Paint Shop Pro :: Displaying PNG With Alpha Transparency?

Jul 3, 2013

In PSP 8 I made a circular white clock face with black numerals on green background. I then saved it as a PNG, specifying the green as the transparent colour and specifying alpha channel.

It worked OK when viewed in my video editor, i.e. the green was transparent. But on opening it in PSP 8 I expected to see it displayed with the familiar chequer board background, yet it was a solid white.

So among many other PNGs it's impossible to tell that it does have a transparent area. Is this also the case in less ancient versions? What about other image editors - do they all have this weakness?

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Paint Shop Pro :: What Is Alpha Channel

Aug 16, 2012

I've seen instructions to use this but I'm not sure what its core purpose is and I can't seem to find a definition in the user manual, online or in this forum.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Alpha Channel Not Saving TGA Files

Nov 2, 2011

Confirm that the alpha channel is not saving correctly for TGA files using PSPro X4?

1 Create an image with an alpha channel.
2 Save image as a TGA.
3 Close and re-open the TGA then load a selection from alpha channel.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Pspimages Not Displaying In Save As Page

May 6, 2013

I'm using PSP Pro Ver.5 under Windows 7 on a 64 bit machine. When I attempt to perform a "Save As' operation using the pspimage option, some of the pspimages appear as thumbnails - but other pspimages appear only as icons. How do I get them all to appear as thumbnails?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Manage Tab Preview Window Incorrectly Displaying

May 27, 2013

I am using Paint Shop Pro X5 Ultimate.The Preview Window of the Manage Tab seemed to be displaying photos oddly - the photo wasn't filling the preview window (it was leaving an area around the bottom and right-hand side of the photo). At first I thought it was just the zoom setting, so I zoomed in. However, I have now used several features of the software that seem to show that the Preview Window (only on the Manage Tab) is incorrectly displaying the preview.

The problem became further evident when I used the Find People feature of Paint Shop Pro to locate the faces and tag several people, however the position of the tags are as if the Preview Window is filled by the photo. I have attached a screenshot that shows that the tag for the person in the bottom right-hand corner of the photo has her tag positioned off the photo (outside of the border of the photo) to the bottom and right of the photo even though it was automatically placed by the software. The position of the tags for the people in the photo are all offset slightly to the right and down and would be correct only if the photo was displaying correctly in the Preview Window.

I have tested uploading the photos to Facebook and the tags appear correctly once on Facebook. If I manually tag the faces as they appear on the Preview Window, the tags are incorrectly placed once the photo has been uploaded to Facebook (they appear up and to the left of where the face is positioned in the photo.

I have tried resetting the preferences and turning off some display features of Microsoft Windows, but I have seen to changes in the Preview Window.

Properties of your source files (format, file size, where did you get it?) The example photo was taken in .jpg format using a Nikon D3100 and 18-200mm Nikon DX lens, though this affects my entire photo collection taken on several different cameras and in several different formats (including RAW).

What devices are involved and their mode of connection? The files were transferred directly from the camera to the computer using a USB cable. Project Properties:I was using the Manage tab to sort photos and tag people using the Find People feature and also tried manually tagging faces.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Transparency In FPX Files?

May 24, 2013

I have paint Shop Pro X but for the files I am working on I have to use PSP 9 on XP (SP1). Trust me, after weeks writing back and forth to Corel and them testing our files it is the only way to open them. Our images are converted to .fpx using TrueSpectra which is now a relic from the past. PSP never had a problem with the .fpx files until XP service pack 2 was released and it then stopped opening them.

We have over 200,000 web images that are currently saved as fpx files (archaic I know and many of you won't have even heard of them let alone used them) that we are converting to a more adaptable and flexible pTIFF format (Pyramid TIFF). The pTIFF will allow us to include a path that can be used by Scene7 for various web functionality (movable transparent images).

, the real problem... What I am finding is that when I open some of the fpx files in Paint Shop Pro the products that are normally shown on white backgrounds are showing on black. It turns out that someone has managed to include transparency in the fpx file. I am unable to find a path, a channel mask or layers in the fpx file when opened in Paint Shop Pro. So how is what I always thought to be a flat image creating the selection that is filling with black?. Obviously, when the conversion to TIFF takes place it's rendering the image on a black background which is a problem.

I have tried un-checking "Render Transparency" under File format preferences (PostScript tab) but it made no difference.

If nothing else, is there was a way to make the black background fill in white instead. That would be fine.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Transparency / Mask

Jun 26, 2013

i am having a problem with the mask automatically deleting and making transparent the image when I load up a TGA. Simply deleting the mask doesn't bring back the parts of the image that are become transparent, the mask is deleting everything it touches upon loading of the image. Is this a setting somewhere I accidentally turned on? or a bug? PSP didn't used to do this when I first installed it. I have reset all the preferences, uninstalled/ reinstalled, but no fix.

This is what I am getting in PSP:

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Paint Shop Pro :: Displaying Organizer View / General Information Panel?

Sep 3, 2011

I am learning Corel’s PSPPX3 by reading Diane Koers’ book titled “Picture Yourself Learning Corel PSPPX3.”

According to Diane, in Organizer View, a General Information Panel should be displayed on the right.

My view does not display the panel.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Transparency Checkerboard Disappeared?

Sep 9, 2012

Paint Shop Pro X4 Vista 64. Suddenly I cannot erase parts of the background image and create the checkerboard pattern. The erased area becomes white regardless of pallette color settings. Just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind I tried the same thing in my old PSP 7 and the checkerboard pattern does appear when erasing parts of the background image. I have reinstalled the program with the same results.

Solved: Recently recalibrated my monitor. The default color of the checkerboard was so light that it appeard white!! Chose dark gray and all is well.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - Replace Color To Transparency?

Apr 8, 2013

Any way to simply remove a color by replacing it with a transparency? More specifically, the background of my image is solid black but the object itself is a little too intricate to cut out via the selection tool.

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Paint Shop Pro :: PNG Transparency When Downloaded From Browser?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a problem receiving or downloading png files. Once downloaded to my computer they always show a white background. Where I might look to see if I screwed up a setting somewhere? If i right click to copy and paste a png file into psp pro x4 itself it has a black background .. if i right click save as ... then save as the png file it has a white background. If a friend takes that same file and saves it as a psd file it opens perfectly with the transparent background.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Obtaining Transparency Besides PNGoptimizer?

May 18, 2012

When saving using PNG optimizer I can obtain transparency selecting a single color (image attached), what is handy, but implies to save the image! When handling images in files as PSPImage, PNG, GIFF, is there any way of obtaining transparency besides using PNG optimizer? I mean, I would like to obtain transparency any moment, without being need to save the image...

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Paint Shop Pro :: Smart Carver Losing Transparency

May 3, 2012

I recently had to reinstall PSP X3 and since then when I use Smart Carver any transparent areas are lost - they appear as solid white.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Saving PNG Files In X4 - Partial Transparency Saved Incorrectly

Sep 18, 2011

I think I've found a major issue with saving .PNG files that have partial transparency in PSPx4

Essentially any opacity isn't saved correctly, and is made far too transparent. So anything with partial transparency is saved incorrectly.

I first noticed this when I saved a file to PNG that had a drop shadow - and the shadow seemed to have not been saved. In fact it had but the transparency was now so much higher it was almost invisible. Looking closer, all partially transparent pixels are not saved correctly.

This issue isn't present on x2 and PSP 9 (two old versions I've got).

I've done a simple test. Create a new image, transparent background. Fill with a colour at 30% opacity. Save as PNG, save as PSPImage. Resulting PNG looks completely different to the PSP image.

See the below screenshot, and also the but saved as PNG in PSP 9 (to show this is fine).

I'm always saving to PNG and this makes PSPx4 useless to me I'm afraid. I've checked the save settings and it's the same as PSP9.

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Photoshop :: Alpha Channel Transparency

Feb 16, 2004

I'm developing a tile based game, I have basic ground tiles, and above these tiles can be objects. My game engine supports objects with an alpha channel, where the alpha channel is used for transparency:

alphachannel 0 = completely invisible pixel
alphachannel 255 = opaque pixel
alphachannel between 0 and 255 means the object and the background tile below that are blended, like semi-transparency.

This is useful to give the objects soft edges, and for semi-transparant fire, ghosts, and other nice looking effects. Code:

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Photoshop :: Alpha Channels/ Transparency...

Mar 14, 2003

transparency and alpha channels. I'll explain what I want to do, and hopefully someone can tell me how. I'm creating an image in a 3d modeling program. I want to export an image file (Targa, 32 bit, with Alpha Channels) into photoshop, then extract the alpha channel(that being the black background in this case) so that i'm left with the actual image of the 3d model over transparency, with which I can use to layer on top of things created in photoshop. Ok, that said, i'll explain it one more way, in hopes to make it clearer. I'm doing weather graphics for a news program, and have rendered out a cloud in a 3d modelling program(3d studio max). I want to import this image of the cloud into photoshop, and layer it over graphics I created in photoshop, minus the background created in the exporting from the 3d program.

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Photoshop :: How Can I Create An PNG With Alpha Transparency

Dec 3, 2007

I was wondering if someone could help me create a PNG that when overlayed on an image only shows when its on top of black. ie the image underneath is black and in some spots there is color. Wherever there is black I would like the overlayed png to show. Wherever there is color I would like to the overlayed png to be transparent.

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GIMP :: Black Alpha (RGB+A) Transparency?

Dec 7, 2011

making a alpha channel transparency; Funny thing is. I made it work once a few days ago. I went to bed and forgot to write down how i did it (Tried everything, almost)

In the link right here [URL] n i have 4 files; Q3a_arrow_gimp_ver4.tga (TGA that works as i want it, you'll notice ALL the alpha channels have a black layer channel in the channels tab, how do i recreate that?) Q3a_arrow_methodtry.tga (tried to recreate with THIS tutorial [URL] with no success P.S. i tried loooads of tutorials but this recreation seems rather close to the working .TGA i need) (sourcematerial all vector from Adobe Illustrator) Q3a_arrow.png (picture with transparency intact if needed for comparison)

So; Now... What i did to make the working picture was making a .PNG - drag it into gimp.. I recall doing some Alpha and or masking or selection thing with it, then rendered it for .TGA since Illustrator does not support the kind of .TGA i needed. Worked flawlessly in the engine where i use a function called alphafunc GE128 (blend with black as invisible layer and white as solid)

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Photoshop :: Match Fireworks In Transparency (alpha)?

Jun 29, 2013

Fireworks has so many horrible bugs, I am making the switch to Photoshop cs5.5 --- I have used Fireworks exclusively since 2001.Here's my question: {URL}....

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Photoshop :: Getting Alpha Channel Transparency To Work

Aug 14, 2005

I'm trying to do something that I could previously do with other image software. I want to 'paint' the transparency of a layer using the alpha channel. So when I paint black on the alpha channel it makes that part of the layer completely transparent, and white makes it completely opaque (and grey shades are in between). From what I understood of the help, this should be possible by just creating an alpha channel and painting in it. But when I try and then click back to display the RGB channel to look at the changes I've made, nothing actually changes. Whatever I seem to do to the alpha channel it doesn't actually affect the layer's transpancy at all.

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Xara :: How To Export Alpha Transparency Properly

Aug 8, 2013

I think this is related to Xara's inability to export alpha transparency properly. I've talked about this before, somewhere. Feel free to find the old post.

The thing is, without a decent export the feature is largely useless isn't it? .Xar is almost never the destination format.

I can get round the edges issue by printing to PDF instead of exporting, but then the bounds of the original bitmaps are visible. So neither solution is any good at all. Surely this is a massive problem?

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3ds Max :: PNG Texture With Alpha Channel But Transparency Seems To Be White?

Dec 6, 2011

png texture with alpha channel but the transparency seems to be white.

How do I let the transparency in the png texture look through to the background?(alpha blend)

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GIMP :: Alpha Channels And Exporting Transparency

Nov 25, 2012

Basically, I am trying to use an alpha layer/channel to export a picture that is transparent except for a grass clump that is colored green over the alpha layer. So the picture looks like a solid green rectangle, but is actually a green blade of grass.

Problem is, I cannot get the alpha layer to work. I can't follow the tutorial as it is in photoshop, and random videos on-line haven't worked.

(Here is the tutorial: [URL]...... from 08:40 - 09:30)

(I have also attached my practice file as a TGA)

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Photoshop :: Alpha Transparency? Like Black 0%, White 100% Transp. Etc.

Jun 17, 2006

How can I set transparency like when color is brighter it will be more transparent, eg. white is fully transparent, black is non-transparent, gray is 50% transparent, etc..

I would save png after that.

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GIMP :: Using Selection Deleting To Transparency Via Alpha Channel

Dec 12, 2012

I have removed the background from a photo using selection deleting to transparency via alpha channel. My dog was left. I then exported to png. When I try to upload the dog to use in a label, (Open Office), the back ground turns to white.

What am I doing wrong?

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GIMP :: Make Grayscale Image Into Alpha Transparency Channel

Oct 21, 2012

Is there any way I can directly make a grayscale image into an alpha transparency channel?

I mean, NOT involving selection? Because selection by color to layer mask,is really difficult what I need to do the selection threshold.

Why is it easy to turn an alpha channel into a grayscale image but not the reverse?

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GIMP :: Creating 32bit PNG Image With Alpha-channel Transparency

Dec 15, 2011

I already have an image file in png format..which I want to use as an application launcher icon for my android application.

The android specifies image with following properties for the launcher icon(Will need 4 different image to support different screen size in mobile devices)

Launcher icons should be 32-bit PNGs with an alpha channel for transparency. The finished launcher icon dimensions corresponding to a given generalized

Screen density are shown in the table below.
1. 36 * 36 px
2. 48 * 48 px
3. 72 * 72 px
4. 96 * 96 px

I would like to create 4 png files(with specifications mentioned above) from the already existing image file. How do I do that in GIMP.

I am completely novice to image editing(Never touched any image editing software before) and not sure how to achieve this in GIMP.

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After Effects :: Transparency / Alpha Great Mystery (IMPORTED PNG Sequence)

Mar 28, 2013

The problem: I am importing a PNG sequence into After Effects (CS 5.5), however AE refuses to see the Alpha channel contained within the sequence. Now before anyone jumps the gun and says, "But wait, PNG does not really support alpha, it just supports transparency!" Right, something I just learned, and still -- quite honestly -- baffles the heck out of me.
But anyway, another PNG sequence exported from the exact same program, imports into After Effects just fine with an "alpha channel" and all. I double-checked, and there is NOT an option in the program to export the PNG without transparency info.
Importing sample images from each sequence reveals the EXACT SAME THING ... both have transparency, but NEITHER have an alpha-channel per se.
1) why in the heck AE would interpret one's transparency, and not the other?2) Is there a way to FORCE AE to see the transparency of the one?3) IF not, is there something out there that will convert the PNG's with transparency to another format (TIF, TGA, PSD) with an alpha? I just don't want to have to re-render the sequences again. 

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GIMP :: Transparency (Alpha To Selection) - Remove White Background From Images

Aug 20, 2011

For quite some time I've been trying to find the best way to remove a white background from images. I've checked out the sticky thread on this forum and as my image isn't of great quality and because it features quite a lot of white that won't apply.

Recently I found this tutorial which is supposed to work great (as seen in the comments). However, I think that because of a GIMP update that won't apply anymore somehow. I was hoping you guys might know what was causing it.

Everything works well until I get to step 7, where I have to select to Alpha. There it selects just the outlines, but my selection includes inner parts of the image, not just the background. And then after I invert and delete, the white that remains still has transparent parts that show up on the upper layer. So, am I doing something wrong with the Alpha to Selection, is that tutorial updated or is there a better way to remove the background from ie. a logo with just one background colour which isn't of great quality.

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GIMP :: Edit Original Layer Below Alpha Transparency Or Adding Layers

Sep 23, 2011

Basically just want to make the middle separating line in the following image:

Identical to (same degree of horizontal fadeout into transparency):

I have spent hours on it trying to edit the original layer below the alpha transparency or adding layers, getting nowhere.

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Paint.NET :: Use One Image As Alpha Channel Of Another

Feb 12, 2013

How do I take say the black and white version of an image and use the final grey scale value as the alpha value for that pixel on the original?  Is this possible to do easily?
If not, what's the hard way?

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