My annotation visibility button seems to be missing from the Drawing Status area (down in the lower right corner) when I am in model space. How do I get it back?
My AutoCAD Architecture 2011 program is missing the button to export to an earlier version of AutoCAD. I have seen this button on other computers at our office. I need to export some drawings to earlier versions without having to bind exrefs and do a 'save as' earlier version.
How I can get this button back? Does it have anything to do with DWG Trueview?Here are two screen shots, one with the button, and one without.
"The drawing status bar displays several tools for scaling annotations." It then shows a diagram with the following buttons: Annotation Scale, Annotation Visibility, and Automatically add scale".
I cannot get the Annotation Scale button to display anywhere.
When I select a viewport I do get the Viewport Scale button but no Annotation Scale button, and it's not listed as an option when I select the Application Status bar menu.
I have 2 computers with Windows 7 OS and 2011 ACA installed with a custom profile set current. When I select annotative text, right click and select ADD/DELETE SCALE, the Annotation Scale dialog
box SHOULD open.... but it does not. I have this same profile set on other computers with Windows 7 and they are working fine. We have completely uninstalled ACA, wiped the registry clean, and reinstalled...
it's still doing the same thing. I can switch to the Out of the Box profile and the dialog box opens as it should. I'm not sure where to look within the profile for the issue since it's working on other computers.
i'm experiencing some problems with the vieport in max 2012.sometimes when i restart max all my geometries in viewport are missing, while all are still there.
Unfortunately, a new project we have does not allow us to use annotative objects, so we are back to switching scale by creating several dimstyles with a varying dimscale (eg. Dim96, for 1/8", Dim48 for 1/4" etc.) Now I have created a button on the tool palette that brings in text and it allows me to set the size of the arrow by matching it to the dimstyle, but the text comes in always at the same size - 9" which is 3/32" for a 1/8" plan. The arrow changes but the text does not. I know I have to change the CANNOSCALE, but I can't seem to figure out a way of making it work so that the user will only need to switch the dimstyle from the pull down up at the top right and then be able to use a tool palette button that will bring in a text with leader with it's arrow head and text height matching the dimstyle scale.
Noticed that the Dynamic Blocks in the Annotation Tool Palette are missing? Let me rephrase that, in the Tool palette they show up, but the dwg's that they reference are missing. I have 4 users that are currently testing Civil 3D 2013 and all of them are missing the files.
My customer is using the Autodesk Inventor 2012, He has a problem which is unable to turn the visibity of the parts on or off in the assembly environment.
there is no any option for visibility when right click to the part in the browser.
I'm using AutoCAD 2008 and trying to make a smart ceiling grid using the tools palette. The tool runs fine, however my grid doesn't show up in my drawing. I checked all my layers and they're fine. I think my ceiling grid visibility display is turned off.
Any command to turn it on? Checked the product, it gives me options to turn it on/off when it's already visible in a view, but this doesn't work since I can't see it at all.
I have received drawings from someone else that utilize what I believe to be custom room tags. The tags consist of multiple lines of information e.g. Number, name line 1, name line 2, floor, base, north, south, east, west, occupancy, prog area, room area, etc. As of right now there is information in all of the data boxes as seen in the properties box.
However the only information shown in the drawing area is Number, name, and room area. What I would like to know is how would i keep the room area information, but not show it in the drawing area? Basically I would like to be able to make different pieces of information visible or invisible.
My customer is using the Autodesk Inventor 2012, He has a problem which is unable to turn the visibity of the parts on or off in the assembly environment.
there is no any option for visibility when right click to the part in the browser.
Using Architecture 2012 and seem unable to get a column grid to show automatically in elevation views. Looks fine in plan view, bubbles etc all working once we sorted out annotative setting .
I'm using a disto laser with my tablet running "AutoCad Architecture". The laser can be set to fire using a combination of Alt, Shift or Control keys plus a number or letter. I arbitrarily set it up as "Alt 1". My old tablet had a mechanical button that I easily assigned this function. For my new setup, I need this button on the ribbon but I can't figure out what Macro text format is the same as pressing "Alt 1".
I loaded 2013 Civil 3D and I customized my Ribbon with Zoom Commands I use frequently; everything looked fine...I changed the Workspace to Planning & Analysis and cutomized my Ribbon to include the Zoom Commands but a Button Icon for ZOOM_TO_POINT came up with a cloud & question mark. I went to look for the Icon Image & I don't see it. I made the mistake of changing the Icon to another hoping I could change it back but it's not there. I went to the 2012 verison & the Button Icon is there...first icon listed. Where are the icons in 2012 so I can drag & drop image into 2013?
The icon has a point symbol with a magnifying glass. I've checked other computers and the same thing. Can't find the Image Icon for ZOOM_TO_POINT. It shows up when you load the software but if you want to edit's not there in the CUI Button Icons.
When I am browsing to open drawings for some reson the back button doesn't work with the ACA2011 file browser. The mouse button works fine with all other applications so am I correct to assume something is wrong with the ACA file browser?
Typically when I click on the Set Origin button, all I then have to do is click on the page where I want the hatch origin to be, and everything works just fine.
I work on a shared computer. Start working this morning, and now when I click on the Set Origin button, it prompts me to inform it "SIngle or SUbobject?". And through a number of further selections, I can eventually get around to selecting my origin and having things shift around properly. But that really slows me up. Seems like one of the system variables got changed. I've doodled around a bit online, but haven't been able to find how to get things back to how they used to be.
And I tried opening a new page, restarting the program, etc., and the new way the button works has taken hold. I can't get it to reset. So on my computer (not working properly) when you click on the Set Origin button, the command line says "Command: _-hatchedit select hatch hatch objects: _S" then it says "ambiguous response, please clarify" "SIngle or SUbobject?"
On the computers that are working properly it only displays the "select hatch objects: _O" and doesn't show the _S part.
LT 2014 Menu Buttons missing from top of Layer Properties Manager Window (see attachment).Works fine in LT 2013. What changed between the two versions that causes this?
I added a couple of standard Autocad MAP tabs to a custom panel and in my custom workspace some of the button images don't show up. If I go to the Planning & Analysis workspace, the images are visible, but in the custom workspace, all I get are clouds with a question mark.
I attached two screen shots.
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
I have an inactive snap shortcut menu. When clicking shift + right mouse button the menu appears but when I typet
"E" for "ENDpoint", "M" for "Midpoint" or when I just click over the respective icons in the menu nothing really happens and I get the following message in the command bar:
"Command: _endp Unknown command "ENDP". Press F1 for help."
"Command: _mid Unknown command "MID". Press F1 for help."
I tried following, none of which worked:
1. resetting the main customization file ACA_Global.cuix
2. switching between different profiles and cuix files
3. reinstalling Autocad Architecture 2013
4. uninstalling and Installing Autocad Architecture 2013 service pack 1
5. installing older versions of Autocad (2008 and Architecture 2012)
6. reinstalling Windows 7 and installing Autocad Architecture 2013 again
I have a Logitech MX 600 cordless mouse. I just updated the SetPoint software as I got a new cordless keyboard. Now, the middle button pan is erratically working. None of the settings has changed. MBUTTONPAN is set to 1. Middle button is still set to "Middle Button."
Sometimes the pan works. Most of the time it doesn't. If there are new setting on the SetPoint software I need to check or uncheck? I've even tried messing with some CUI settings under the mouse component...
just upgraded to Photoshop cs6 extended and seem to be missing the "3D" button across the top toolbar. when the application loads up it says c36 extended, so maybe i did something wrong during install?
I have VideoStudio Pro X2 (bought last Oct from Amazon didn't know it was two versions old and so had no support from Corel ) . I have come to use it in anger for the first time to create a DVD of my friends wedding. Everything works OK until I use the "share and then create a disk" I get to the Preview stage (it previews great) and then there is a "Back" button but no "Next" button.
I downloaded the latest patch from Corel for this version but it made no difference.
I just upgraded to 5.2 and now I do not see the export button on the page when I complete the photo editing, I have to use the menu on top to access the export feature. Is there a switch somewhere to allow this to be turned on and off or was it just removed?
I was making and editing a gif, following all the steps from a tutorial, and one of them is about how to "sharpen" the screencaps without sharpening every single one of the frames and layers. It seems that all the photoshop versions have on their animation window, this button
But I don't have it. This how it looks my photoshop:
I use to have before I dowloaded the english version of cs6, the spanish version, and it doesn't have that button either (I think) The question is, is there a problem with my version of cs6?