Illustrator :: Placed Graphics Image Area Changes Spot Colors They Overlap?
Jul 16, 2013
Surprisingly i can't find any mention of this anywhere on the intertubes - very often I have a placed (photoshop/tiff) graphic with transparent background overlaying (on top of) a spot color area, the spot color prints out completely different from how it should be (and how it is on non-overlapped areas).
I've tried everything i can think of, including making an opacity mask to 'hide' the supposedly transpararent areas of the placed grahic. I know a clipping path might work, but some art is too complex for that.
I am recently getting back into using Illustrator.
I am trying to draw 2 shapes, let's say 2 circles, fill them w/colors, then have them overlap each other.
The part where they overlap creates a DIFFERENT shape. I want to fill that 3rd shapew/a different color. How do I select that 3rd shape area and fill out?
Using CS6 on a MacBookPro Is there a way to find the closest matching Pantone spot colors to the cmyk colors I've created in Illustrator? I know it's easy in Photoshop using the color picker, but there must be a way to do this in Illustrator.
I have a problem with spot colors from X3 to X5. I have defined some spot colors in my X3 to tell my Roland Printer what he has to do. When i open a file, made in X3 using one of these spot colors, with my new X5, the spot color will be replaced with turquoise. I have no problems opening x3 files in x5 when i used a color from the CMYK palette.
I would like to know how to export a 2 color *.cdr creation (logo) as an *.eps such that it has two grey scale layers each representing the two spot colors I chose?
We have a new Roland printer, an LEJ-640, which prints in CMYK plus white and clear gloss.
In order to print a white bitmap, I must apply a spot color to the bitmap. I used the Bitmap|Mode|Dutone to apply the white spot color and it seems to work correctly--it shows up as a spot color when I use the print dialog to preview separations.
When I use either print to file with the RolandVW print driver or File|Publish to PDF, the spot color on the bitmap is not preserved, Versaworks does not recognize it as a spot color. Color output is set to "Native". However, a vector object on the same page with the same spot color applied is recognized as a spot color.
The pink part in the versaworks screenshot indicates white spot color, as you can see only the vector object is recognized.
I have a palette provided by Roland for their digital printers to match their standard colors. In order for the colors to be recognized and converted by the RIP, they need to be set as spot colors in CorelDraw X5.
It would be nice if I could change the Treat As Process/Spot attribute for multiple colors at once in the palette editor.
I peeked at the CPL file--unfortunately it's not something easy to edit like XML, CSV or the like. Too bad that, too.
I'm still working on changing a document I didn't create. It needs to be CMYK, but I keep getting error messages when I save it that there is a spot color. I saw one spot color in the Swatches (at least I seem to remember that's what the little dot in the corner means) and I double clicked it and changed it to CMYK. And I selected the one item that seems to have that color and I changed it to the CMYK version. But the swatch still has the corner dot and I still get the error message when I save.
I created two PDF's from identical files in Illustrator CS6 using spot colors but the colors came out different when printed although I couldn't find any apparent differences in the settings of the two documents.
I also noticed that when importing an eps file that contains spot colors in Indesign CS6, and export as PDF the colors in the PDF are sensibly different to the eps. It never happened with CS4.
I have a doc that contains alot of logos from auto manufactureres. I am having it printed professionally and when I save the doc as a pdf my summarry has the warning telling me I have spot colors and that it does not match color profile. How can I QUICLY find the spot colors and do I need to trap these colors? Working in printing and proofing workspace.
I'm printing some spot colors on colored paper, and wondering if there is a way in illustrator (CS6) to approximate the ink/paper interactions. Im worried about the ink color (greens) shifting to brown on a yellow/peach paper. I've approximated the paper color in Illustrator, and designated the pantone colors. I tried Multply- and the ink color definitely shifts to what I think it would- but not sure if that is the best way.
I've been told that I need to change my spot colors (illustrator CS6) to Process colors, but for some reason, sometimes this feature won't work and is greyed out.
I work at a printing company. Everything I know about Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, I learned on the job with no classes or prior knowledge. I handle all the graphics that come through our shop, and every now and then I get artwork that when I try to save it in Illustrator, I get an error message that says Illustrator can only support a maximum of 27 spot colors. I don't even know what that means.
I am trying to create a script that adds custom spot colours to the swatch pallet. I've manage to put together something that works (I've adapted an existing script), but the colours added are not spots, just CMYK colour swatches.Also, I need the script not to error if the swatch already exists.
//Add Custom Swatches var docRef = app.activeDocument; function cmykColor(c, m, y, k) { var newCMYK = new CMYKColor(); newCMYK.cyan = c; newCMYK.magenta = m; newCMYK.yellow = y; = k; return newCMYK; [code]....
I'm a print designer. I have this Action I use to batch Illustrator files convert all spot colors to process. The problem I found recently in some instances where an object is black & white bitmap the Action converts to CMYK and that causes an issue for product representation because it does change drastically. I process a lot this files daily basis. As far as I know I don't think using an Action will prevent this from happening because it does work but I just want to confirm that in this forum. I can Insert a Stop in the Action to see what kind of image has been embeded but that defeat the purpose of running a batch.
here are the stepson the Action: Unlock all Select all Convert to CMYK (Using Edit colrs) deselect
While creating the company logo and branding in Illustrator, I've taken the CMYK values of our color palette and created custom CMYK spot swatches for each of our brand colors. This was for consistency, because a spot's color numbers do not shift as you move between Adobe apps or from CMYK to RGB docs.
My question is — is it OK to hand off a document that contains these CMYK spots to a printer for 4-color offset or digital printing? Will it mess with the colors or will they simply igore the "spot" status of the color and use the CMYK values behind it?
I've been looking around for a script that will take the used spot colors in a document and place them in a predetermined spot. I've came across several posts about this, such as the COLOR CHIPPER although I think it's focus was on swatches. What is confusing is the part of making New CMYKColor or RGB or if I even need to do that. I've looked at other posts and the Adobe docs, but none seem to work. Adding the text isn't difficult, it's getting these spot colors to reflect what's in the document that is. From what I'm seeing now:
I may have to use some other type of script such as Applescript to get rid of unused swatches first throught the actions panel, but I'm not sure.I could possibly use the getByName method to call out the specific rectangle and the and relative callout with the appropriate color instead of having to position everytime.
I'm having an issue where I can't convert spot colors to CMYK in the swatches panel. Currently to fix I have to copy elements using the spot colors in to a new blank document, then convert them, then paste back into the original document.
Also if I try to delete the spot color, it doesn't fully delete the swatch.
Any best way to remove hot spot highlights from an image using photopaint or draw?I have a picture that has one or two hot spots that I would like to remove.
With both tools, I can make a few changes and then both will leave a black brush spot. It works, and then it is like the program is too challenged & it just leaves a black spot. Sometimes if I move my mouse to the history panel to back up to get rid of the black spot I get a swipe of the tool all across the image when I'm reaching with the mouse to go back in history.
how to take a jpg or gif file and change the colors of the image? I am having difficultly doing so. It is our company logo which is in 2 colors and I merely want to change it to white.
I have recently traced a new picture and I am about to add colors to it so that I can upload it later on my gallery. I started the Tracing on a Cmyk based template because one day I will use print it to add it to my portfolio! I mean should I add Cmyk colors and them convert them to rgb in order to upload it?
I have been working on this scene for quite awhile now and I am having issues with shadows while rendering, attached is a picture of the problem I am having. I looked through the forum and found this fix
I don't remember it being a problem in LR4, but I have just used the spot tool on an image where there was a crop. The program's choice of source for the spot tool seems to me to be more dramatic than ever before, and in this particular image the source selected was in the area which I had cropped out. To move the source point, I had to open the crop tool to adjust one side of the crop, then move the source, then restore the crop to the image, then reselect the spot tool.
It might well be that in some instances the cropped out area is the best source, but whether it is or not, I think we need to be able to access the cropped detail without resetting the crop itself and preferably without having to then reselect the spot tool.
I am using the attribute to define hot spots on an image map. When I save the file for web, the alt value is empty and there is no easy way to identify which area is ahich in the html code.