Photoshop Elements :: How To Overlap Paint Strokes Without Adding Value To Previous Stokes
Dec 31, 2012
I find that as long as I do not lift the pen off the tablet I can overlap strokes without changing the value of the strokes I've already made. However, once I lift the pen off the tablet and try to continue my work, inevitably I end up going over some of the previous strokes, and where the strokes overlap, the value of the paint doubles, creating a nasty blotchy effect.
Is there a way to draw a single line so that it appears to overlap like in the example below (right), instead of appearing to merge like it is doing as circled in red (left)?
I have a layer with 3 objects. (this is not a font).The S, E and the XY are unique objects, and i wanted to apply two strokes to it. First a black stroke and then a blue one.
My issue here is that the strokes at the red marked points are overlapping to other objects.
Is there a possibility that the strokes don't overlap into the other objects? can i somehow "merge" the 3 objects to one so the overlapping doesn't occur?
Is there an easy way in Illustrator to add strokes inside letters to get an effect something like this? I know you can just draw the lines, but it never looks quite right.
I am working with CS6 windows. I am having a problem when I made a brush, and add additional strokes to the same line.
Here is a pic of what is happening. You can see at the beginning of the arrow, there is a blue and pink link showing around the beginning of the arrow head. I added the pink and blue lines to the same line as the brush using the appearance tab.
Now if I add a dash to the the pink and blue lines, this is what happens... There is a little pink and blue line at the very tip of the arrow head. My dash options use for both the pink and blue lines.
My question is how to I get rid of this little line? What I am trying to do is.. use the black arrowhead on line with a stoke of 1 point black, and then under that have a 3 point stroke of white. In the image what is blue would be white, and what is pink would be black, and the arrowhead is correct as it is now. I had this same setup in CS4, and did not have that little line at the beginning.
I am trying to overlap two images but one is really dominating visually and is also really busy. I'd like to 'fog out' the dominating picture without losing a lot of information from it. I think making the colors less vivid would enhance the colors of the other image, but maybe there's more I can do? The images are biological and I am working on a potential scientific journal cover page, so I can't just remove things or distort to the point where it is cartoonish. I know nothing about image processing, so I feel like I'm probably complete unaware of simple methods that could do amazing things I was unaware of above and beyond just toning down contrast or saturation.
Texturing an .obj file with multiple maps keeps getting overlap when I paint on the figure.
I am very new to 3D Painting in Photoshop but I am nominally knowledgeable of Photoshop in general for 2D work. I exported the Genesis figure from DAZ Studio into an .obj file and painted on it in Photoshop 5.5.
When I paint on his face, other marks show up on his torso and thigh and eyes, even. It is like all of the diffuse maps are "stacked upon one another" (though not in layers, just one one layer.)
Im fairly new with illustrator, when i try and use live paint by selecting the brush strokes then going object > live paint > make, it makes my strokes really thin and it is really annoying
I paint for a long time with Photoshop. I always tried to set up my brushes so that the paint strokes look as realistic (for example like pencil or like acrylic brush strokes) as possible.
The problem is, when i Google for realistic brushes i always find only scanned brush/pencil strokes or scanned flowers and so on. But i need the brush settings to make the Photoshop brush behave like a pencil, marker or acrylic brush.
I have managed to make some animations to include them in Adobe DPS for Ipad. Right now I have a doubt and I don't know how to solve it.
This is a map of Europe with some countries. I want to start the preentation bringing them one by one to the forefront by enlarging them and then reducing them again. ("Here comes Germany, Now, France..." and son on).
No big trouble. But the rub is that, as each country is in its own layer, some of them enlarge all right but some others are partially hidden by their neighbours when enlarging, as they are under those, in a lower layer. All the countries has been arranged in Illustrator and imported as SVG into Animate layers.
The question is: Is there any command to force an element in a layer to act, move or go 'forward' even if it is under the other one?
I'm trying to automatically create fill shapes out of a pattern I made with stokes. The pattern (see attached) is comprised of overlapping rows of lines. My goal is to make he inner triangle shapes different colours, but I will need an actual shape there before I can add colour.
I've tried playing with the pathfinder tools, but haven't had any luck.
Before with 6 I can drag icons of tags persons to imagine (Organizer). Now, with upgrade to 11, I do not find icons tag of persons and I do not understand how drag tags to imagine. Then, how I can see tag (previous) under the imagine? (Organizer)
I've built two different colored strokes around some text (inner layer is green, outer layer is red). When I convert this to the Live Paint Mode by clicking the letters with my Live Paint bucket, a warning comes up telling me certain things might be lost. I press okay, and the red outer layer of the text dissapears. I want that layer to stay though! I've attached pictures of this process.
I have a user in my group that is hesitant to upgrade to 2012 because , he has many lisp routines that are associated with the PREVIOUS selection feature. This selection is very useful in that when you are moving or selecting many objects you can enter P for previous and the object will be selected.
In 2009, when you select objects then hit escape, then try to execute a command requesting to use the Previous, AutoCAD will remember the last selected object and then highlight it.
In 2012, when you select objects then hit escape, then try to execute a command using P for previous, it will not highlight the previous object selected but will highlight the previous object where a command was executed on.
Hope I haven't lost you. It seems there should be a setting under SELECTION of how to manipulate the Previous selection feature.
I accidently deleted some files where photos are stored. Can I somehow reconnect from previous versions of pse that are backed up on cd's. I am running pse 11.
This is probably a frequently asked question, but doing some searching turned up nothing. I have on one computer, and I'm setting it up on another. Is there a way of getting a list of all the plugins I've installed on the previous one, so I can install them on the new one? In poking around, I haven't been able to find a thing that lists all the extras I've installed.
I've installed Elements 11 and imported my pictures and also the tabs. But the result is only a list of tags, the pictures doesn't seem to have any tags attached any longer. What can I do? My previous version of Elements was the 8.
I had to re-format hard drive. I did have data backed up by a service provider. I don't wan to restore all data. How do I locate the previous "TAG" files in organizer so I can import them into re-installed elements 11?
I am wanting to add more backgrounds and graphics from previous photoshop. How do it do this? I have located the photo creations file and pasted in folder but still not showing in program.
I have a problem to restore a catalog from a previous version of photoshop. But I have a catalog only under a .buc extension instead of a .tly extension I should have.
I am using Adobe Illustrator CS6. The first image above is the result of drawing paths then expanding appearance and then live paint->make and filling shape with live paint bucket fill. The second image is the exact same artwork after selecting the object and clicking live paint->expand. I did this because I want to then group my expanded live paint object to be able to select the fill I just created.
This artwork is meant for screen render only in a flash game I am making, I don't want to print it. The first image above is the desirable look that I am going for. I have figured out that I can expand my live paint object (and it looks bad like the second image) and then alter the fills the way I want and select everything again and go live paint->make and then the black strokes look great again. My question is, is this normal? Do I always have to make an object live paint once I am ready to export my image to png format?
By the way, replicate what I have done by following my instructions, although the artifacts around the black strokes can only really be seen when your fill color is pretty dark (like my dark green fill). With lighter colors you probably wouldn't even notice the artifacts around the black strokes. The set-up for my document is: Color Mode: RGB PPI: 72 for screen rendering. I have initializing turned on (which I want and need).
How do I get my photos from a previous version of Photoshop Elements (6) into Photoshop Elements 12? Do I restore from a backup? I have over 12,000 pics ( a good portion with multiple versions) and don't want to lose captions and metadata.
I just purchased an upgraded version of Photoshop Elements 12 and Premiere Elements 12, but after all my photos were converted to the new version, all of my keyword tags from the previous version are not showing.
I used to use the 'back' button all the time in my old windows version of PSE organiser. I have now bought PSE 11 for my new macbook and finding that all the reasons I wanted to use PSE organiser rather than iPhoto are fast evaporating with this version. One of them is the 'back' button. If I scroll down down down a long way and find a particular photo and then deliberately or even accidentally, change the view to see data (that incidentally I used to be able to see in the same view on the info side pane such as folder location ....) then I lose my place in the media display and cant get back there like I used to. and have to hunt for the photo again. Similarly when I select a tag to display the selection containing that tag and then want to return to the previous main media display I return to the top, rather than wherever I had progressed to. This didn't happen in my old windows version. I cant understand why the developers would think it was a great idea to remove this facility, but I cant find it. It was invaluable when I was going back through the catalogue to old photos and adding tags or other info.
This happens only occasionally. I have a file open in PP5. I resample the image -- reduce the physical size from, in this case, 53 inches to 8 inches high, and increase resolution from 72 to 300 dpi, with the resulting file size smaller than the original. I save the file, then import into my layout in Coreldraw. The imported file is back to 72 dpi and the physical size is huge. I reopen the file in PP, resample again, and resave under a new file name. Same problem occurs when I import into Draw. Of course, I can physically shrink the file to 3 inches high and the resulting dpi will be 300.
I recently upgraded my computer to Windows 7 (32 bit) and installed CS5 on it. Everything seems to be fine, but using my wacom intuos 3 tablet i found that when making curved brush strokes every so often it came out as a straight line, the straight line being where i start and finish the curve (see pic below. The S stroke is what should happen. The straight line is what happens every so often with the same motion).
At first i thought it was the tablet and reinstalled the drivers to no effect. Since then i've discovered that the same thing occurs with the mouse. The problem occurs once every five or so strokes (i'm doing digital art, so there's a lot of strokes). It never happens if i do a stroke slowly, but will almost always happen if i do a fast stroke.
Testing other painting programs i've found them all to be fine (i grabbed trials of open Canvas, Sai and Gimp and had no such issues). However, getting out my old copy of CS2, i found it had the same problem. The problem does appear to be Photoshop + my computer based. I've since reinstalled them both but had no success there either. (My computer is a intel i3 btw with 8gb of ram, so i wouldn't believe it to be a performance issue)