AutoCad :: How To Match (change) A Z Value Of One Entity To Match Another
Sep 13, 2012
I currently use Mep 2012 although my question I believe is general in nature. As a sheet metal contractor I do drawings that have many different entities at various elevations. Many times I use change propeties to match the propeties of on entity like a linetype to change another. What I really need to do is have the ability to use a similiar button and match or change the "Z" elevation of a specific entity just like I do for linetype, color etc.
why i can't not match properties (MP) multileader texts, as you can see on the pic, i want the Mleader text on the right to be the same size as on the left, they are in the same layer, same mleader style but when click MP to match with the one on the left, nothing happen?
I've received a dwg file from someone and I want to print it at scale 1:50 on A0 paper. However, I'm struggling creating the right scale.
My problem starts with the fact that measuring lines in the diagram does not produce values that match the actual size. E.g., I have a wall of size 390, but measuring it shows 621.
Is there any way to change the units to match the actual desired size?
Then, I find it tricky to create the right scale for printing (people will get the paper and use a ruler to measure distances, so accurate scale is important). If I cannot change the units, I guess I need a different scale than 1mm=50units. So I tried 1mm=8units, because 7.8mm should measure as 390cm in 1:50 ruler. But this is not very accurate.
My colleague is using AutoCAD 2012 LT. He was wondering is it possible to hatch an un-hatched object by matching it with the properties of a hatched source object?
The text on the right is middle-align, prefect, the text on the left is also middle-aligned but is offset. How can i fix the left text to match the right?
I am working with one Landscape drawing, In this Dwg I splited that hole area as 128 sheets.Now I have to set view port for every sheets (128 nos.) . The problem is, I have to mention that surrounding sheet numbers for the specific sheet, which showing in the view port.What should i do to change the surrounding sheet numbers as automatically?
I need to extract points from an Autocad Drawing and give them the same point numbers as shown on the drawing. The drawing is a foundation plan showing pile foundations each with its unique number. I would normally draw a point over each pile and then copy and paste in preparation for uploading to my survey kit but it would be good to keep the same ref point. (I'm using a 2008 version)
I was working on one of the existing cad drawing, i came across this problem. I tried to match my Mtext with the existing text style, after M.P (match prop) everything look the same except the fonts style would not match, why is that? Does it have to be on the same layer?
I'm adding some rectangles to a drawing and want the hatching to match what it aready there. I thought the simplest way would be to match the properties, which works 99% of the time, but for some reason when I do that on the drawing I'm currently working on the scale is different.
In AutoCAD it is possible to set the orientating of a block to the orientating of the layout.
This can be done to run the " block" command, select the block to change, and and activate " Annotative" and " Match block orientating to layout"
For example, you may want to have a block presenting the locating of an elevator automatically orientated to every layout.
In a layout with a rotated viewport by 90 degrees, all the elevator blocks are shown according the layout. Is it possible to set the block orientating to match the layout in .NET ?
Is it possible to set the block orientating to match the layout even the block is not annotative?
I am using LT 2013. I cannot figure out how to match properties for text. I click on the 2 options and the box witdth, orientation, layer will match but not the style or font. I have tried using Quick Properties to select but have not had any success with this tool. Here is what I did:
Created a style and named it Arial.
Open the Quickselect box.
Apply to : click the box and select the various mtext objects.
Object Type: mText
Properties: Style
Operator: Select All
Include in New Selection Set is checked.
I click Ok and the objects are selected.
Next I go to the Properties Manager and change the style to the one I want to use, bu the text does not change. If Idoubleclick a text object it shows the correct style, but not the correct font. What have I missed doing?
I have just updated to 2013 LT. I want to customize my toolbars to match my old set up but once I've spent ages moving tools to new folders and arranging them how I like it, I close Autocad then open it again and it reverts back to default so all that time editing folders etc is wasted!!
When doing a match properties from one hatch to another, I end up with two hatches having identical properties (pattern, scale, etc) but that look completely different. See the attached image.
I tried the old snapbase trick and also tried various hatch origin settings, but without success.
Dim style is set to scale dims to match vp but when I layout a dimension it is not correct. I ran the "dimreassociate" command and that fixes it but only on the dim that I fix/selected. What am I missing? This is an existing legacy drawing so there must be some setting that has been changed.
Civil 3d 2014.... I have existing surface and a profile with 5 sample lines. All of them are good except 1 sample offset. I can do I quick profile and the profile looks like it should but if I generate an actual profile 90% of the profile is off. I have already tried reoding the alignment but it looks same on either one.
My field crew assumed a coordinate system and surveyed a job. I need to rotate the points in my dwg to match another survey. I have not found a rotate points command. Other LDT type commands have been replaced by standard ACAD commands by adding the transparent commands to them. I tried to use the ACAD rotate command and the transparent commands to rotate my points, but there is no transparent command to find multiple points. I need to select the points by point number range if possible.
When creating PDFs/PNGs to watch on a computer, it doesn't make sense to use standard paper sizes. The reason is that usually the plotted window does not fill both width and height and there are big white margins inthe produced file.
So my question is, how can I easily create a paper size to match a selected window (or layout) at a certain scale?
I have a main road corridor and a small access road corridor that intersects the main road. I don't want the intersection to have curb returns because I just want the access road to act as a driveway enterance (main road curb will run straight through and just get depressed at the access road enterance). However, I want the daylighting for the main corridor and the access road corridor to match up at this intersection and I'm not sure how to do this.
We've just upgraded to AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and I discovered that my match properties command (MA) is now on steroids. In the process of making an existing plan into a demo plan, I put a toilet on a demo layer. I intended to use match properties to put other select items on the same demo layer, but when I touched the lavatory, it turned into a toilet. I've never had this happen before. In trying to solve the issue, I've discovered the same thing happens with other AEC objects (couches, urnials, chairs -- all became toilets) and it happens in multiple files. Only walls and doors remain intact with only the layer, color and linetype changing (which is what I was expecting).
I looked at the settings inside the match properties command and none of them seemed to apply. I deselected the special properties options anyway, but the problem remains.
Why is it that whenever i use a command for pan and match properties, the hatch from the other areas do not display but when i exit the command the hatch is there. the problem is you cannot match the properties of from one hatch to another.
I am using Civil 3D 2011 because of a contract. Monday I created the View Frames and cut the sheets. As of this morning everything was printing properly. Over the day I added alignment labels to the sheets and other call outs, and now the Match Line text is not printing.
I have moved the match line object to the top of the drawing order, double checked the layer to verify that it is not set to no plot, and verified that the xref with the match line is on the top of the drawing order.
Attached is a screen capture of the corner PDF I plotted.