I have been using the Red Ochre "Selection2Clear" plugin to remove this effect but it only seems to sometimes work.
How do most of you get rid of this effect? I can only see this in my game and I am trying to figure out a way to guarantee that none of my PNG artwork has this.
What is the best way to create an angelic halo effect around a person's head. Any differences if you would want to make it look a little bit like the sun? (but more like a halo)?
Applying the Oil Paint filter (CS6 Windows 7), I get a "halo" effect around certain common objects. Quite a few halos appear and they are not very natural looking. Click on image to get a better look.
Gray / black halo around feathered transparency objects. The halo occurs where the solid area of pic feathers to the transparent.
NOTE: Image looks fine in Photoshop(CS6) but when placed in Indesign (CS5) a black halo appears on page
This only happens when image is an RGB Tiff and layer mask is used to create transparency. If image is saved as .psd then it is fine. Also when RGB tiff is converted to CMYK then this is also ok.
Ideally I could just start using psd format, but I have to handle a lot of images that are already in RGB tiff and it is time consuming to have to open and re-save all of these.
I have a final image of my image to which I want to apply an alpha as a mask of an adjustment layer.
The image and the alpha have come out of 3ds Max. The problem is that there is a halo around the edge of the mask. This is caused due to transparency at the border of the alpha. I don't know how to get around this.
I was told that there may be a way to do it by dividing the alpha. I see that Photoshop CS5 has a divide blend mode. I don't have CS5.
I've attached the render passes that I'm working with. [URL] ........
I did a selection which I masked, on Stonehenge. Then I tweaked the sky quite a bit. However, the actual Henge (when it is unmasked) seems to have a small light "halo" around it. (Not sure hot to attach a pic) I've tried several things, but none do a great job. Tried feathering the selection a few pixels, tried burning the halo, tried "smudging" the halo into the sky, but it still looks a bit unnatural. There may not be a good solution and the picture looks OK, but I think it would look much better without the halo.
how to get rid of the transparency in a layer? I don't mean flattening it, that just puts it on a white background, I want to preserve all of the colour information, but just get rid of the transparency.
See the snapshot below. There is a point on the timeline when the screen flips around and the video continues. How to cancel this effect? How this effect might have gotten there so that I can avoid having it happen again? The screen makes a 360 degree revolution. The video consists of on image on the main track with 6 pip tracks.
I am building a specialized map for my local area with territory borders that need to have 8-pt strokes around them. Because each territory needs to live on it's own layer (to be printed seprately after the overview map is done) I found the easiest method to be selecting each territory with the polygonal lasso tool and then make a new Layer via copy and then gve the top layer the stroke effect I need. I worked fine when the strokes were at 100% opacity, but I later decided that each stroke should only be at about 60% opacity so that you can see the roads, rr track and other details beneath. In this case, the problem arises when territory boundaries overlap (as pictured below) because the stroke transparency of becomes additive where the 2 strokes overlap.
what setting I may use to make these strokes so that they can overlap and appear with absolute 60%transparency?
The used to work fine, but now I am having an issue with all of the tools in the suite. In the attachment, you will see the results of the bloat tool on the left, and the pucker on the right. I'm getting the transparency effect in all of the tools in the suite.
I'm working on an assignment and I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a cross-layer transaprency effect. By that I mean two seperate layers that gradually fade until they meet somewehere halfway inbetween. Kinda like a gradient, only with opacity.
I am trying to create an image of "Frosted Glass" I want to be able to save this and later import it to put on top of other backgrounds and layers so that you would see the back layer as looking through frosted glass.
I am new to gimp but have been looking around at different walkthroughs. I must be missing somthing though because I am not getting what I would expect.
How I am trying to do this is I created 3 layers a light blue, white and alpha channel(transparency layer).
I adjusted the opacity down of the white and blue layers and then merged all 3 and again tried to adjust the opacity to acheive the effect. However I am a million miles off the mark.
i'm using my corelphoto paint x3 for a year now and it is working fyn then on one occassion i don't know but while editing an image, i suddenly discovered that my effect tools, paint tools, clone tools wont work or wont make changes on the image i'm editing... i've already checked the menus and settings but still no work..i also tried reinstalling the program but still it's all the same..
I'm trying to paint something to be transparent. I've got a blue background layer, and a drawing on the layer above. There's a region of red around the drawing and a region of black within the drawing, both on the upper layer, and I'd like to make these regions transparent such that you could see the blue background through them. I'm trying to paint these region setting the opacity to 1%, but all this seems to do is paint a transparent color (i.e. no color at all) over top the red and black regions such that they don't seem to dissappear. How do I get the transparent color to replace the red and black regions instead of going over top them (essentially being useless)?
I just got 3.5.8 today and tried to save a PNG with transparency. It removed the transparency. I tested it with just load an image, save as..., ok. Reload -- no transparency.
I tried to reload 3.5.7, but it just gave me 3.5.8. Is there a place to download 3.5.7? I don't remember this problem earlier.
Is there an EASY way to remove the background from a photo and make it completely white? I mean, no "magic wand" or transparency %, etc... just a button I can hit to "remove background"... reason being, I need to do this for hundreds of images and it would be very time consuming to do it with the wand, etc.
I have a picture that was sent to me from someone to remove the effects of a filter. I can plainly see an area in the picture where the colors are not natural to the picture. My question is how do I remove the extra colors without messing up what was behind them? It appears someone used a blur or smudge filter in this one area.
Want to remove the dark grey boundary layer as seen in the attachment, in order to overlay my own boundary (which uses a different coordinate system so is more stretched) What tool do I use to do this? Do i remove that specific color from the picture completely? Do i somehow blend it into the background map?
Also, the new map layer is a series of 300 bright red points in a similar shape on a white background....how do i overlay only the red points?
I've got two ebooks coming out with "A NOVEL" in one and "a novel by" in the other. I put those in there thinking that they would distinguish them from other kinds of books, but hanging around in the ebook forums the great majority of people are like, 'Using 'a novel by' is amateurish and unnecessary as the book will be amongst other novels.'
Well, I've looked at plenty of ebooks online I thought were novels that ended up being short stories and I was not pleased, so I'm not entirely convinced I should be getting rid of them (the 'a novel by,' that is).
question #1) Do you think I should be getting rid of them?
Question #2) If so, any good way of doing that, where it still looks good?
The Find I did in paint.net before I knew about layers (unfortunately), so everything there is on the same layer.
Man of God was done by a professional cover designer and I have asked him to remove it, but I'm not sure if he will or not. (He did the cover maybe 7 months ago and I've got an email into him three days ago and haven't heard back.) So I don't know how this one was made.
And one last question: what is up with the file re-sizing action? I know that's vague, but when I re-sized The Find photo to 50% the paint.net uploader said it was too big. When I re-sized it to 40% paint.net said it was only 33.24 kb. Can that be? Plus paint.net was calling the file sizes just about double what they were in the file's properties.