AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using Objects In ArcGIS 9.3?
Apr 11, 2012
Any reliable process to use data from Civil 3D objects in ArcGIS 9.3? AutoDesk is not my real strength (ESRI ArcGIS is), so I'm trying to learn what the best possible workflow is from AutoDesk Civil 3D users. We've used one solution using Safe Software's FME, but am looking for something that's a little more 'direct' from AutoDesk or ESRI (i.e.: no third-party software/data formats, if possible; read data directly from the source instead of interim processing steps with interim files to create/manage/track, if possible)
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Nov 8, 2012
Is it possible to export a DTM (TIN surface) to ESRI's ASCII grid format (for ArcGIS)?
I've attached an example file.
Failing that, is it possible to export to a simple XYZ point file?
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Jan 6, 2012
I want to create a site layout that would consist of multiple buildings. I have the AutoCAD drawing of each building and the location and orentation of each building in ArcGIS. Is there a way to import the data from ArcGIS into AutoCAD for my use?
Also if this isnt the correct location for this could administrator move it for me?
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Jan 18, 2013
I was furnished with a .shp file (and a number of associated files (5 total I think) that I can't remember-not in office now). The file is supposed to be a pipeline alignment in Pennsylvania South NAD83, the data imports the polyline with correct dimensions but the coordinates end up being about N-14,613,757 E-1,984,420 and should be about N-334,435 E-1,413,375.
As an aside, we are using Carlson Civil Suite in MAP. My intuition is telling me the problem has to do with setting up the initial geographic system in a new drawing. I am going to try the import with plain MAP.
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Aug 30, 2013
We use Acad map 3d 2012 & civil 3d 2012. We also use Arcgis10.2 and have not seen this problem until one of our contractors (using map 3d 2013) sent us his drawings. When we bring in the map 2013 drawing Arcgis does not recognize the projection assigned to the drawing and our data ends up thousands of kilometres off in the distance. Am I missing always works fine for 2012 drawings.
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Aug 14, 2013
It used to be easy to add dwg files into ArcGIS when i used AutoCad 2012. Now that i am using AutoCad 2014 my dwg files dont display in my ArcGIS. How can i get the dwg files to display?
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Jun 30, 2011
i want to export DGW-data (or in general AutoCAD-data) from AutoCAD Map 3d 2011 and import them into ArcGIS 10.As I suppose, ArcGIS could recognize only DWG or shp.
The most important information for me are the styles (color, linetype ....). The feature class Line is not the main problem, but when i want to export points or polygons it is difficult. AutoCAD seperate points or polygons in fill colors und edge colors and only the edge color are able to import in ArcGIS. Another fact is that ArcGIS seperate a Point into featureclass Line (the edge) und Polygon and the spatial information failes (that works with ArcToolbox feature "CAD to Geodatabase", all not my problem )
To summarize there are any problems with the transformation of styes.
Wenn I export SDF-layer as Shapefile its a good way to transform spatial information (coordinate system) und the data of attributtables, but my problem are the colors und styles.
how i can transport all (point, line, polygon) styles from AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 to ArcGIS 2011?
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Sep 4, 2013
After I select the north arrow in my cad drawing what format should I save it as?
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Jan 6, 2014
I compile all of my data in Arc and get my data referenced and looking good. Once all of the data I need is in place and ready to be exported, I export the map out to an AI file. This has worked fine and still does. I am new to AI and have great Arc Knowledge. Here's where my issue begins:
- Once I bring in the map to AI, the roads look horrible and nothing like they did in Arc. I exported it at the small scale (county) and the linework looks horrible. Roads that were straight in Arc are all zig-zagged and did not convert over smoothly. This would not be an issue if there were only a couple of them, However, I am dealing with thousands of unsmoothed roads. The smooth tool works, however, one line at a time and then it leaves loose connections. So this tool is not really an option for me.
- My next attempt at smoothing out the lines in the masses, was to select the area in question, then Object>Simplify>Smooth. This works on some, but did not produce the output I was looking for. It smoothed out all of the selected roads, but instead of keeping them all together and just smoothing out, It moved some of the longer roads and long story short, the roads became inaccurate and did not shown what was really on the earths surface.
- is the scale of exporting out of Arc. At the small Scale, the map is rough, nasty and needs some smoothing. However, when exporting on the larger scale, the roads turn out fine, just as they are displayed in Arc. I have been messing around with this idea since it produces the output I am looking for, however, scales and whatnot are all out of wack creating more than wanting distortion as well as gridding out my map to export, then reassembling it. I could do that, but this map will need to be accurate and an error in this that could mess up the coordinate system.
There are multiple ways to smooth out data in Arc, however, the data looks fine in arc, it only has conversion errors when brought into AI.
Experienced this error with linears and scales? I am going to locate a new road shapefile and see if it will come out better in AI, but if there is a workaround.I have tried other files that I have, and some are better than others, however, all have large areas that will need to be smoothed.
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Apr 3, 2012
Is there any way to put the 2011 topobase and the 2011 ArcGIS plugin into 2012 or 2013? Seems such a shame just to lost all of that functionality.
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Aug 30, 2012
Right now, the only way I know of being able to see Civil grading objects (surface contours, spot elevations, slopes, etc) while using plain vanilla AutoCAD is to explode everything and export to a lower version.
I'm trying out a trial of AutoCAD 2013 to test things, and my Civil drawing shows up as boxes/text when xrefed into another drawing without doing the task above.
I'm looking for a more efficient way to see grading using AutoCAD (not Civil). Civil is expensive, and I'd like to downgrade the drafters who don't know how to use the Civil functions (and never will), but still need grading to show as a dynamic xref in the background of the drawings they're working on. Problem is, if I have to explode and export my drawing every time I want to update the grading xref in their drawing, it wastes more time than I'd like.
Is this the only way and I have to live with it, or am is there an easier way that I haven't dug up yet? I know I'm not an expert at Civil, so I may be going about this all wrong.
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Nov 21, 2013
When plotting to DWF my Civil Objects don't plot.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014
HP Z620 Workstation 64-bit
Duel Intel Xeon E5-2620 @ 2.00 GHz
Ram: 48 GB
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May 9, 2013
I recall a scale command where you could SSX a set of objects and you could scale all of them at once and they were able to keep thier insertion point and all obects were scaled up or down, recall the command inside scale command?
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Mar 29, 2012
the issue is when i try to publish multiple dwg files which containing civil 3d objects including data ref to pdf it won't do it other whatever drawing is currently open.i kinda can see why. because the data ref reading is not programmed in when "invisibly" opening the cad files. xref are autocad native and it works.
so no warnings or anything. just publish the first one and told me it's done. i've seen this years ago when first started using civil 3d but then i just never complained here.
is there a solution for this? what i did before was obviously open each drawing. then publish, huge waste of time. making me hate my job because of repetative tasks. i almost always try to automate.
yesterday made a program to make one surface for each csv file there was hundres of them and basically 2 hour programming and 1 minute to process the files once got the program working.can read subfolders to find csv file too.
Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
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Aug 10, 2012
I am currently using Civil 3D 2011 and 2012 but soon making the jump to 2013.In my project I want to able to present a 3D-object from Civil 3D 2011 to Navisworks, eg the body of a road. I am doing this currently with the add-on program from Autodesk Labs named Corridor Solids. The several different 3D-objects that represent the different layers of the road body needs to have a certain set of parameters. For instance, Name, Dimensions, Material and so forth.
Currently, the only thing that I can present in Navisworks is the layer name that I associate to that object when I export it from Civil 3D with Corridor Solids.Is there a way, in vanilla Civil 3D or perhaps an add-on program that I can use to associate more parameters to a solid?
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Apr 24, 2013
I have a compost pad and retention pond to design, I set my back Pad line to surface and then graded to elevation so the slope to the pond will have no cuts
I created a pond and left out the grading to surface on the up hill side towards the pad which will be paved one day. I now created two side feature lines to enclose the whole pad and graded by distance and slope.
My problem now is the two side and back seem to blend together as I attached the feature lines together but I can not figure out how to blend into the pond create as it has side slopes to EG and the front which must join to the side slope crest to enclose the pad to drain into the pond.
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Jun 20, 2013
It has been too long since I created Grading Objects and Proposed Surfaces. I am working in a file with my existing surface DATA Linked. I am creating a grading plan. I have created three separate grading objects in the Site named Proposed. One in the building, One is a new ditch, one is a graded existing ditch. I need to make these three with the unaffected areas of the existing surface into a new surface. How do I accomplish that . All my grading objects appear to be individually accurate and are created with a Feature Line and Grade to Surface Styles.
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Sep 26, 2012
I am getting a lot of grief xrefing a C3D file into an AutoCAD drawing. A bit of background...
Fairly large development project with 270 new familiy houses. The sanitary sewer (SS) network was created using AutoCAD only. All layout drawings and xrefs were created using AutoCAD using AutoCAD templates. Then, here I am, putting the entire SS network in C3D, with its fancy labels and relevant long sections. Now I am supposed to display this C3D network in all the layout plans and get rid of the old 2D SS xref. Well, the blody thing doesn't work! If I try to xref the original C3D file, it will only display the labels. All pipes and structures and long section do not display. Yes, I checked all layers are turned on.
I tried using data shortcuts instead, bringing first the relevant part liist and styles. No luck. Again neither a single pipe nor structure is diplayed, although the prospector in the toolspace shows the network is referenced in the drawing. I am not sure if this matters, but the C3D source drawing contains a second pipe network referenced using data shortcuts which, by the way, doesn't display either when xrefing. I tried xrefing the C3D file using my C3D template and it works fine. So I guess that, somehow, the AutoCAD template used to creat the drawings is preventing some C3D objects to be displayed when xrefed.
I know I could recreate all our layout plans using my C3D template. Unfortunately, that would be a long process since we have quite a few and they're all heavily xrefed, with many layer properties overriden.
C3D 2011V2. Windows XP 64b
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Nov 1, 2012
I'm just trying to get a grasp on Civil 3d and need placing a 3d drawing from autocad onto a surface. So what I have is some survey points that I shot and turned into a surface. Now I would like to place 3d drawings of features onto the surface.I would like to shift the features around and find the right spots for them taking into consideration slope and existing terrain. Then I would like to turn these placed features into survey points that can be found in the real world. Is there an easy process for something like this?
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Sep 13, 2012
Can you create Catchment Objects from the API or how to update the SSA file to include your catchment data?
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Feb 6, 2013
I'm writing a .NET app to get corridor feature line information from an XREF'd dwg file to use in the active document. I'm having quite a bit of trouble reading the civil objects from the XREF.
This works, but still doesn't work for civil objects. Take a look at the snippet below.
if (xdb != null) { // Start a transaction in our loaded database // to get at the layer name Transaction tr2 = xdb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); using (tr2) { // Open the layer table LayerTable lt2 = (LayerTable)tr2.GetObject( xdb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead );
In order to get a Corridor ID collection I need a reference to a CivilDocument object. So how do I get a CivilDocument object when it isn't the active document? Is there any way to get it from a Document or Database object?
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Jul 30, 2013
In my company we are just beginning to use Civil 3D and we are experimenting with different features and trying to compete with Microstation. A big chunk of our time (80% more or less) goes into labeling lines and objects. I sat down with a MicroStation guru and they showed me how MicroStation automatically creates labels throughout different viewports and it has a feature to prevent them from overlapping.
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Jun 19, 2013
I am a standard AutoCAD 2012 user. I am trying to edit drawings created in Civil 3D 2012. Is it possible to edit attribute information? I installed Civil Object Enabler so now I can view the information but can't seem to edit it.
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Sep 28, 2012
I'm in a situation where i have to export a civil3d 2013 drawing to autocad 2000, but i don't want to send everything in the drawing, just the final drawing from model space. is there a way to not need export the drawing and then delete the objects i don't want to send? It seems like a simple task but i work with some people that can't handle simple things like that, so aside from trying to find new co-workers, what can i do?
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Sep 23, 2011
I've been working on trying to find the best way to export a variety of different Civil3d objects into 3ds max. The one object type that seems to continue to evade me are pipe networks. Any good way to export these to 3ds max? I don't care about having them dynamically linked so much as rendering the part materials in model as they show up in Civil3d.
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Jul 26, 2012
I've got a client requesting a 3d view from an intersection. He wants to see the visibility of his store compared to a view vantage points that passengers would be at.
I don't need to create a drive pattern as of right now. He just wants stills of what a driver or passenger would see from a few requested points. I haven't used anything other than the object viewer to see my models in 3d.
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Aug 22, 2013
I am in the process of setting up Civil 3D styles for survey and trying to overcome some challenges that are a great source of frusteration. The key items I am trying to accomplish are as follows:
Be able to isolate all points on a layer (sorted individually by descriptor key matching to V-NODE-XXXX) WITHOUT the use of point groups. I see point groups as a very inefficient way to do this. I want to be able to select Layiso, grab one point and have full display of all points on that node layer and start connecting the dots.Be able to control node layer display individually (ie. all topo points gray, found points green, control pink, etc)Setup a quick toggle to turn off display of all points and basic markers except those which have a symbol assigned to them and should be shown on the map.
I have everything working the way I want with the exception of being able to use layiso to display all points on a layer. Currently my point label styles are set to layer 0 byblock which passes display to the point object. I have created a layer called V-NODE-HIDE that I set as the layer for non-symbol markers and all point labels. Point markers that are symbols that should be displayed on a map are put on their associated V-TOPO-XXX-SYMB layer. When finished mapping I want to be able to type "PH" (Point Hide) and hide all point labels and basic markers by freezing V-NODE-HIDE. The issue is that because point objects, labels and markers are on different layers, when I isolate a single point, everything disappears.
Is there a lisp routine that will extract all layers from sub-components of a Civil 3D object and add those layers to the isolate? This would solve my issue and give me all of the functionality I am looking for. I have seen several discussions along this line on the forums, but not a solution that fits my needs. I am open for pretty much any suggestion other than I need to have a point group created for every single descriptor I have and have to move groups up and down the hierarchy to get the display I need. It is just too inefficient.
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Feb 12, 2013
I need to project some of the points and figures to the profile view and I'm not making any progress. I found the ProfileProjection class in the object browser, but I'm not sure how to handle the first argument (ByVal unmanagedPointer AsSystem.IntPtr,) or even if I'm on the right path. I'm guessing that it should work similar to other Create() methods by referencing an ID, then later calling a projObject.Draw() or something similar.
Below is a snippet of the survey point section. I'm iterating through each survey point in the xml data. I hope to create the projObj for each CL shot as a starting place. I think the figures would be similar if I can get a point to work.
Using C3D 2012
'Survey Points ================================================================
'Create Non-Control Points for network
Dim oNonControlPt As AeccSurveyNonControlPoint
'Dim xNumber As Integer = 0
For Each xPoint In pFile...<Point>
Dim xNumber As Integer = xPoint.<Number>.Value
[Code] ......
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Jul 29, 2013
I am working with a goverment agency and we have hired two cosultants to work on a projects. They are using data shortcuts for surfaces, alignments and pipe networks. When they delivered C3D files to us get our reviews, (they burned the dwgs on the CD) all surfaces and alignments are broken.
My question is:
1) How do I repair those broken C3D objects?
2) What should i request the consultants to provide us so that when I open these drawings at my end, the surfaces are not broken.
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May 31, 2012
Is there a proper way to gray-scale objects in a drawing? What i have done is turned off layers and point groups that I want to remain in color and selected the rest and changed the color in the properties box. Any way to move back and forth from gray to color.
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Jan 25, 2013
why my crosshairs stutter after I select an object? I first noticed it after the AutoCAD release that added vertex control options to plines. Crosshairs hang for a second or two after selecting an object that has vertices. Seems like CAD is evaluating the vertices.
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