AutoCAD 2013 :: User Created Blocks Changing Units?
Sep 26, 2012
Our office created a library of blocks for use in our dwgs in the early days of Autocad. Since installing MEP2013 when inserting the blocks many of them have mysteriously changed from inches to millimeter units. We have to go back to each block(dwg) and change the units and rescale the blocks. We upgraded from MEP2012 and they were working fine.
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Oct 26, 2012
We need to xref a drawing with a different unit. When I go into the drawing file I want to xref and use the "-DWGUNITS" command I change it from feet to inches and use Architectural. Answer yes to all questions and certain objects disappear. Most of the objects are pline or spline objects. Here is what I see in the AutoCAD Text Window:
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD3C>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD3E>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD3F>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD41>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD42>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD44>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD45>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity FD47>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity 1956F>
Scaling failed for: <AcDbZombieEntity 19570>
There a lot more of scaling failed messages. too many to show. How can I xref in these drawings with different units without objects disappearing?
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Nov 30, 2012
I've noticed an anomoly when working with XREF's and changing units. With the company that I work, we receive client drawings, XREF them in, and put our drawings on top of them. For this particular project, we have about 150 drawings that we are working with. The biggest problem is the drawings we receive are in various units, and we draw in millimeters. So when we go to XATTACH, we have to make sure the XREF drawing's units are set to mm, although most of them are not. So we navigate to the XREF drawing, open it, open the UNITS window, change it to millimeters, accept, save, and close the drawing. However, when we go back into the actual drawing to XATTACH again, the unit change in the XREF has not taken effect. Reopening the drawing and launching UNITS will show that, indeed, the unit change was not saved. Doing it a second time will take effect, but why do we have to do this dance in the first place?
This problem occurs about 50% of the time. I can't seem to find a pattern with it. If I make a change to the XREF drawing itself as well as changing the units (like moving the pan or zoom), but to no avail.
Windows 7 Pro SP1
AutoCAD LT 2013 Version: G.55.0.0
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Aug 9, 2013
I created a library of Dynamic cabinets in AutoCAD LT 2013. I have tested them and used them in drawings. I just upgraded to 2104 and when I insert those same dynamic blocks into a drawing, the parameters do not show and i can not use the dynamic block as intended. when I click on it...tons ot grips show up and no parameters.
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Jun 26, 2013
I am going through an architectural background, converted over from Revit. I have to go through and routinely burst the object, then qselect, choose what is not equal to bylayer, and change to bylayer.
I don't want to burst everything, making a monster out of the file, but going into every individual block to change the colors within the block to bylayer is also extremely time consuming.
Is there an easier way? maybe a wishlist item for ACAD 2014 to include objects within blocks, when using QSE?
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May 31, 2012
I have created an environment variable called "SUFFIX", and assigned it the value "PSI", using the following command sequence:
It works fine for what I'm doing (a toolbar button macro using DIESEL in AutoCAD LT 2011), but now I want to set the variable SUFFIX to be empty: not a space, not anything at all. I can't figure out a keyboard input that will do that.
P.S. Perhaps there is an AutoCAD variable that consists of a null string? If so, I could "$M=" to get that null value and place it in SUFFIX.
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a venue drawing that is in mm and I need to convert it to ft/inch so I can update and get dimensions from it. Can this be done so when I change the format in drawing units it will update the drawing units?
Current settings.
Drawing units
Type - Decimal
Percisin - 0
Type - Decimal Degrees
Precision - 0
Insertion Scale:
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Aug 26, 2013
I have created user defiined properties to add up to 5 inverts to a topo point object. Each consists of the direction of the invert as an enumerated list that can be picked from (N, NE, S, SE, etc) and the second is the measured distance from rim down to IE. I created these in order IE1_Dir, IE1_Meas, IE2_Dir, IE2_Meas, etc and the first time I used it everything worked fine and was in the proper order. Now after opening the drawing for a 2nd time all of the UDP's are scrambled making it a bit of a PITA to enter into the proper fields.
I do not see any logical order to why it is displaying this way as if it was in order of creation or alphebetical it would not have changed. Is there any way to correct this or is this a case of Civil 3D is going to do whatever it wants to do?
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Apr 22, 2007
Where are the user created actions saved to? It seems that when my computer is restarted that my actions that I've created in CS2 dissapear. In an attempt to fix this (aside from saving my actions) I'd like to see why the IT folks are dumping that folder, or keeping PS from saving the actions I've created.
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Oct 16, 2008
I tried to create some new How Tos in CS3 and recieved the following error message when I try to open it:
"The Adobe Help application could not load a URL because the specified file could not be found. You may need to re-install the application and the help component."
If I access one of the ones created with CS2 it opens (I dragged them over from CS2, I have since removed CS2 from this computer, it's still on my laptop) I haven't tried creating them and importing them to this computer).
I'm using Microsoft Office Word 2003 to save the How Tos as html files, and notepad to edit Add_001.howto file.
Since I gotten this error, I reloaded CS3 Design Standard, it didn't fix the problem. Also I have ensured that the Add_001.howto file points to the right location (C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Helpadditional how to content)and is in the right format:
"John Shaws CS3" "47. A GLOSSARY OF IMAGING TERMS" 47.html (works).
"Noise Ninja" "The Thirty Second Guide to Noise Ninja" Noise Ninja 001.html (doesn't work)
The only thing new on the computer is a brand spanking new EVGA NVidia Geforce 9500GT PCI express(512 mb ddr2 dual DVI output) with the latest drivers. It replaced NVidia GeForce 6600GS and Matrox Millenium video cards (the Matrox). The new video card does not include some program that allows it to run MS-DOS programs, but I don't feel that is causing the problem.
System Info:
Photoshop CS3 10.0.1
Computer: Gateway DX310X with Gateway FPD1975W and FPD1730 monitors
Windows XP Media Center Edition, Service Pack 3
Intel Pentium D proccessor
1GB internal memory
168GB of free space on hard drive.
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Aug 13, 2013
In an attempt to fix a corrupt drawing, a user changed the "Scale Z" value of All Blocks in the drawing to "1", and the corruption seems to have gone away.
Audit and Recover error reports were giving her an idea that the problem was related to block scaling, "AcDbBlockReference(xxx) scale invalid uniform", so in desperation she tried changing all the Scale Z values to 1, and it seemed to have worked, for now.
A lot of these blocks were in the drawing at the drawing plot scale, like 20 or 30 (civil engineering).
The drawing was quite old. Originally came from another firm, in ACAD 2000. It a large existing conditions drawing, that just went sour in the past couple of weeks. But now it seems to be working just fine.
This all led to a discussion on "What does the Scale Z value of a block mean? Why is it there? What does it do?" None of us know.
Is it at all possible that it really was the cause of the corruption? All blocks were in the drawing at an elevation of zero.
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Jun 5, 2012
LR 4.1
Win Vista 32bits
Is there a way to change the GPS metadata units to decimal degrees?
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Feb 17, 2014
Using Revit 2014 LT. Trying to open a file created by another user/seat of Revit 2014 LT (trial version for now).
Error Message reads "The file is open for editing by another user. If you open the file, you cannot save changes until the user closes is. In this case, your changes will overwrite the user's changes. What do you want to do?"
The file is NOT open by another user though.
I realize LT does not allow worksharing, but I assumed that was multiple users working on the same file at the same time. We need to open files one at a time, but by different users.
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Jul 11, 2013
I have a dblock I built that has quit of few User Parameters. I know I can put the order I want them to display but is there a way to break them up by a blank line, or maybe subtitle a group of user parameters?
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Jul 29, 2013
When I create blocks and give them dynamic elements, I often define user parameters in the block table. I have noticed that on some drawings when I open them and go to the block editor to edit them, the user parameters have no name, value, or expression and my dynamic will not work.
I have tried renaming them and putting the expression back in from the parameters manager, but it gives me an error message saying invalid parameter name.
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Sep 10, 2012
Any script or trick that enables a user to export autocad blocks as a symbol in illustrator?. this would save a great deal of copy paste time. if one changes a symbol say a set of dining tables in illustrator all its instances would change accordingly!!
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Aug 16, 2011
I have a drawing with alot of blocks in it. All the blocks are were created on layer Default and I want to change that to 0. is there a command that will do this, so that i dont have to open every block?
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Nov 12, 2012
I am creating a new block that includes text, lines and a solid object. The block is creating properly, however, the linework is behind the solid object.
How do I control the draworder of the items in the block?
Is there a way to set the order before I create the block, OR do I have to modify the block after I have created it?
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Apr 1, 2003
I have a part file ("part1.ipt") that has a user parameter called "Height". When I open this file as a part document, I can modify the "Height" parameter to change the height of the part. This functionality works great:
Set oPartDoc = oApp.Documents.Open(sPartFileName, True)
Set oParameters = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters
'change part height to 30 cm
oParameters.Item("Height").Expression = 30
Now, I am wanting to add this part to an ASSEMBLY document, then change the parameter to 30, but have been unable to do it.
I have this so far:
Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
Set oAsmCompDef = oApp.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence
Set oOcc = oAsmCompDef.Occurrences.Add(sPartFileName, oMatrix)
After I add all the parts, I highlight a part in the assembly pane, I click on FxParameters but I don't see the User Parameters for the part. Are the User Parameters not available when a part is placed into an assembly?
This assembly will have multiple parts added from the same file name, but the "Height" parameter needs to be modified for each occurrence.
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Oct 2, 2012
I have an assembly that was created on 64 bit version of Inventor 2013, the total file size of everything is around 150MB. Even if I use 'Pack and Go' to move the file to another computer running the 32 bit version I get an error when I try to open it which says something like:
'unable to allocate 3GB memory for FBAttributeSegment'
The actually figure is over 3GB but of course on a 32 bit version of windows it is physically impossible to allocate that amount of memory (even with the /3GB in boot.ini hack)
I've performed various dynamic simulations as well as animations within the assembly so I'm thinking that perhaps its trying to allocate that huge amount of memory for a saved state of one of those.
What FBAtributeSegment might be and whether there is any special way to save an assembly to avoid this problem? The name FBAttributeSegment doesn't correspond to any part or assembly names.
I should also add that I have no problem opening it in a 32 bit version of Fusion which again suggests to me that it is something like simulation or animation that is causing this
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Oct 25, 2011
I am looking for a way where a user is prompted to select a row of blocks and then that row is completely mirrored about the middle of the selection set - such that if the blocks are originally inserted, from left to right "A" "B" C" then after mirroring, we want them t occupy (roughly) the same space in the drawing area as "C" "B" "A".
Then, immediately after mirroring that selection set in place, each individual block that makes up the selection set is mirrored about its insertion point along the x axis..... basically i need to mirror a selection set of a row of blocks so I change their order of occurrence and then mirror each individual block back again to the way it is meant to look.
Is this possible?
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Feb 16, 2013
my problem is very simple:
1.- I started a new drawing, changed the project unit settings (manage>project units> etc...)
2.- I saved the new drawing as a template
3.- I started a new drawing from the previous template I created in step 2, but doesn't keep the units as I set up.
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Jan 21, 2013
I've got a Library setup called "Vendor CAD" and it's referenced in all my project templates and most existing project IPJ's. I'm thinking of re-organizing my server and actually creating a CAD drive and moving all these files to an area protected from the non-CAD users.
Anyway, once I move the files, is there a way that I can batch change the existing IPJ's to refer to the new path? There's about 70 or so files, so it's not monumental, but I'd really like to not do it manually if possible.
Also - please note, I'm a single user, so I'm not using vault at all.
Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
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Feb 19, 2013
I received a file that has a large number of blocks with unnamed blocks inside. I need them all to be by layer, and i really don't want to explode it.
How can I can do it?
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Jan 19, 2012
I recently updated our CAD Library to dynamic blocks. In the process of updating our drawings, we realized that we could not use BLOCKREPLACE to replace dynamic blocks with another dynamic block (with new name) once the dynamic element has been changed. I realize that this changes the state of the block and anonymous block names are created.
I need a simple solution so that members of my group can easily replace dynamic blocks with new dynamic blocks.
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Mar 29, 2012
We had to migrate from one domain to annother on our network. This meant that each user had to create a new profile.
Before we migrated I tried to back up the user data from the old user but once I am up an running agian all the AutoCad settings are no longer included. I understand you can export those while you are logged in and can see the macros etc. can you simply move the files that store that information (I can still access all the files from that user I just can't login as that user anymore)
AutoCad 2011
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Jan 3, 2013
Is there a way to change the default attributes "POINT, ELEV, DESC" to a different setup/style? (E.G., the point label style from the point which the block originated from?).
AutoCad 2011 & Civil3D 2011. Product Version 3.
EliteBook 8560w
Intel i7 CPU 2820QM @ 2.3GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 1000M
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 Bit
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Apr 9, 2013
We are having an issue with Dimensioning and the Primary Units not maintaining the correct value. We use metric so the multiplier of 25.4 or .039370079 for Dim Scale Linear would be used in our Dimension Styles depending on if we are drawing in model space or annotating in paper space. We have created specific Dim Styles for Model and Paper space. Every so often some of us will us the Dim Style for paper space and a metric unit would be shown. When we go into the properties of that dimension and change the Dim Scale Linear to 1 it shows as a different dimension then it actually is. After looking at the correct dimenion, we noticed the Dim Scale Linear shows .9449 but gives the correct dimension.
Note: We are drawing in Metric a multiplier of 25.4, our dimensions are done in english. A scale factor of .039370079 is used to accomplish this.
There is a simple fix with Match Properties but it still doesn't answer why our dimension show up wrong with a different multiplier for Dim Scale Linear.
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Sep 8, 2013
Difference between the two windows UNITS and STARTUP What is the unit to adjust?
For example, the If I UNITS I set the units to meters What is the difference with the STARTUP Set the meter to be.
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Feb 7, 2013
Using AutoCAD 2013, I have set my the placement of the alternate units to "Below primary value" (in Dimension Style), but they do not go underneath, they remain after the primary units. I tested in 2012, and it works fine there but not in 2013.
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Jul 21, 2012
I have just installed my autocad 2013 software. I've set the units to millimeters. But the workspace is still in inches. Even the dimentions are coming in inches. How to set the unit in millimeters?
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