AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile Does Not Match Vertical Text?
Mar 15, 2013When making a profile the actual scale of the profile does not match the vertical text. The scale is 1"=40' hor and 1"=4' ver with a 10:1 exageration.
See sketch below
When making a profile the actual scale of the profile does not match the vertical text. The scale is 1"=40' hor and 1"=4' ver with a 10:1 exageration.
See sketch below
Civil 3d 2014.... I have existing surface and a profile with 5 sample lines. All of them are good except 1 sample offset. I can do I quick profile and the profile looks like it should but if I generate an actual profile 90% of the profile is off. I have already tried reoding the alignment but it looks same on either one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to "NOT" label the top elevation in a profile view? (see attached pic)
I can live with the far right and left vertical labels if I could turn the top elevation off.
Civil3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional - 64-bit
HP Z400
Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz
24GB of RAM
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
Seems like a bug on Autocad Civil 3D 2013. I followed all the tutorials to design a circular vertical curve on a profile and it just dont work. I put circular on settings, click on circular curve by PVI button, the software even ask the radius and it end up designing a parabolic curve.
View 2 Replies View Relatedthe vertical grid is not showing up even though is turned on in view style! tried different things but nothing seems to work, and the horizontal grid doesn't clip to the profile even though i select the option! it goes way up until profile frame!
Windows 7, intel I7, 8 MB RAM, civil3d 2013.
I just created a profile by choosing my PVIs and linking them together with tangent curves. How do I add labels to show the vertical curve properties (K value, curve length, station of PVI, elevation of PVI...)? I'm guessing I have to edit the label style?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI did a grading, created surface with it and draw a profile view. Everything seems to be good, except with the vertical geometry band. I need to fix slope and length only at break point, means PI (blue line), but aligment has created more PI with each surface tringular line at intersection (us i note). Is there any why to specify PI only at a break points?
I can erase PI manually on static profile view mode, but i desire to do it in dynamic mode..., in case when conditions changes.
I am working on a corridor. I have a proposal profile, and now i wanted to add a vertial curve between the new profile and exsiting. (see attached.) but i have not done before.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I make profile sheets the vertical scale (text) if off by 4' (below). I checked all the settings and they appear to be correct. When I make a profile the scale is correctly shown.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do i correct the veritical profile for a given vertical gradient of 1 in 150 of 1200 etc and so on.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt's my first time using SSA, and I had finally created a network and storm that I thought was working properly (using TR-20 routing with an SCS II storm), until I took a closer look at the profile outputs - and noticed that the graphed Max HGL line does not match the Max HGL listed in the table below. The difference was 856.2 on the graph and 858.01 on the table at one my structures, for example.
The ability to import pipe networks is nice in SSA, but if the output data is always this wacky I may have to go give up on SSA and go back to using Hydrocad.
How I have come to this question is through the process of trying to realistically show a hydrant in profile view. First off it it possible to create a completely vertical pipe in C3D? Also if you can, is it possible to show that in profile view? Basically, what I am trying to avoid is representing a fire hydrant pipe by creating some sort of custom cyclinder part in partbuilder. I have done this, but do not like the results.
Civil 3D 2013 SP2 | Win 7 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.30GHz, 8GB Ram | ATI Radeon HD 5450
Is there a way to get the vertical scale property of a profile view and not use COM?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn our road profiles, we have to show that low points and high points are adjusted to maintain a minimum of 0.6%. see attached screen shot. Currently, I am calculating the adjusted low point and editing the profile label. Since I can't figure out how to edit one label in a data band, I've been wiping out the old elevation and typing in the new elevation over it.
Is there a way to get C3D to do the calculation for me and populate the labels with the adjusted elevation?
Civil3D 2013
Windows 7
I'm creating finished roadway profiles by setting the PVIs then going back and inserting vertical curves (Free Vertical Parabola, PVI Based). When I insert the vertical curve, it displays as 1-5 tangents depending on length (not a smooth parabola). I've changed the curve tessellation distance under the Edit Profile Style - Design tab, but it doesn't smooth it out. What am I missing here. I don't have this problem in other drawings and I'm using the same template/drawing settings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a large scale industrial project with multiple road profiles and sections sheets. I find that when I plot my drawings manually by opening the drawing everything comes out fine. But when I publish the drawings manually or thru Sheet Set Manager, it shifts my vertical curve labels on my profiles down, which then conflicts with the profile linework (see attached image). Unfortunately manually plotting these drawings is not an option. Because of the amount of information in each drawing it takes 3-4 mins to open and we have 200+ drawings in a single set of drawings, which we have multiple sets of drawings for the project.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI received a file from another office which had a split profile. The only issue that my project manager and I have with it is that the profile lines themselves run from station limit to station limit, and therefore the profile lines run through the vertical (elevation) numbers. Is there a way to adjust the vertical (elevation) grid marks to clean this up?
I've attached a picture of how it looks now.
Im currently having problems with my profiles showing vertical curve data on a superimposed profile. The data shows on the normal profile however when i superimpose it to another profile i cant get the program to show it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan I turn off the begin and end vertical grid of a profile? Currently it can be turned off using the GRID AT VERTICAL MAJOR, even though I'm starting/ending my profile view at stations that are neither major (100') nor minor (50').
Civil 3D 2010.
I attached a pdf to show the vertical line at 19+90 that I want turned off.
I created a road centerline profile and corridor and then created a profile of the two curb lines from the corridor. The road profile that I made has a vertical curve in it but the curb profiles do not show that information, just grade breaks every 25 feet based on the corridor sampling distance.
I would like to have the vertical curve information on the curb profiles.
i have created a data band in profile view that should show a created profiles elevation, but some of the the data fields are missing irregulary. Also in the data band that shoud show the diferenece betven the tow profiles - EG and the new profile the data is missing. The EG profiles data and the surface are ok all is shown.
View 4 Replies View RelatedQuestion: I know if I use some of the basic fonts that I am able to click on the properties of that text style to use vertical typing instead of horizontal but for the other fonts this is not an option. How can I get my words to go type vertical using those fonts, specifically Times New Roman. Think of a marker stick for a pipeline valve or pipeline location.
Autodesk 2014 Infrastructure Design Suite - Premium
Windows 7 Professional, x64
I am using Civil 3D 2011 because of a contract. Monday I created the View Frames and cut the sheets. As of this morning everything was printing properly. Over the day I added alignment labels to the sheets and other call outs, and now the Match Line text is not printing.
I have moved the match line object to the top of the drawing order, double checked the layer to verify that it is not set to no plot, and verified that the xref with the match line is on the top of the drawing order.
Attached is a screen capture of the corner PDF I plotted.
why i can't not match properties (MP) multileader texts, as you can see on the pic, i want the Mleader text on the right to be the same size as on the left, they are in the same layer, same mleader style but when click MP to match with the one on the left, nothing happen?
Apparently text will always rotate about the bottom left grip and not the justified grip.
This is a massive issue that makes this great feature virtually worthless.
If the text is going to rotate in multiple viewports you need it to stay in the same place!
I'm cropping a bunch of horizontals to verticals, but how I do match the 2nd, 3rd, after the 1st one I do? I can't figure it out. I made a tool preset after cropping the 1st, but it does not work. Appearantly crop tool needs you to enter the numbers before hand --
I could crop, then screenshot the new settings (very cumbersome) and then enter that im for a new tool preset.
I'm using 2004 and drawing a profile for a utility. I need a 25' radius for my vertical curve for this utility line. I'm wondering how people draw this radius if there is a vertical exaggeration in the profile. Horizontal scale is 1"=20' and Vertical scale is 1"=5'.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I create a profile, then explode it, none of the text or lines are bylayer. My company wants everything to be bylayer. I can't figure out which style controls the profile to make everything bylayer after it is exploded.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I am trying to edit certain text features dealing with stationing in one profile view (for example I don't want any stationing on the top of the profile view). How do I do this so it will just affect the noted profile view and not delete the stationing on all of my profile views in this drawing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to adjust the profile view titles. The titles and and scales are chained together to be the same font and size. Is there any EASY way to have the titles large and the scales small?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make the Profile band title a specific text style? At the moment it seems that when I access
Profile Properties>Pick Band Style>Profile Data Bans Style>Compose Label>Label style composer
I go to the Contents (under Text) and edit it to bring up the Text component Editor.
In this if I go to the Format Tab the text style is set to annotative, however under that it says font style as an overide. How do I remove the override and set the style of the text to the text style. And how do i change the text style.