Photoshop Elements :: Return Images To The Catalog From DVD?

Oct 3, 2012

When I was copying a certain set of images to a DVD for storage, hundreds more were copied to the disc at the same time, by mistake.  I would like to restore them en masse to the catalog. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Images Not Visible In LR5 Catalog?

Jan 13, 2014

Why can't I see my images when I move them from my PSE 12 catalog to Lightroom 5's catalog?

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog Size - Any Limit For Number Of Images To Be Added?

Nov 10, 2012

Is there any limit to the number of images that can be put into a PSE10 catalog? If so, what is the limit?

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Lightroom :: Sharing Catalog - Does Housing Catalog And Images On External Hard Drive Work

Jan 15, 2014

I will be managing a small portion of a client's overall image workflow by updating their web prescence on a regular basis with new work and retagging/uploading old work. I believe this requires the catalog and the image library  to be housed on an external hard drive that can travel between the two of us. We are both working on PC's with LR 5.3.
The workflow would look something like this:
Client downloads new images onto external hard drive and imports into LR "ClientCatalog" is created Flags Picks and Creates a Collection from those Picks.Hard drive is handed off to me where I open "ClientCatalog".Make suggested edits to images add detailed tags and metadata upload to various social media sites and websites return hard drive to client
Is there potential problem with this workflow? My assumption is that if everything is housed on the external hard drive then there are no worries about the catalog containing all the latest updates. Are there any "safety protocols" you would add in to this workflow (besides mirroring everythign on another hard drive)?

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Photoshop Elements :: Import Existing Catalog And Continue Sorting New Photos Into Old Catalog

Oct 25, 2013

We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?

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Photoshop Elements :: Save Changes And Return To File?

Jul 10, 2013

If I want to edit most shots in a folder, how do I save the new changes in a photo, then return directly to the file and continue with the next picture?  Now, I do changes, hit "done" and then can't figure out how to get back. 

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 Catalog Not Showing Up In Catalog Manager

Oct 14, 2013

My latest battle with PSE11 is trying to access my catalog in PSE11 via the Catalog Manager but it doesn't show up in the list. 

The catalog is named My Catalog 2 is located at C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsMy Catalog 2.  It is the only catalog I use and is the one that opens up when I launch Organizer.  But, for the life of me, I can't get it to show up in the Catalog Manager.  The only catalog that shows up is the original catalog which is at a different location and was created when I installed PSE11 on my new computer (Thinkpad W530, Windows 8).  I've tried the Custom Location option and browsing to the location, but still no dice.  This catalog has thousands of pictures and was converted from my previous PSE6 catalog.  How do I get the Catalog Manager to find my current active catalog? 

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Photoshop Elements :: Return From Full Screen To Thumbnail

Mar 16, 2013

In previous versions of elements, when I exited an image full screen mode, I was returned to that same image in thumbnail. In elements 11, I'm returned to the beginning of the folder in which the image is stored. Is there any way to return to the thumbnail I started with when I went to full screen? 

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Photoshop Elements :: Where Can Find Back Button To Return To Previous View

Feb 9, 2013

I used to use the 'back' button all the time in my old windows version of PSE organiser. I have now bought PSE 11 for my new macbook and finding that all the reasons I wanted to use PSE organiser rather than iPhoto are fast evaporating with this version. One of them is the 'back' button. If I scroll down down down a long way and find a particular photo and then deliberately or even accidentally, change the view to see data (that incidentally I used to be able to see in the same view on the info side pane such as folder location ....) then I lose my place in the media display and cant get back there like I used to. and have to hunt for the photo again. Similarly when I select a tag to display the selection containing that tag and then want to return to the previous main media display I return to the top, rather than wherever I had progressed to. This didn't happen in my old windows version. I cant understand why the developers would think it was a great idea to remove this facility, but I cant find it. It was invaluable when I was going back through the catalogue to old photos and adding tags or other info.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Cannot Catalog Any Images

Feb 23, 2013

PSP X4 v13.3.0.3

PSP X4 was just updated and now I can't catalog any images. I can navigate via "Browse more folders" and select my main pictures directory, but in the Organizer I see no thumbnails. i have more than 4,000 files (almost entirely .jpg files) and now I can't see any of them unless I access them via <File><Open> This is very frustrating, as I had a system that was just fine 24 hours ago, but now I'm essentially hamstrung.

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Lightroom :: How To View 2.7 Catalog Or Images In LR4

Oct 23, 2012

I recently installed LR4 on a maching that is running LR2.7.  I would like to be able to view the LR2 catalog or images in LR4, but not necessarily convert all the photos to LR4.  I have been told that I should not do a wholesale conversion of the images to LR4.  I am not sure how to view the LR2 images in LR4 without converting the catalog.  Is there a way to accomplish this without a wholesale conversion?

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Lightroom :: Copied Catalog And Images To A New PC

Dec 7, 2011

I have recently moved my entire Lightroom catalogue along with the images to a new PC. I ensured all the paths were identical, and everything seemed to have gone smoothly except that now, when I import, Lightroom cannot correctly identify which images are already in the catalogue and will try to import duplicates.
For example, with the root image folder selected in the import dialogue, Lightroom will find the following: With "All Photos" selected, Lightroom identifies 13165 photos to import (this is what I would expect - my entire library plus a few new images).With "New Photos" selected, Lightroom finds 11537 photos - only slightly fewer than the entire library.With both "New Photos" and "Don't Import Suspected Duplicates" selected, Lightroom will find 5190 photos - just under half the entire library.The actual number of new photos is around 100.
As a test, I went ahead and imported one of the duplicated photos. The result was two identical images side by side in the library, both pointing at the same file (clicking "Show in Explorer" on each confirms this). The newly imported image has no develop history, although it still retains the develop settings from the xmp file.
I'm running Lightroom 3.5 on Windows 7 Home Premium. The catalog was originally created on a PC running Windows 7 Professional. I have successfully transferred the catalog previously with no issues and I'm not aware of having done anything differently this time.

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Lightroom :: Deleted Set Of Images From 4.4 Catalog

May 30, 2013

I deleted a set of images from LR 4.4 catalog, but did not delete from disk. Where are they? I can't find them and searching did not yeild any results.

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Lightroom :: Re-numbering Images In Catalog

Apr 5, 2014

Is there any (easy) way to re-number in sequential order my 6000 images *without* changing the names of the individual files?
My setup:
LR v5.3
6000 images in a master Nikon file

About 40 sub-folders inside of that Master Nikon Folder..Just one catalog for all that's described above.My preferred view in the Library is Capture Order.

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Lightroom :: How Many Images Can 4 Catalog Hold

May 6, 2012

I have been using Lightroom since version 1, it is my main editing software. LR4 is brilliant, however I it seems to run much slower then LR3 especially in the print module. I'm thinking this maybe due to the size of my catalog. How many images can a catelog hold?

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Lightroom :: Imported Images Not Showing In Catalog?

Aug 14, 2012

I have imported images from my Canon 5D markIII and somewhere along the way, I've made an error in the settings.  The images are on my computer but not showing up in a folder in the LR4 do I get them into the catalog?  When I try to find them, they are all greyed out and I can't move them - a message says that it seems that duplicates are already on the computer (or something like that). 

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Lightroom :: Catalog Images Slow To Show Changes?

Mar 13, 2014

When I am viewing my images in the catalog, I don't know why it takes so long for my edited pics to render. It takes about 5 seconds. Is this normal?
I have tried increasing my cache size, auto xmp is off, I have build standard previews, I have upgraded to a faster hard drive, I frequently optimize my catalog.
Ideally, I want to be able to flip through all my catalog images fast without waiting for the developed pics to show.
The only thing I can thing is maybe storing my cache and catalog folders on my external hard drive is slowing it down?

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Lightroom :: Can Import Collections Into NEW Catalog For Same Images

Oct 9, 2012

If I create a brand spanking new catalog of lets say images from 2011, can i somehow import the collections created in another catalog for these same images into this new catalog?

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Lightroom :: Backing Up Images And Catalog File

Apr 21, 2013

What is the best way to back up my data?
I normal export the entire catalog about once every two months (I'm not a heavy user) to an external hard drive and the catalog file (lrcat) too. Pluse I also back up the catalog file (lrcat) about once a week to the internal hard drive.I am not sure if this is the right way to go about backing up.

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Lightroom :: Store Changed Images In The Catalog?

Jul 10, 2012

How to store changed images in the catalog

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Lightroom :: Restoring Catalog And Images From Backup

Jan 15, 2012

I recently managed to crash my PC by upgrading from Windows Vista to Windows 7.  I continually get a BSOD with exceptionally vague insight into what is causing the problem.  Anyhow, I've decided that the best thing to do at this point is to simply wipe my hard drive and do a clean install of Windows 7 (which has a much higher probability of working).
I have my entire Lightroom Catalog and all of my photography backed up to an external drive, so my data is safe.  My plan is basically to wipe my PC's main hard disk, do a fresh install of Windows 7, install Lightroom 3.6, then copy all of my Lightroom files (catalog and RAW files) from my external backup drive to my PC's main hard disk.
My question is: Should my Lightroom catalog open without a problem after restoring it in this manner?  Should expect any major problems during this process?.

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Lightroom :: Move Catalog Containing Images Located On NAS

Jun 28, 2013

I want to move my Lightroom catalog from my old PC to my new iMac.

The catalog contains only images located on a NAS.

I can connect to the NAS from both computer, but when I'm trying to ´import the catalog I get the message "Lightroom could not import this catalog because of an unknown error" I use the same versions of Lightrrom on both computers.

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Lightroom :: Import Images (collection) From One To Another Catalog In 4?

Jan 21, 2014

How do i import images (a collection) from one catalog to another catalog in LR4?

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Lightroom :: Catalog And Number Of Images Found?

Sep 29, 2012

I have a behaviour in LR4 that I dont know how to solve.
In the Catalog im supposed to have 11432 images, but when looking in the selection of keywords I only find 10567 when I have seletec all of them.
In the catalog I cant find any images without a keyword so I'm wondering from where this miss match is comming. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog From 10 To 12

Jan 27, 2014

How do I get my photos from Elements 10 to Elements 12.  When I installed Elements 12 I didnt get aprompt to do so.

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Lightroom :: How To Undo Removed Folder With Images From Catalog

Feb 1, 2013

I accidentally removed a folder with images from my lightroom catalog. The lightroom .lrcat file seems to be intact (112.400kb) and the images are still on my hard drive.
Is there anyway that i can reimport the folder and that lightroom applies the changes that i earlier made on them? I assume all that information is stored in the catalog file? But when i try to reimport them, no changes are being made.

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Lightroom :: Find Previously Imported Images (Already In Catalog)

May 24, 2012

Back in LR1 and LR2, when I tried to import images that were already present in the catalog, I had an option to show me / select the already imported images. This is gone in LR4. How can I find in the library the already imported images without fecthing them one by one ?

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Lightroom :: Delete Images From Catalog That Are No Longer On Computer?

Dec 13, 2012

Something went wront on an ingest of my images. I think I tried correcting it by going into my /workingfiles folder were they were stored and deleting them manually. I'm sure I checked to see if I could do it through Lightroom, but maybe I missed the folder they were put in. I am guessing that is what happened so Lightroom still has a small image of them somewhere and will no longer let me re-import them.

Image Ingester Pro 3
Lightroom 4.3
Windows 7 Home Premium 64

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Lightroom :: Catalog Import Resulted In Two Folder Images

Jan 8, 2012

I imported a catalog from my laptop into a catalog that I have on an external hard drive. This has now resulted in two images of the external drive under the folder list in the Library view.
You can see there are two folders called Oxford (which is my external drive). The first contains the images from the catalog that was originally on the external hard drive. The second one contains all the imported photos.
The directories under Oxford are correctly visible when I browse to them on the computer.

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Lightroom :: Creating Smart Previews To Images In The Catalog?

Dec 23, 2013

I'm wondering if it's possible to create smart previews for images that were imported into the catalog in a prior version of LR.  As my catalog continues to increase in size, I'm considering relocating my images to an external drive (currently on the hard drive).  I'm obviously concerned about doing any unintended damage to the catalog and workflow. 

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Photoshop :: Moving Catalog From Elements To Cs2

Jul 6, 2006

I recently bought a new computer and with I ordered photoshop cs2. This would be an upgrade from elements for me. My question is can you move the catalog from elements with all the tags etc. and put it into photoshop cs2 with adobe bridge. I need to know because I plan to reformat my old computer before photoshop arrives and if I should back it up.

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