Lightroom :: 16 Bits RAW File Is Only 10 Bits When Converted To DNG
Dec 8, 2012
How come my 16 bits RAW file is only 10 bits when converted to DNG? To me that sound like a loss in quality and possible post processing issues. Do I need to worry?
What is the more usual image mode? I think my files have been 8 bits per channel for many years. I was having a lot of trouble with Photoshop slowing down dramatically on several large files I created, and I noticed I had made them in 16 bit mode. Would this require more RAM?
When installed my CS6 production premium, even I didn't want Photoshop 32 bits installed, it got installed anyway, and if I try to remove it, its grayed out on the installation software, can't be removed. It's now mandatory to install it?
Lightroom is sending my photos to the 32 bits version when I try to edit them in Photoshop, and I need that to be the 64 bits... also, I don't need any of the 32 bits software that was installed, and I don't seem to be able to uninstall it.
My 32 bits .net application works on 32 bits machines but is crashes on 64 bits ones with the following error
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{8F17437C-2EFB-4FC4-8188-EEFA50FE7147}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)
It looks like it stops when trying to execute the following statement
Dim AcadApp As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication = CType(Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.AcadApplication, Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication)
when im extracting with Filter>extract it always leaves bits a peaces their of the stuff that i wanted to be removed? why dose it do that can some one help me with this i have been having lots of trouble with this extracting i cant find a good way to extract, people have told me to use the magic wand but i find that its very dificult doing that way, if any one can proof me wrong can you, how to extract...
I have never had this happen before: I cannot change the image I am editing from 16 to 8 bits per channel. Also odd is when I click on an adjustment layer I have created it is not highlighted in blue.
I recently switched from Photoshop CS6 to Photoshop Creative Cloud. Whereas in the CS6 version, I could not count the number of pixels in a selection (I was not using the Extended version), I was happy to read that this split was removed and this function is available in Photoshop CC. Or, should be available. As it happens, when I go to Image -> Analysis, all options (except for Ruler Tool) are greyed out. This is the case when no document is opened, when a document with multiple layers is opened, or when a simple single-layer document is opened. The software is up to date (accoding to the Application Manager).
Can it be a limitation of the 32-bits version, and should I switch to a 64-bit version?
Since yesterday my photoshop CC 64 bits does not start aymore with an error message like "the internal file signature is incorrect." (it is a translation I use the French version).
My photoshop cc 32 bits works still fine.
I have the version 14.1.1 of Photoshop that has been installed a few days ago automatically by Adobe Updater. Since that day I had not used Photoshop so I guess it is this update that has corrupted something.
I am a new user of photoshop on a fresh new Windows 8 PC and I have not yet installed any additional plugin to it.
When I have an image in 8 bits per channel, its grayscale alpha channel is in 8 bits (256 levels). But when I have an image in 16 bits per channel, is its grayscale alpha channel in 16 bits (32.768 levels)? They are a lot to make a selection...
I accidentally had my files marked at 16 bits/channel, went ahead and saved them as jpegs. Got a software prompt prior to saving that said "File must be saved as a copy with this selection." I did not know what it meant. I went ahead with the save. Now I am realizing my mistake because I have tried printing my images at a lab and the colors are WAY off. Very gray and horrible. I have my master files saved as psd files as well and have opened those, changed the bits/channel to 8, tried to print and the colors are still awful. I have many files that were saved this way. There has to be some kind of a fix without me having to re-edit dozens and dozens of photos.
I have CorelDRAW x6 on a machine but don't know how to check if its 32 or 64 bits. how I go about finding this information from the installed CorelDRAW x6?
I'm pretty new to photoshop and am struggling to seperate an image into two layers without dodgy white edges i've done it using the lasoo tool and have tried using a pen with path but the same thing seemed to happen. has anyone got any tips on how to do this without getting the white borders ...
I have a plotting issue I cannot resolve. Basically, my plotter is not plotting some bits of a drawing. Usually it just cuts 20% of it, sometimes it just doesn't plot some random objects.
if there are any digital cameras which do image capture with greater than 8 bits per channel? I don't doubt such a camera would be well out of my price range, but I've got into scanning and working with with 16-bit colour and I've got the itch...
does anyone here regularly work in a 16-bit colour space?
Gave a set of schematics to a client and they decided they wanted all the wire numbers rotating 90 degrees... In the interest of efficiency, any way I can rotate all the pieces of text at the same time whilst maintaining their individual position rather than selecting a base rotation point (as I have about 400 wire numbers to make my way through ).
We are running CS6 13.0.5 on multiple Mac Pros, most Mac OS X 10.8.3 but one 10.8.4. We've experienced the issue on both OS'es.
Sometimes when saving files to our primary share (an SMB share on an EMC Celerra) the files are having their alias and invisible bits (for Finder) set.
Not the flags (chflags), the bits (can be changed using SetFile in Mac Dev Tools).
So these files are showing up as hidden aliases. Seems to be no problem saving locally.
I need to create a 16 bits test pattern to be used in Digital Cinema. I have downloaded Gimp 2.9 beta that I understand can handle 16bits pictures.
It's a simple test chart, I need to select some colors when drawing white and Red Green Blue shapes. However when I try to select a color, I cannot select anything more than 255.
I backed up an APE-11 catalog from an 8 yr.old laptop running 32 bit Win-7 Home Premium to an external HD. Now I am trying to figure out how to transfer that catalog to my new laptop which is running 64 bit Win-7 Professional edition.
In the image above, the blue needs to be transparent. BUT the white strokes, white space around the example top left image, and the drop shadow effects all still want to be there. (i.e. the blue areas should `punch through` everything to transparency). Whilst keeping the drop shadows rendered in these areas which will darken parts of the transparent areas. Make sense?
The purpose is to export the image as a .png with transparency where the colour should be, which is used in a seperate application which sets a background colour behind the .png image - this allows real time changing of the image colours to whatever we need rather than being stuck with the colour in the image
Attempts with the above though usually end up with me loosing the effects, or they dilute and look different when the blue is removed, or things don't layer up propperly.
I use Canon 60D and normally shoot in mRAW. I am considering a move to DNG conversion so I did some test conversions and was amazed to find that, far from reducing the size of my mRAW files, it increased them by about 60%. I repeated the exercise with RAW files and found that this did reduce the size of the files by over 10%. In fact, i ended up with the crazy situation where the DNG files converted from mRAW were much bigger than those converted from RAW.
Below are some sample sizes based on Medium previews, Embed fast load data - YES, Embed original RAW file - NO, Compatibility Camera Raw 7.1 and later
I put rounded corners [from the decor part] onto my image, and when i saved it, it came up with these extra bits at the corners; which make the image actually rectangle. How i can get rid of them? i just want the plain round corners. =x
I saw some source that hinted you could use panel1Panel.AddSlideout() but in the search I do not see any Ribbon API that allows for any slideout functionality?Do you *have* to use the CUI API for this?
A CSV (comma separated value) file was converted into a topo CAD file. But when I try to xref or insert it into my base drawing, it is showing up really small. The scale is obviously wrong.