Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Find The Deactivate Button
Feb 23, 2014
I want to install Photoshop Elements 6 on my new computer and deactivate/uninstall it from my old computer. I have been unable to find the "deactivate" button under "help" or anywhere else.
Gave up on Photoshop. Website too hard to navigate. No download button on Photoshop Elements for either the trial or buy version. If this is the way the website works, I don't want the program even though I understand Photoshop is supposed to be the best.
I saw on youtube that clicking on Windows at the top of that software, I should find the "actions" button, opening the action panel.Still The "action" button isn't there.
I used to use the 'back' button all the time in my old windows version of PSE organiser. I have now bought PSE 11 for my new macbook and finding that all the reasons I wanted to use PSE organiser rather than iPhoto are fast evaporating with this version. One of them is the 'back' button. If I scroll down down down a long way and find a particular photo and then deliberately or even accidentally, change the view to see data (that incidentally I used to be able to see in the same view on the info side pane such as folder location ....) then I lose my place in the media display and cant get back there like I used to. and have to hunt for the photo again. Similarly when I select a tag to display the selection containing that tag and then want to return to the previous main media display I return to the top, rather than wherever I had progressed to. This didn't happen in my old windows version. I cant understand why the developers would think it was a great idea to remove this facility, but I cant find it. It was invaluable when I was going back through the catalogue to old photos and adding tags or other info.
I recently purchased a new laptop and i would like to install Adobe elements 11 on the new machine. I have the serial number of 11 download so I thought I could picup the trial version online and enter my serial number. However I have been unable to find the trial version (a lot of site say the have it but spend most of the time trying to redirect you to something else.
I have been using keyword tags for years in previous versions of Photoshop Elements. In version 12 at first I noticed that they were harder to apply. But now, something has happened that has removed the list of tags. How do I get them back? (and where do I find out how to use them easily)?
I just installed elements 12 and the install went well, except for all my lightroom images.After installing elements 12 I went to look at my lightroom catalog onlt to find it was no longer there. There was an option to upgrade my elements catalog to lightroom, that seemed to make sense so I did that this point my lightroom (3) catalog is there but there are NO images only blank squares.Â
At this point I am deeply regretful that I ever upgraded elements 10 to 12, everthing was working just fine till i installed elements 12.
My old computer recently broke and I was wondering if there was a way I could deactivate my Photoshop elements that was installed on the old computer? It is Elements 11.
I don't have my OLD computer (I returned it to the manufacturer HP because of defects, after deleting the entire memory. So I can't deactivate the program installation on that OLD computer and the program won't allow me to install it on the NEW computer (it's written that I have reached the limits of 2 installations. I had only installed it on my OlD computer (twice, because of computer defect and resetting).
I have Elements 5.0 loaded on a hard drive which will no longer boot. I have a new hard drive and can access the old drive as an extra internal hard drive. I cannot use Photoshop, so I was thinking I need to deactivate the copy loaded on the old hard drive and reload it on the new hard drive. If so, how do I deactivate? When I start up the editor, it does not have an option for deactivating as I read about in another post. Under the help menu, there is a grayed out option for Registration. After a few seconds, a window appears saying there is a problem with my serial number and the application closes. Also, I would like to load Photoshop on a laptop later, so I do not want to waste one of my allowable loads.
I am trying to use the program, and the last time I used it, must have been on my old computer. It is telling me to deactivate the other copy but I no longer have the computer.Â
Maybe I am going blind, but I can't find the Behance share button or link (from File menu) in my Photoshop CC. Â i can use it in Illustrator CC, which I download, installed and updated at the same time as my Photoshop CC. I have checked the CC updater and it tells me my software is up to date. Â Did I accidently turn it off (is that even possible)? Is the button in the same place as in Illustrator (on the bottom left of the screen)?
Ive just got Paintshop Photo Pro X3 Ultimate . Where i can find the Do-More button? Ive clicked on the cogged wheel (top left) where i thought it would be but its not there!
I have been following a tutorial in modelling a helmet, which is meant for beginners to learn the software well.Â
I know that I have already ask this, but I want to rephrase this better.
 I can't find the "reset setting" button from edit on My maya 2014 software.Â
The reason the tutorial is using the "rest setting" is to adjust the width, height and depth of the cube I have out there by using numbers as its measurement.
I don't know if there are any other buttons that can do the same job, or is there another way to find this button... I can't progress my learning until I know what to do about this.
after I created a path , added text, I couldn't find the "text along path" button (which is supposed to be at the bottom (text)tool option), so how can I make it appear?
I have created a script file to change some drawing settings. If it's possible to create a button to find the script file and run it. I am running it now by typing SCR then searching for it and selecting open.
I would like to give it to others to use and thought if I can create a one button pick it would be easier for others.
Is there any way to set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)? I am a average Coreldraw user, knows almost all basics, but lacks advanced use of Coreldraw. I like to use any techniques that saves time. I know it with adobe Photoshop (like action etc.) but not with Coreldraw.. I heard about macros.
For Now I need to
1) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)
2) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button or macros for repetitive find & replace options...
3) create macros for simple moves & then after combine these type of simple macros in one macros...
4) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to that macros...
5) and any these type of time saving technique. (in selection making, replacing, finding, batch process etc..)
I want is make actions & then combine them to script & then set keyboard shortcuts for same...
I've tried to download the Photoshop CS6 Extended trial, but it was missing from the download assistant, so I just downloaded the version that was available, the 3D feature was missing, which is one of the only reasons I decided to get the trail for Extended, it's not grayed out, it's just simply not there. Â My PC's specs are: Windows 8 Professional 64bit, CPU is an AMD FX-4100 Quad Core, 8GB of DDR3 RAM, My GPU is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550ti,
I have a Microsoft wireless notebook laser mouse 6000 and I can not pan using the middle button for some reason. I have tried to change the variable in the MBUTTONPAN command from 0 to 1 and it made no difference.
We can not open most files. Tiff, PSD, some PDF files will give an "unable to find file error". Jpg files, and certain PDF files and TIFF files that use jpg compression work. I have tried resetting all the settings, changing scratch disks / memory usage, uninstalling all fonts, and reinstalling the application and the problem persists. Also i do not know if this is related but the same time we started having errors in photoshop we also have problems in Microsoft Word. The font list shows a lot of fonts as just a white box. Other apps can use the fonts fine. Just not in word. I have attatched a JPG file with screen caps of the errors.