Illustrator :: How To Draw A Line Perpendicular To The Curve At Particular Point
Apr 24, 2010
I have a curved path I imported into Illustrator, and I'd like to draw a line perpendicular to the curve at a particular point. I've searched google and this forum, but can't find any description of how to do it. Corel Draw has a button that lets you do this, so I'm hoping something similar exists in Illustrator...
i'm currently just calculating the angle at the point I want using the derivative, finding the angle, and then adding 90 degrees to it. But I need the line to be placed at a particular point, and the X/Y properties of the line are based on the ruler which isn't even in the center of the document (I want to position it relative to the artboard). As in, I just want to set the position of one endpoint of the line...
How to draw a line perpendicular on an arc at the a particular point?
I wanted to draw a line perpendicular to an arc at a particular point but couldn’t approach it. In this case, I need two snaps to work at the same time! To be perpendicular on the curve and at the same time to be snapped to the point!
How do I draw perpendicular from a line or object at a specific point? I know by holding shift and osnap perpendicular I can draw the line but I can not osnap to the exact point!
I have a line or a pline segment and i want to start a line from a point laying there and go perpendicular outwards. Is there a way to do it with tracking?
Yes, i saw the command draw line at an angle but i find it a little bit complicated for a simple task like that. I am sure autodesk have a simplest solution about that.
If i am already at the draw line mode and i can easy catch the tracking perpendicular to previous segment but if i want to start from another line and go perpendicular i cannot make the tracking work.
I need do draw perpendicular lines at fixed intervals to a path. The path may be either open or closed. This is used as a symbol on maps to denote a depression with the perpendicular stubs pointing in the direction of the depression. Ideally, I would like the perpendicular lines to draw themselves as I draw the path.
Is there a way to draw a dash line that follows the curve in Photoshop (See image)? I know how to make a dotted line, but not a dash line, in photoshop.
I used polyline to trace a tree trunk. I wanted it to be just a series of line segments which I was going to export to AutoCAD and then to Sketchup. However, each segment I drew said it was a curve. When I exported to AutoCAD it came in as a spline. If I convert that to lines, where I had maybe 10 lines there are now 100.
I also tried to 2 point line tool. I started each new line from the end of the previous. It gave me the same result.
Is there a way for me to end up with just the 10 line segments? No spline. No curve. Just 10 straight lines.
When trying to draw a line and choose a starting point, autocad decides that this is wrong and start the line in a different place. I've turned of autosnap and autotrack but this dosen't work.
I am trying to write a script to draw geometric figures in Illustrator.I want to achieve this by writing an equation into the ESTK, for example x^2 + y^2 =100. This should generate a circle with a radius of 10 units.
I'm new to Autocad and have problem drawing a perpendicular bisector . I have an oblique line and want to draw its perpendicular bisector . Is there an easy way to do that?
i have a rectangle and a proceed my work i want to make this rectangle perpendicular to the spline.i tried the commands 'rotate3d', 'rotate'..but the problem is i dont know the angle of helix and when i try to annotate, it says the lines are parallel. is there any easy way for doing this without knowing the angle?
I have an alignment going up the center of a draw. I'd like to extract cross sections of this alignment and existing ground. What is a good way to do this?
I don't do cross sections very often, so when I need one, I draw a second alignment perpendicular to the first and profile that alignment to give me a bare bones cross section. I'd like to do these cross sections on a given interval, and at every change in direction. How should I go about it?
when I (try to ) use Pencil and Brush tools, (cross-hatching), some lines get erased/replaced by the lines drawn close to them. It must have something to do with the preferences, but I am not sure what to change/adjust.
Using illustrator CC, I want to curve the bottom line of my text upwards, but not have the top or sides move at all. Imagine of the text was something squishy, and I pushed it down onto the top of an arc. I've only been working with Adobe CC for about a week now. I've seen lots of examples of having the text follow a curved path, but they all curve the entire thing, whereas I only want the bottom of the text to curve.
I've got CS6 and Windows 7. Trying to make a line with an arrow on one end curve around a circle. Actually want it to have a 3D look like it was curving around the back side of a globe. How do you do this?
Is there a simple way for drawing lines or plines perpendicular off a given line which is not horizontal or perpendicular itself?
Bildschirmfoto 2013-08-07 um 14.30.17.jpg
Is there a way for drawing that yellow line in the drawing with a given length directly off the ending of the white line? Without using SNAPANG or the like?
I am trying to draw a straight line using the line tool, but when I hold down the shift button to draw a straight horizontal line it draws it a an angle. vertical line will go straights, but not the horizontal. I also noticed that the cursor now has an has a horizontal arrow with a vertical line at the end of it in the bottom right corner of the cursor when the line tool or shape tool is used. I went into prefrences and checked the constrain angle but it is set at 0 so I am not sure what to do or what happened. It was working fine and then all of a sudden this happened. Is there a button I may have hit that would cause this? how do I get it to draw straight lines again? I just noticed it wont draw 45 degree angles either. it sticks to angles a few degrees above and below horizontal.
I need to draw a centre line with white background on it. Now i'm doing it by pasting the main line in the background and giving it white so that it shows a white backgound. Is there a way to do just by drawing like normal lines. If we can, is it possible to control the white backgound only to show less than the original line in both ends. This is for illustrations i do for exploding views and i need to draw this line to show it as assembly drawing.
Recently I've been working with a lot more projects that contain curved architectural features. It appears that I am unable to draw a line to an implied perpendicular point on an arc. I can draw a line to an implied point perpendicular to another line but not an arc. refer to attached images.
Image1 demonstrates the implied point perpendicular to a line.
Image2 demonstrates that there is no implied perpendiuclar point on the arc given by AutoCAD.
Image3 demonstrates that if the arc is manually extended, a point perpendicular to the arc does exist.