I'm trying to paint something to be transparent. I've got a blue background layer, and a drawing on the layer above. There's a region of red around the drawing and a region of black within the drawing, both on the upper layer, and I'd like to make these regions transparent such that you could see the blue background through them. I'm trying to paint these region setting the opacity to 1%, but all this seems to do is paint a transparent color (i.e. no color at all) over top the red and black regions such that they don't seem to dissappear. How do I get the transparent color to replace the red and black regions instead of going over top them (essentially being useless)?
I just got 3.5.8 today and tried to save a PNG with transparency. It removed the transparency. I tested it with just load an image, save as..., ok. Reload -- no transparency.
I tried to reload 3.5.7, but it just gave me 3.5.8. Is there a place to download 3.5.7? I don't remember this problem earlier.
I have paint Shop Pro X but for the files I am working on I have to use PSP 9 on XP (SP1). Trust me, after weeks writing back and forth to Corel and them testing our files it is the only way to open them. Our images are converted to .fpx using TrueSpectra which is now a relic from the past. PSP never had a problem with the .fpx files until XP service pack 2 was released and it then stopped opening them.
We have over 200,000 web images that are currently saved as fpx files (archaic I know and many of you won't have even heard of them let alone used them) that we are converting to a more adaptable and flexible pTIFF format (Pyramid TIFF). The pTIFF will allow us to include a path that can be used by Scene7 for various web functionality (movable transparent images).
, the real problem... What I am finding is that when I open some of the fpx files in Paint Shop Pro the products that are normally shown on white backgrounds are showing on black. It turns out that someone has managed to include transparency in the fpx file. I am unable to find a path, a channel mask or layers in the fpx file when opened in Paint Shop Pro. So how is what I always thought to be a flat image creating the selection that is filling with black?. Obviously, when the conversion to TIFF takes place it's rendering the image on a black background which is a problem.
I have tried un-checking "Render Transparency" under File format preferences (PostScript tab) but it made no difference.
If nothing else, is there was a way to make the black background fill in white instead. That would be fine.
I open a GIF that has a transparent background, resize it and save it back. At no time is there any prompt re transparency but it no longer has a transparent background. Why is that? And, how do I ensure that transparency is maintained?
i am having a problem with the mask automatically deleting and making transparent the image when I load up a TGA. Simply deleting the mask doesn't bring back the parts of the image that are become transparent, the mask is deleting everything it touches upon loading of the image. Is this a setting somewhere I accidentally turned on? or a bug? PSP didn't used to do this when I first installed it. I have reset all the preferences, uninstalled/ reinstalled, but no fix.
I've been trying to make a Doll Maker, and it's come to my attention that I can't figure out how to make a selected area transparent! I just want to select what I want and then mess with the opacity; is that too hard to make it do!?!
I tried searching for this but turned up nothing. It'd be a really useful feature if it can't be done already.
I was editing some .png s that are transparent other than the picture itself in the middle, what i would do is edit it and save it and it would keep the transparent/invisible background thing. Now when i save the png it automatically makes the background white, i go through and erase all the white but it is regenerated when i save the png again. i dont think i changed any settings, what do i do?
I have a pic which I would like to put text over but I can't figure out how to make the text box transparent so i can see the pic through it and have the text visible over the pic.
Specifically when I lasso a section of a screenshot and move it, I would like to leave behind a chosen background color in its place. This was easy in Paintshop but I can't figure out how to do it here. Instead, I seem to have to grab another selection, copy it and put it over the transparent part. Simple enough to do but cludgy. Looked at the manuals and couldn't find a mention.
I have a unusual shape that I want to save so I can use in Word. I have filled the middle bit of the shape in white, and the rest of the shape outside is the checkboard (which indicates transparency). But when I save it as a jpeg, and paste into Word, the background is white, not transparent.
Paint Shop Pro X4 Vista 64. Suddenly I cannot erase parts of the background image and create the checkerboard pattern. The erased area becomes white regardless of pallette color settings. Just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind I tried the same thing in my old PSP 7 and the checkerboard pattern does appear when erasing parts of the background image. I have reinstalled the program with the same results.
Solved: Recently recalibrated my monitor. The default color of the checkerboard was so light that it appeard white!! Chose dark gray and all is well.
Any way to simply remove a color by replacing it with a transparency? More specifically, the background of my image is solid black but the object itself is a little too intricate to cut out via the selection tool.
I have a problem receiving or downloading png files. Once downloaded to my computer they always show a white background. Where I might look to see if I screwed up a setting somewhere? If i right click to copy and paste a png file into psp pro x4 itself it has a black background .. if i right click save as ... then save as the png file it has a white background. If a friend takes that same file and saves it as a psd file it opens perfectly with the transparent background.
In PSP 8 I made a circular white clock face with black numerals on green background. I then saved it as a PNG, specifying the green as the transparent colour and specifying alpha channel.
It worked OK when viewed in my video editor, i.e. the green was transparent. But on opening it in PSP 8 I expected to see it displayed with the familiar chequer board background, yet it was a solid white.
So among many other PNGs it's impossible to tell that it does have a transparent area. Is this also the case in less ancient versions? What about other image editors - do they all have this weakness?
1. It's not the Lock button on the Objects docker.
2. It's not the wine glass shown.
I don't really need it but it would be nice to have such a button. I can mimic it by "Create Mask from Object". That works in the same way. I'm just wondering if Lock Transparency got lost forever.
When saving using PNG optimizer I can obtain transparency selecting a single color (image attached), what is handy, but implies to save the image! When handling images in files as PSPImage, PNG, GIFF, is there any way of obtaining transparency besides using PNG optimizer? I mean, I would like to obtain transparency any moment, without being need to save the image...
I tried searching things like "semi-transparency" and "clone stamp", but was unable to turn up any search results relevant.
Essentially, the problem is that I have a semi-transparent image, and I need to clone some of that image and graft it onto the same image. Unfortunately, when I use the clone stamp, it doesn't seem to properly copy the transparency.
Here is the image in question: [URL] ...........
(Actually, this isn't the REAL image in question - the real image is actually a .dds file, a texture - an inventory screen in particular - for a game I'm trying to edit. Not sure if that makes a difference.)
As you can see, (most of) the (insides of the) boxes are semi-transparent. What I'm trying to do is somewhat extend the very bottom left box to be exactly 33% wider, and also somewhat extend the very bottom right box, (how much, haven't figured out). Those are where items would normally be located, but unfortunately, they are sometimes not big enough for a particular item or particular amount of items that I'm trying to fit in them and they both need to be a little bit longer. However, I am no artist. What I thought I'd try to do was use the clone stamp on them to simply extend them, (and cover up any obvious duplication). But when I attempt to use the clone stamp, all the transparency goes away and I'm left with solid colors, which is not good. I tried using Photoshop to do this, but Photoshop has no official support for texture files and the available plugin for them does not handle transparency correctly and screws up the entire thing as well, even if it looks correct while editing it. I also tried using GIMP, but GIMP doesn't...do something correctly, (what's wrong, I can't remember - doesn't matter). Paint.net displays exactly what you see in game, but unfortunately I can't figure out how to use the proper tools to actually edit it to my needs.
The attached image has transparencythat I don't want.
What I would like to do is eliminate all transparency from the image so that I can then use the eraser tool to make transparent the areas that I want transparent.
I can't figure out how to remove all transparency from the image / layer. I'm new to paint.net, it may be obvious to others how to do this but not to me
The layer properties (where I thought I'd fix this) show opacity 255 now but the image still has unwanted transparency.
Implement the option to change the transparency grid colors, even if it's only a simple toggle between dark/light grids. It would work when drawing light objects.
Is there a way to make transparency on custom brushes? I had an idea to make custom brush sets similar to those used in photoshop. I know in Photoshop, Custom Brushes are done with opacity maps With white being transparent and black being full color and all the greys in between being different levels of transparent. I've tried doing that with custom brushes mini and I've also tried making the images transparent, but I just cant seem to make it work. I can get either completely solid and completely transparent. But nothing in between...
Actually, i'm looking for a way to blend into transparency at the border of a picture. Watch the attachments - i created a sample (of course with paint.net ).
I'm making a theme for a site and one of the solid color images has rounded edges through use of transparency levels. How do I replace the blue with orange (or any other color) but retain the original transparency levels of every pixel?
I'm trying to open a .tga image file with Paint.NET.
But instead of the actual image, I just get the grey-and-white transparency grid.
I can see that the image seems to be somewhere behind, because when I use the color-selecting tool on it, I can have the various colors of the image in the color window, with a 0 alpha-transparency.
Is there a way to disable this transparency so I can see the image and be able to modify it ? (I should mention that there is only on layer to that image.)
I have been using the Red Ochre "Selection2Clear" plugin to remove this effect but it only seems to sometimes work.
How do most of you get rid of this effect? I can only see this in my game and I am trying to figure out a way to guarantee that none of my PNG artwork has this.
I have an image with a black background and an image in various shades of grey. I would like to, i guess, "invert it" in such a way that black becomes white, and the various shades of gray become transparent. Basically I want to have the following:
Black -> White with 100% opacity - totally white
Grey with 10% black -> White with 90% opacity - white with a bit of transparency
Grey with 70% black -> White with 30% opacity - white with a lot of transparency
White -> White with 0% opacity - completely transparent