I have a sample pic(which is not mine, but can use)
I want to take all the white particles out of the pic to clean it up, in the past I have been useing clone stamp and patch tool to keep the texture relatively the same.I have tried painting after choosing with the color picker and then palying with opacity, this gets rid of some of the smaller white spots and then I go with the clone tool and patch tool. I find this does not give a very natural look, so I was wondering if there was another way to go about taking these spots out as it is a painstaking proccess which can take anywhere up to 8 hours on a pic with my 1Ds MKIII.
I've got LR4 and a bunch of photos with 3 nasty dust marks.Spot Removal does not allow to mark one of these spots (the pointer does not turn into the marking circle).Probably LR cannot see it as needing repair.
i use imac i7,8GB,lion. I cannot remember how i learned to do a type of dust/spot remove for large areas. The heeling brush or stamp tool were not used in this technique.
It seems that the rectangular marque tool was used to select an area in the problem layer, a large background area, for example. The selection was then jumped to a new layer. Somehow one could use the arrow keys to move the selection a few pixels. At this point i cannot remember what to do.
I think that the move tool was employed and the arrow keys used to move the selection a few pixels such that the spots were covered by nearby, unspotted areas. Havent done this in years and can't make it work. I have thousands of old black & white photos, and some color, to repair and retouch.
I am attempting to follow along with the Photoshop video tutorials using the red lighthouse photo. In the video the instructor clicks the object to be removed, it briefly shows a dark grey field in the affected area when he clicks and the spot is removed. When I clicked the object to follow along with the video I get a red field in the affected area when I click and the spot remains. I have absolutely no clue as to what is going wrong. I downloaded the trial which I understand to be identical to the full version freshly last night.
I have a problem with Lightroom (=LR). When i use "the spot removal tool", there is only one circle, around the spot i want to remove. The other spot, that use to show the clean area that the tool is sampling from, does not come up.
When i left-click on the mouse, LR remove the spot, but i do not have any influance on where LR samples the clean area from.
I have just updated LR from version 4.2 to 4.3, but as far as i remember, the problem was there before i updated.
i've been digging around trying to find a plugin for 'spot removal', but haven't had any luck. am i missing it? i've found only one post in a all the forums that even mentions the word "spot".
When using spot removal in Lightroom v 3.3, my system becomes very slow and lags.Searching this on google mentioned turning off Lens correction. I have not touched the Lens correction panel.
I just started using the image retouching options - spot removal to be specific. (In my defense, I've read instructions, youtubed and googled till I'm blue - So, I click on the Spot Remover tool, then click on the target and drag to the spot I want to "heal" from. As long as I'm holding down the mouse button, I can see the intended result. But as soon as I release the mouse button, it reverts to the original blemish.
Just upgraded to Lightroom 5. Hadn't used 4 in awhile, but I don't remember ever having this issue in 4.
I am working on multiple images where there are dust spots in the exact same locations, so I am using the heal brush on one, and applying the results to multiple images by syncing "Spot Removal". Sometimes it works, and other times I am left with a strange mark that looks more like a brush stroke. The "Spot Removal" sync is not working.
The images are extremely similar, so the original heal brush (and the chosen source spots) should work fine on all images - that is not the issue. I am syncing hundreds of images at the same time - don't know if that is part of the problem, however I can sync just 2 images that are right next to each othe - sometimes it works fine, sometimes it doesn't.
May go back and try Lightroom 4 again, as I see lot's of issues with Lightroom 5 on forums.
Mac 10.8.4 MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Lightroom 5 Graphics cards: AMD Radeon HD 6770m 1024 mb
I have tried numerous times to get my spot removal tool to work; without success. I have read tons about it and nothing works. What is going on?? Neither clone nor heal does anything!
I must have synched a picture that had several spot removals on it. Now the entire group of pictures (1000+) has the same spots removals. I resynched after removing all the spot removals on the first picture, but the spot removals are still there on each picture. What will remove the apot removals on ALL the pictures?
When I click on the spot removal tool, the cursor arrow disappears as soon as it hits the photo. I must have unintentionally changed something? The histogram shows the RGB channels uselessly changing as I move the now-invisible cursor around. Did it do that before? If so, I didn't notice. If I close the spot removal tool, now I can see the hand cursor moving around, with the RGB channels still whirring away (now usefully??) on the histogram. Again, don't remember if it did that before. I would think that that RGB stuff would happen with some kind of eyedropper cursor - sampling or something - rather than the hand...
The spot removal tool on my lightroom 4 is, all of the sudden, not working. The tool opens as it always has and everything looks normal, but it won't heal or clone. It used to work fine, but as of just recent;y it doesn't. I've closed lightroom and have restarted my computer many times and still nothing. The rest of lightrrom works as it always has.
I recently upgraded to LR 4.1, and I'm having a problem with the spot removal tool. I have 100% opacity selected, but it's only partially removing spots - looks as though it's only operating around 50 or 60%. Is there a feathering or hardness setting hidden somewhere?
The new free-form spot removal tool in Clone mode doesn't appear to work properly for me.I can draw a free-form shape, and once I close the shape its contents are replaced with the contents of another area as it should.
But the line around the shape (which for me is always at least 4 pixels wide, even if I set the tool size to 1 pixel, the pixel width returns to 4 pixels. It is always a white line for me) after the cloning remains visible in a strange way, as if the line had also been cloned from somewhere else, but doesn't match the current background properly.
If I draw a free-form straight line, its contents get cloned and that works well. But when I try to draw a free-form line around a shape, the line always is 4 pixels wide and in addition to the enclosed content being cloned, also the line content gets cloned, and hence the line I had drawn to enclose the area to be cloned remains visible, as the cloning never seems to work as properly as it does when I just draw a line (straight or bent) which does not enclose something.
I'm using Win 7, 64-bit on a new PC with 16-GB of RAM and plenty of power. I've been editing 40 and 50 MB DNG files for several months with no difficulty. I recently scanned over 1500 old negatives (on a Plustek 7600i) and then imported these tiffs into LR. Again, there were no problems encountered.
I was editing one of these tiff files (27.68 MB) and eventually started to remove all the dust spots and scratches. At first, all went well. However, when I got up to a few hundred of these spot removals, LR4 slowed to a crawl and eventually crashed. The slowdown and crash only occurred whenever I attempted to open this particular tiff and activate the spot removal tool. All other photos opened and edited without problems.
I then tired the same spot removal on a different tiff from my scanned bunch, and encountered the same kind of slowdown and eventual crash of LR.
I had this issue in LR4 also, and now in LR5 too. I am trying to sync a bracket of interiors shot manual focused on tripod, mirror locked up and cable released. It's very frustrating to say the least when the shutter speed is the ONLY thing changing between frames, but yet it puts the pins down in other places than when your source image has them.
If you use spot removal function a few times in a lightroom session, you end up with the impossibility to use it anymore if you do not exit lightroom and start again from zero.
What I mean is that after a few clicks on spot removal on 2-3 pictures, when you need to use it again on picture number 4, for example, the function is almost unusable (very slow movements that make impossible to put the spot tool in the right place).
If you then exit lightroom and start again everythimg is fine for a while. It seems it is allocating memory each time you use it..
Video editing is not currently supported in the Develop module.
I know that I can use a develop module preset to apply an edit from a captured frame of video. Most, but not all develop module settings are availalbe via this technique. One setting that is not is "spot edit heal".
I have a small dust spot that appears in every frame of video in a blue water background shot underwater with my housed Nikon D7100. Is there a way to remove it with Lightroom?
All other edits I make in LR5 carry over to PS when I use the "Edit In" to move the PS to do additional edits, except edits that I made with the spot removal brush.
I have just swapped from PC to Mac and in the process upgraded from LR 3 to LR 4. I have always had some minor issues with the spot removal tool occassionally jamming up or not working smoothly and taking a long time in LR3 on PC, but so far using the tool in LR 4 on Mac has been painful. It is like it is slow to load, and then the cursor/spot removal circle just dissapears or freezes? I want to be able to fix minor blemishes etc quickly in LR instead of having to go to PS
I was shooting some timelapses recently and created thousands of images. I needed to "heal" one dust particle from all of those which I did by using "spot removal" tool but unfortunately it doesn't work well on all images. Now I am stuck with a problem where I have over 7K pics which has that tool applied but I can't remove it from the whole batch in one go.
I've tried syncing with an image that has no "spot removal" tool applied but it didn't work. I coppied settings and pasted them but it only works for one image. I had them all selected and just hit restart on a tool but again it only does that for currently visible pic. I really don't know how to deal with this and I don't want to do it manually with all of them. It's worth mentioning that I could reset all of the settings but I already applied many adjustements to many images so only spot tool is what I want to get rid off.