I am using Civil 3D 2011 because of a contract. Monday I created the View Frames and cut the sheets. As of this morning everything was printing properly. Over the day I added alignment labels to the sheets and other call outs, and now the Match Line text is not printing.
I have moved the match line object to the top of the drawing order, double checked the layer to verify that it is not set to no plot, and verified that the xref with the match line is on the top of the drawing order.
Attached is a screen capture of the corner PDF I plotted.
I'm having trouble plotting a symbol over a line. For example, I'm doing a corner record and need to put our symbol for a set pipe on the corner of the property line. Our symbol for a pipe is just an open circle. I want to put the circle on the corner and do not want the the property line to be shown inside that circle. Essentially I want to make it look like I trimmed the line inside the circle but I want to leave the line intact so there is no gap in the boundary. What is the way to do something like this?
I created view frames and sheets for a number of alignments. Is there a way to turn off a match line not associated with the main alignment for a particular viewport.
Or did I missed a setting somewhere that should turn this off automatically?
I've got a project where the match line labels constantly reset to the left and right of the match line itself even though I've set it to be middle. I didn't have this problem with 2013 or earlier, so is it a possible bug?
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014 Civil 3D 2014 x64 Windows 7 64-bit 6GB RAM
I want to "remove line weights" when plotting. But I want to keep my title block wording and a certain text within the drawing dark or "thicker". What would be the greatest approach to this.
I’m a student in a land surveying program using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. When I try to plot my DWG to a PDF my line weights are not plotting accordingly to the layers. For instance, Layer 1 is set at 0.7mm line weight, Layer 2 is set at 0.3mm but when it plots to PDF they all look similar. I have double checked the options on the plotting screen and I can get the line weights to plot correctly on different drawings with similar settings. I’m wondering if the issue has something to do with the fact that the particular lines that are not plotting accordingly are parcel segments.
I have a corridor with an associated sample line group, and I have produced some material volume tables to give me quantities for my corridor structures and cut/fill volumes. When I look at the material volume tables they are at a seemingly arbitrary stationing. The sample line group which the material volume tables are (supposedly) based on are on alignment L1000 and they run from station 1133+73 to station 1154+00 every 10 meters. The material volume tables show volumes broken down by stations starting at station 3719+58.66 and runs through to station 3786+08.92. It is sampling at a seemingly arbitrary frequency, there is absolutely no alignment in my drawing that has stations remotely resembling those numbers, and there is definitely no sample line group it could be using that samples an alignment or stationing anything like that shown in the materials volume tables. Here is a quick screenshot of what my material volumes tables look like:[URL]
why i can't not match properties (MP) multileader texts, as you can see on the pic, i want the Mleader text on the right to be the same size as on the left, they are in the same layer, same mleader style but when click MP to match with the one on the left, nothing happen?
I have a record plat drawing with multiple parcels and parcel styles. For my lands of the grantors I view port froze the lots and right of way layers from my parcel styles. I don’t want to show them in this viewport. To my surprise the lines show up in the object layer we have set for parcels. This was not the case in 2011. We are in 2014 with the first hotfix update. I understand putting the parcel styles in the object layer, but why another mysterious line under it? I did create parcels from objects, but had them erased when I created them. This did not matter either way. Is there a way to get rid of them? I did put them in a new layer, set it to “No Plot” This kept them from plotting, but I really don’t want to have to take the time to do it.
I am working with one Landscape drawing, In this Dwg I splited that hole area as 128 sheets.Now I have to set view port for every sheets (128 nos.) . The problem is, I have to mention that surrounding sheet numbers for the specific sheet, which showing in the view port.What should i do to change the surrounding sheet numbers as automatically?
How can I revised the line type so that the text reads in the same direction. The linetype text auto adjust to read correctly in Model Space. However In the plan and profile drawing the site is rotated 90 degrees so when the text changes direction from northwest to northeast and the line text changes direction. I need for the text to be in the same direction the entire length of the line.
I have a Multileader Style and have the Mtext to come in with "Underline top line". The text sits right where I want such as EXIST. 24 RCP but when I enter something with an inch or foot symbol such as EXIST. 24" RCP the text will end up sitting right on the leader line. I don't see where I can set an offset for the Mtext coming in with the leader. What can I do to make this change?
I'm trying to plan an access road which must run at least 2.5m away from an existing fenceline. I've put a few parallel road lines in at 3m distance, but at the fence bends I decided to put some circles at the bend points to give me a 3m radius. When I did this I was suprised to find that the circle extends further than my access road. I've dimensioned them both up, CAD is telling me they're both 3m away but they're clearly not at the same distance.
How to beef up my line weights when plotting. I am opening and plotting the same files as the previous drafts person but all my line weights are plotting the same. I am thinking that he had something set up in his profile that set the line weights when plotting??
I have some sample lines that highlight utilities needing a section view. I've now moved my sample line to highlight the true cross section stationing for these crossings. Why doesn't the station value update for the sample line once this is moved. For some reason I remember the station text on the sample line updating itself automatically in the past.
I have noticed for many years (since ADT 2006...) that the OTB line weights seem to plot the same. For example, I don't notice much difference (actually none at all) on paper between A-Sect-Thin, A-Sect-Med, A-Sect-Fine, A-Dtl-Fine, etc... I have always remedied this by adjusting the Global Line weights, which I know is not optimal and I tell everybody else in my firm not to do it.
That being said, some of the more "seasoned" architects who are trying to use ACA are having trouble getting the line weights to print as they would have hand drawn them years ago. It has inspired me to take another stab at understanding this issue and trying to determine how it is intended to be used, and what I am doing wrong.
I have gotten the office to use the OTB - AIA LWT By Object.ctb, which I would assume coincides with the OTB AEC styles / objects. Can some one explain this to me or tell me where I am going wrong? I have the "Plot Object Lineweights" checked in the plot dialogue box, and honestly have checked and unchecked the "scale lineweights" box and notice no difference.
I have a drawing with the floor plan as an xref. I added the plumbing on top of the xref. My problem comes when plotting. When I print the drawing to the plotter, since the plotter is black and white only the lines of the plumbing come out darker than the xref. But I also need a pdf copy in black and white, but when I change the settings to greyscale all the lines look the same in terms of darkness.
Additional info, the xref is grey and the plumbing layer line color is dark purple.
So I'm doing an installation drawing for a piece of equipment and I'm having an issue. Let's say I model a cube, put it in a viewport at a isometric view in "hidden" visual style. Several of the edges are plotting significantly darker than other edges on the cube.
Is there an obvious reason why a polyline would plot grey instead of black? If I select a monochrome plot style table, the lines are black. I noticed certain fonts will plot grey instead of black, but I am stumped on an object.
I am using 2008 and have been using AutoCAD for 25 years, so this is not me! Some months ago when plotting, all my plots started coming out very feint as if all the line weights were very thin - this just happened overnight. I couldn't sort this but I have an older pc using 2005 linked to my main one, and I could plot using this one as normal (I did try installing later versions on the main pc but all plots were the same). Now, the same thing seems to have happened with the older pc but in a different way, again overnight (last week all was well) - colours have altered slightly and line weights are all plotting as default. I haven't installed or uninstalled anything, nothing has changed.
We are using Civil 3D 2010, Version 4.1 and it is being used on both WinXP and Win7.
This is an issue that has been coming up at different times with profile views and them shifting when viewed from our viewports in our layout tab. It looks correct in the model space. But it shifts to the right 10' in the layout tab. We have 7 tabs in this drawing. I have looked through all of the profile view settings and it does not seem like any of these are the issue. I created a new viewport in the same tab and received the same shift to the right. I then created a new tab in the same drawing (not copied from the one that has the issue), created a new viewport, and the shift is not there. The PSLTSCALE, MSLTSCALE, and LTSCALE are all set to 1 in all of th tabs.
Woudl there be a layout tab setting that is causing this? This is happening on all of our machines with this drawing so I know it is not a specific user/machine issue. I have attached a .pdf showing the three cases described above if that were to provide any additional insight.
I go to open a drawing; drawing opens fine and views fine for a second, but then everything changes to viewing Color 9.... I am able to select a line or a piece of text and change it to any color imaginable but it always stays color 9. Although I am able to create a line and have it the correct color, it is just everything that had been existing in the current drawing at the time...
I have tried shademode, which if I put it into a 3d wireframe views fine in modelspace... but it always is going back to the 2d wireframe visual style that is the problem...
I cannot seem to find any problems with the drawing... I have run audit and purge all, I open backed up files and autosaves, all doing the same thing... I even had someone else open the drawing with the same occurence...
I'm having trouble getting my label style to flip when in dragged state. If I drag it off to the right, the text and line show up just fine, but if I drag to the left, the TC and FS head that way, but the line in between stays put.