Photoshop :: Spot Channel Separates As Shade Of Spot Colour

Oct 24, 2005

I have placed a photoshop file in illustrator CS, the file contains a spot channel transparency that I want to print as a pantone plate. When I print separations my spot channel prints as a shade of grey. Several other vector items (generated in illustrator) using the same pantone print as a solid 100% black. I'm worried that my file will print with the transparency part of my pantone as a shade of its self when I send the files to the printer.

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Photoshop :: Spot Channel

Nov 23, 2004

when i am producing a document that uses two spot channels, both the channels actual colours are displayed on screen.

If i am working on a document that has only one spot channel, the channel is black

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Photoshop :: Creating A Spot Color Channel

Sep 8, 2012

How to make a Spot Color Channel on Photoshop? I am using this image as an example. The blue color in the background needs to be printed mostly with a spot color that is close to the original painting color (ex: Pantone Blue 072C) . But the CMYK color still should be present in within the blues to resemble the subtle nuances of the brush strokes. I can’t figure it out on my own.

For more samples of painting images, go to

The reason I am doing this is because the artist’s works were represented on many publications over the years from many different countries. And we found out that CMYK color alone cannot duplicate the blue color very well (I mean the blue only, no problem with other colors). I know, it is hard to believe, but if you see all the publications and compare it to the original art, you would see the huge difference in color saturation and luminosity. That is the reason, I think it is necessary to use a spot blue for an upcoming catalog of the artist.

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Photoshop Elements :: Spot Healer Or Clone Stamp Sometimes Leave Black Spot On Image?

Mar 4, 2014

With both tools, I can make a few changes and then both will leave a black brush spot.  It works, and then it is like the program is too challenged & it just leaves a black spot.  Sometimes if I move my mouse to the history panel to back up to get rid of the black spot I get a swipe of the tool all across the image when I'm reaching with the mouse to go back in history.
I'm using PSE 11 and a Macbook Pro.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Spot Edit Does Not Fully Remove / Cover Spot

Jan 10, 2014

I've used Lightroom 3, 4 and now 5 so I know my way around the software pretty well. Never had an issue like this in previous LR versions. Basically, when I Spot Edit a spot (such as a speck of dust that was on the sensor or lens) there is alway s a "ghost" of the speck that remains, no matter what I do. The Opacity is set to 100, yet the tool behaves as if it is set to 90. It happens with Clone and Heal. I have also tried adjusting the Feather setting, to no avail.

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Lightroom :: Spot Removal Missing A Nasty Spot

Apr 7, 2012

I've got LR4 and a bunch of photos with 3 nasty dust marks.Spot Removal does not allow to mark one of these spots (the pointer does not turn into the marking circle).Probably LR cannot see it as needing repair.

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Photoshop :: Crash Course In Creating Spot Colour?

Dec 6, 2012

I need to create a spot colour – PMS 233C – for the image attached. Not the brush – but the base of the object.

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Photoshop :: Color Image - Spot Colour

Oct 20, 2007

I have been given a colour background which is mostly blues but its a cymk jpeg image and for print it needs to be converted to a spot colour in photoshop.

I dont really use channels etc and cant find a good tutorial on how to convert it to a spot? Could someone please give me a guide if thats possible?

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Photoshop :: Creating An Image For Spot Colour

Mar 12, 2009

I need to change my CMYK image so its suitable for Spot..

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Photoshop :: How To Convert CMYK Image To Spot Colour

May 8, 2013

I have an image that is currently cmyk colours. It has also been flattened.

How do i convert the colour profile to spot colour for the printer?

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Photoshop :: Mixing A Spot Colour In A CMYK Image

Aug 21, 2009

We would like to experiment mixing a spot colour in a normal CMYK image in order to expand the colour palette. Our problem is the fact that we cannot get Photoshop to show us the actual image once we have added the spot colour.

The spot channel shows as if it is being printed on top of the CMYK colours instead of being mixed with them. This makes it very difficult to judge what adjustments have to be made to the image. Of course, saving the file as a DCS2 and placing it in InDesign shows us what we want, but this is too much jumping back and forth between programmes to be efficient. We are runnnig CS3 on Windows XP Professional.

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InDesign :: Exporting PDF With Spot Colour?

Apr 14, 2014

Im having trouble exporting a pdf with a spot colour from ID. Just one part of my logo is showing as thicker once its exported. I can place in the exact same artwork but using a CYMK colour and the thick shape doesnt show. Im placing an ai. file.

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Illustrator :: How To Make A Spot Colour Darker

Jul 22, 2013

What I have is a shape which uses a pantone colour. However, the background is also the same pantone colour and I'd like it to stay 100% tint of that colour. What I'd like is for the top shape to be darker than the background even though it uses the same PMS colour.
I've tried to do some reading about it, but couldn't quite get the answer I was looking for. I have my .ai file set to Overprint View and have given Multiply a try, but it doesn't look any different.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Spot Colour Naming Broken In X6.3 Output?

Jun 13, 2013

It looks as if custom spot colours created in X6.3 are not being correctly named in exported EPS or when pubishing to PDF.


I create a new, blank palette in My Palettes. I add a colour named with a screen colour of C=10 M=20 Y=30 K=40 and save it. I cannot name it at this stage (typing anything in the name box changes the CMYK value) so I leave it blank for the moment I mark it to be treated as a spot colour and change the name to NondescriptBrown

Next I create a document with one object, and I assign 100% NondescriptBrown outline to it. Good so far -- it shows correctly as 100% NondescriptBrown on the status line.

Export to EPS without a preview image -- making sure convert spot colours is off.

Open the EPS file in a text editor and look at the line: %%DocumentCustomColors: (C10 M20 Y30 K40)

That's right, the export has named the colour C10 M20 Y30 Y40 and searching confirms that the correct name NondescriptBrown does not appear anywhere in the EPS.

Looking at the palette's XML file I see:

So, it seems that X6.3 should be looking up the proper name in colors>page> and using that for the export, but is instead exporting with the internal colorspaces> which is a purely arbitrary name that is not for external use.

I can fix the problem by manually editing the XML file by changing colorspaces> and both to NondescriptBrown, so that the internal name is already the same as the correct export name, but clearly that should not be necessary -- and if CorelDraw can display the correct name on screen in the status line, it ought to be able to export it correctly too.

Exactly the same applies when publishing to PDF, but is harder to prove, because its compression renders the file unreadable in a text editor.

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Illustrator :: How To Convert CMYK Artwork For Spot Colour Apparel Print

Sep 11, 2013

I'm pretty new to preparing artwork for spot colour printing - it's a hoodie design in this case.
I created the artwork in CMYK originally, and have got some of the way towards converting into a 5 colour print job using Recolor Artwork, so I've got it down to 5 swatches.
However, the printer is asking for colours separated by layers, which makes sense - I think means knocking everything out so there is no overprinting - is this correct?
If so, what is the best approach to take, to avoid unnecessary work, to convert from the current artowrk, with a lot of overlapping artwork, to produce 5 layers each with vector artwork coloured with its own Pantone swatch?

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Photoshop :: Colour Doesn't Change But Instead Becomes Darker Shade

Nov 13, 2013

So I was drawing pixel art with green/ orange and i decided to change the colour to black/white. But when I use grey/ darker shades of black. the green/orange just becomes a darker shade of green/orange.

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Photoshop :: Cut And Paste In Same Spot?

May 15, 2004

Basicly what I have is a picture on one layer. But I want to take a part of that picture, cut it, and put it on another layer. However, when I use the lasso tool or whatever to select it, I hit Ctrl+X to cut it and Ctrl+V to paste it. It pastes it on a new layer but it's in the center of the image. I want to cut it and paste it in the same spot that I selected it. Is this possible?

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Photoshop :: Spot Color

Sep 16, 2007

I am having trouble with a spot color image that I am trying to create in Photoshop and then import into InDesign.

In Photoshop, I've created my spot color channel, selected the Pantone color, pasted a greyscale version of my image into the spot color channel and removed all information from the CMYK channels.

Since my spot color channel is full of various greys, I was expecting to see a full range of TINTS in my image. But for some reason it doesn't look anything like the way I expect it to.

When I choose the same Pantone in InDesign and apply a gradient from 100% to 0% tint, I see a full range of light and dark blues. But in Photoshop everything looks grey-blue.

I thought maybe there was a difference between how the two programs display the color, so I imported the Photoshop file into InDesign anyway. But it still looks grey-blue just like it was in Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Spot Color

Jun 3, 2007

creating spot color.

I have attached an example. The green part is where gold foil will be attached. The pink and black needs to be put into spot color.

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Photoshop :: Spot Fakes

Oct 4, 2007

i have too pictures and wud like to know which one is the original.

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Photoshop :: [B&W With One Spot Color]

Feb 9, 2008

How do you make an entire picture in grayscale but then keep one object in color or one color in color? How did they keep the yellow in this picture in color?

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Photoshop :: Spot Color

May 14, 2003

how to do a 2 color job in photoshop. I need to have grayscale photos and the type needs to be a spot color. I can do this easily in Freehand 10 but havn't a clue how to do it in PS 6.

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Photoshop :: Spot Removal

Mar 12, 2008

I have a sample pic(which is not mine, but can use)

I want to take all the white particles out of the pic to clean it up, in the past I have been useing clone stamp and patch tool to keep the texture relatively the same.I have tried painting after choosing with the color picker and then palying with opacity, this gets rid of some of the smaller white spots and then I go with the clone tool and patch tool. I find this does not give a very natural look, so I was wondering if there was another way to go about taking these spots out as it is a painstaking proccess which can take anywhere up to 8 hours on a pic with my 1Ds MKIII.

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Photoshop :: Spot Color

Dec 5, 2006

I am new to the photography and photoshop world and am trying to learn as much as possible. I have always been a fan of spot coloring(the focal point of the photo is in color and the rest is black and white) but have yet to figure out how to accomplish this in photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Spot Colors

Jul 14, 2008

I have a customer that does a front and back newsletter in photoshop.

They use 100% black and 100% magenta and save it as a .psd. (They don't have no other layout programs)

How can I put it in an IndesignCS2 or quark document and separate it into 2 colors?

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Photoshop :: Spot Coloring

Sep 24, 2005

I'm creating an image for a client and he specifically requested the color 226m pantone matte. So basically I highlighted the logo, went to channels and created a spotcolor channel with the 226m. I then filled the channel with the shape of the logo. Now, the logo is placed over some other image, but now it seems kinda of transparent using the spot channel. So basically, what is the best way to show a spot color on the image? I tried saving the picture using Save For Web, but the logo came out grey.

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Photoshop :: Spot Color

Dec 26, 2005

I'm not sure what spot color is, I already understand CMYK, and RGB, but I don't undestand Lab color?

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Photoshop :: Photo Has Some Red Spot

Feb 10, 2006

I took a picture but I uploaded a picture but I saw that the cement has the red spot on the cement and looked at the gate and saw that the red spot on the gate. I've ps 7.0. Which tool do I use to remove the red spot?

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Photoshop :: How To Get Most Out Of Spot Healing Brush

Nov 4, 2013

How to get the most out of the Spot Healing Brush? I'm using it in Photoshop CC to repair old photos. It tends to work about half the time the way I would want it to. Frequently, I have to back out "fixes" and either try again from a different direction or switch to the clone stamp tool.
So, how does one get the most out of the Spot Healing Brush?

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Photoshop :: Dust And Spot Removal

Jun 6, 2012

i use imac i7,8GB,lion. I cannot remember how i learned to do a type of dust/spot remove for large areas. The heeling brush or stamp tool were not used in this technique.
It seems that the rectangular marque tool was used to select an area in the problem layer, a large background area, for example. The selection was then jumped to a new layer. Somehow one could use the arrow keys to move the selection a few pixels.  At this point i cannot remember what to do.
I think that the move tool was employed and the arrow keys used to move the selection a few pixels such that the spots were covered by nearby, unspotted areas. Havent done this in years and can't make it work. I have thousands of old black & white photos, and some color, to repair and retouch.

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Photoshop :: Spot Color Discrepancy

Oct 4, 2005

My client gave me her logo in .EPS format, which I opened using Illustrator. The logo color was Pantone 274C. However, while working on the same EPS file in Photoshop, I realised, when I eyedropped the same color, Photoshop tells me its 2756C, and it does look duller in the workspace. I'm working in CMYK for both programs.

What could be the problem. Is there any way to solve this?

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