Photoshop Elements :: Clone Stamp Not Selecting Startpoint
Apr 16, 2013
With Photoshop 6, and Photoshop Elements I can not get a starting point when using alt click with clone stamp. Can it be caused by other Adobe applications? It seems like the alt key is not working correctly. Using windows XP.
Could not use the clone stamp tool because the area to clone has not been defined (option-click to define a source point). this is what shows up in the command box when ever I click to start to pick the spot i want to use as the clone. makes my cloning tool useless. I have reset the tools restrted my computer.
When trying to use the clone stamp, I get a message that syas the area to be cloned has not been defined-click to define a source point. Everything I have tried does not work. What do I have to do to use the clone stamp????
When I use Photoshop Elements 9, I get the following error: Could not use clone stamp tool because of a program error. I uninstalled Photoshop Elements and reinstalled it with the same results. This error shows up on both my XP computer and my Windows 7 computer.
I was using the Clone Stamp Tool in Expert Editor and then suddenly it was no longer available - It was apparently replaced by the Pattern Stamp Tool. How can I get it back into my group of Expert editor tools?
I'm not good with Photoshop. In fact, the clone stamp has always been one of my favorite tools. But, I just bought Elements 12 and I find that my clone stamp is doing something strange. In the circle, when I move it around the photo being edited, there is a black smudge in that circle and I can see images from other parts of the photo in that circle leaving marks on the photo as I move the circle around.
I have some problems with th CLONE STAMP TOOL at the right hand. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. I do the correct thing: I press ALT-button, the click.
I have also noticed that this also is a problem when I use the BURN and DODGE tool. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt.
Using Elements 8. The cursor for Clone Stamp freaquently appears as a cross with a dot in the centre rather that the circle. what is (am I doing) wrong?
As pointed out in the thread subject line, both the clone stamp tool and healing brush are not working for me in Photo Elements 7.When I am attempting to use it, I get the message: "Could not use clone stamp tool because the area to clone has not been defined". Well, this is not the case since I did define it with command Alt + left mouse click.
Background:Photo Elements 7 is installed in Windows XP Professional SP3. The latter runs as a virtual O/S with Sun VirtualBox on host SuSE Linux 11.1 (Gnome).
I have been using the clone stamp tool for a few weeks without any problems, but a few days ago the outline of the brush disappeared. I can still clone an area and replace the undesired area, however, I can't see the exact area that will be affected because the black circle that showed the brush size is now invisible.
adobe photoshop elements 9 , i cannot get the circle to appear using clone stamp tool and the spot healing brush . i`ve tried restating my computer and unloading and loading the adobe disc . but still no good .
I am trying to mask out a light source in a complex figure. I have just upgraded from PSE 11 -> 12, but I doubt that is the problem. I thought the clone stamp tool in Editor was simply not working. When I'd drag (after setting a source) over the bright area, it would darken where I dragged.
From experience it seemed like it was marking the area it was going to modify - but this turned out to be the extent of the modification. It just stayed dark. Following other discussions, I adjusted my depth of history to ease RAM footprint, restarted Editor, and rebooted my Mac (OSC 10.9). I also twiddled with all the options under Clone Overlay. I could see the effects, but they did not fix the issue. When I try the Clone Stamp tool elsewhere, it does what I expect.
I'm suspecting pilot error, but don't know what else to try.
I have just purchased photoshop elements 11. It has been ok for past 10 days or so but now I have a problem when tring to clone. I select the area by alt+click but then what happens is that the whole picture moves and in fact duplicates itself
With both tools, I can make a few changes and then both will leave a black brush spot. It works, and then it is like the program is too challenged & it just leaves a black spot. Sometimes if I move my mouse to the history panel to back up to get rid of the black spot I get a swipe of the tool all across the image when I'm reaching with the mouse to go back in history.
I installed the new version of PS right now but when I start with CLONE STAMP saw something unusual! I disabled the "Show Overlay" feature, when I press ALT and make a Copy from one place and when I want to paste it in another place sometimes it confused and past unusual, specialy sometimes is paste out of brush area, The settings of the tool is the same as PS CS6 and when I switch to CS6 I have no problem same as before.
The Clone Stamp no longer works right. It's slow and sampling results are all over the place. It will sample from areas I never even ALT clicked on. And it can't keep up with rapid sampling and stamping. As is, Photoshop CC is totally unusable for photo retouching work.
I switched back to CS6, which still works fine, so the problem is NOT on my end. Running Windows 7 64bit. Photoshop CC 64bit.
Is there a mode that allows the clone stamp to, in a sense clone itself? So if the target goes over an area that you just brushed with the clone stamp it will actually begin to clone from that, instead of the document state prior to cloning?
Each time i try to use my actions is says"could not use the clone stamp because the area to clone has not been defined (option-click to define a source point)" or "unable to do.
how to turn off the mirroring aspect of the clone stamp in CS4 & return it to the way it worked in CS3 without magnifying & showing unfamiliar content?
I'm working on photoshop 7, and I scanned a pic in grayscale. I try to clean up some scratches with the clone stamp, but it doesn't work. Then I try to use some brushes to draw or try the eraser with many diferent sizes and it doesn't work either. I tried later with photoshop cs, but the same happens...
I am doing some photo retouching and have the original photo on the background layer. Now I have never been able to get my clone stamp to work when I add a "new layer" and try working on that layer. It will work on the original background image, where there are definitely pixels. But the new layer sitting on top of the background layer is transparent, and my clone stamp won't do anything
But I want to be able to retouch on the new layer without affecting the original background layer. So I'm watching this Quicktime movie by J. Kost on Advanced Photoshop Portrait Retouching (I bought the entire set from her at Fotofusion) and I am watching her do this!!! But I can't! She is retouching a portrait with the clone stamp....the transparent layer 1 is active above the background layer (ie it's highlighted) and the paintbrush well is indicating that the transparent layer 1 is what is being worked on.
I checked my opacity for this's 100%. I am working in 8bit RGB mode. PS 6.01. Blending mode is normal....
Do any photoshop gurus have any idea about what I am doing wrong? As a beginner (I have only seriously been studying photoshop for about 2 years...and I know it takes a long time), this problem has been confusing me...and not just with the clone stamp but also with the other brushes, and thus knowing when I can work on a seemingly transparent layer versus one with pixels.