Photoshop :: CC Possibility To Add Point In Curve Like CS5?
Jul 6, 2013
i have cs6 64bit installed well may i ask some question about photoshop cc?
1) what i miss about photoshop CS5 , is the curve adjustament layer , i loved used the eyedropper + ctrl to add points in the curve is there in cc the possibility to add point in the curve like cs5?or can i set auto select target adjustament tool for curve palete only?
2) photoshop cc add some features
1) content aware in acr
2) a different resize dialog ( i don't know if it uses a new engine to resize)
3) anti shake photo filter i don't need it
i don't know anyother for photographers , i watched the adobe video but sadly i can not download it to watch slower ,english is not my mother language
3) last question well i have to pay for every months to get the update or to have photoshop working
i mean i need always to be connected to the net to use photoshop do i need sometime for example 2 or 3 times in week / month to be connected to the net to use photoshop or photoshop works after online activation with internet , and i need to pay every month to get updates?
how can i add an anchor point in the curve in the Channel R / G and B?
in cs5 , with ctrl + click i was able to click on the image and add an anchor point in the curve channel RGB and with shift +ctrl + click i was able to click on the image and add an anchor poing in the channel Red , 1 in the channel Green and 1 in the channel blue.
i know cs6 doesn't have any more ctrl+mouse click , there is the targeted adjustment tool. i can do it with ctrl+m and call the curve but i can't do it with curve adjustament tool
is there a way to add a anchor point in each channel red , green and blue (like the prev Photoshop)?
I've just 'upgraded' to CC, and noticed that actions that alter Curves adjustment layers do not play back correctly.The Action itself contains the correct steps ... here's an example.. but it refuses to play this type of step in any Action, giving me the default, flat curve, thus ...I've an extensive set of Actions of this type for photo-processing: I take it that these are now pretty useless in PSD CC?
What changed between acad lt 2007 and acad lt 2012. Cannot draw a simple 2 point spline curve in 2012. how I do it? Is it a sys variable changed somewhere?
Dim Zinters As Object = DuvarObj.IntersectWith(MainObj, AcExtendOption.acExtendNone)
then pass the intersection points pt1 and pt2 to managed code to get length of the curve between two intersection points , but I realized that sometimes decimal numbers maybe 10th after comma is different than the curve's start or end points. And so the code below throws error, since point pt1 or pt2 is not exactly on the curve, but they are the intersection points excatly.
What can I do?
Dim dist1 As Double = ent.GetDistanceAtParameter(ent.GetParameterAtPoint(pt1))Dim dist2 As Double = ent.GetDistanceAtParameter(ent.GetParameterAtPoint(pt2))
Spline curve command has changed. This is terrible as I used to use simple line types to show different things on my drawings that was rapid fast with custom macros etc. Now the spline curve command does not work in same way costing me hours of time wasted. I have now resorted in saving all incoming drawings to older version and completing my drawings that way. Only problem is the new drawings are growing above the capabilities of my old machine.
How can I initiate the old std 2 point spline curve in the new software so it works the same way as old version?
Is there a way one can draw a point array on a curve without starting from the beginning of the curve? I want to place point objects at equal intervals on a curve, but starting at a certain distance from the beginning of the curve.
I have a long animation. I want to use populate at frame 12000. But populate frames won't let me go over 10000 frames. How can I get my people to animate after frame 10000 as you cant adjust the start point in the curve editor.
When I go into Lightroom 5 Develop mode, the Tone & Point Curve box has disappeared. It was there yesterday and I can't figure out how to get them back. I just purchased the product 2 days ago.
Coming from Sketch up to real big boy tools. I watched the tutorial videos and tried poking around a bit for this specific answer but came up a bit short.
What I'm trying to do is loft a face to a point. Easy enough. I've got my point established on an offset work plane, and I can just loft to that, however, I get nothing but straight lines. (First attachment)
An example of the ideal outcome in SketchUp is the second attachment.
I'm having the most difficulty trying to draw the curves along which I want the face to be lofted because, even as I sketch along my 2D plane, I can't snap the endpoints of my arcs to the endpoints of the face (or the point to which they'll all connect).
I have a curved path I imported into Illustrator, and I'd like to draw a line perpendicular to the curve at a particular point. I've searched google and this forum, but can't find any description of how to do it. Corel Draw has a button that lets you do this, so I'm hoping something similar exists in Illustrator...
i'm currently just calculating the angle at the point I want using the derivative, finding the angle, and then adding 90 degrees to it. But I need the line to be placed at a particular point, and the X/Y properties of the line are based on the ruler which isn't even in the center of the document (I want to position it relative to the artboard). As in, I just want to set the position of one endpoint of the line...
I recently upgraded my LR 4.0 to 4.1, under Win7 64-bit. In launching LR 4.1 just now, I got a dialogue box "Catalog Point Curve Check" with text "Checking Catalog Point Curves". That persisted for a minute or two, then I got a box "Point Curve Recovery Results" with text "One or more photos have recovered point curves. ..." I followed the included link to read [URL] but still don't quite understand.
In fact, there is now a collection, as the URL suggests, which has exactly two old images from 2010. Why did this point curve issue come up all of a sudden and is there an issue with these two images?
Just wondering about the possibility of zoom windows (output windows).The Opened File in the UR corner works okay as a zoomed/output window, but a separate window is always nice. For instance:
01. Deleting backgrounds: You often have to zoom in to do such things. It would be nice to see the output in a less zoomed version (300%, 200%, 100%, etc).
02. Working with icons: How to tell if your shade looked good without zooming out again?
The way I've seen it done (at AlphaGraphics, etc) is you make changes, then you keyboard shortcut zoom out. You do that over and over again until you're done. Works okay, but I think having to access the keyboard that much could seriously crimp your creativity.
Pretty sure you can't do such things with a plugin. Maybe I could write a separate class instance expression, add a bit of Lambada to a nested routine, and finally a go to statement that doesn't work?
I have a layer with 3 objects. (this is not a font).The S, E and the XY are unique objects, and i wanted to apply two strokes to it. First a black stroke and then a blue one.
My issue here is that the strokes at the red marked points are overlapping to other objects.
Is there a possibility that the strokes don't overlap into the other objects? can i somehow "merge" the 3 objects to one so the overlapping doesn't occur?
I want to find the intersection point between a cylindrical curve and faces in a body. I have the start point an start vector and a rotational velocity. With this values it should be possible to create this cylindrical curve.
Is there a function in inventor which I can use?
Currently I am using the function "FindUsingRay". But I thing that there is only the possibility to fire a linear function through the body.
Today I found the command "FindUsingVector":
Sub FindUsingVector(OriginPoint As Point, Direction As UnitVector, ObjectTypes As SelectionFilterEnum(), ByRef UseCylinder As [defaultvalue(-1)] Boolean, ByRef ProximityTolerance As [optional] VARIANT, ByRef VisibleObjectsOnly As [defaultvalue(-1)] Boolean, ByRef LocationPoints As [optional] VARIANT,
I did not find any information in the "Autodesk Programming help". what is the difference between this both functions?
Is the argument "UseCylinder" for a switch into cylindrical coordinate system?
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
Why in LR4 is the Tone Curve default set to Custom with a contrast lowering curve? I would like the default to be linear, but I can't remember how I set that up in LR3.
As a beginner i'm learning day by day how to use photoshop. Among the functions i 'd like to handle with there's the vanishing point (in the filter menu). However i can't modify the angles of my selection to change the perspective grid.
Take a look on this video at 03"57 (it is what i want to do): [URL] ...... Do i have to set something up before.
Is it possible to drag/move a point in an image so that all imaginary lines emanating from that point remain emanating from that point? Something like what's shown in the attachment.
I need to design a walking track 1 mile (5280 feet) from a starting point and finishing at the same point. I need to go around buildings, ponds, etc. What is the best way to tackle this? I thought about 16 splines at 330', but as soon as the spline is moved the distance changes.
I need to find a way how to insert a point or a * on the center point of a hole and put it on a different layer. The reason for this is - I am a CAD tech for a welding shop and we cut parts out of steel and we use the dxf file format for our plasma table to cut parts. For example : if i have a 1 inch thick plate and want to put a 3/4'' hole in the plate the hole will be distorted because the hole is smaller than the material thickness. For these situation we can use the plasma table to burn a point or a dot on the center point of the hole. But to do this the point or dot must be on a different layer in the dxf.
Civil 3d 2012..I used 3d orbit, it crashed. My points, point groups and newly updated description keys are gone.I have looked at all my backup files etc, and they do not want to display.