AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Draw Second Alignment Perpendicular To First
Nov 28, 2012
I have an alignment going up the center of a draw. I'd like to extract cross sections of this alignment and existing ground. What is a good way to do this?
I don't do cross sections very often, so when I need one, I draw a second alignment perpendicular to the first and profile that alignment to give me a bare bones cross section. I'd like to do these cross sections on a given interval, and at every change in direction. How should I go about it?
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Aug 20, 2013
I need to place points automatically and in order sequentially along an alignment and I need to generate data from the points relative to an adjacent alignment. SO, two alignments, adjacent but not parrallel to each other. The data would then be point #, sta and offset from the adjacent alignment with the points placed in order and by window or crossing. I have a few thousand to place so one at a time would be an undesireable solution of course.
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Nov 8, 2011
I'm new to Autocad and have problem drawing a perpendicular bisector . I have an oblique line and want to draw its perpendicular bisector . Is there an easy way to do that?
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Feb 2, 2013
i have a rectangle and a proceed my work i want to make this rectangle perpendicular to the spline.i tried the commands 'rotate3d', 'rotate'..but the problem is i dont know the angle of helix and when i try to annotate, it says the lines are parallel. is there any easy way for doing this without knowing the angle?
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Apr 21, 2012
How to draw a line perpendicular on an arc at the a particular point?
I wanted to draw a line perpendicular to an arc at a particular point but couldn’t approach it. In this case, I need two snaps to work at the same time! To be perpendicular on the curve and at the same time to be snapped to the point!
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Feb 24, 2010
How do I draw perpendicular from a line or object at a specific point? I know by holding shift and osnap perpendicular I can draw the line but I can not osnap to the exact point!
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Apr 24, 2010
I have a curved path I imported into Illustrator, and I'd like to draw a line perpendicular to the curve at a particular point. I've searched google and this forum, but can't find any description of how to do it. Corel Draw has a button that lets you do this, so I'm hoping something similar exists in Illustrator...
i'm currently just calculating the angle at the point I want using the derivative, finding the angle, and then adding 90 degrees to it. But I need the line to be placed at a particular point, and the X/Y properties of the line are based on the ruler which isn't even in the center of the document (I want to position it relative to the artboard). As in, I just want to set the position of one endpoint of the line...
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Feb 3, 2013
I need do draw perpendicular lines at fixed intervals to a path. The path may be either open or closed. This is used as a symbol on maps to denote a depression with the perpendicular stubs pointing in the direction of the depression. Ideally, I would like the perpendicular lines to draw themselves as I draw the path.
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Jun 27, 2012
How to draw a line that STARTS at a perpendicular angle to another line ???
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May 28, 2012
i've made a serpantine curve that starts from one line of alignment and end on the other line.
i wanted to know how can c change alignment direction when these two feature line and alignment meet each other in order to change the alignment path?
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May 3, 2012
I using a data reference/shortcut to properly label an alignment in paperspace. However when I reference the alignment in and apply the labels the aren't the same as the original alignment that I am referencing. Is there a setting where I am supposed to apply a new beginning station.
Also it seems as though the stationing(distance) isn't even matching up 1:1 with the original drawing. For example in the original base drawing my alignment starts at 10+00 with the next PI at 14+76.98, but the stationing on the reference alignment starts at 0+83.33 with the very same PI being labeled as 1+23.08. So the very same distance is 476.98' in the real design and the drawing it's being referenced in, but the stationing of the referenced alignment shows it as 39.75 Units.
I've attached a screen of the beginning of the alignment.
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
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Jul 18, 2013
Using Civil 3d2012, Is it possible to change the alignment label style set after the alignment has been created? For example, for an alignment that was created with alignment label set X - change the label set to alignment label set Y? It seems like this should be pretty easy, I must be missing something obvious.
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Apr 6, 2013
I have a question on Alignment PI's. (Point of Inflection/Intersection)I have an alignment where some PI's have curves, others are merely hard bends.
Is there a way to automatically label the PI's even if they have an associated curve? (I'd like PI, PC and PT)Alternatively, can I only show markers at PI's without curves?
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May 20, 2013
I'm trying to edit some existing alignments. When I create new entities, they do not show up in the alignment grid view. Why is this?
Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor
6.00 GB RAM
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
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Aug 11, 2013
Launching alignment grid view/alignment entities,
I’m wondering if there is a way to launch alignment grid view/alignment entities (attached) without the need to first launching “alignment”? This dialogue box is quite essential in editing the values of radius, degree of curvature and deflection angle for the selected curve.
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Aug 8, 2012
Can I inherit the station from one alignment as the begin station for another alignment?
For example. Alignment 1 is 1000 ft long and starts at sta 0+00.
At sta 8+01, Alignment 2 begins and goes off in another direction.
I manually enter 8+01 for begin station Alignment 2. Life is good. Still in the design stage, and customer needs to modify Alignment 1 to avoid something. Now Alignment 2 intersects Alignment 1 at sta 8+15, but same N/E coordinates.
I manually enter 8+15 for begin station Alignment 2.
It would be better if Alignment 2 could inherit the begin station based on the new stationing from Alignment 1.
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Jul 5, 2013
1. We all understand that designing highways is not simple and I don't know in your country but in my area almost all the bridges come at an angle from the alignment/corridor. Now, how can you do that in Civil 3D ?
2. Can you insert an entire shape, let's say a culvert into the design / corridor and be able to show it in the 3d view preciselly like it will be in real ? what about showing it in profiles or sections ?
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Jan 28, 2013
I have a pipe network and a profile for it. Some of the structures have 2 inlet pipes. The pipe system more of less goes down a road, so every now and then there is a cross pipe into a structure. I have masking turned on under the structure style->profile setting. I want to see the cross pipe, so I found on here that all I need to do is under structure style->view direction (profile)->make Structure Pipe Outlines visible. I did that and still no cross pipe shows up. If I turn the masking off it is there.
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Apr 7, 2010
Any way to raise/lower a surface, but is there a way to offset a surface basically 1m (to make it easy) perpendicular to all grades? Because when you raise/lower a surface, if you have a 3:1 slope, it will raise/lower it vertical 1m or so, but then the perpendicular distance between the 2 surfaces is less then 1m.
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Feb 11, 2012
I am working on drawings where we create dtm's from surfaces, use the dtm for layout, shoot the asbuilt of the final surface, and then compare hundreds of shots to the surface to develop an as-build report.
I want to be able to select a mass of points, compare the perpindicular difference in elevation to the surface, and have an excel spread sheet generated from the results.
My coworkers are able to do this in Terramodel but I am on a mission to eliminate Terramodel from my day to day work.
Windows 7 x 64
Dell Precision M6600 Mobile Workstation
16 GB Ram
i7 @ 2.5 ghz
Civil 3D 2012 SP 1
Civil 3D 2011
Autodesk Inventor 2011
AutoCad Map 3D 2011
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Dec 9, 2013
I have my alignment running up the page, it is the red line. I can show the profile of the pipes and structures that run with the alignment but I want to she the elevations of the crossing pipes, not just the circle in the structures where they cross but the elevation of the crossing structures and pipes, (str 102-103 and 104-105). Almost like a profile that is cut and looks north (up) instead of the cut looking east west.Can I turn my profile view or take a view at a certain station or do I need to make alignments that run east west to do this? I have included a pedicure for reference.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have a drawing (c3d 2013) provided by a subcontractor that contains high density laser scan data in the form of Acad solids. I have a bunch of conventional QC shots on the same objects, that I would like to compare to the scan data.
I can bring the QC shots into the scan drawing as cogo points, but when I try to measure the distance to the face of the solid, I can't get the perpendicular 3d osnap to grab the solid.
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Jan 17, 2013
I'm trying to model a tunnel network and I have come across a problem . The problem is best described with an example:
A sort of tunnel - or shaft - has to be blasted in order to make an access between the ground surface and a certain parking cavern. This access will be an escalator and the tunnel will be blasted in a 30 degree angle to the horizontal level. Normally when I design tunnel cross sections (CS) the contractor will blast the designed CS perpendicular to the designed profile.
I drew the tunnel CS with sub assembly composer and created an assembly in civil. I then made an alignment and a profile according to our design. And here is the actual dilemma: Civil draws the assemblies so that the assemblies are vertical and what I need is them to be drawn / modeled perpendicular to the designed profile. Is there a way to do this?
I will attach a .pdf and a .dwg of a surface profile along the alignment created (and tidied up) with civil 3d, in which I have tried to illustrate the problem in case my description isn't clear enough!
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Oct 17, 2013
when creating a pipe network, and the slope of the pipe end is say at a 35% from start to end, the crown of the pipe is at a 90 degree angle from the invert elevation (straight up). So if I have an invert elevation of 288.3' the pipe crown elevation is at 292.5'. I need to show the end of the pipe crown perpendicular to the invert elevation so that it reads 292.0'!
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Feb 22, 2012
why a line drawn perpendicular to a spiral curve in C3D is not radial? If so, what is it perpendicular to? It can result in several feet of difference.
Also, labeling an alignment along a spiral using the automatic routines appears to run perpendicular (whatever that is - not radial).
Perhaps I'm not looking at the math right (its been awhile since spiral curves in college) but it seems to me that a curve of diminishing radius should be labeled radially. Is that not how C3D sees it?
The only other thing I can think is that C3D is running perpendicular to the small tangents or arcs that it puts in to approximate a spiral curve.
C3D - 2014, Sincpac Addon
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Sep 30, 2013
I have a line or a pline segment and i want to start a line from a point laying there and go perpendicular outwards. Is there a way to do it with tracking?
Yes, i saw the command draw line at an angle but i find it a little bit complicated for a simple task like that. I am sure autodesk have a simplest solution about that.
If i am already at the draw line mode and i can easy catch the tracking perpendicular to previous segment but if i want to start from another line and go perpendicular i cannot make the tracking work.
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Dec 25, 2012
I imported Google earth surface (at eye alt 600m) to civil 3d 2012 and created an alignment of length 181m.
When I exported same alignment to Google earth , it showed the length as 190m ( the difference increases with increase in length of alignment) And also the profile view of the alignment in the Civil D & Google earth varies.
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Mar 20, 2012
I am looping through the civilapplication.activedocument's alignmentIDs collection and looking to see if the name of the alignment is the one I want.
Is there a more direct way, where I could use the name like
maybe GetAlignmentIds() is only way to access the align collection though,
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Apr 16, 2012
I thought that finding the alignmentId, and using the
would do it.
I know i have the right alignmentId, it all cheaks out, there must be something I have to do after removing from the ID collection.
I am doing a Tr.Commit(); but that does not seem to be good enough.
full code is: (_returnMsg is a local var for the class containing this method)
public void DelC3DHAlign(string name) { _returnMsg = "Error, No alignments available";
//access Civil 3D
CivilDocument doc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
try { using (Transaction tr = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
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May 5, 2013
How is possible to get Cant values of Rail type alignment in C# or VB?
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Nov 13, 2012
I have a project that comes and goes. It was actually started in Softdesk. Right now I'm working in Civil 3D 2012. I have an alignment that represents the left edge of pavement. Although I'm calling an offset alignment. It was created before they existed. So it's not linked to the centerline. There have been many changes to it over the past few years. Now it has a problem.
I wanted to edit in the Panorama. Right-click > Edit Alignment Geometry > select Alignment Grid View from the Alignment Layout Tools. When I went to the last segment in the Gird View, which was near where I wanted to edit, a segment about two thirds of the way along the Alignment was highlighted. Further investigation showed that although the whole Alignment would highlight when selected, all commands said the Alignment ended much sooner than the end station.
I've found that that alignment has been broken for quite a while but was intact at one time. My question is - What's the best way to repair/recreate it. I know I can explode it and create a replacement Alignment from the resulting entities. But is that the best way?
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1
Dell Precision T7400
Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
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