Illustrator :: Possibility That Strokes Don't Overlap Into Other Objects
Jun 2, 2012
I have a layer with 3 objects. (this is not a font).The S, E and the XY are unique objects, and i wanted to apply two strokes to it. First a black stroke and then a blue one.
My issue here is that the strokes at the red marked points are overlapping to other objects.
Is there a possibility that the strokes don't overlap into the other objects? can i somehow "merge" the 3 objects to one so the overlapping doesn't occur?
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Jan 10, 2014
Is there a way to draw a single line so that it appears to overlap like in the example below (right), instead of appearing to merge like it is doing as circled in red (left)?
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Sep 12, 2012
I have an object that I applied Gaussian blur to and it extends the boundaries. It is on top of a tan object, I need to "shave" the excess blur off to make it a clean and line up with my tan object. What is the most efficient way to this. In PS I would creat a selection around the tan object, then invert the selection and hit delete on the blur layer. what is the equivalent to that in AI?
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Oct 13, 2011
How do I combine objects that aren't touching or overlapping? Pathfinder just turns them into a group, but I need them as a single object.
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Dec 31, 2012
I find that as long as I do not lift the pen off the tablet I can overlap strokes without changing the value of the strokes I've already made. However, once I lift the pen off the tablet and try to continue my work, inevitably I end up going over some of the previous strokes, and where the strokes overlap, the value of the paint doubles, creating a nasty blotchy effect.
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Mar 23, 2013
I am using stokes to mask out a shape I want. I want to remove these strokes altogether but retain the masked shape.
So for example the below image has three circles with a white stroke to form the shapes I desire.
I am perfectly happy with this when it is on a white background but I want the strokes to be transparent rather than white so that they cannot be seen on a non-white background (see below).
Obviously if I just make the strokes transparent I lose the desired shape.
This is what I am trying to achieve (this was done in Photoshop but I want to achieve the same in Illustrator).
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Jan 25, 2013
In the image above, the blue needs to be transparent. BUT the white strokes, white space around the example top left image, and the drop shadow effects all still want to be there. (i.e. the blue areas should `punch through` everything to transparency). Whilst keeping the drop shadows rendered in these areas which will darken parts of the transparent areas. Make sense?
The purpose is to export the image as a .png with transparency where the colour should be, which is used in a seperate application which sets a background colour behind the .png image - this allows real time changing of the image colours to whatever we need rather than being stuck with the colour in the image
Attempts with the above though usually end up with me loosing the effects, or they dilute and look different when the blue is removed, or things don't layer up propperly.
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Aug 27, 2012
As when drawing cartoons... example:
- Draw two circles & fill them with the same color.
- Overlap them
- You see the overlapping line of the top circle.
- How do you hide just that part of the line so it appears as one object of the same color
- while retaining the overall object outline.
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Nov 2, 2013
I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6. I would like to know if I should match the edges of objects or overlap the edges? What is the best practice for printing?
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Nov 2, 2012
I am recently getting back into using Illustrator.
I am trying to draw 2 shapes, let's say 2 circles, fill them w/colors, then have them overlap each other.
The part where they overlap creates a DIFFERENT shape. I want to fill that 3rd shapew/a different color. How do I select that 3rd shape area and fill out?
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Mar 13, 2013
I have been using Illustrator for a couple of years now and from time to time I encounter very strange behavior when manipulating a vector shape.I have a current example here where I simply want to create a combined shape using the pathfinder tool:
As you can see, the generated shape (red) does not cover the original shape (green).When I use the path selection tool, I am able to reposition the first anchor but when I do the same for the lower anchor as well the entire shape is replaces a few pixel to the left. Even using the "align" tool afterwards is not useful. It seems impossible to make the red shape cover the green one.
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Jul 16, 2013
Surprisingly i can't find any mention of this anywhere on the intertubes - very often I have a placed (photoshop/tiff) graphic with transparent background overlaying (on top of) a spot color area, the spot color prints out completely different from how it should be (and how it is on non-overlapped areas).
I've tried everything i can think of, including making an opacity mask to 'hide' the supposedly transpararent areas of the placed grahic. I know a clipping path might work, but some art is too complex for that.
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Aug 15, 2012
I'm having problems creating pattern swatches in cs6, because I can't seem to solve the problem of the background overlapping and hiding foreground shapes. I can make patterns without a background and I think I've worked out how to prevent the problem with a simple grid, but when I make a brick tile pattern, whichever overlap options I choose, at least one of the foreground shapes gets partly obscured by the overlapping background. I'm used to making seamless patterns in previous versions of Illustrator, by using guides and grids, then defining the pattern using a background rectangle but this option doesn't seem to be available in CS6, so if I can't solve the problem, it's back to CS5.
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Jul 6, 2013
i have cs6 64bit installed well may i ask some question about photoshop cc?
1) what i miss about photoshop CS5 , is the curve adjustament layer , i loved used the eyedropper + ctrl to add points in the curve is there in cc the possibility to add point in the curve like cs5?or can i set auto select target adjustament tool for curve palete only?
2) photoshop cc add some features
1) content aware in acr
2) a different resize dialog ( i don't know if it uses a new engine to resize)
3) anti shake photo filter i don't need it
i don't know anyother for photographers , i watched the adobe video but sadly i can not download it to watch slower ,english is not my mother language
3) last question well i have to pay for every months to get the update or to have photoshop working
i mean i need always to be connected to the net to use photoshop do i need sometime for example 2 or 3 times in week / month to be connected to the net to use photoshop or photoshop works after online activation with internet , and i need to pay every month to get updates?
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Sep 20, 2013
Just wondering about the possibility of zoom windows (output windows).The Opened File in the UR corner works okay as a zoomed/output window, but a separate window is always nice. For instance:
01. Deleting backgrounds: You often have to zoom in to do such things. It would be nice to see the output in a less zoomed version (300%, 200%, 100%, etc).
02. Working with icons: How to tell if your shade looked good without zooming out again?
The way I've seen it done (at AlphaGraphics, etc) is you make changes, then you keyboard shortcut zoom out. You do that over and over again until you're done. Works okay, but I think having to access the keyboard that much could seriously crimp your creativity.
Pretty sure you can't do such things with a plugin. Maybe I could write a separate class instance expression, add a bit of Lambada to a nested routine, and finally a go to statement that doesn't work?
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Mar 20, 2013
I scanned an image that I want to trace, but it won't let me use different strokes with the pen tool? I don't have any layers locked and the strokes are all loaded, it just won't let me use them on that image.
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May 8, 2013
For the life of me I just can't duplicate this look where their is three strokes happening to this text. Is there an easy way to do this in Illustrator? It's not something that I like, but it's the client.
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Aug 24, 2012
I have a ready drawing but I just noticed that it is a bit to small: is there a way to scale everything (objects, grid, artboard) except the thickness of the strocks and arrowhead if any?
I can do all this separately (objects, then grid, then artboard) but it would be nicer to scale everything at once.
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Sep 25, 2012
Is there a possibility to load ICC profiles in elements 10?
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May 27, 2013
I have no problem dividing objects using the "divide" tool in the Pathfinder palette, but I was wondering if there was a way to divide brush strokes?
For example, let's say you wanted to paint three brush strokes right next to each other, but not overlapping. Is there a way to select all three strokes and then divide them so no one stroke resides over another, they would be completely separate of each other.
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Jan 26, 2011
I have a problem that consistently occurs in Illustrator CS4 on Leopard that only presents itself when I try to outline paths in dxf files opened in Illustrator that I think have been supplied from and Autocad type software.
I get the unknown Error: OSEG and only some paths outline.
The only way I have found to fix it is to outline paths individually till I find the culprit path or paths and and either find the point in the path that is causing the error and remove it (which can be time consuming), or just delete the path all together and re-create a replacement. It seems to me there is a problem with Illustrator being able to handle certain path information it encounters that is causing the error.
I have been doing the same thing in all versions of Illustrator since the very first version that supported opening dxf files (so quite a few generations of Illustrator, pre CS I think) and this is the first time Illustrator has presented the problem with these types of files specifically.
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Mar 7, 2014
I drew some strokes and then I was busy on another part of my image then when I looked back at the other part half of my strokes were not visible. Im not sure why. They are still there because I can select them and I can see them in outline mode but they are invisible in preview for some unknown reason. The stroke hasnt changed and the layers are all visible. I restarted and they came back.
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Jan 29, 2014
how do you create outlines from strokes in cs5
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Jul 30, 2013
I am using a charcaol brush on a stroke in CS6 and when I pick a gradient it just turns the color completely black. The gradient works if I make the stroke basic though. I am guessing it is not possible for whatever reason? I also tried to recolor the artwork but couldnt find any gradient options in there.
I suppose a workaround would to maybe make a duplicate of the stroke, make it a basic shape and blend the 2 or something?
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Jul 24, 2013
Are you an AI CC user? If so, can you take a look at the following thread and report if that bug is fixed in AI CC? URL...
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Aug 26, 2012
got an out of the blue commission for a t-shirt .... now I'm getting a crash course in Illusrator. Been using it all of one day.
Here's the trouble though - when I use my brushes to make actual brush strokes, the resulting paths look "grainy" - like they aren't vectors/paths.
From what I understand, even drawing freehand with the brush should produce vectored lines - and I can play with points within those freehand brush strokes. But when I zoom out, the strokes I drew with the brush look almost "pixelly", while the ones done with the pen tool look nice and smooth (I should note this is a custom brush that I made, butt the other paths that I've applied the brush to look fine).
Is this normal? Should I resign myself to having to go back over everything using the pen tool (there's a lot of fine, irregular line work)? Or is there some setting of the brush or special key that I'm missing?I know it's small, but you might be able to see what I mean where the main vertical line meets up with the angled line. The near-vertical is brushed in, the angled one is a path with brush overlay....
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Oct 4, 2013
I use artioscad wich has a plug-in for illustrator. When I'm working with illustrator i can't change the weight of my strokes, color or fill, in fact i can't do anything, everything is locked. I have tried to unlock the draw but with n o sucessm I have to make the illustrations for the boxes I draw and using *.eps file is not my solution.
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Sep 12, 2013
I cannot add multiple strokes to a font. The program only allows me to align the strokes to the center. While on shapes it allows me to align the stroke inside, outside, and center. .
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Sep 5, 2012
is that there is a possibility to lock the base view in Inventor drawing
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Aug 15, 2013
I asked a question a couple days ago regarding the effects of old style print. Although, I know a lot of it is done manually, I was wondering if it could also be done digitally in either Illustrator or Photoshop.
In Illustrator I created 10 brush strokes from a jagged pattern found in a vintage element to represent the scratch board or printing effect. In Photoshop you can kind of create the effect from switching to a Bitmap mode.
However, Photoshop is a pain to bend the halftone lines to fit the curves and they are all evenly spaced. Illustrator works better for laying ou the lines based on the tonal value, but using a brush for the strokes becomes a little distorted.
How to achieve the jagged edge effect show in this very simple image? The edges and lines are not all the same so I don't want to use the ripple tool in PS and the wrinkle Tool makes them too ragged.
I find it hard to believe this style is only accomplished through scratch board or printing techniques. Even traditional pen and ink doesn't really work like this. I find way too many images, free ones too, like the one below to have it be only done with scratch board.
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Aug 17, 2012
I'm trying to follow a tutorial from [URL] the problem I'm having is after step 19. The strokes you add won't stay inside the picture/artboard. I have tried to export the image to jpg. but it doesn't go away.
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