Paint.NET :: Placing Objects On Top Of One Another With Transparency
Mar 15, 2011
I have a pic which I would like to put text over but I can't figure out how to make the text box transparent so i can see the pic through it and have the text visible over the pic.
If I have a psd / Png file on Photoshop that has text with no background (transparent), and I do a Place of that file into Illustrator, I get a white background in additiotion to the Text.
How do I stop the white background from placing withing the Illustrator? I have Illustrator CS3 and Photoshop CS3
I'm just trying to get a grasp on Civil 3d and need placing a 3d drawing from autocad onto a surface. So what I have is some survey points that I shot and turned into a surface. Now I would like to place 3d drawings of features onto the surface.I would like to shift the features around and find the right spots for them taking into consideration slope and existing terrain. Then I would like to turn these placed features into survey points that can be found in the real world. Is there an easy process for something like this?
So picture that you have designed something in Corel. Let's say an invitation. I go to put text or a graphic on top, and nothing is going on top. My text is behind. Nothing i do works. (ex. ctrl-pgup, object in front of.... etc.)
I have a long, serpentine, 3D solid that also changes elevation. It's "S" shaped from the top and "U" shaped from the side. I need to place objects perpendicular to one surface and at a specific increment. The 3D Solid is about 3000 feet long and I need to put the perpendicular objects (3D solid or a block) at 4' increments (this is the linear dimension and not an aligned dimension) and they must always follow the orientation of the long solid. Imagine a railroad track twisting and turning as it goes through a valley and trying to put a post, aligned to the bottom of the track, every 4’ as seen from the top.
Is there a setting to make it so when in VPMAX, that objects that are annotative will hold the scale of the viewport? it makes it very hard to place objects utilizing vpmax... doesn't make sense that it would change scales in a locked viewport.
after clicking "OK", these go to 160,2 mm or less than 160 mm.
The same with the sizes and places of objects etc. I create a 20 x 20 mm circle. One click later it is 19,89 x 19,89. I set it's location to X: 80 mm, Y: 80 mm. One click later: 80,02mm
I have never used this feature of autocad. I was messing around with it today with no luck. I went to help file and typed transparency and it showed how to add transparency to objects. I selected two similar lines and added 90% transparency on one of them. They both remained the same and plotted the same.
I have pictures of custom bicycles I have built and sold on-line and would like to be able to show what inventory has been sold on the website. What is the best way to place a 'sold' sign over a picture?
I am new to graphics programs and very new to - I have added a layer to my file for text; chosen the text tool, set my font and size, color and alignment.
But when I begin typing it does not show. Is there a specific order or some trick I am missing to put text into my file?
How can I place text in a curving space so that the letters follow the natural curve? In the picture below, I want to say "On the air," and have text centered and filling the area.
I have a circle with split into 5 segments (image A).All of the segments have a stroke (1px) of white, and a fill.
What I want is for the STROKE to be transparent so that when I position the 5 segments over a different background colour (image B) I see the colour underneath where the white stroke would otherwise appear. To recap - I would like to retain the width of the stroke, and make the stroke coloue transparent..
I've tried the Opacity setting, but this applies to the object, not just the stroke.
I'm making a logo for someone by hand-drawing a font I made up. But because I was having trouble drawing a perfect letter 'O', I'm using the "Circle/Ellipse" tool to do it. I drew an 'O' with that tool that's almost the right size... and I wanna draw another one just a little shorter... but I can't figure out how to place the completed new shape directly over the old one.
I don't know where to start the action with the tool! The completed shape always ends up in the wrong place. How to get my finished shape to complete just where I want it to? (Re-sizing the shape won't work because that changes the thickness of the line I used for the letter 'O'.)
This is my first post in the Corel forum and I hope I did it all right here:
First Bug -> In my last contest work I've tried to embed many transparency effects. While I designing my graphic I've used (among many others) a transparency effect that named »Behind« (in my German version of CorelDRAW it's named »Hinter«). I've applied that effect to a texture bitmap graphic and it worked correctly so long the bitmap overlaid a vector shape in an ordinary way. But after I include the bitmap into the vector shape (using the vector shape as a Power Clip) obviously the used transparency effect conflict with the anti aliasing function of the vector shape and the smooth margins of the vector shape turned into rough boarders and the vector shape looked like a bitmap in a poor resolution. I guess it is only an indication error in CorelDRAW but for a designer's eyes this bug is very disturbing and should be corrected by Corel!
Second Bug -> Often I use CorelDRAW for vector illustrations and that's why I have to integrate scanned sketches (JPEG format) to build vector illustrations bases of it. Here we have another indication error or better to say a performance problem of CorelDRAW. While I using the sketch image in extended view mode the zoom function of CorelDRAW works correctly and pleasant fast. But if I switch to simple contour mode the performance of zoom mode of CorelDRAW worsens rapidly. The performance of my computer is not the problem with this because my hardware is on a high level and I use an well arranged and clean Windows 7 operating system. It would be nice if Corel is able to fix that problem because it disturbs the work flow enormous and it minishs the fun that I have while I'm using CorelDRAW!
I'm drawing some illustrations and want to fill overlapping objects with a paper texture. I have done this using the Transparency window and placing a paper texture image over each object. The problem is that where the objects overlap to create the whole picture, they are quite transparent and so you get the effect of layers of tissue paper. I want each object to look completely opaque, but despite opacity being set to 100% on each object, they don't.
I've tried filling the objects with lighter / darker paper texture images and tweaking the Transparency settings to Darker / Ligher / Soft or hard light, etc.
I'm in the process of drawing a site plan which contains buildings, roads and wooded areas. I want to draw roads which go through the wooded areas. I want both the road and the woods to be opaque except where the woods overlaps the road (I want the wood to be partially transparent at the overlap). Example of the effect I want is shown below. I don't get this effect when trying to use blending transparency modes. I'm sure it can be done with the opacity mask but I've tried all sorts of combinations and not managed to get this effect.
I would like to apply a transparency to some brush strokes. But when I click on a group of brush strokes, or select a single brush stroke, I can not start a transparency, or I get an error that there are too many objects.
I have some brushes that emulate smoke, but I would like to ad transparency to them.
I have a 9 layer Illustrator file that uses multiple transparency effects. I need to combine all the elements so that I can use the pieces with a transparent background, but no matter what I do, it requires a white background to look right. File is here:
I'm trying to paint something to be transparent. I've got a blue background layer, and a drawing on the layer above. There's a region of red around the drawing and a region of black within the drawing, both on the upper layer, and I'd like to make these regions transparent such that you could see the blue background through them. I'm trying to paint these region setting the opacity to 1%, but all this seems to do is paint a transparent color (i.e. no color at all) over top the red and black regions such that they don't seem to dissappear. How do I get the transparent color to replace the red and black regions instead of going over top them (essentially being useless)?
I just got 3.5.8 today and tried to save a PNG with transparency. It removed the transparency. I tested it with just load an image, save as..., ok. Reload -- no transparency.
I tried to reload 3.5.7, but it just gave me 3.5.8. Is there a place to download 3.5.7? I don't remember this problem earlier.
I have paint Shop Pro X but for the files I am working on I have to use PSP 9 on XP (SP1). Trust me, after weeks writing back and forth to Corel and them testing our files it is the only way to open them. Our images are converted to .fpx using TrueSpectra which is now a relic from the past. PSP never had a problem with the .fpx files until XP service pack 2 was released and it then stopped opening them.
We have over 200,000 web images that are currently saved as fpx files (archaic I know and many of you won't have even heard of them let alone used them) that we are converting to a more adaptable and flexible pTIFF format (Pyramid TIFF). The pTIFF will allow us to include a path that can be used by Scene7 for various web functionality (movable transparent images).
, the real problem... What I am finding is that when I open some of the fpx files in Paint Shop Pro the products that are normally shown on white backgrounds are showing on black. It turns out that someone has managed to include transparency in the fpx file. I am unable to find a path, a channel mask or layers in the fpx file when opened in Paint Shop Pro. So how is what I always thought to be a flat image creating the selection that is filling with black?. Obviously, when the conversion to TIFF takes place it's rendering the image on a black background which is a problem.
I have tried un-checking "Render Transparency" under File format preferences (PostScript tab) but it made no difference.
If nothing else, is there was a way to make the black background fill in white instead. That would be fine.
I open a GIF that has a transparent background, resize it and save it back. At no time is there any prompt re transparency but it no longer has a transparent background. Why is that? And, how do I ensure that transparency is maintained?
i am having a problem with the mask automatically deleting and making transparent the image when I load up a TGA. Simply deleting the mask doesn't bring back the parts of the image that are become transparent, the mask is deleting everything it touches upon loading of the image. Is this a setting somewhere I accidentally turned on? or a bug? PSP didn't used to do this when I first installed it. I have reset all the preferences, uninstalled/ reinstalled, but no fix.
I've been trying to make a Doll Maker, and it's come to my attention that I can't figure out how to make a selected area transparent! I just want to select what I want and then mess with the opacity; is that too hard to make it do!?!
I tried searching for this but turned up nothing. It'd be a really useful feature if it can't be done already.