AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Dwg Files Into ArcGIS

Aug 14, 2013

It used to be easy to add dwg files into ArcGIS when i used AutoCad 2012.  Now that i am using AutoCad 2014 my dwg files dont display in my ArcGIS.  How can i get the dwg files to display?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Arcgis 10.2 Does Not Recognize Projection From 2013?

Aug 30, 2013

We use Acad map 3d 2012 & civil 3d 2012. We also use Arcgis10.2 and have not seen this problem until one of our contractors (using map 3d 2013) sent us his drawings. When we bring in the map 2013 drawing Arcgis does not recognize the projection assigned to the drawing and our data ends up thousands of kilometres off in the distance. Am I missing always works fine for 2012 drawings.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Put 2011 Topobase And 2011 ArcGIS Plugin Into 2012 Or 2013?

Apr 3, 2012

Is there any way to put the 2011 topobase and the 2011 ArcGIS plugin into 2012 or 2013?  Seems such a shame just to lost all of that functionality.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using Objects In ArcGIS 9.3?

Apr 11, 2012

Any reliable process to use data from Civil 3D objects in ArcGIS 9.3?  AutoDesk is not my real strength (ESRI ArcGIS is), so I'm trying to learn what the best possible workflow is from AutoDesk Civil 3D users.  We've used one solution using Safe Software's FME, but am looking for something that's a little more 'direct' from AutoDesk or ESRI (i.e.: no third-party software/data formats, if possible; read data directly from the source instead of interim processing steps with interim files to create/manage/track, if possible)

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AutoCad :: How To Import Data From ArcGIS

Jan 6, 2012

I want to create a site layout that would consist of multiple buildings. I have the AutoCAD drawing of each building and the location and orentation of each building in ArcGIS. Is there a way to import the data from ArcGIS into AutoCAD for my use?

Also if this isnt the correct location for this could administrator move it for me?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Importing ARCGIS SHP File

Jan 18, 2013

I was furnished with a .shp file (and a number of associated files (5 total I think) that I can't remember-not in office now).  The file is supposed to be a pipeline alignment in  Pennsylvania South NAD83, the data imports the polyline with correct dimensions but the coordinates end up being about N-14,613,757 E-1,984,420 and should be about N-334,435 E-1,413,375.

As an aside, we are using Carlson Civil Suite in MAP. My intuition is telling me the problem has to do with setting up the initial geographic system in a new drawing.  I am going to try the import with plain MAP.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Edge Colors Are Able To Import In ArcGIS

Jun 30, 2011

i want to export DGW-data (or in general AutoCAD-data) from AutoCAD Map 3d 2011 and import them into ArcGIS 10.As I suppose, ArcGIS could recognize only DWG or shp.

The most important information for me are the styles (color, linetype ....). The feature class Line is not the main problem, but when i want to export points or polygons it is difficult. AutoCAD seperate points or polygons in fill colors und edge colors and only the edge color are able to import in ArcGIS. Another fact is that ArcGIS seperate a Point into featureclass Line (the edge) und Polygon and the spatial information failes (that works with ArcToolbox feature "CAD to Geodatabase", all not my problem )

To summarize there are any problems with the transformation of styes.

Wenn I export SDF-layer as Shapefile its a good way to transform spatial information (coordinate system) und the data of attributtables, but my problem are the colors und styles.

how i can transport all (point, line, polygon) styles from AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 to ArcGIS 2011?

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AutoCad :: Move North Arrow Symbol To ArcGIS

Sep 4, 2013

After I select the north arrow in my cad drawing what format should I save it as?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exporting DTM (TIN) To ASCII Gid Format (ESRI - ArcGIS)

Nov 8, 2012

Is it possible to export a DTM (TIN surface) to ESRI's ASCII grid format (for ArcGIS)?

I've attached an example file.

Failing that, is it possible to export to a simple XYZ point file?

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Illustrator :: Linear Conversion From ArcGIS To AI

Jan 6, 2014

I compile all of my data in Arc and get my data referenced and looking good. Once all of the data I need is in place and ready to be exported, I export the map out to an AI file. This has worked fine and still does.  I am new to AI and have great Arc Knowledge. Here's where my issue begins:

- Once I bring in the map to AI, the roads look horrible and nothing like they did in Arc. I exported it at the small scale (county) and the linework looks horrible. Roads that were straight in Arc are all zig-zagged and did not convert over smoothly. This would not be an issue if there were only a couple of them, However, I am dealing with thousands of unsmoothed roads. The smooth tool works, however, one line at a time and then it leaves loose connections. So this tool is not really an option for me.
- My next attempt at smoothing out the lines in the masses, was to select the area in question, then Object>Simplify>Smooth.  This works on some, but did not produce the output I was looking for. It smoothed out all of the selected roads, but instead of keeping them all together and just smoothing out, It moved some of the longer roads and long story short, the roads became inaccurate and did not shown what was really on the earths surface.
- is the scale of exporting out of Arc. At the small Scale, the map is rough, nasty and needs some smoothing. However, when exporting on the larger scale, the roads turn out fine, just as they are displayed in Arc. I have been messing around with this idea since it produces the output I am looking for, however, scales and whatnot are all out of wack creating more than wanting distortion as well as gridding out my map to export, then reassembling it. I could do that, but this map will need to be accurate and an error in this that could mess up the coordinate system.
There are multiple ways to smooth out data in Arc, however, the data looks fine in arc, it only has conversion errors when brought into AI.
Experienced this error with linears and scales? I am going to locate a new road shapefile and see if it will come out better in AI, but if there is a workaround.I have tried other files that I have, and some are better than others, however, all have large areas that will need to be smoothed.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding JPEGs In 2014?

Aug 2, 2013

My instructor taught us to attach images with materials rendering tool to add jpegs to our 3d modelling.  Every time I try to use it, it stretches my image to nothing but horizontal lines and despite trying to modify it with the texture editor it eventually colllapses the autocad.  Here is my error number.  CER_83372936

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Content To Mtext

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to add labels everywhere on my drawing to show the properties of my objects i.e. lines. (But the thing is, I need static text). This is because I need to be able to "distort" the drawing for legibility purposes but retaining the label information. This is a common drafting task in surveying. Solution A - add the labels and then convert then into text. (I don't think Autocad allows this) Solution B - add the mtext via script, but so far I am stuck on the text editor.

Here's what I have done so far. mtext 100,100 <-- I'll need to come up with some calculation to automatically place the text in the middle of the line. j mc r 96d08'27" 130,100 "186° 08' 27""" <-- how to you add the content of the mtext object?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Express Tools

Dec 3, 2012

When I search on Express Tools in the Help section I am told to type EXPRESS TOOLS int the Command Line. That produces the error msg. no such command.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Vertex To Hatch

Dec 4, 2012

In AutoCAD 2010 I could just click between the grips and it would automatically add the vertex. Now in 2013 I have to hover over the spot between the grips. Is there a way to change that so the default on the center grip is set to add a vertex instead of stretch?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Contour Lines To A Map?

Oct 9, 2012

how I would go about adding contour lines to a map? I entered roughly 200 points (x, y, and z values) into an x-y plane on AutoCAD and figured that if I were to add contour lines (1' elevation difference), it would rely on the z axis. In short: how do I add contour lines if the points are all plotted?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Linetype To Layer Macro

Sep 24, 2013

I created a macro to insert layers with a click of the button. I was wonder how I get my macro to add the linetype to it. Also would like a separate macro to make the layer not to plot.

Here is the Macro I'm using:  ^C^C-layer;new;A-ANNO-AREA-IDEN;color;6;A-ANNO-AREA-IDEN;;

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Dimensions To A Rendering Image

Nov 4, 2013

This is a questions about workflow: 

I have a rendering image in PNG format that I want to have dimension. These dimensions will be in all 3 planes. 

I want them allinged to object sort of like what you get when you view dimensons in perspective (first arrow is bigger than second arrow text is getting smaller as it goes further away etc.). 

Currently I import my image and draw each arrow, each line, slant the text and it looks so-so... not the greatest and it is A LOT OF WORK. Then i print the dimensions to and image and combine the rendering and image in GIMP. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding VIEWBASE Command To 2013?

Dec 3, 2012

To my frustration the VIEWBASE command and other AutoCAD 2013 cool new tools for creating views aren't included in Civil 3D 2013. When you enter command you get error "AcModelDoc.arx is missing"

So I've installed AutoCAD 2013 trial and took

- "ModelDoc.cuix" & "ModelDoc.mnr" from "C:UsersXXXAppDataRoamingAutodeskAutoCAD 2013 - EnglishenuSupport"

- AcModelDoc.arx from "C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2013 - English"

Then I put the files to similar directories of my Civil 3D 2013 installation. The Layout menu got updated itself and now I can see all new buttons and commands on the Ribbon. However none of new commands work! No error appeares in command line but message "command not found".

Is there any way I can get it working? Or I should ask Autodesk to gift me a free copy of AutoCAD 2013 now?

P.S. I know they've even poinet that out in readme file [URL]. But who reads it before it's too late?..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding 3D Faces To Irregular Shapes With More Than 4 Points

Oct 2, 2012

Is it possible to add 3D faces to irregular shapes with more than 4 points? For example I have a stair case with a missing face on the side but I can only create a sqaure face which doesnt fit the steps of the stairs

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Piece Of Text (TYP) To Radial Dimensions

Oct 12, 2012

I have a question about Radial dimensions... I am trying to add a piece of text (TYP.) to a Radial Dimension... When I add the text; it makes the text and dim line move further from the arrowhead (see image)

I want to be able to move the text on the dimension closer to the arrowhead without actually exploding it... my current solution is to separate the text (TYP.) from the dimension (see image)

Is there a variable or setting to shorten the length of the dim line on the dimension?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding A Button To A Tool Bar That Triggers A VB Code

Aug 13, 2012

I have a couple of VB pieces of code that set up the standards of my company. What I want to do create a button in my Workspace -within a tab created by me with the CUI tools- and trigger my VB code. 

How is possible to create this button?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Sheet Set - Adding Space To Default Custom Property

Jul 18, 2013

I'm tasked with setting up a new dwt file to be used along with the Sheet Set Manager.

I've got as far as adding in my own custom properties at both the Sheet Set level (things like project name, site name, etc.), and at the Sheet level (drawing title).

But more specifically, at the Sheet Level, I want to be able to facilitate having a multi-line drawing title. Things start to get a little cloudy.

In order to be able to control where the line breaks are, I've simply created 5 fields (3 for an odd number of lines, 2 for even), and I want to set their Default Value so they don't display anything, i.e. a space or blank of some kind, instead of the four dots. So when I want to add the title I go to the Sheet properties and change the value.

I thought it'd be as simple as adding the ASCII code for a space (U+00A0) into the Default Value, but that seems to display the text U+00A0 instead of the space.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Appearances - Adding New Colors In Custom Library

Jan 8, 2013

First, I have not grasped the extent yet of how the new appearance library works.. we don't get crazy with colors, reflections etc.. but we do have a handful of colors that we use on the machines we use.. so instead of using the default appearance library, i made a new appearance library.  All this went well, but i periodically as i need them will add colors to it.. problem is that i'm obviously doing something wrong, because my colors don't always stay in there after i restart Inventor.. and yesterday, i can't seem to keep any of the colors i setup in there to stay.. all i want to do is copy specific colors from inventors appearance library.. drag them into mine, rename them, maybe tweak the color, and then they be there for next time.. why won't they stay?  

The edit pencil will come up on my library.. i've done the release edit after i'm done.. everything works in this inventor session, but if i turn inventor off and back on again.. they are gone.. only thing i have thought of remaining is that 3 users on our network share the same design styles location so we all our using same stuff, so is the file inventor uses in design styles to save to read only or something, but i read that appearances aren't saved in design styles.. How to do this and the colors stay and populate through all the existing stuff.. I have got the colors to lock into my template ipt in the doc appearances.. and i've done the save to custom library thing.. works until i restart inventor..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Save As Option To Mechanical For Autodesk Lt 2008?

Oct 28, 2013

I am using AutoCAD Mechanical 2013 and need to save a file as an AutoCAD LT 2008 for a friend to work in. I can only save it as AutoCAD LT 2004, is there a way for me to add AutoCAD LT 2008 as an option? If not is there a compatibility pack for him that he can download. There was a slight issue in the transfer. Im not doing anything that uses the mechanical features, just normal autocad features. The option for my computer is better if it is possible.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Moving Files To Different Drive 2013 Inventor Suite

Jan 22, 2013

I have 2013 inventor/mechinical a cad did not have enought memory on c: drive added another hard drive E:  need to move my files to the e drive. single seat all on this computer.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Losing Wall Blocks When Opening 2010 Arch Desktop DWG Files With 2013

Jul 14, 2012

We recently updated all of our software at my company from 2010 architectural desktop to 2013 autocad.  We do a lot of architectural work where we use the "wall" functions to draw our floorplans.  I have noticed that the walls are disappearing on some files and not on others. Or we will only be able to see the outside line of the wall, but not the interior, which results in an undesirable appearance to the floorplans.

I have also run across these error messages when opening the files, I dont know if they are related or not:

"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address E43AA180h"


"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address D41218AEh"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Physical Properties To STP Files?

May 10, 2012

I'm trying to add some material properties to a STP or IGES file I've received from a customer (in Inventor 2011). Is there any way to add a density for example, so I can obtain the mass of the model? I've tried doing it through the iProperties menu but it's not giving me a mass.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Very Large Points Files

Aug 19, 2012

I have some very large comma delimited ENZ files that I wish to create point clouds from. When I try to read points into a points cloud from this file I get "an error occurred in data processing" after a few seconds.

Since the error occurs early on, I was assuming C3D is getting hung up because of the first row of the file which contains an "x,y,z" header. The text files (around 270MB) are too large to open in wordpad, excel or similar, so I'm not aware of any way to edit or delete this line. To counter this I tried creating a new point file format using "x" as the comment tag (and setting all the other parameters as required. This "parsed" properly when testing on the file, however when I tried to import either as points or into a point cloud I still get the same error as above.

Is the file size/number of points too large for C3D or is it some other problem?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Content Center Files

Jan 31, 2013

I am using Inventor 2010, and just gone through the install program to add in content center files.   It installed 11 IDCL files and 1 IDZ file. I copied all these files to "C:Documents and Settingsdshupin1My DocumentsinventorContent Center FilesR2010".   Now, when I try to open something from my content center, I get a "Failed to open document" error, then another error that the file is not valid for placement.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Exporting Existing DWG Files As DWFx Files?

Jan 8, 2013

what is the command in AutoCAD 2013 for exporting drawings as DWFx files so that clients who do not have AutoCAD can open or plot a DWFx file using a current version of Internet Explorer or Safari for Apple as an alternative browser.

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Revit :: Adding Materials In A Project In 2013?

Aug 30, 2012

When creating custom materials and utilizing them within your Revit project, are the image files embedded within the RVT file and thereby increasing file size?  I was needing to know before we load down the project file (.rvt) with many custom materials. Hopefully it is just a pointer to a separate material file.

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