AutoCAD 2010 :: Placing Objects Incrementally Along A Surface?
Nov 21, 2013
I have a long, serpentine, 3D solid that also changes elevation. It's "S" shaped from the top and "U" shaped from the side. I need to place objects perpendicular to one surface and at a specific increment. The 3D Solid is about 3000 feet long and I need to put the perpendicular objects (3D solid or a block) at 4' increments (this is the linear dimension and not an aligned dimension) and they must always follow the orientation of the long solid. Imagine a railroad track twisting and turning as it goes through a valley and trying to put a post, aligned to the bottom of the track, every 4’ as seen from the top.
I'm just trying to get a grasp on Civil 3d and need placing a 3d drawing from autocad onto a surface. So what I have is some survey points that I shot and turned into a surface. Now I would like to place 3d drawings of features onto the surface.I would like to shift the features around and find the right spots for them taking into consideration slope and existing terrain. Then I would like to turn these placed features into survey points that can be found in the real world. Is there an easy process for something like this?
I have a series of triangles along a curved path in Illustrator CS6 (mac, if that makes a difference). I want to make the triangles large as the approach the middle of the path, and smaller towards the ends. The triangles' lower-most corner must remain locked to the path. I've tried pattern brushes, but not only do they distort the triangles, but there's also no way to scale the triangles reliably (to my knowledge).
how to put a 3D object on top of the another 3D object in autocad"! E.g.,I want to put a 3d object of one leaf (raised 1") on top of the vase, so that the edges of the leaf are placed completely on the surface of the vase.
I extruded the leaf 1" first, then tried to copy it on a solid cylinder of a vase, but it didn't work!!! It seems to be simple, maybe not!
Is there a setting to make it so when in VPMAX, that objects that are annotative will hold the scale of the viewport? it makes it very hard to place objects utilizing vpmax... doesn't make sense that it would change scales in a locked viewport.
I have a pic which I would like to put text over but I can't figure out how to make the text box transparent so i can see the pic through it and have the text visible over the pic.
So picture that you have designed something in Corel. Let's say an invitation. I go to put text or a graphic on top, and nothing is going on top. My text is behind. Nothing i do works. (ex. ctrl-pgup, object in front of.... etc.)
after clicking "OK", these go to 160,2 mm or less than 160 mm.
The same with the sizes and places of objects etc. I create a 20 x 20 mm circle. One click later it is 19,89 x 19,89. I set it's location to X: 80 mm, Y: 80 mm. One click later: 80,02mm
I'd like to know how to align an object in model space with the edge of my viewport in paperspace.
When I draw, I like to lay out multiple complete drawings in model space, make an appropriately scaled bounding box around them, and then snap a view port to the bounding box in my layout. I usually have multiple drawings lined up in a row in modelspace, so when I want a new layout I do a Save As and then pan around in my viewport to find the next bounding box, at which point I have to resize the viewport to get it to snap to the edges nicely. I really want to be able to to it the otehr way around- while panning I'd like to be able to grab a corner of my modelspace bouding box and snap it to the the corresponding corner of my viewport window. That way making new layouts would be a snap. Is there a way to do this in AutoCAD 2012 LT?
Something changed in my settings & I don't know how to chance it back. I can't click on to select objects inside or behind objects. What do I have to change to be able to select any item I click on regardless of where it is?
Is there any way of setting up an automated process/es? What I want to try to achieve is to move a layer incrementally along an axis,by say a few pixels at a time,whilst saving the frame generated,up to say 20 frames or more ?
It has been too long since I created Grading Objects and Proposed Surfaces. I am working in a file with my existing surface DATA Linked. I am creating a grading plan. I have created three separate grading objects in the Site named Proposed. One in the building, One is a new ditch, one is a graded existing ditch. I need to make these three with the unaffected areas of the existing surface into a new surface. How do I accomplish that . All my grading objects appear to be individually accurate and are created with a Feature Line and Grade to Surface Styles.
Trouble with embedded OLE DWG objects in word 2010 not opening with AutoCAD 2012
We have a user that can't open some OLE DWG files from within a word document. He had 2010 AutoCAD LT on his machine for a while then was upgraded to 2012 AutoCAD (non LT) once that was there LT 2010 was unistalled. since then he has not been able to open certain embedded OLE files within Word. Other users that have other ever had AutoCAD 2012 have no issue opening this embedded DWG files.
i found this thread (URL....) which sounds exactly what is going on with my enduser. But the fix provided is for AutoCad 2000-2012 not the LT versions.
I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?
I've created a surface from blocks but I need to move many of the blocks to new locations/elevations but if one of the blocks that formed part of the surface build is moved or elevation adjusted the surface doesn't update. I have to reselect and add the blocks to the definition, remove the original blocks and shunt the newly added block up the definitions list.
If Civil points are moved they automatically update the surface (as expected) so is there a list anywhere or which entities/objects will cause the surface to update automatically and which ones won't??
I don't generally get data in this way hence the question so I'm thinking the best way forward would be to convert to Civil Points and make point groups??
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I use geophysical software which exports 3D objects to AutoCad in relation to the flat surface - "zero" level. Most often clients want to get results in local height datum (in relation to the road surface which has usually slope and is never perfectly flat).
Is there any method to move all objects automatically and show them in relation to the road surface? Ideally I would like to define road surface with three lines (two side lines and center line). Is there any plugin to AutoCad that can do it? If this operation goes beyond the possibilities of AutoCad, can you recommend me a software (eg. AutoCAD Civil), which automates the process?
I have a series of Autocad Objects (3D faces). I need to turn the contiguous group of them into a SINGLE Autocad surface. I know next to nothing about vanilla autocad and 3D stuff. Seems there must be a way to make a surface out of objects. I would then use this resulting surface to carve a solid. DWG with 3D faces in it attached.
I want to create a Picture like the following one with 3ds max, but I don't know how (except of manually aligning the spheres). I tried it with Position Object in PFlow, but i get nothing but random Alignments around my Base Object.
I'm having a problem creating a 3D Solid from two 3dpoly lines. I'm attaching a script file which reproduces the two 3dpoly lines to use for the LOFT command. As you can see when running it, I have two closed 3dpoly lines which use exactly the same X,Y coordinates and differ only in the Z axis. I'd like to make a 3D Solid with these lines, which should be possible using the LOFT command... but I only get a surface around the 'sides'.
I needed to remove the .scr extension from the file in order to attach it, so to run it you need to replace .txt with .scr at the end of the filename. It's a standard ASCII script file. If someone prefers I can also give the coordinates of the 3dpoly lines as a post.
I'm working on this model and I am trying to use the surface trim command in cad 2011, but its not working and its pissing me off. I want to use the trim and use the dome in my model as the cutting edge to cut the parts of the curved walls that fall inside the dome but it is not working. I have the file uploaded.
i have recived an igs fle which i imported into auticad 2012.when imported the and saved as an .dwg the model is in surfaces, im looking to convert the surface to solid so i can export the file as an .stl for 3d printing. is it possible to convert this?
I've got a fairly complicated polygon mesh that I turned into a mesh. No problem. Then I try to convert to a surface and while the geometry is accurate the isolines change dramatically. I'm trying to bring the item into Inventor so that I can have a clean surface to work from. Unfortunately I get what you see in the picture. The top left is before converting to a surface. Bottom right is after.
I am trying to create a proposed surface using grading. I created a closed polyline representing the site's outer boundary then created a feature line from it. When I try to select the feature line in order to create the grading I get "THIS FEATURE OVERLAPS ITSELF AND CANNOT BE GRADED".
I made a 3D box shape in AutoCAD. I would like to draw a line on one of the surfaces of the box. Also I know you can use the the linear tool under Annotations to display dimensions of 2D lines. But I don't know how to do it so that it that shows the dimension on a vertical axis as shown in the picture below.
I'm running into problems with Civil 3D 2010 trying to render a TIN suface with a draped JPEG.
I've inserted a JPEG aerial photo (supplied by municipal GIS services) and applied it as a drape to the TIN surface terrain model. When I go to the 3D Modeling workspace and try to render the scene, the following error message is displayed:
"This scene cannot be rendered. The scene must contain at least one 3D wireframe or solid model object to render."
The DWG co-ordinate system is UTM83-17. Sometimes these issues can be caused by objects being too far from the origin, and I've tried moving everything to 0,0,0 all to no avail. The surface style confirms triangles as being displayed in Model view, so I really don't know what the problem is here.