Illustrator :: Overlap Or Match Edges?

Nov 2, 2013

I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6. I would like to know if I should match the edges of objects or overlap the edges? What is the best practice for printing?

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Lightroom :: Get Match Long Edges Function To Work?

Dec 21, 2012

How can I get the Match Long Edges function to work. I have tried hovering over image on a page, but no option or double headed arrow appears.

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Illustrator :: Strokes That Appear To Overlap Rather Than Merge?

Jan 10, 2014

Is there a way to draw a single line so that it appears to overlap like in the example below (right), instead of appearing to merge like it is doing as circled in red (left)?

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Illustrator :: Shaving Off Objects That Overlap

Sep 12, 2012

I have an object that I applied Gaussian blur to and it extends the boundaries. It is on top of a tan object, I need to "shave" the excess blur off to make it a clean and line up with my tan object. What is the most efficient way to this. In PS I would creat a selection around the tan object, then invert the selection and hit delete on the blur layer. what is the equivalent to that in AI?

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Illustrator :: Combining Objects That Don't Overlap

Oct 13, 2011

How do I combine objects that aren't touching or overlapping? Pathfinder just turns them into a group, but I need them as a single object.

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Illustrator :: Easiest Way To Create Different Edges For Ellipses (tire Edges)

Jun 18, 2013

I thought this was going to be a piece of cake in the new Illustrator CC but I am having a few unanticipated issues:)I need to create some vector tire images with different edges, such as the top one in the image below.So I thought this would be SO easy by simply creating a pattern brush in Illustrator and then using that for the outside. So I created the shape you see in the middle image below and created a pattern brush with this shape.I then created an ellipse and used the new brush for the outline.
All of those are open has taken the shape and applied it to the outline but has kept each shape separate, so I am not able to fill the circle in black. I could of course go in and manually join each little corner separately where the little shapes meet but this will take FOREVER with all the images I have to do.

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Illustrator :: Possibility That Strokes Don't Overlap Into Other Objects

Jun 2, 2012

I have a layer with 3 objects. (this is not a font).The S, E and the XY are unique objects, and i wanted to apply two strokes to it. First a black stroke and then a blue one.
My issue here is that the strokes at the red marked points are overlapping to other objects.
Is there a possibility that the strokes don't overlap into the other objects? can i somehow "merge" the 3 objects to one so the overlapping doesn't occur?

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Illustrator :: How To Fill Area Where Shapes Overlap

Nov 2, 2012

I am recently getting back into using Illustrator.

I am trying to draw 2 shapes, let's say 2 circles, fill them w/colors, then have them overlap each other.

The part where they overlap creates a DIFFERENT shape. I want to fill that 3rd shapew/a different color. How do I select that 3rd shape area and fill out?

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Illustrator :: Impossible To Overlap Two Shapes After Pathfinder Operation

Mar 13, 2013

I have been using Illustrator for a couple of years now and from time to time I encounter very strange behavior when manipulating a vector shape.I have a current example here where I simply want to create a combined shape using the pathfinder tool:
As you can see, the generated shape (red) does not cover the original shape (green).When I use the path selection tool, I am able to reposition the first anchor but when I do the same for the lower anchor as well the entire shape is replaces a few pixel to the left. Even using the "align" tool afterwards is not useful. It seems impossible to make the red shape cover the green one.

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Illustrator :: Placed Graphics Image Area Changes Spot Colors They Overlap?

Jul 16, 2013

Surprisingly i can't find any mention of this anywhere on the intertubes - very often I have a placed (photoshop/tiff) graphic with transparent background overlaying (on top of) a spot color area, the spot color prints out completely different from how it should be (and how it is on non-overlapped areas).
I've tried everything i can think of, including making an opacity mask to 'hide' the supposedly transpararent areas of the placed grahic. I know a clipping path might work, but some art is too complex for that.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Pattern Background Overlap And Hiding Foreground Shapes

Aug 15, 2012

I'm having problems creating pattern swatches in cs6, because I can't seem to solve the problem of  the background overlapping and hiding foreground shapes. I can make patterns without a background and I think I've worked out how to prevent the problem with a simple grid, but when I make a brick tile pattern, whichever overlap options I choose, at least one of the foreground shapes gets partly obscured by the overlapping background. I'm used to making seamless patterns in previous versions of Illustrator, by using guides and grids, then defining the pattern using a background rectangle but this option doesn't seem to be available in CS6, so if I can't solve the problem, it's back to CS5.

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AutoCad 2D :: Match Properties Won't Match Multileader Text In 2010?

Sep 27, 2013


why i can't not match properties (MP) multileader texts, as you can see on the pic, i want the Mleader text on the right to be the same size as on the left, they are in the same layer, same mleader style but when click MP to match with the one on the left, nothing happen?

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Illustrator :: How To Match CSS Colors In CS6

Aug 13, 2012

I'm having a huge problem with colors in color managed web browsers such as Safari.  I'm pretty sure unchecking Convert to sRGB would cure the problem but it's permanently enabled.
For insance with "Color Settings" set to Monitor color with RGB set to Off.  And I follow these steps.
-Create a new document with a small size and profile set to "Web"
-Fill the art area with a rectangle with hash color of say #3693C6 and no stroke
-Ensure Assign profile is set to Don't color manage...
-Go to save to web set to PNG-24 (and try and fail to uncheck Convert to sRGB)
-Add the png as an img element to a barebones html file with background-color: #3693C6 as the body's style
-View in Safari and the img will be rendered many shades off the background color.
I know the theory is the web is sRGB and so so should the PNG but I don't want the colors shifted at all, when doing web elements I don't care that th

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Illustrator :: Match 2 Almost Equal Paths In CS6?

Nov 8, 2012

I am working on a world map and I do have a reasonable vector version from the web, but unfortunatly the countryborders maatch not 100%. Is there any way to match all the borders automatically?

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AutoCad :: How To Match (change) A Z Value Of One Entity To Match Another

Sep 13, 2012

I currently use Mep 2012 although my question I believe is general in nature. As a sheet metal contractor I do drawings that have many different entities at various elevations. Many times I use change propeties to match the propeties of on entity like a linetype to change another. What I really need to do is have the ability to use a similiar button and match or change the "Z" elevation of a specific entity just like I do for linetype, color etc.

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Illustrator :: Match PMS Coated On Non-glossy Paper?

Aug 24, 2012

I am new to offset printing, working for a church that is creating a great new graphic identity. I am working with a local graphic designer to print our newly designed items, and the first item we sent to print was a small envelope for donating money. Our designer showed us a digitally printed proof that looked very close to our colour, PMS 268 C. But, once they were offset printed, they were much lighter, close to PMS 268 UC. I was very disappointed, and realized I should have requesting coated stock, and I feel my designer is to blame for not mentioning this to me/showing me a misleading proof. Now we need to get a letter head printed, and she tells me that to match a Solid coated colour we must use glossy paper (she says glossy=coated). It is mind boggling to me that a digital printer can produce deeper, richer colours on uncoated paper than an offset printer can. I certainly don't want a glossy letterhead, but I cannot settle for such a inaccurate colour match. Is there anyway to get a match to a coated colour on uncoated or at least non-glossy paper?

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Illustrator :: Match Sidebar To Image Background?

Nov 24, 2012

I am creating a professional portfolio.  I've been working on this problem for days, and nothing I try seems to work.  It's a little bit hard to explain so I am posting a screen shot to aid in this discussion.
How can I get the background of my image to match the sidebar of my illustrator file?  Tried to select background then paint the same color.  But colors do not match.  Do I need to make a transparent background somehow? 

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Illustrator :: Use Pen Tool To Perfectly Match Existing Path?

Jun 9, 2012

I'm currently using the pen tool to trace out a Nike trainer to improve my basic skills and understanding of the tool.
The problem I'm having is that I want each section of the shoe to be its own shape so that I can edit the colours individually. However when drawing each section in some places I have to draw over the outlines of already created shapes and trying to match/overlap the paths as close as possible is a nightmare. I want to have a stroke enabled on all shapes to better define them but I get areas where the overlaping sections look uneven giving the shapes very unsmooth curves where overlapping occurs.
So I am just wondering if there is a way to enable the pen tool to snap to certain sections of existing paths so I have a perfect overlap when required?

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Illustrator :: Why Eyedropper Tool Not Make Two Blacks Match

May 24, 2013

I have a black jpeg that i'm using in my illustrator document. I need to make the background the exact same black. I have a large rectangle for my background, and I used the eyedropper tool to select the black from the jpeg. The CMYK numbers are even the exact same, yet when I export the ai file as a jpg/png/pdf the blacks look different! We are going to press next week and I really need the blacks to be the exact same!

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Illustrator :: CS5 Profiles Match But Pantones Print Differently

May 24, 2013

Ok. I have a problem with colors not matching between Illustrator CS5 documents. I am often emailed documents with pantone colors selected in them. Later, sometimes I need to create another document using those same pantone colors. The problem is, these two documents print the pantone colors differently. In fact, on my screen the file colors look different side-by-side. I figured it was a color settings or color profile issue, so I went in and checked both files. Everything was the same (Working CMYK: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2, Settings North America General Purpose 2, CMYK Preserve Numbers (Ignore Linked Profiles)) . When I paste pantone samples from one document into the other, they match what's in each other's documents, but the two documents themselves don't look the same and don't print the same.
What color setting could I be overlooking to cause this difference? I don't particularly care if they match on-screen, but it's the fact that they actually print different colors from the same pantone swatch that is the trouble. A blue pantone from one file will print purple from a different file.

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Illustrator :: Warp Artwork To Match Curve Of A Dieline?

May 17, 2013

__ Can I warp artwork to match the curve of a dieline?
I'm sure there's a way to do it, but I just don't know how (plus I'm horrible at math & geometry, I'll admit). I have the attached dieline, and I need to 'warp' my art to match it somehow.

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Illustrator :: CMYK Values Of Imported Image Don't Match?

Mar 24, 2013

I made a simple poster using photoshop to make the background and illustrator to make the fonts and some other stuff. In CMYK my black is just 100% K ( in photoshop)
 When placing image in illustrator the 100% K (black) changes to different black with C M Y added. But then when I save it as PDF the preview shows black as a bit grey (which is something normal- in print it will be just black). So my question is .. should I change enything just to be able to see a 100% K in illustrator in order to match CMYK values of Photoshop? Or should I leave it this way? I guess if I am getting a "grey" in PDF preview is something good isn'it? because in photoshop when I set to 100%K in my screeen it looks like grey and not total black.

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Illustrator :: Image Trace Colors Don't Match Selected Color Group (Mac - CS6)

Feb 18, 2014

When I select the Document Library option when making a color image trace, the colors shift in the image but do not match the selected color group. I've tried multiple color groups, and the colors always change, but never match the selected swatches.

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Illustrator :: CS6 (Win 7) Preview Window In Print Dialog Box Doesn't Match One On Artboard?

Jul 8, 2013

Here's the screen shot.  If I ignore the preview, and set with the print area tool, I get what's in the print area tool.  Something is amiss in the land of tiling settings, but I can't get to whatever setting is messing this up. 

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Illustrator :: White Edges Between Shapes

Feb 5, 2014

how can i get rid of these unwanted white spaces between two shapes in illustrator.İ spend my whole week to fix this, i tried everything but didn't work. İt's not something about antialiasing, when i import these shapes to photoshop or another programs, i'ts looking worse.

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Illustrator :: Jagged Edges In Vector In CS6

Jul 2, 2013

I am new to Illustrator and I just atempted my first vector drawing.  The problem I have is that I finished all of the lines using the pen tool on all the outlines.  I saved it as an svgz file and then I selected all of the lines and converted it to a live paint object to add in color using the live paint bucket tool.  This all went well until at the end I noticed that along the outlines the color looked jagged along it.

Also I can see the outline of the pen tool when it intersects with other outlines with the pen tool. In the previous version of the Image before I converted it to a live paint object it did not do this.

Above is before I converted it to a live paint object.

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Illustrator :: All Symbols Have Round Edges?

Feb 17, 2013

I'm trying to put an arrow into my picture, but all the edges/corners are rounded. How do I sharpen them? I figured I could use live trace for this, but that didn't work.

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Illustrator :: Show Edges Or Bounding Box For Each Group?

Oct 24, 2012

Any way to see a bounding box for each group?  So if we were to do a select all we can see edges for every line & a bounding box around the whole selection but what would be nice is to see a different color bounding box around each group that is selected. 

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Illustrator :: Designing Flyer Bleed To Edges

Nov 18, 2012

I'm designing a simple flyer that will be printed (I have little experience in the print world) and it might need to bleed to the edges, though I'm waiting to hear back from the person I'm designing it for.
If it does bleed to the edges, do I only need to make sure that the artwork on my artboard touches the edges of my artboard? OR is there something else that needs to be done?

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Illustrator :: Shapes Created In AI CS6 Have Jagged Edges

May 31, 2013

I have Illustrator CS6 and I've noticed something odd. Whenever I create shapes they have jagged edges. I've attached a screenshot so you can see this. I'm wondering if it's a setting or something that I don't have turned on (or off).

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Illustrator :: JPEG Edges Prevent Any Action?

Aug 22, 2012

I have CS5.5 When I open a jpeg in Illustrator, the "edges" (i.e. the box around the picture) prevent me from doing anything. When you hover over this box it actually says "edge". I am trying to ungroup a picture in order to (hopefully) change the colour of each item. I have tried the help pages as well as the Internet in vain. I have tried another jpeg just in case but the same thing happens. When I open the pic in Illustrator, the edges/box prevent me from proceeding further. the ungrouping and changing colours tasks?

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