Illustrator :: Combining Complex Transparency Effects Into Single Objects
Nov 18, 2013
I have a 9 layer Illustrator file that uses multiple transparency effects. I need to combine all the elements so that I can use the pieces with a transparent background, but no matter what I do, it requires a white background to look right. File is here:
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Sep 17, 2013
I've been exploring migrating my Design and PrePress departments away from Illustrator & Flexi and transitioning to Corel. Unfortunately I've hit a major stumbling block
Right now I have a team of designers laying out sign designs. They draw each sign and we generate a message schedule for those signs in excel. From there, we've been able to use the print merge function in Corel to transfer all the messages from the data sheet to the signs. The problem is, each sign is placed on a separate page within the Corel file. I know you can then use print imposition to gang those signs for printing...but the problem is we have a laser engraver, rotary engravers and routers that are all being run. I've fairly certain we could "print" to the laser without any issues but I'm not as confident regarding the other machines.
Typically once we have the drawings of every sign created (currently doing this in Flexi), we have programmers that gang all similar components together on files that are used to power the rotary engravers. Because the print merge function in Corel puts each sign on a separate page, I'm not sure how we'd be able to transition without having to copy, paste and place each sign back on to a single page. Our jobs often run into the hundreds of signs so the extra labor required would kill any savings such a transition might bring us.
Is there a way to combine pages post print-merge, to get all the objects on a single page? I had really hoped to be able to gang all objects together on a single page within a single file.
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Sep 3, 2012
I am using Illustrator 16.0.1.
I have extracted a svg model from a PDF map, which leaves me with a lot of complex shapes that are not optimised.
For example, these shapes are all composed of a lot of unneeded sub shapes. When trying to merge them together via Pathfinder > Merge, I get :
Is there a way to clean up those shapes from transparency, to get the smallest possible amount of points?
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Mar 11, 2014
I have just been updated to CC at work and I am having all sorts of issues. But the two main pressing ones are:
1. When I save, it keeps "not responding". Sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't. When it does, I lose everything. It takes anywhere from 1 - 5 minutes to save. I thought it was an issue with a large file, but it does it to me in a one page file with only one photo in it as well.
2. Layers. This is the killer right here. Again, I thought this was a capatability issue when using old files, but it has proved me wrong. As I create layers and new artwork, it works fine. However, once I save and re-open the file, all the artwork has been combined to a single layer and then I have to dig it all out to do anything to it, only to have it do the same thing the next time I repoen the file.
Is it me? Is it default settings somewhere in CC? I have major deadlines that I think I am going to miss if things keep continueing the way they are.
System Specs:
Illustrator CC 16.0.3 (Tried to update to 17 and it said everything was up to date, twice)
Windows 7
Dell Optiplex 7010 with Core i7 and brand new AMD video card.
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Oct 13, 2011
How do I combine objects that aren't touching or overlapping? Pathfinder just turns them into a group, but I need them as a single object.
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Aug 9, 2012
I have very complex file, with hundreds of paths, shapes, text, outlined text, etc... It's a brochure with graphs, scematich drawings and text.
Last moment, the client like the reverse the colors from (current) Black on white, to all White on dark gray background.
Problem is, I can't seem to find easy way to just change the colors, without selecting one by one, every single object. When I selest all and choose white, it start filling paths with solid fill... Editing it wastes allot of my time and I have many pages to do.
Is there any way to simple change color of everything at once, just from black to white ? Or do I have to go object by object manually ?
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Mar 21, 2013
I have a circle with split into 5 segments (image A).All of the segments have a stroke (1px) of white, and a fill.
What I want is for the STROKE to be transparent so that when I position the 5 segments over a different background colour (image B) I see the colour underneath where the white stroke would otherwise appear. To recap - I would like to retain the width of the stroke, and make the stroke coloue transparent..
I've tried the Opacity setting, but this applies to the object, not just the stroke.
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Nov 3, 2013
Is it possible to resize objects by a mask transparency or using another object as a guide that has a black-white gradient?
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Jun 14, 2012
I'm drawing some illustrations and want to fill overlapping objects with a paper texture. I have done this using the Transparency window and placing a paper texture image over each object. The problem is that where the objects overlap to create the whole picture, they are quite transparent and so you get the effect of layers of tissue paper. I want each object to look completely opaque, but despite opacity being set to 100% on each object, they don't.
I've tried filling the objects with lighter / darker paper texture images and tweaking the Transparency settings to Darker / Ligher / Soft or hard light, etc.
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Jan 15, 2013
I'm in the process of drawing a site plan which contains buildings, roads and wooded areas. I want to draw roads which go through the wooded areas. I want both the road and the woods to be opaque except where the woods overlaps the road (I want the wood to be partially transparent at the overlap). Example of the effect I want is shown below. I don't get this effect when trying to use blending transparency modes. I'm sure it can be done with the opacity mask but I've tried all sorts of combinations and not managed to get this effect.
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May 5, 2013
I have several discrete projects which I have created in VideoStudio over time and would now like to combine some into a single project before editing.
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Jan 3, 2013
I'm fairly new to the AutoCAD API for .NET, and for the last month or so I've been googling about, looking for comprehensive documentation on the Autodesk API (their equivalent of man pages). I've yet to find anything that describes each method and class in the API.
My goal is this: I'm trying to figure out how to copy the contents of all drawings in the same directory into a single dwg file. What subsets of the AutoCAD API should I use to do so?
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Feb 15, 2013
we are using adobe animate to make medical related flash type cards, we have completed our work BUT
problem is this when job is done edge animate created multiple files to including Scripts, images and HTML files, which becomes very difficult to upload on a server when we need to uplaod thousands of edge files on our site.
is their any way that all the files are compiled into one file? so it will become really easy to uplaod thousands of flash card. secondly, is their any way to encrypt all stuff?
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May 8, 2012
AutoLISP for Combining Layout tabs into single PDF file?
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Jan 14, 2013
Applying an effect, such as a blur, to a blend seems to disable the "Smooth Color" option. I can use "Specified Steps" or "Specified Distance" to correct the look of the blend, but I am just curious as to why this happens with "Smooth Color."
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Aug 15, 2013
I outlined a bit of text, and then applied Effect > Warp > Arch. What I'd like to do is cut apart parts of the now outlined letters. I tried to use the pathfinder palette, but it applies the pathfinder to old, non-arched shape.
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May 16, 2012
I don't mean "Hide" as in right clicking and hiding selected objects, because that doesn't seem to work.
I'm working with Rayfire and need a way to remove the fragment objects from my view so the program will run faster.
Alternatively is there any way to combine multiple scene's objects instead? (so I could work on the fragments and then the rest of the scene and then combine them.)
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Jul 21, 2013
cropping/cutting complex meshed 2d objects.I create a 2d plane and divide it to 100x100 sections. How can I extract a star from it preserving the meshed squares of the plane?
In Illustrator I'd create a compound path from the 100x100 (10.000 squares) and extract it. Then I'd create a star position it in front of the plane, select both and hit "crop" in the pathfinder.
What I actually need is to "subdivide" 2d shapes but if I apply the subdivide modifier It applies a triangle mesh and what i need is squares manually delete the outside segment by segment but I'm talking real complex shapes..
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Jul 29, 2013
I'm in Photoshop CS6 trying to merge three 3D objects- 2 faces of a coin and a backing to go between them- into a whole for an Aftereffects project.
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May 7, 2011
I was thinking about combining a swimming pool water object with an environment like the attached file.
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Jun 20, 2012
If I have a number of shapes on top of each other, with, for example, a drop shadow on the top shape, whenever I try and select the shape below it (it is peeking out from beneath the top shape, so I click on this 'peeking' section of the shape to try and select it) I cannot - it just selects the top shape as the top shape's drop shadow is 'blocking' the shape below it. Make sense?
How do I go about about remedying this? I seem to recall being able to tell Illustrator to ignore 'effects' when making selections in CS4, but cannot work out how to do this in CS5. And is there a way to refine the 'sensitivity' or selection radius when clicking to make selections?
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Jan 25, 2013
In the image above, the blue needs to be transparent. BUT the white strokes, white space around the example top left image, and the drop shadow effects all still want to be there. (i.e. the blue areas should `punch through` everything to transparency). Whilst keeping the drop shadows rendered in these areas which will darken parts of the transparent areas. Make sense?
The purpose is to export the image as a .png with transparency where the colour should be, which is used in a seperate application which sets a background colour behind the .png image - this allows real time changing of the image colours to whatever we need rather than being stuck with the colour in the image
Attempts with the above though usually end up with me loosing the effects, or they dilute and look different when the blue is removed, or things don't layer up propperly.
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Oct 14, 2012
I want to convert a complex object into solid, so that I can measure its volume.
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Nov 19, 2002
I'm going through some tutorials and I'm trying to make an object using some shapes. I'm putting them all in the same layer. I have my object, but now I want to add some layer styles (beveled edges). When I go to apply them, I only do it to one of the 3 shapes that make up my object. How do I combined all the shapes to make an object, so that I can then apply the effect? I'm on PS7.
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Jun 19, 2006
how do i select akward complex objects like trees or bushes or hair without spending hours with the magic wand tool?
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Jan 6, 2013
I am about to write the function using Overrule API to temporary override object’s colour to ByLayer for all entities in the drawing.
At this moment I just have simple class for testing (just to check if it is possible) and so far I can see problem with complex entities.
Entities such as Line, Polyline even BlockReferences work fine but complex objects like HATCH, MTEXT and LEADER do not change colour as set in SetAttribute method.
Below is simple class I was testing.
public class ByLayerColorOverrule : DrawableOverrule
public override bool WorldDraw(Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.Drawable drawable, Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.WorldDraw wd)
base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);
return true;
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Feb 7, 2012
I'm having a few problems combining several objects.I did a drawing with a digital pen, quite a complex one. Every time the pen leaves the page/tablet and then resumes drawing a new object is created. I would like to combine all the objects as one single entity so that when you click on it you can see all the nodes in the entire drawing. You see, I wish to simplify the drawing (there are A LOT of nodes) and each time I try to do this I can only select certain clusters of nodes (ie certain objects, there are over a 1000 of these node clusters). Please refer to the attached picture to get a better idea - this is just a simple drawing of a house I did in inkscape (don't have coreldraw on this computer). I know how to do this in inkscape (at least I think I do). I thought the way to do this in coreldraw would be to click Arrange > then Combine. However, when I select all objects I can't utilise the Combine feature (it's there, though i can't click on it).
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Apr 18, 2012
Recently I have download Corel X6. It is a beautiful software, but when I combined some objects the holes fill-up. I read about this in forum and found a hint that reverse node. It is a good solution but this solution works on when you are using a few objects. What if I have a full page of objects and want to combine them. It is very difficult to select each object's node and apply reverse node command.
In Corel 12 it was works fine i.e. combining objects. But in Corel X5 and X6 it is work like a ghost.
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Nov 9, 2011
I'm trying to make lego arms currently. I'm using two capsules to make the arms. But you can obviously see two capsules were put together. Is there a way to mush the two objects together to make it look like one? I tried connect and Turbosmooth but it's still noticeable.
3DS Max 2012
Windows 7 - 64 bit
AMD Radeon HD 6570M
Intel Core i7-2630QM CPU 2.00GHz, 6Gb Ram
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Apr 11, 2012
I have need to combine 2 objects into 1 bitmap. Top image is a black (K 100) box with 50 tranpareny, bottom image is just a rectangle with red fill C 0 M 100 Y 100 0. When I combine into 1 bitmap coreldrawx5 is dropping out colour. Maybe using 'normal' rather than 'multiply'. When viewing with proof colours turned on it looks like B) even before combining. Looks like there must be a setting somewhere where Corel that controls how it combines colour of objects as it converts to bitmaps but for the life of me i cant find it.
A) Should be like this with combined B) Converts to this with combined colour
colour of C0 M100 Y100 K50 of C0 M50 Y50 K50.
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Mar 1, 2013
If you have several objects grouped, and then you combine them all on a single object, the resulting object is placed inside the same group. This seems bogus, since is not possible to create a group of a single object.
Test case:Create 4 rectangles.Select them all and group them (ctrl+g)Select the group and combine all objects (ctrl+alt+dnarrow)
What I expect:A single object floating on the canvas
What I get:The same group but with a single object inside.
PhotoPaint 7 64bits Service Pack 1
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