Photoshop Elements :: Where Can Find Back Button To Return To Previous View
Feb 9, 2013
I used to use the 'back' button all the time in my old windows version of PSE organiser. I have now bought PSE 11 for my new macbook and finding that all the reasons I wanted to use PSE organiser rather than iPhoto are fast evaporating with this version. One of them is the 'back' button. If I scroll down down down a long way and find a particular photo and then deliberately or even accidentally, change the view to see data (that incidentally I used to be able to see in the same view on the info side pane such as folder location ....) then I lose my place in the media display and cant get back there like I used to. and have to hunt for the photo again. Similarly when I select a tag to display the selection containing that tag and then want to return to the previous main media display I return to the top, rather than wherever I had progressed to. This didn't happen in my old windows version. I cant understand why the developers would think it was a great idea to remove this facility, but I cant find it. It was invaluable when I was going back through the catalogue to old photos and adding tags or other info.
I just opened up GIMP and to my horror it had been changed completely without my consent.
First question: I assume this was some sort of automatic update. How do I turn that off, so that I have control over whether or not I want to update?
Second question: How do I go back to the previous version? I can't find basic functions, because they've been moved.
I was trying to do a quick project, and to learn a whole new set up. I'm appalled to find that my program's been changed without giving me any choice in the matter, and then having to sign up on a list serve to fix the problem. Why not set up a forum, where we can subscribe to just the thread that's relevant to us?
I saw on youtube that clicking on Windows at the top of that software, I should find the "actions" button, opening the action panel.Still The "action" button isn't there.
I want to install Photoshop Elements 6 on my new computer and deactivate/uninstall it from my old computer. I have been unable to find the "deactivate" button under "help" or anywhere else.
Gave up on Photoshop. Website too hard to navigate. No download button on Photoshop Elements for either the trial or buy version. If this is the way the website works, I don't want the program even though I understand Photoshop is supposed to be the best.
Just bought PSE11. Still using iPhoto as my organizer. But when I finish an edit and save, I can't find my image.
I understand that if I save without changing the file name or type, it should put it back in the same origin file.
I tried setting my save settings in PSE to write over original and it still didn't show up. I tried making a duplicate in iPhoto and editing it .... nothing.
In the destination box that opens upon asking it to save, everything looks good. ie it appears to be saving it in an extension on an extension of a numbered file in the iPhoto library.
I managed to move the home screen on my Mac to the left but now it will not return to centre, so that I can access the controls. A two fingered drag does not seem to work.
I sometimes create parts while working in an assembly. This hasn't been an issue but something mysterious happened. Once I create my new part, to get back to the assembly ( turn off the transparency)
I typically press the Return button which is normally in the first tab (this example shows I created a sheet metal part)but for some reason the return button is now in the inspect Tab??I tried looking through the customize ribbon form and can't seem to put the button back into the first tab?
In premiere_elements_12. I'm on lesson one.Iv'e loaded the clips, selected video editor but the bar at the top does not have quick view as an option so I clicked media and it took me to a different place.How do I go back and get to the view where quick is an option along with guided and expert.
I'm using LR 5 Develop Module and I make a few adjustmnets and then click on the next photo and then click the "Previous" button but nothing happens. It did work the frist time I tried it and then occasionally it works, but most of the time it does nothing. Very frustrating as this is supposed to be a time-saver.the last photo I clicked on has chnages applied...then I click on next photo and click "previous."
In the catalog view, is it possible to switch back to a previous folder you were just viewing without having to locate it and click on it? For example, is there something like a back button to return to previous screen?
I imported 6 new photos into LR3 just now - worked on them and then did a backup before exiting. I gave it a NEW name upon export, obviously.
To my horror I found that LR had backed up these new 6 photos into a PREVIOUS catalogue - with the previous catalogue's name as well. I now have 6 new photos which have replaced the 300 or so that were in the previous catalogue. They have all disappeared. How on earth did this happen?
I am wondering if there is any way to 'find & replace' a carriage return; specifically to add one in. I have figured how to take it out. the reason I want to do this, is because 'tcount' will increment, by the amount specified, for each line of mtext; I have multiple lines of 2 line mtext, and I want to 'tcount' one number in the first line of each instance of mtext.
Now, I know I can do it manually, and in fact I would have had it done almost an hour ago if had, but this issue crops up every now and again, where if there was a fix or work-around to the 'tcount' issue (such as somehow inserting a carriage return) my efficiency could be increased.. for example I could get through renumbering 30 instances of 2 or 3 line mtext across 15 different drawings..
I am trying to replace multiple instances of a multiline text entity throughout several drawings and can’t seem to find a good way to make this come to fruition. (must use carriage return to differentiate between other instances of the text) ie
Replace: Name Location Date
Replace: Name
I need it to replace the text in the instance that has multiple text lines, and not the name where the text is on it’s own. I have seen mention of using “u+000A” as a carriage return in older versions, but I can’t get it to work.
I am a relativcely new Lightroom user, and brand new to Lightroom 4. (I just upgraded after a hardware failure forced me to get a new computer.) My photos all came up missing -- mainly because the new computer assigned a different drive path to the external hard drive where most of my photos were stored. I spent much of yesterday locating 5000+ photos in my old catalog. Late in the day I tried to import the "located "photos into the new Lightroom 4 catalog. I am not sure what actually happened, but the photos do not currently appear in either the old catalog or the Lightroom 4 catalog. Fortunately, Lightroom does seem to know how to find them, because if I click "find previous process photos," the re-located photos are displayed. How do I get these photos incorporated safely in a catalog? Do I need to do take appropriate steps before conducting any other processing of photos?
I have successfully changed a background using the Layers feature. Part of that process was copying and pasting by Edit--Copy and Edit--Paste in Cs4. I've done it only once,
and now that I am onto a new image that I'd like to copy, the Copy button is greyed out, and all I am allowed to select is Paste and when I select that, it only pastes the image I'd done the first time. I've closed out Photoshop twice, and it is still doing the same thing. I just want my Copy button back...
I have Flickr and 500px set up in Publish Services of Lightroom 5.2. I can send photos to both sites OK. The "problem" is once I move from the "Flickr" highlighted bar to 500px both Bars are illuminated. The Flickr bar does not seem to release focus and I can no longer return to the Flickr Grid view. However, if I then double click the Flickr Bar and enter "Edit photoset" then add, say, a "space" to the Photoset name, press edit then the focus is released and the "Grid View" will return when I next click on the Flickr Bar.
I am having a problem viewing some previous videos that I made (I have had two different photo cameras since then and had used some of their software) could that be a problem?I get a message that the computer or disc player cannot find the file to open it.I have read articles about not being able to open VOB,BUP,IFO FILES but I am at loss on what or how to properly correct this concern.I am running windows7.0 and have corel video x5 software .
I was given a horizontal centerline of a 5 mile bike path. We have to stake all the even stationing every 50 feet and all the VPC's and VPT's with vertical elevation. I have created the horizontal profile and also the vertical profile including all the vertical curve information. Is there an easy way to incorporate the elevation information back into the plan view so I can create points that carry x,y & z points that I can transfer out of autocad as a .txt file so we can upload it on our gps equipment?
I just upgraded form PSE 9 to PSE 12 and cannot find where I can view photos side by side. Thsi is something I use all the time and would love to know if it is till there somewhere.
But imagine the huge dismay felt when this dedicated user updated GIMP to 2.8.6 and found there was no maximise button any more! Is there anyway to get this button back??
I use it regularly as part of my work-flow, and now I find this once fantastic app pretty much rendered useless to me.
Not having the maximise button also doesn't allow me to see the bottom part of the program's window, so the bottom slider is useless to me.
Not having this pretty much puts my budding photography on-hold, as I resent having to pay an extortionate amount for Gimp's closest 'worthy' competition. That, and photosh*t doesn't play nice with Linux anyway.
Also, I don't have the ready cash to rush out and buy a larger monitor (for a laptop thats screen size works well for all other apps) just to use Gimp.
When I was copying a certain set of images to a DVD for storage, hundreds more were copied to the disc at the same time, by mistake. I would like to restore them en masse to the catalog.
If I want to edit most shots in a folder, how do I save the new changes in a photo, then return directly to the file and continue with the next picture? Now, I do changes, hit "done" and then can't figure out how to get back.
Maybe I am going blind, but I can't find the Behance share button or link (from File menu) in my Photoshop CC.
i can use it in Illustrator CC, which I download, installed and updated at the same time as my Photoshop CC. I have checked the CC updater and it tells me my software is up to date.
Did I accidently turn it off (is that even possible)? Is the button in the same place as in Illustrator (on the bottom left of the screen)?
I exported an image from LightRoom to Photoshop to edit it. After saving it in Photoshop and closing, I went back to LightRoom and couldn't find it anywhere. Usually it's in the same folder as the original. I also can't find it anywhere on my hard drive or in recent files in Photoshop. I know it saved it because it was a huge file and I had to wait for it to save before photoshop would close.
Once an object is converted to a button how can it be changed back (have the button properties removed?) There doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do this, but I can't imagine Adobe hasn't allowed for this...