My annotation visibility button seems to be missing from the Drawing Status area (down in the lower right corner) when I am in model space. How do I get it back?
In 2008, never had this issue.Just dumb, circles, and lines in a view port, that have hidden or center linetyoes assigned to them. When we go to plot using legacy hidden (this new for 2012?) the plot comes out with continuous lines. These are not solids. Just ordinary line entities.Now, when I change the shadeplot to "hidden" the linetype is shown correctly, but now my entities are coloured, when I just want my drawing to be black and white (going to PDF), even though all of the colours in the pen style are set to "Black".
Has this changed? Is there a new variable introduced?
The top three layers as shown have information completed but it seems that I must have turned off the visibility in these layers yet they still display that the information is still there in the layers panel. And the work document is now in wire frame. I hope its not erased.
I wanted to use annotation scale objects long time ago, but I was scared…why?In the office no one knows what annotative objects are.
I already start to imagine the "curses" I'll get when they open my drawings in their computers and see that the dimensionin the drawing are not scaled the way they used to.
I was thinking about telling them a command that will do the magic.
Showing annotation objects, I’m wondering how the two options “show annotation objects for current scale only” & “show annotation objects for all scales” introduce the same result (attached)! Despite the fact that these annotation objects are assigned to other scales (attached)
In these two cases, the only displayed annotation objects are those related to the current scale! Not all the annotation objects are displayed!
Is there a setting to make it so when in VPMAX, that objects that are annotative will hold the scale of the viewport? it makes it very hard to place objects utilizing vpmax... doesn't make sense that it would change scales in a locked viewport.
What I'm looking to do is show the hidden lines blocked by a part in a plan view but not all of the hidden lines. Ie. I have a top view showing a clearance. If I turn on that clearance a portion of the original part is not viewed. When I turn on hidden lines I now see every hidden detail of that part (I didn't turn on hidden lines for the entire drawing). I then have to eliminate all the lines I don't want which is both tedious and cumbersome. Is there a way to turn on just the lines hidden by a particular object but not all the hidden lines of the part.
Has dealt with imaginary squares that don't show up until printing? I have some that show up everytime I print the sheets out. They are not visible until printing to plotter or making a .pdf. See attached example with red callout boxes.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 Windows 7 Prof. SP1 (64-bit) Precision T3500 Intel (R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07 GHz 6.00 GB NVIDIA Quadro 4000
We are using AutoCAD 2013 and our client is using Mechanical Desktop 2009 ,problem we are facing is that we are unable to see the object which they see in the same drawing by giving visible command. These unwanted objects remains even after purging the drawing and we are unable to delete at our end as we cannot see them because there is no such command like visible in AutoCAD.
I still trying to get 2012 to configured like our previous version. Howcver, I noticed something odd. In several of our drawings I covered some objects with a wipeout. I then sent to the dwg to pdf driver, then printed the pdf. On screen the objects are covered, in the pdf on screen the objects are covered, but in the actual print from the pdf some of the objects are faintly visible. with the previous 2010 version of AC we used. The files are the same and the printer is the same.
I recently installed AutoCAD 2012 and have noticed that my crosshairs are moving as if a grid is turned on. I checked my settings and have turned everything off however, the crosshairs continues to move in "jerk-like" movements.
When you have an annotative object set for a number of different scales, is there a way to turn off the shadow when you mouse over it showing a shadow view of the different scales?
i have an elevation point layer that i'm using in a project and i needed to import it to arcgis for some interpolation.
Problem is, all altimetric points are "B"s instead of being points, and arcgis doesn't recognize them as points. Is there a way of quickly converting them all of them into points?
Take into consideration that we're talking about hundreds, maybe thousands of said "B"s.
Why the multileader on the left is not visible in the viewport while it's exploded twin is? There are no layers frozen in viewport, and I can't see any variables under properties that would affect visibility. It's part of a file from a subcontractor. I don't know how it was authored. I'm using LT 2012.
I have all my dimensions on a single layer but when that layer is turned off, the nodes for those dimensions still appear and are selectable. I looked through the system variables and couldn't find a setting that controls this. How can I prevent the display of the nodes?
We recently switched to 64-bit ACAD on dell M6500 laptops. I used to use dynamic input all the time, but after the switch I noticed when using Dynamic input turned on, when you go to draw a LINE, after you pick the first point, the mouse "lags" and becomes "glitchy". I had the problem "fixed" once by our IT guy, he updated the driver or something and everything was fine.
We are using in the office annotative blocks with text attributes.
When changing the display annotation scale, the attributes go normally, at the beginning, all back to 0,0,0 point; what we solve by using ATTSYNC command, and works fine; they go back to correct size and location.
But, for some reason in some computers, when closing and saving the file, and opening it again next day, all the attributes, at the same display scale than the day before, are all wrong size and location.
I have tried to uninstall the whole program and install it again from zero, and the same problem persists.What can I do?
I have a blown out detail on one of my Inventor drawings, I would like to toggle the visibility of some parts in this detail view however when I RHMB these under the browser I can't turn off the visibility
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I have turne off Snap to Grid, and Snap to Point.. and I have made sure "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" under the Transform menu is turned off, yet still my objects are snapping to point intersects... am I missing something?
I have been trying to export my annotation settings using the profile function on Autocad 2010. I can't get it to work, and I don't think this is the best way to achieve my goal. I've made a template file, but I don't know how to import it.
My goal is to, as quickly as possible, give 8 drawings the same annotation settings.
I 'm in the middle of our annual Autodesk software upgrades to the 2010 releases. One of my power users is having a problem with Inventor locking up everytime he selects the Annotation Ribbon Panel with an IDW open. I was able to reproduce this problem on the same workstation under my admin account. I tried to repair the installation and that did not work.
His workstation specs are:
Precision T5400 - Xeon Quad Core - 2.66 Ghz 4 Gb RAM 256 Mb Nvidia Quadro FX 570 (Driver 3D Connexion SpaceNavigator (Version 3.8.1) Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)
When I change the annotation scale for selected text and leaders, most of it shoots into space. I have tried one at a time and many, all with the same result.
The text size looks correct, the leader looks fine, but the text x coordinate changes radically.
Changing from 1:1 to 1:15,000
Does this mean I have to relocate every leader text back to something normal, or am I missing something.