AutoCAD Civil 3D :: VPMAX Annotation - Placing Objects?
Mar 6, 2013
Is there a setting to make it so when in VPMAX, that objects that are annotative will hold the scale of the viewport? it makes it very hard to place objects utilizing vpmax... doesn't make sense that it would change scales in a locked viewport.
C3D ver 2012
Win 7, 64bit
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Nov 1, 2012
I'm just trying to get a grasp on Civil 3d and need placing a 3d drawing from autocad onto a surface. So what I have is some survey points that I shot and turned into a surface. Now I would like to place 3d drawings of features onto the surface.I would like to shift the features around and find the right spots for them taking into consideration slope and existing terrain. Then I would like to turn these placed features into survey points that can be found in the real world. Is there an easy process for something like this?
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Jul 1, 2012
using ACADLT 2008
I wanted to use annotation scale objects long time ago, but I was scared…why?In the office no one knows what annotative objects are.
I already start to imagine the "curses" I'll get when they open my drawings in their computers and see that the dimensionin the drawing are not scaled the way they used to.
I was thinking about telling them a command that will do the magic.
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Feb 28, 2013
Showing annotation objects, I’m wondering how the two options “show annotation objects for current scale only” & “show annotation objects for all scales” introduce the same result (attached)! Despite the fact that these annotation objects are assigned to other scales (attached)
In these two cases, the only displayed annotation objects are those related to the current scale! Not all the annotation objects are displayed!
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Feb 19, 2012
My mouse has a nasty habit of accidentally double clicking when I don't want it to and the VPMax command is really infuriating me. Is there a way to disable the double click to VPMax?
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Mar 1, 2012
The “annotation visibility” is turned on, nevertheless, some objects (texts) are hidden!
I’m not sure why some annotative objects (texts) are turned off knowing that the
All layers are turned on;The “annotation visibility” is turned on.
Screenshot below and the attached file.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Nov 21, 2013
I have a long, serpentine, 3D solid that also changes elevation. It's "S" shaped from the top and "U" shaped from the side. I need to place objects perpendicular to one surface and at a specific increment. The 3D Solid is about 3000 feet long and I need to put the perpendicular objects (3D solid or a block) at 4' increments (this is the linear dimension and not an aligned dimension) and they must always follow the orientation of the long solid. Imagine a railroad track twisting and turning as it goes through a valley and trying to put a post, aligned to the bottom of the track, every 4’ as seen from the top.
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Mar 15, 2011
I have a pic which I would like to put text over but I can't figure out how to make the text box transparent so i can see the pic through it and have the text visible over the pic.
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Jun 17, 2012
So picture that you have designed something in Corel. Let's say an invitation. I go to put text or a graphic on top, and nothing is going on top. My text is behind. Nothing i do works. (ex. ctrl-pgup, object in front of.... etc.)
Is there some feature that I possibly touched?
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Aug 12, 2013
I am attempting to create some blocks, which consist only of text. The issue I am having is with the option to make the block annotative. I have set the text within the blocks to annotative, and it seems to work, but when I reenter the block editor and highlight the text, it still says "Annotative - NO".
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Jun 20, 2012
why Photoshop keeps changing settings for placing objects, image size etc.?
For example: I create a new Photoshop document:
ppi: 300
Width: 160 mm
Heigth: 160 mm
after clicking "OK", these go to 160,2 mm or less than 160 mm.
The same with the sizes and places of objects etc. I create a 20 x 20 mm circle. One click later it is 19,89 x 19,89. I set it's location to X: 80 mm, Y: 80 mm. One click later: 80,02mm
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Mar 29, 2012
I have created section sheets in C3D 2012. My sections look fine in model space and my template comes in in paper space with my template and the proper viewport (viewport scale is 1:200). My annotation scale in model space is 1:250 and everything looks fine. My problem is, in paper space, the sections themselves looks fine but the annotation is way out to lunch (see attachment). I've tried playing with the scales but can't seem to find a solution.
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Sep 24, 2009
I am using version B.219.3 (UNICODE) of Autocad Civil3d 2008 with service pack 2 loaded.
I am putting together some plan and profile sheets for a civil roadway job.
The annotation scale setting of the text in the profile xref and alignment xref is being ignored in the sheet file viewports. This text should be appearing at 1:40 scale, automatically, same as the viewport scale, but they are appearing very small instead. According to the way annotation scale is supposed to work in Autocad2008, this annotation should be appearing at the correct scale, automatically.
If I try to adjust the annotation scale to a ratio I think will work, it automatically adjusts the viewport scale to match whatever I enter for an annotation scale. What to try next.
Can files become corrupted in AutoCAD? If so, are there utilities to repair corrupt AutoCAD files?
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Feb 28, 2013
What is the difference between Annotation Text versus the Civil 3D Lables? Do you have more control over the annotation text? Do lisp routine work better for annotation text than the Civil 3D Labels?
I have a routine that will create a quick leader and text from the object layer that it selects.
Layer EX-PAVEMENT ----> the quick leader call out would label it as Existing Pavement.
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Jan 22, 2013
The properties palatte has both these scales listed. In theory, they can be different.I would love to be able to plot my drawing at 1:1000 with the civil objects & labels scaled to 1:500 so they don't overwhelm the plan. It would seem I should be able to simply set the viewport to have a standard scale of 1:1000 and annotation scale 1:500 and be done. But it doesn't work. It will always scale the annotative objects to the standard scale.
My workaround is to scale my sheet double size and plot it half size, to trick the Civil objects & labels.
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May 7, 2013
I am trying to XREF my C3D Design file that has my profiles and sections in it into a drawing with a title block and viewport. Everything is fine in Model Space...but when I create the viewport in Paper Space none of the annotative text of the profile/section shows up...or is microscopic.
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Jan 9, 2013
When publishing a sheet set some of my annotation labels are not showing up. If I open the sheet, they are there, set to print and everything is correct. If I print just that sheet, everything is fine. Only happens in publish. It's almost like the publish command isn't giving the drawing enough time to open and load everything before printing.
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Sep 7, 2013
How do you set an object's annotation, say a line, to display a line's angle or bearing precision to the nearest 20th second.
Kinda like this for decimals:
But for degrees minutes seconds.
Also, I will require the seconds to hide if the nearest 20th second was a 00. I also need a leading zero for minutes if the minutes was under 10 minutes.
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Nov 26, 2012
I have some files that are difficult to work with. Every time I try to change the annotation scale of an existing viewport or create a new viewport and set the annotation scale equal to something other than the default 1"=40' the file fatal errors on me.
Oh, Im on Windows XP 64 (8gb Ram and a Xeon) running C3D 2011 (all service packs and updates applied).
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Aug 4, 2013
I want to add northing, easting and the elevation (point of the middle in the top layers) in section views annotation as you see in the picture, I tried my best but I couldn’t find how to do it.
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May 1, 2012
Noticed that the Dynamic Blocks in the Annotation Tool Palette are missing? Let me rephrase that, in the Tool palette they show up, but the dwg's that they reference are missing. I have 4 users that are currently testing Civil 3D 2013 and all of them are missing the files.
I'm sure I could copy them from 2012, but still.
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May 15, 2012
Using Civil 3D 2012, is there a way to import/export a list of metric annotation scales for use in another drawing?
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Sep 24, 2013
I am trying to create a lisp file to automate the placing of angular dimensions at all of the vertex's along a very long polyline. There are 500-600 nodes at least and we need the angle between the incoming and outgoing lines at every node.
Is there a way to automate this with a lisp file, or am i relegated to clicking 1800 times and waste 3-4 hours doing this?
We get these files quite often and this will be a huge benefit to us.
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Jun 26, 2009
am in the process of setting up a standard file for all designers to use our local office. This file will have most of the styles created for profiles, alignments, surfaces, profile views, etc... as mostly specified by the customer and industry standards.
I am having trouble maintaining the correct annotation scale in the viewport in paperspace and when plotting.
The attached word document has 3 figures. Fig 1 shows the correct viewport scale and correct annotation scale. Fig 2 shows how the annotation scale abruptly changes during the plotting process. This abrupt annotation scale change sometimes happens during the regen process or when I switch from layout to model space and back to layout.The annotation scale goes from 1:1 to 1:40 just as in the viewport. This change in annotation scale is not supposed to happen because I want to preserve a certain plotting height for my text versus a viewport scale by using various annotation scales.
I have researched the procedures for annotation scale and have not found any info related to this "abrupt change in annotation scale".
Curiously , this abrupt change in annotation scale does not happen if the text does not belong to any styles within Civil 3D. Stand alone text stays at the correct annotation scale and is not affected in the same way.
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Feb 25, 2013
Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,
I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.
For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Aug 30, 2012
Right now, the only way I know of being able to see Civil grading objects (surface contours, spot elevations, slopes, etc) while using plain vanilla AutoCAD is to explode everything and export to a lower version.
I'm trying out a trial of AutoCAD 2013 to test things, and my Civil drawing shows up as boxes/text when xrefed into another drawing without doing the task above.
I'm looking for a more efficient way to see grading using AutoCAD (not Civil). Civil is expensive, and I'd like to downgrade the drafters who don't know how to use the Civil functions (and never will), but still need grading to show as a dynamic xref in the background of the drawings they're working on. Problem is, if I have to explode and export my drawing every time I want to update the grading xref in their drawing, it wastes more time than I'd like.
Is this the only way and I have to live with it, or am is there an easier way that I haven't dug up yet? I know I'm not an expert at Civil, so I may be going about this all wrong.
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Apr 11, 2012
Any reliable process to use data from Civil 3D objects in ArcGIS 9.3? AutoDesk is not my real strength (ESRI ArcGIS is), so I'm trying to learn what the best possible workflow is from AutoDesk Civil 3D users. We've used one solution using Safe Software's FME, but am looking for something that's a little more 'direct' from AutoDesk or ESRI (i.e.: no third-party software/data formats, if possible; read data directly from the source instead of interim processing steps with interim files to create/manage/track, if possible)
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Nov 21, 2013
When plotting to DWF my Civil Objects don't plot.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014
HP Z620 Workstation 64-bit
Duel Intel Xeon E5-2620 @ 2.00 GHz
Ram: 48 GB
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May 9, 2013
I recall a scale command where you could SSX a set of objects and you could scale all of them at once and they were able to keep thier insertion point and all obects were scaled up or down, recall the command inside scale command?
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Mar 29, 2012
the issue is when i try to publish multiple dwg files which containing civil 3d objects including data ref to pdf it won't do it other whatever drawing is currently open.i kinda can see why. because the data ref reading is not programmed in when "invisibly" opening the cad files. xref are autocad native and it works.
so no warnings or anything. just publish the first one and told me it's done. i've seen this years ago when first started using civil 3d but then i just never complained here.
is there a solution for this? what i did before was obviously open each drawing. then publish, huge waste of time. making me hate my job because of repetative tasks. i almost always try to automate.
yesterday made a program to make one surface for each csv file there was hundres of them and basically 2 hour programming and 1 minute to process the files once got the program working.can read subfolders to find csv file too.
Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
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Aug 10, 2012
I am currently using Civil 3D 2011 and 2012 but soon making the jump to 2013.In my project I want to able to present a 3D-object from Civil 3D 2011 to Navisworks, eg the body of a road. I am doing this currently with the add-on program from Autodesk Labs named Corridor Solids. The several different 3D-objects that represent the different layers of the road body needs to have a certain set of parameters. For instance, Name, Dimensions, Material and so forth.
Currently, the only thing that I can present in Navisworks is the layer name that I associate to that object when I export it from Civil 3D with Corridor Solids.Is there a way, in vanilla Civil 3D or perhaps an add-on program that I can use to associate more parameters to a solid?
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