Photoshop Elements :: Spot Healer Or Clone Stamp Sometimes Leave Black Spot On Image?
Mar 4, 2014
With both tools, I can make a few changes and then both will leave a black brush spot. It works, and then it is like the program is too challenged & it just leaves a black spot. Sometimes if I move my mouse to the history panel to back up to get rid of the black spot I get a swipe of the tool all across the image when I'm reaching with the mouse to go back in history.
adobe photoshop elements 9 , i cannot get the circle to appear using clone stamp tool and the spot healing brush . i`ve tried restating my computer and unloading and loading the adobe disc . but still no good .
Both of subject tools often 'go wild' on me when I am working on an image. Either tool will race across an image in a straight line and leave either a cloning or spotting mark [straight line]. I suspect this has something to do with insufficient memory. However I have 4 GB RAM and am not running any other big program while doing the cloning/spotting. Even if I 'give it some rest' this strange behavior will continue. Any help would be greatly appreciated! christian ps. Attached is a tiny sample, circled in red.
Trying to use the spot healer brush, when I try to click and drag, all it does is give me one spot. It won't drag over an area. I have not had this problem before. I'm running CS5 on a Toshiba laptop. Tried to check for updates, but got "server might be down" error. I restarted the computer several times, hoping.... no change. Is there some "dummy key" I hit by mistake?
I successfully cloned one part of an image to another, but now I can't redefine a new spot to clone. The tool still thinks I want to clone the same relative point. Is there some sort of done/new button I have to click.
I'm not good with Photoshop. In fact, the clone stamp has always been one of my favorite tools. But, I just bought Elements 12 and I find that my clone stamp is doing something strange. In the circle, when I move it around the photo being edited, there is a black smudge in that circle and I can see images from other parts of the photo in that circle leaving marks on the photo as I move the circle around.
I have placed a photoshop file in illustrator CS, the file contains a spot channel transparency that I want to print as a pantone plate. When I print separations my spot channel prints as a shade of grey. Several other vector items (generated in illustrator) using the same pantone print as a solid 100% black. I'm worried that my file will print with the transparency part of my pantone as a shade of its self when I send the files to the printer.
I've used Lightroom 3, 4 and now 5 so I know my way around the software pretty well. Never had an issue like this in previous LR versions. Basically, when I Spot Edit a spot (such as a speck of dust that was on the sensor or lens) there is alway s a "ghost" of the speck that remains, no matter what I do. The Opacity is set to 100, yet the tool behaves as if it is set to 90. It happens with Clone and Heal. I have also tried adjusting the Feather setting, to no avail.
I've got LR4 and a bunch of photos with 3 nasty dust marks.Spot Removal does not allow to mark one of these spots (the pointer does not turn into the marking circle).Probably LR cannot see it as needing repair.
I have just purchased photoshop elements 11. It has been ok for past 10 days or so but now I have a problem when tring to clone. I select the area by alt+click but then what happens is that the whole picture moves and in fact duplicates itself
After being embarrassed by failing to check the Clone/heal tool to make sure the opacity was set correctly, I am encouraged to ask another question that was not affected by the appropriate correction that made the tool work fine under most circumstances. However, using LR4 (and previously LR 3) )iMac 27 quad) at odd intervals, certain images show up with a single white spot, usually on a blue background, that cannot be removed or cloned with the LR Clone/heal tool. It can be removed with the clone tool in PS but not in LR. I don't know where the spots come from. They sometimes show up in a sequence of 3-4 or just singly. A copy of one is attached here. I don't know if this spot is an aberation in LR or from my cameras. Since it's happened with different cameras, I presume this is some problem with LR.
Could not use the clone stamp tool because the area to clone has not been defined (option-click to define a source point). this is what shows up in the command box when ever I click to start to pick the spot i want to use as the clone. makes my cloning tool useless. I have reset the tools restrted my computer.
In LR4, you clicked, held down, and dragged your cursor to select a custom target source point to sample from... Clearly with the big update to the Spot removal tool in LR5, this action has a different effect... So in order to mimic that old action, you have to hold down Command (Mac) while clicking and dragging to select from a custom source point.
This issue I'm having is that when doing this, the Clone/Heal option always defaults to clone. I would say that 90% of the time, I'd rather have it acting as a 'Heal' instead. Having to then go and click 'Heal' to update this fact on every single spot removal is highly time intensive to say the least, when you are editing thousands of images, in my case, at a time.
Am I missing something, or is it possible to change this Default to 'Heal' instead of clone? I like that LR4 would leave the Clone/Heal option wherever you last set it, and you had to manually change it in order to use it differently.
My cloning stamp was working just fine, I edited a photo with it, saved that photo, then opened the next photo and tried to use the clone stamp on it and now all my clone stamp is doing is cloning black dots. It "grabs" the skin color I need, but when I go to "paste", it pastes only a black dot. I have CS5! There are NO other layers open, and I have tried to restart the program and even went as far as doing a system restore on my laptop to before this happened and nothing worked!
I am by no means very professiant in photoshop, but do know a thing or two. I took several pictures of my daughter (who wears glasses) and there is a black spot over one eye. I am assuming that it has something to do with glare from the flash on the glasses. I have photoshop elements 7.
I have a photo that i would like to me in black and white with a few objects remaining in their original color. Any ideas on how to do this the "right way" without simply using the brush?
I have PS CS6 and like to do B & W prints. I print them on my Canon MX870 printer (4 color printer) ... they turn out quite nice. VERY Black & White. Recently, I started doing B & W with a small highlight of color... like a photo of my daughter and her friends with just her red shoes in color.
The Black and White is now not truly B & W... it is slightly tinted ... purplish. I have tried adjusting the levels and contrast but it only changes the tinting to other tints... bluish, redish, etc. I use cmyk 300dpi (typical of what commercial print shops would use). Still no success. Or am I stuck having to send my photos to a printshop for printing?
I just need to go from K and tones of K to a spot color and tones of a spot color.
I'm using recolor artwork because I can't merge into K. The art comes in from our customers as K so we can't just design differently.
The rectangles on the right are k and tones of k. The rectangles on the left are the results after converting to a spot color with recolor artwork. Using recolor artwork. I just need a way to accurately move the tones from k to a spot.
When trying to use the clone stamp, I get a message that syas the area to be cloned has not been defined-click to define a source point. Everything I have tried does not work. What do I have to do to use the clone stamp????
When I use Photoshop Elements 9, I get the following error: Could not use clone stamp tool because of a program error. I uninstalled Photoshop Elements and reinstalled it with the same results. This error shows up on both my XP computer and my Windows 7 computer.
I used to be able to clone stamp from a different image than the one I was working on. while using clone stamp I could hover over another image on the desktop, press the alt key and click, and then continue to clone the main image.
I double check that the layer in question is selected etc. but I just get a sort of no access symbol, a circle with a diagonal line across. I can clone okay within the same image but not from a remote one as I could before.
I have been given a colour background which is mostly blues but its a cymk jpeg image and for print it needs to be converted to a spot colour in photoshop.
I dont really use channels etc and cant find a good tutorial on how to convert it to a spot? Could someone please give me a guide if thats possible?
With Photoshop 6, and Photoshop Elements I can not get a starting point when using alt click with clone stamp. Can it be caused by other Adobe applications? It seems like the alt key is not working correctly. Using windows XP.