I edit the parts list, then format column, there is no option to include leading zeros like in the dim styles.
We could format the parts list with the leading zero before....This is in 2013, BTW..
I need to work with latitude and longitude, I believe there is a way to do this in autocad 3D Basics, but I can not remember how. How I could change the units to accept lattitude and longitude?
I received a .dwg file from S. Korea with dimensions and units all in the metric mm and I need the units to be in feet and inches. Is there a command to switch dimensions and units to imperial feet and inches?
Rather than changing units in command UNITS Inches and Architectural, and SCALE 25.4, is there any other way to switch metric to imperial systems. Scaling somewhat does the trick but, provided dimensions remain in mm.
I would like to add text to my dimension but as I have overridden my FONTALT variable it does not display. The dimension on the LHS is exactly the same as the one on the RHS (during edit). Neither will display the text I want which in this instance is WEB.
How can I alternate the element selection if both elements are on top of each other? I tried to mouse click on the lement with alt or control keys but nothing worked.
Example. I drew a construction line then I drew the line I want to keep on top of it. Now I am trying to delete the construction line but the new line keeps highligting.
I would like to show both imperial and metric values in my dimensions, but I only want tolerances to be shown in imperial. Is there a way to remove alternate unit tolerances in AutoCad 2014? alt. tol..jpg
I have a lot of pre existing sheet metal parts with my material listed as Steel, Mild.
I am using this code to automatcally fill out my iproperties but the material name is not exactly what I want it to say. iProperties.Value("Project", "Description")=iProperties.Material
I'd like it so that any time it sees Steel, Mild it replaces it with the text "A36"