AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimension Nodes Show When Layer Turned Off
Feb 24, 2012
I have all my dimensions on a single layer but when that layer is turned off, the nodes for those dimensions still appear and are selectable. I looked through the system variables and couldn't find a setting that controls this. How can I prevent the display of the nodes?
I have to deal with the plans of others, some who change the dimensions through text formatting that I can see are fake or incorrect. I used to have a command that would detect the ACTUAL dimension but I can't seem to find it in ACAD 2010. find the command to restore the true dimensions?
Is there a way to show the last number of the dimension length as 5 or 0?I want to show the unit in mm with precision (decimal places) equal zero such that the and to force the last number as 5 or zero
For example, I need to display the 7554 mm as 7555 and the 7558mm as 7560.
I'm trying to get everyone on the right page, but I can't find any reference to how to properly show a dimnesion that spans across 2 different drawings (with use of a matchline or on a piping isometric that is split). Would either of these examples be the correct way to show a dimension that spans 2 drawing files? Is there a different way to show a dimension that is to span 2 drawings?
When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.
Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?
When I go to do a dimension it changes to the dimension layer and then I have to change back to my object layer is there a way to turn this option off?
Do the people that develop (anti-endusers ) the upgrades ever think like an end user? Having the Layer Properties Manager set up with default filters that show "ALL" layers or "Xref" layers without a default for "Layers Local ONLY" is so counterintuitive and non-user friendly! This is just another example of how Autodesk has absolutely no regard for the end user.
I'm looking for a way to hide a layer in model space, but show it on ONLY my paperspace tab. Problem is, most of my work is in model space (different aspect of this drawing), and although I could pull the objects through to the paperspace tab, it just wouldn't be the way I feel it should be (3d objects should stay in model space imo). However, for the most part I don't need to see it in model space (except for checking 3d elevations of line segments), the finish product is a printed 2d top view.
I'm attempting to use layers and the Object manager pops up (like a tooltip) when I setting up my layers. I've turned off "show tooltips" option but this doesn't stop the object manager from showing them.
Every layer has turned to white. The layers have colors set to them and everything is set to color by layer, but everything turned to white. It happened either after I printed or exeted the layer dialogue box, I can't recall. How can I get things to go back to show the colors they are. Oh and I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2012.
Every layer has turned to white. The layers have colors set to them and everything is set to color by layer, but everything turned to white. It happened either after I printed or exerted the layer dialogue box, I can't recall. How can I get things to go back to show the colors they are.
So... every layer has to be turned on and thawed? But that's the direction things seem to be going. If I want to see my contours, for example, all layers associated with them must be on and thawed. Yes? No?
This makes drafting and designing more difficult and it unnecessarily clutters the screen. Once I'm done creating a surface, for example, I don;t want to see the intermediate entities again (unless I need to make changes). All I want to see is the finished product that will appear on the plans, i.e. contours, etc.
I am trying to use the DIVIDE command but can't see the points (nodes) it creates after the command is complete. I have the OSNAP setting on to snap to nodes which I can't even see. The QSELECT command let me see that they are indeed in the drawing, and that is the only way I can select them.
For some reason points are still visible when the layer they are on is turned off. Also the layer is green but the point is red. Color is set to ByLayer.
I just had C3D 2013 reinstalled on my LT and having a surface visibility issue. This may be just a command setting issue but I have a surface and created it on a particular layer that I can't make invisible.
Then I turned that layer off so I could work on other things. Now when I do a REGEN that surface becomes visible in my drawing yet the layer identified in its properties is turned off.
If I got to VIEW and ORBIT the surface disappears until I stop rotating then it’s visible again. I like to control visibility by turning layers on or off but this isn’t allowing me to turn it off.
If I make the surface layer current and do a rebuild the surface moves back to that layer and I can then turn that layer off to make the surface invisible.
Why is this surface visible when its layer is turned off?
I recently installed AutoCAD 2012 and have noticed that my crosshairs are moving as if a grid is turned on. I checked my settings and have turned everything off however, the crosshairs continues to move in "jerk-like" movements.
I have a block that contains attributes. When I select the block, you can see all the nodes/insert points from the attributes within the text. I was wondering if there is anyway to have the block only show the insertion point of the block and not the attributes? The attached image shows what I am talking about.
We recently switched to 64-bit ACAD on dell M6500 laptops. I used to use dynamic input all the time, but after the switch I noticed when using Dynamic input turned on, when you go to draw a LINE, after you pick the first point, the mouse "lags" and becomes "glitchy". I had the problem "fixed" once by our IT guy, he updated the driver or something and everything was fine.
I have several paperspace tabs on my drawing. When I create a new layer on the drawing, I have to go to every tab and viewport to turn on or off the new layer. Is there a way to create a layer that is turned off in all the drawing viewports and tabs. Then, I only have to go to the paperspace tab and viewport I want the layer to be seen and turn it on.
I have a project where I have a high res of an astronaut on the moon.
The elements are:
Foreground: Mid shot of Astronaut Mid: Moon (as in the ground he is standing on behind him) Background: Space
I've managed to separate out the elements, position them in actions' 3d space and even add a nice little lens flair in the reflection of his helmet as the camera slowly tracks from left to right. The effect (well we've all seen it before) is that it adds 3d depth via parallax scrolling to the photo.
What I can't achieve is a realistic reflection of the moon surface (i.e. the ground in front of him) reflecting in his helmets mirror-like visor.
In order to fake the reflection I essentially want the motion in the reflection of the moons surface to be opposite to that of the mid ground behind him.
My plan was to re-use the mid ground moon surface flipped horizontally and view it through a matte/alpha describing the visors shape and then animate it moving in the opposite direction with a couple of simple keyframes.
How I tried to achieve this was:
Prepare the layered file in photoshop including helmet visors alpha layer (a simple coloured layer with a hole in it)
Bring into action and separate out all the layers in 3d ensuring the helmet matte remains in the same position as the astronaut layer
Animate camera tracking
Come out in to connect fx
Dupe the action node twice and rename the new ones 'helmet alpha' and 'moon reflection'
Go into 'helmet alpha' and delete everything except the camera and the helmet alpha
Go into the 'moon reflection' and delete all except the camera and the moon surface
Go back into cfx and use some compositing node to flip the moon surface (and plug the moon surface action node into that..?)
Then create a new node which allows me to plug the helmet alpha into the alpha channel and the moon surface into the fill channel
Create another new node which allows me to combine the result of this previous node with the original node and layer it on top.
I added an Axis FX to the clip on the timeline and entered the Editor. Everything looks fine. I see the clip loaded above the control parameters. The "Layer" button is turned on. Stabilizer/Track is set to Track. When i click on the Stabilizer button to enter the tracking editor, I see the tracking box on a black screen, the clip is not visible anymore.
Why are annotative dimension always placed in model space to the created height regardless of the annotation scale I use. using annotation 1:1 or 1:10 or 1:50 my dimension is always inserted to the dimstyle hight of 3.5mm (about 1/8") and not 3.5 x annoscale example 10 = 35mm.
When dimensions are placed using an anno scale of 1:1 and than change the anno scale to 1:10 the dimensions and dim arrows ect are scaled to the correct size 10x value preset in the dimsyle. My text style is non associative and set to 0.0 height.
The only way i can place dimensions to the preferred height is linked to the anno scale is by setting the text style height 3.5 (about 1/8"). but the problem here is that the dim text height will be displayed to selected annotation scale of 1:10 but the dim arrows etx are not to size. I know that setting the text style hight is not the correct way and see why.
All my dimension styles are annotative and and have the ANNOAUTOSCALE set to 1. I have also tried by presetting the object anno scale to the preferred annotations.