AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Load Profile File For New Non-admin / Admin Windows Users?

May 4, 2011


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add-in Stops Getting Events In Windows 8 (Enterprise) When Running As Admin

Nov 27, 2013

My add-in is working fine in Windows 7 with or without Run As Admin.

I have created my add-in using VS 2010 SP1.0.

Now, if I try to launch Inventor(w/o Run As Admin i.e just double click) 2014 SP1.0, in Windows 8, my add-in works fine.

If I launch Inventor with Run As Admin, My add-in stops receiving call backs from Inventor.

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Photoshop :: I Try To Open Cs2 And Says Im Not Admin

Jul 19, 2007

Whenever I open cs2 it says i dont have privileges and to open with an administrator account,

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Load Profile

May 1, 2012

I have installed AutoCAD (Map 3D 2012) onto a users machine. When I run the software, I get a message box appear saying it cant load the profile...

I went into the registry and noticed that his registry is missing a lot of keys for Map 3D (attached)

I have attached a copy of my registry for comparison.

What would typically cause this? I have tried to delete the registry entry and let it re-configure, but i get all sorts of errors (Internal Error 2738).

I should probably mention that I am using a profile switch in the shortcut.

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Photoshop :: Admin Password Reject?

Jul 18, 2012

I'm trying to install Photoshop on my new laptop (MBP using system 10.7.4) and it refuses to accept my system admin password. How do I get past this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Change Parameter Value For ILogic Unless User Is A Local Admin On PC

Aug 23, 2012

I have a users who cannot change parameter values for iLogic unless user is a local admin on the workstation. This machine has just been upgrade to Inventor 2013.

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After Effects :: Login As Admin To Save For Preset?

Sep 25, 2013

Cannot remember what keys to push when lauching AE to launch as admin to save an effect stack as a "my preset"?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Stopped Opening In Admin Account But Fine In All Others

Feb 14, 2012

I have encountered a bit of an issue. i have used my CS4 photoshop for years now on my original administrator account which is the account I installed it on but now when i try to open it I get the splash screen and it starts to load and then where it should fully open it just goes away?? I can log in to any other account on my computer and it opens just fine. have to sign out go to another user account edit then log out and then back in to my normal admin account

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Illustrator :: How To Install Adobe CC With Elevated Admin Rights

Jan 13, 2014

I am trying to install the trail version of Illustrator CC, but the install script comes back with the message "Installation Failed" Administrator priviedges are required to install. Please Install later." I can install programs on my computer, but it is through my company's mechanism that temporarily elevates my privildges to allow program installations. Has success in installing the program? If so, how?
I am using 64-bit Windows 7, SP1

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Photoshop Elements :: Error - 6 When Non-admin User Tries To Run PSE9

Mar 7, 2013

Loaded Photoshop Elements 9 on a computer that is not on the internet and works fine as long as the user logging into the computer has admin privileges but a user who does not have admin priviledges gets an Error:6 that says to uninstall and reinstall the product.  Uninstalling and reinstalling the product has no effect.  I believe this to be that the normal user doesn't have permissions to a file somewhere that it needs to write to but can't seem to locate that file as I have given write permissions to Adobe under Programs & Common Files but no success.  

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Revit :: 2012 Stopped Running For User With Admin Rights

Oct 18, 2011

Revit 2012 stopped running for user with admin rights 100% of the times. Computer is 64 bit 4 core processor 8 logical cores and 8.0GB ram.If I right click on the Revit icon and select "Run as Administrator" will will launch 50% of the time and runs OK.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - Unable To Load Profile File?

Jan 15, 2013

On starting autocad, before anything else appears an error box pops up saying "Unable to load Profile file, some profile information saved in the last session may not be restored". Click to accept the message and autocad starts normally with the exception that the ribbon doesn't show -at all.  The user then switches to the classic workspace and back again and the ribbon will appear as expected.

The user, I believe, has local admin rights. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. My next step, is a last resort, which will involve uninstalling, then using some kinda registry cleaner to erase any trace of autocad on the laptop, then reinstalling - this is a bit severe, and will require the co-operation of my own IT dept, which can be like pulling teeth.  I'm wondering if there's any other, less time consuming solution to this irritating problem?

ACad, MEP, 3DS Max
Windows 7x64
X5482 @3.2Ghz 8Gb Ram
Quadro FX1700

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Load Customization File

Nov 27, 2012

unable to load customization file:

oamingautodeskautocad mechanical20152

that customization group already exists.

I have two boxes here where something seems to create a acfusion.cuix, an aliasconcept.cuix and a acetmain.cuix. If I unload them and restart, I dont get the error but the have been created. Could a startup lisp be creating these? I havent done anything with lisp files. the target in the shortcut doesnt seem to be pointing to a lisp file.

We dont need these cuix files how can I stop them from being created on start up?
Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram
Windows 7 64 bit
ati firepro v4800

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Load Statement In Profile To Automatically Load / Unload Cuix?

Jun 4, 2013

Is it possible to use a load statement in a profile to automatically load/unload a cuix?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Plot Differences Using Same CTB File / Same Printer And 2 Different Users

Aug 10, 2012

My office is running into a printing issue, when different people are plotting off the same drawing file.

I've checked the .CTB file, all of us are using the same file, all .CTB parameters are identical, and no line weights have been set up within the layers, all are set to default, and no transparency has been used.

One man prints the file from AutoCAD2013, on a Windows 7-32bit computer, to our HP Laser Jet 8150N and his drawing comes out light.

I print the same drawing file from AutoCAD2012, on a Windows 7-32bit computer to the same printer with the same .CTB file and my drawing file prints dark. Much darker than his does.

We're having the same issue with other computers here in the office all printing to the same printer using exactly the same .CTB file. I've checked all the versions of Windows, and we're all using Windows 7 32-bit.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe we have different graphics cards as the computers have been purchased at different times.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Load DLL

Jan 30, 2013

Goal: to use Autocad 2013 or 2012 with AutoQuoterX II™ from 8020 .net.I first installed 2013 but got the error, then tried updating to latest patch. Then I tried reinstall - no fix.

 I then uninstalled and tried install 2012. Updated latest patch - no fix.I am having an issue where I am getting an error message "unhandled exception"..Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) after which point I can continue and then Autocad is forced to close.

 FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e0434352h ERxception at fe169e5dh..Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.NativeMethods.SafeRelease(IntPtr& ppUnknown)
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.ReleaseNativeInterfaces()
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection.Finalize()

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Install 2010 On Windows 7

Jun 2, 2010

I try to load AutoCAD 2010 on windows 7 but it keeps on failing Language Pack - English failed installation aborted, Result 1624 so it rolls back and doesn't install.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force All Users In Domain To Load Same Add-ins?

Feb 27, 2013

How can I force all users in a domain to load the same add-ins with Inventor Professional 2012?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Create User Profile

Mar 9, 2012


It relates to machines which often have different users. I can get ACADM2011 to run for that user by editing the registry and importing keys from a good profile then modifying to user the new users credentials.  This is Ok for a fudge fix but not suitable as a final solutions as I have to roll out 2011 to another 90 machines.

All users have full admin rights through a group policy so that is not part of the issue.

What I have noticed is that on machine which will work as expected the secondary installer runs in two steps.  The first being the AutoCAD Mechanical 2011 install and then the language pack install.  On machines which will fail and have the Profile issue only the language pack install runs.  Where does ACAD look to check which causes this first install part to be skipped?
AutoCADM 2011 SP2
XP 32-Bit SP3

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Load LSP File Named For Windows Login

Sep 14, 2012

If my windows login name is HSIMPSON and i have created HSIMPSON.lsp in a Supported Directory, how do I load that Lisp file via the command line?

I have tried:

(load "loginname")

but that doesn't work because the 'load' command seems to want an explicit name, not a variable name.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Express Tools - Unable To Load ARX File

Sep 24, 2012

I just loaded AutoCAD 2013 and have loaded Express tools but can't access the tools.

I get a message when I open dwgs "**Express Tools** - Unable to load acetutil.arx"

In fact I can't load any .arx files.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Opens New File As Well As File Selected From Windows Explorer

Apr 18, 2012

I have recently upgraded from AutoCAD 2008 to 2001. Now when opening a file from windows explorer (desktop vs the AutoCAD browser) and AutoCAD is not running. AutoCAD will startup and open a new drawing as well as bring up the dialog box for finding a file to open, which I cancel, THEN open the drawing that I have selected. I have not seen this before and am wondering what variable or option is causing to happen. I am also seeing two icons for the same drawing file in the Windows task bar.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Load CUI File Custom Toolbars And Settings Not Show Up

Dec 10, 2012

When I try and load my cui file, my custom toolbars and settings do not show up?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unable To Open File Explorer Windows / When Select Open / Save From File Menu

Mar 1, 2011

I have autocad civil 3d 2008 in my pc. From last 2 days I got a different problem i.e. when I am selecting open / save command from File menu graphical file select explorer is not opening just message in the command window . Previously I used to select files using graphical file explorer.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save File - Losing Original File Afterwards

Feb 12, 2013

I found this error a bit strange, my colleague it trying to save a file and this error keeps on coming out (see attachments). When we try to save it, it only saves as a temp file. When we try to open up the temp file and try to save it, it still doesn't allow us to do. Also, when we cancel the save, the original file will be gone and he will lost all of his data. Below are the specs of the computer and version of the AutoCAD.

Computer: DELL Precision T5500

OS: Windows 7 Ult

AutoCAD Version: 2011

Also, we're using ProSteel Series 3 as well. We tried saving the file using ProSteel and just AutoCAD but it didn't do the trick. I've tried some options (listed below) that might get it to work but still no luck.

1. Restart the computer.

2. Repair / Reinstall AutoCAD.

3. Give permission to the folder (read from the forum).

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Lightroom :: Sharing V4 Catalog With Multiple Users On Same Windows Machine

Jul 19, 2013

I just started out using Lightroom 4 for managing family photos. What I want to do is to share the LR catalog so that my kids and wife can access the database from their own accounts. I tried sharing the directory with the catalog and all the photos. But when I open lightroom from my kids's account, I keep getting an "unexpected error openning the catalog".
I am using Windows 8, 64bit

The catalog was created in my account (adminstrator)

the other accounts are normal accounts
I have searched around but all the questions ask about sharing on network drives. But I just want to share the catalog on the same machine on local harddrive. I made sure that all the other lightrooms are closed in the other accounts (everyone else is signed off) before I tried to open it from my kid's account.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Missing DWG File From Windows Search

Nov 29, 2011

When I search an autoCAD file from windows 7, it only shows me the backup file and missed the DWG file. I’m using Window 7 professional, service pack 1, 64-bit operating system; AutoCAD2012. Are there any way to change the seetings so I can see the DWG file?

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Photoshop :: Load Image Either JPEG / PSD File And Make Layer Copy - Unable To Apply Preset Action

Jul 16, 2012

When I load an image either a jpeg or psd file then make a layer copy I am unable to apply a preset action to this. Either a default action or one of my own on a Mac OSX running Lion. This did not present a problem in CS5 and I am wondering if I've missed something basic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Linking An Excel File Using 2010 And Windows 7?

Oct 26, 2009

when i try to link an excel file to the parameters dialog box i get a message telling me it is "NOT IMPLEMENTED". i just upgraded to windows 7 because it is now supported by autodesk.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Best Method - Share Sheet Sets With Isolated Users

Jul 18, 2012

I have a SheetSet of a wastewater treatment plant that contains 70 sheets fully developed.  The SheetSet incorporates Sheet Views, ViewLabels, and View Callouts as part of the SheetSet as well as Fields in the standard titleblock for Sheet Title and Sheet Number.  A Sheet List Table created from the Sheet Set is used as the Project Sheet Index.

There are Structural and Mechanical (HVAC) drawings that require design subcontractor review and editing.  These design subcontractors will make their own edits to our existing drawings.  They are outside our office and have no direct digital connectivity with us.  It is most likely not possible to provide them connectivity to our project file storage space for non-technical reasons.  (i.e. it may be technically possible but not possible for other reasons not under my control.)  Their knowledge and proficiency with Sheet Sets is unknown.

What is the, or is there a, best method for accomplishing coordination of our Sheet Set with the subcontractor edits under these conditions?

If digital connectivity between our offices is possible, what is the best practice / scenario for Sheet Sets with that setup?I'll need to send the files to these subcontractors or establish connectivity in the next few days!

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Illustrator :: Caution Windows Keep Popping Up On File And Sometimes Unable To Open It

Oct 2, 2012

I have CS5 and began a file yesterday only to have multiple problems today when I tried to open it. First it said,
"File is not readable"
Yet when I opened it on my schools computer it was able to open. Then my other file did open but when I tried to save it it said,
"When spot colors are used with transparency,changing them to process colors outside of illustrator can generate unexpected results."
Then when I cancelled that it began to read,
"Saving to a legacy format may cause some changes to your text layout and disable some editing features when the document is read back in"
I don't really understand how I could fix this issue because obviously its the file inside. Now I did have a lot of imaged in the file that I made in photoshop where I took away the background, made it transparent then saved as a png. Is that the issue? Most of my images on the file are .png and were edited with photoshop.

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