Illustrator :: Transparent Bits With Effects And Underlying Objects / Strokes

Jan 25, 2013

In the image above, the blue needs to be transparent. BUT the white strokes, white space around the example top left image,  and the drop shadow effects all still want to be there. (i.e. the blue areas should `punch through` everything to transparency). Whilst keeping the drop shadows rendered in these areas which will darken parts of the transparent areas. Make sense?
The purpose is to export the image as a .png with transparency where the colour should be, which is used in a seperate application which sets a background colour behind the .png image - this allows real time changing of the image colours to whatever we need rather than being stuck with the colour in the image
Attempts with the above though usually end up with me loosing the effects, or they dilute and look different when the blue is removed, or things don't layer up propperly.

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Illustrator :: Possibility That Strokes Don't Overlap Into Other Objects

Jun 2, 2012

I have a layer with 3 objects. (this is not a font).The S, E and the XY are unique objects, and i wanted to apply two strokes to it. First a black stroke and then a blue one.
My issue here is that the strokes at the red marked points are overlapping to other objects.
Is there a possibility that the strokes don't overlap into the other objects? can i somehow "merge" the 3 objects to one so the overlapping doesn't occur?

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Illustrator :: Remove Strokes From Multiple Objects

Mar 23, 2013

I am using stokes to mask out a shape I want. I want to remove these strokes altogether but retain the masked shape.
So for example the below image has three circles with a white stroke to form the shapes I desire.

I am perfectly happy with this when it is on a white background but I want the strokes to be transparent rather than white so that they cannot be seen on a non-white background (see below).

Obviously if I just make the strokes transparent I lose the desired shape.
This is what I am trying to achieve (this was done in Photoshop but I want to achieve the same in Illustrator).

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Illustrator :: Transparent Fill In Objects Not Going Away?

May 9, 2013

I'm having a problem with a logo I made which has a section of it that appears to be black fill with black stroke. However when I click on it and it shows the shape in that little preview box on the right panel, it appears grey. Then when I save it and open it in photoshop, the problem section is grey or transparent fill with black stroke. I can't seem to figure out why its doing this. There is no opacity on the object and it's clearly black in the colour settings. It used to be a gradient and I made it into a compound path to combine it with other sections but I released that and make it all solid color.

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Lightroom :: 16 Bits RAW File Is Only 10 Bits When Converted To DNG

Dec 8, 2012

How come my 16 bits RAW file is only 10 bits when converted to DNG? To me that sound like a loss in quality and possible post processing issues. Do I need to worry?

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Illustrator :: Transparent Gradient On A Group Of Objects?

Oct 30, 2012

I've created a heart using many strokes (like a child would do with crayons). So it's made up of many lines grouped together. I've expaned the stroked lines, so they are now a group of objects in a heart shape. I need to fade them from 100% red to 100% transparent. I don't know how to do this with a group of items.

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Illustrator :: Blending Between Objects With Effects?

Jan 14, 2013

Applying an effect, such as a blur, to a blend seems to disable the "Smooth Color" option.  I can use "Specified Steps" or "Specified Distance" to correct the look of the blend, but I am just curious as to why this happens with "Smooth Color."

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Illustrator :: How To Use Pathfinder On Objects That Have Effects Applied

Aug 15, 2013

I outlined a bit of text, and then applied Effect > Warp > Arch. What I'd like to do is cut apart parts of the now outlined letters. I tried to use the pathfinder palette, but it applies the pathfinder to old, non-arched shape.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Write A Script That Samples Anchor Points Underlying Color And Applies It?

Mar 5, 2013

script that would sample the underlying color of anchor points in a selected gradient mesh and apply it to them? I was just thinking of ways to speed up the process of creating a vector drawing based on a picture so that all you would have to do is model your mesh and then let the script apply the colors.

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Illustrator :: Live Paint Objects Filled With Transparent Lines?

Apr 14, 2013

So I've been messing with Live paint, and I've noticed that where paths overlap or abut, or even if a path was expanded to a fill, a transparent line is there. They are not always noticeable in Illustrator, but when I bring the documents into Photoshop, they're blatantly obvious!
This is a section of my linework before making a Live Paint:

Now this is what comes up when I make the live paint:

When I bring it into PS, it becomes a lot more obvious:

Is there anything that I can do about this? After more than an hour of chatting with a Tech support person, we determined that turning off anti-aliasing when I open the docuement in PS will fix this, but then all the lines are jagged, so that's not a viable fix. I know I can fill these gaps in in Photoshop, but I don't think that I should have to do that, and also, with complex artwork, this isn't exactly a viable option... Am I working too small?

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After Effects :: Roto Brush Stops Responding To Strokes

Aug 16, 2013

I was using Roto Brush for a while today and everything was working as expected. I Roto Brushed about 20 frames, just doing touchups where necessary. However, after a while, Roto Brush just stopped responding to new strokes. I could not add or remove from the mask. I've tried flushing the RAM and then restarting AE but the problem persists.
I'm using After Effects CC on Windows 7 64-bit with 16GB of RAM.
I made a screen cast to show the problem. You'll see me painting to add and remove from the mask on a couple of frames. Roto Brush looks like it's going to do something but then nothing changes in the mask.URL....

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Illustrator :: Combining Complex Transparency Effects Into Single Objects

Nov 18, 2013

I have a 9 layer Illustrator file that uses multiple transparency effects. I need to combine all the elements so that I can use the pieces with a transparent background, but no matter what I do, it requires a white background to look right. File is here:

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Illustrator :: CS5 - How To Stop Selection Tool From Selecting Effects Around Objects

Jun 20, 2012

If I have a number of shapes on top of each other, with, for example, a drop shadow on the top shape, whenever I try and select the shape below it (it is peeking out from beneath the top shape, so I click on this 'peeking' section of the shape to try and select it) I cannot - it just selects the top shape as the top shape's drop shadow is 'blocking' the shape below it. Make sense?
How do I go about about remedying this? I seem to recall being able to tell Illustrator to ignore 'effects' when making selections in CS4, but cannot work out how to do this in CS5. And is there a way to refine the 'sensitivity' or selection radius when clicking to make selections?

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After Effects :: Transparent Smoke Text After Effects CS5.5

Feb 27, 2014

I've made a fabulous Smoke Text effect that  I then insert the .mov file into Final Cut Pro.  The smoke effect I downloaded from the tutorial has a black background and therefore when rendered out, it's a basic white text against a black background.  Once in FCP, I have to turn the file's opacity down in order for it to layer over a video file and not black out what I layer over it.
How can I make the file transparent?  A simple toggle of the transparency grid isn't going to do it.  I need to make or find a video of smoke that is transparent?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Vector Objects Behind Transparent Objects Turns Into Bitmaps When Exported

Aug 18, 2011

I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.

Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.

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Illustrator :: Can't Use Different Strokes With Pen Tool?

Mar 20, 2013

I scanned an image that I want to trace, but it won't let me use different strokes with the pen tool? I don't have any layers locked and the strokes are all loaded, it just won't let me use them on that image.

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Illustrator :: Text With Three Strokes On The Outside?

May 8, 2013

For the life of me I just can't duplicate this look where their is three strokes happening to this text. Is there an easy way to do this in Illustrator? It's not something that I like, but it's the client.

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Illustrator :: Scale Everything In CS 5.5 Except Strokes

Aug 24, 2012

I have a ready drawing but I just noticed that it is a bit to small: is there a way to scale everything (objects, grid, artboard) except the thickness of the strocks and arrowhead if any?

I can do all this separately (objects, then grid, then artboard) but it would be nicer to scale everything at once.

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Illustrator :: How To Divide Brush Strokes

May 27, 2013

I have no problem dividing objects using the "divide" tool in the Pathfinder palette, but I was wondering if there was a way to divide brush strokes?
For example, let's say you wanted to paint three brush strokes right next to each other, but not overlapping. Is there a way to select all three strokes and then divide them so no one stroke resides over another, they would be completely separate of each other.

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Illustrator :: OSEG When Outlining Strokes

Jan 26, 2011

I have a problem that consistently occurs in Illustrator CS4 on Leopard that only presents itself when I try to outline paths in dxf files opened in Illustrator that I think have been supplied from and Autocad type software.
I get the unknown Error: OSEG and only some paths outline.
The only way I have found to fix it is to outline paths individually till I find the culprit path or paths and and either find the point in the path that is causing the error and remove it (which can be time consuming), or just delete the path all together and re-create a replacement. It seems to me there is a problem with Illustrator being able to handle certain path information it encounters that is causing the error.
I have been doing the same thing in all versions of Illustrator since the very first version that supported opening dxf files (so quite a few generations of Illustrator, pre CS I think) and this is the first time Illustrator has presented the problem with these types of files specifically.

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Illustrator :: Strokes Turned Invisible

Mar 7, 2014

I drew some strokes and then I was busy on another part of my image then when I looked back at the other part half of my strokes were not visible. Im not sure why.  They are still there because I can select them and I can see them in outline mode but they are invisible in preview for some unknown reason. The stroke hasnt changed and the layers are all visible.  I restarted and they came back.

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Illustrator :: Create Outlines From Strokes In CS5?

Jan 29, 2014

how do you create outlines from strokes in cs5

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Illustrator :: Strokes That Appear To Overlap Rather Than Merge?

Jan 10, 2014

Is there a way to draw a single line so that it appears to overlap like in the example below (right), instead of appearing to merge like it is doing as circled in red (left)?

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Illustrator :: So No Gradient On Brush Strokes

Jul 30, 2013

I am using a charcaol brush on a stroke in CS6 and when I pick a gradient it just turns the color completely black. The gradient works if I make the stroke basic though. I am guessing it is not possible for whatever reason? I also tried to recolor the artwork but couldnt find any gradient options in there.
I suppose a workaround would to maybe make a duplicate of the stroke, make it a basic shape and blend the 2 or something?

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Illustrator :: Outlining Specific Strokes In AI CC

Jul 24, 2013

Are you an AI CC user? If so, can you take a look at the following thread and report if that bug is fixed in AI CC? URL...

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Illustrator :: Brush Strokes Looking Grainy?

Aug 26, 2012

got an out of the blue commission for a t-shirt ....  now I'm getting a crash course in Illusrator.  Been using it all of one day.
Here's the trouble though - when I use my brushes to make actual brush strokes, the resulting paths look "grainy" - like they aren't vectors/paths.
From what I understand, even drawing freehand with the brush should produce vectored lines - and I can play with points within those freehand brush strokes. But when I zoom out, the strokes I drew with the brush look almost "pixelly", while the ones done with the pen tool look nice and smooth (I should note this is a custom brush that I made, butt the other paths that I've applied the brush to look fine).
Is this normal?  Should I resign myself to having to go back over everything using the pen tool (there's a lot of fine, irregular line work)?  Or is there some setting of the brush or special key that I'm missing?I know it's small, but you might be able to see what I mean where the main vertical line meets up with the angled line.  The near-vertical is brushed in, the angled one is a path with brush overlay....

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Illustrator :: Can't Change Weight Of Strokes

Oct 4, 2013

I use artioscad wich has a plug-in for illustrator. When I'm working with illustrator i can't change the weight of my strokes, color or fill, in fact i can't do anything, everything is locked. I have tried to unlock the draw but with n o sucessm I have to make the illustrations for the boxes I draw and using *.eps file is not my solution.

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Illustrator :: How To Align The Strokes To The Center

Sep 12, 2013

I cannot add multiple strokes to a font.  The program only allows me to align the strokes to the center.  While on shapes it allows me to align the stroke inside, outside, and center. .

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rough / Jagged Lines And Strokes

Aug 15, 2013

I asked a question a couple days ago regarding the effects of old style print. Although, I know a lot of it is done manually, I was wondering if it could also be done digitally in either Illustrator or Photoshop.
In Illustrator I created 10 brush strokes from a jagged pattern found in a vintage element to represent the scratch board or printing effect. In Photoshop you can kind of create the effect from switching to a Bitmap mode.
However, Photoshop is a pain to bend the halftone lines to fit the curves and they are all evenly spaced. Illustrator works better for laying ou the lines based on the tonal value, but using a brush for the strokes becomes a little distorted.
How to achieve the jagged edge effect show in this very simple image? The edges and lines are not all the same so I don't want to use the  ripple tool in PS and the wrinkle Tool makes them too ragged.
I find it hard to believe this style is only accomplished through scratch board or printing techniques. Even traditional pen and ink doesn't really work like this. I find way too many images, free ones too, like the one below to have it be only done with scratch board.

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Illustrator :: Strokes Won't Stay Inside Artboard

Aug 17, 2012

I'm trying to follow a tutorial from [URL] the problem I'm having is after step 19. The strokes you add won't stay inside the picture/artboard. I have tried to export the image to jpg. but it doesn't go away.

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Illustrator :: Linked AI Files Have Ridiculous Strokes Around Them

Mar 20, 2014

I have a AI file and it is a map. On this map I have Interstate and Highway road sign icons that were created in AI. When I place a new AI file icon, resize it, and then embed the AI file a stroke outline appears around the road icon and thus making the icons very ugly. If I place it and leave the icon alone and then embed it the file is fine. its only after I re-size it.
I am using AI CC 17.1 . When I embed the image I can’t find the option to un-embed the file. I used to be able to do that with Ai 6. is this a bug in CC?

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