Lightroom :: 4 - Tone Curve Default Set To Custom With Contrast Lowering Curve?
Mar 21, 2012
Why in LR4 is the Tone Curve default set to Custom with a contrast lowering curve? I would like the default to be linear, but I can't remember how I set that up in LR3.
Why does the clarity slider seem different to me in LR4 (4.1 RC actually)? IN LR3 I loved that thing. I would ramp it up quite a bit with many photos. It would give it a nice crisp look. Now it seems as if it just makes my shots look like they have too much contrast. Also, when using the clarity brush, many times it seems as if where I paint it on it actually lightens it up. I havce had to look as see if I had the exposure tool on instead. Â Also, I swear a "medium contrast" tone curve setting is different now as well. This was the default setting in LR3. Now default is linear. But if I apply a medium curve from the drop down, it looks over cooked? What the heck? Are these things just me? BTW I am working RAW files.
My tone curve sliders disappeared in Lightroom 3 (exposure, recovery, fill light, blacks, brightness, saturation, vibrance). I have googled it and tried a few things with no luck.Â
When I go into Lightroom 5 Develop mode, the Tone & Point Curve box has disappeared. It was there yesterday and I can't figure out how to get them back. I just purchased the product 2 days ago.
Installed LR4 today and ran into a problem.I have been working with alot of negatives lately and therefore my photos have a reversed tone curve. When I converted my existing catalog all looked fine, using the old previews. But when I go into develop on any of the photos the tone cureve gets reset to normal behaivour, and I have to redo the "invert". And all this using the old process (2010).
Am reading Kelby's LR 5 book page 162 +Â Cannot see any place where I can click to see the individual channels adjustment pop up to select chanel. He even has it circled in the illustration but I don't have anything like that in the Tone Curve panel What am I missing, I'm in Win 64K
Currently I'm trying to save an own "tone curve" but in the menu no entry to save it appears. In my understanding an entry "Eigene" (or "Own") should appear as soon as I am changing the tone curve manualy. Â I am using the latest version of Lightroom 3.6 running under Windows 7 64-bit (both in German) with Camera RAW 6.7 installed.
how to adjust the curve of individual RGB channels. I am assuming the LR4 Tone Curve works like the PS Curves dialog with the channel dropdown.  To make adjustments to individual points on the tone curve, choose an option from the Point Curve menu, click the Edit Point Curve button , and do any of the following:
Choose an option from the Channel pop-up menu. You can edit all three channels at once, or choose to edit the Red, Green, or Blue channel individually. When I click the little icon in the lower right corner of the Tone Curve panel, the panel shrinks so that I don't see the Regions sliders. If I click again, they are visible again. I can't find where to select one of the three indvidual channels.  The Help refers to "the Point Curve menu." Where is the Point Curve menu? Is the Point Curve different from the Tone Curve?  If I right-click (Windows) in the curve dialog, the context menu has a Show Info option. I click it on/off and don't see any change or any info. Where should I be looking for info?
I created a custom Tone Curve in LR3.6 on Win7 64-bit as an XMP file, changing the default location to another folder. I right click on the Custom <> icon and can see the Save feature and some preset curves, but not the Tone Curve I saved that I called "Backlit Tone Curve.xmp." Do I have to move it to a special folder in the presets directory? I restarted LR and it still did not show up anywhere.
I have recenty had to reinstall all my software, and manged to find most of my old Lightroom settings in the Lightroom Presets folder (inside the Appdata folder on a PC) but I seem to have lost my custom tone curves. Â Do you know which folder they should be in (indise the Lightroom Presets folder) Â I STILL don't understand why there are TWO comminty forums for Lightroom;
Why is it that when in Draw save the tone curve settings it saves in a totally different directory? Then if I want to open that settings file it takes me somewhere else showing default styles/settings (*.crv)?
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607  on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
IÂ selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
Can I create A B-Spline curve and a NURBS curve in the Adobe Illustrator? Â If yes, how to do it? Â Also, how to create a breakpoint, that will add a new control point, on a curve, in Adobe Illustrator?
I made a custom linetype to represent a pipeline. The line is abbreviated by 5 letters. My problem is when I reach and curve in the pipe (an elbow), the text string does not follow the curve. It remains straight for the remainder of the text. Is there a way (autocad 2013) to have the text follow the path of a curve?
edit: I saw one similar topic from 2008 in this thread: [URL] and the best response there is the one posted by eldon where you break the code down to each letter. Still, the picture in eldon's post makes the text a bit jagged. Have any changes been made to AutoCAD since this post that make this easier?
there has used a non-AASHTO curve widening formula to calculate automatic curve widening for an alignment?  I'm trying to use our Agency curve widening formula which is a function of curve radius and  central angle. Â
I'm not sure if it is even possible to use the central angle of the curve for calculating widening, or how one would go about using a non-AASHTO CW formula.
Attached is the curve widening formula that needs to be used. Â L will be a constant here.
Can we produce a Horizontal curve table like the attachment Table 1 and i have another queries could Civil 3d Produce a table like the attachment Table 2 i know i can get this table by lisp or macros.
Looking for a non-AASHTO curve widening formula to calculate automatic curve widening for an alignment?  I'm trying to use our Agency curve widening formula which is a function of curve radius and  central angle. Â
I'm not sure if it is even possible to use the central angle of the curve for calculating widening, or how one would go about using a non-AASHTO CW formula.
Attached is the curve widening formula that needs to be used. Â L will be a constant here.
This has been a feature in CorelDraw for as long as I can remember so I'm hoping that buried in options or customize it can be changed.
When you draw a curved line, the nodes default to Symmetrical rather than Smooth. Symmetrical nodes adjust both sides of the curve when you move the node selection handles which I rarely use. Smooth allows you to adjust once side of the node without effecting the other but still maintaining an in line alignment.
if you can make nodes on a curve default to Smooth rather than Symmetrical?
While retouching a 'under-exposed' photo, sometimes I can't decide which degree(?) is the relevant skin tone. Though after finishing a work, tones and overall contrast seems to be changed whenever I look at it. Maybe because of various web-site BG, my physical condition, lighting...etc.
I want to know which one do you prefer just based on skin tone and contrast.
I recently upgraded my LR 4.0 to 4.1, under Win7 64-bit. In launching LR 4.1 just now, I got a dialogue box "Catalog Point Curve Check" with text "Checking Catalog Point Curves". That persisted for a minute or two, then I got a box "Point Curve Recovery Results" with text "One or more photos have recovered point curves. ..." I followed the included link to read [URL] but still don't quite understand. Â In fact, there is now a collection, as the URL suggests, which has exactly two old images from 2010. Why did this point curve issue come up all of a sudden and is there an issue with these two images?
I'm trying to save custom tone mapping curves for later reference and use. I can record the "action" of constructing the curve in Image > Adjustments > Curves and applying it to an image. Unfortunately the "actions" panel does an incomplete job of describing this. Instead of reporting where all 16 control points were set, it reports the resulting first 72 of the 256 mappings ...
I have both a Sony NEX 5 and a Sony NEX 7. I want to establish custom default settings specific to each camera and for each ISO setting I use in Lr. I know Lr has the capability to make default settings for specific camera bodies according to serial number. Sony did not include body serial numbers in the Exif files for the NEX camera line. Since I only have 1 each NEX 5 and 7, will my copy of Lr create separate custom default setting for my specific cameras so long as I don't add additional NEX 5/7 cameras to my Lr setup?
I'm designing a tattoo, and I've been driven to distraction trying to get a part of it right. Basically, it's in an elongated circular shape, to go over the top of the shoulder. It's a Tongan design, and part of it requires a line of diamond shapes following the curve of each side of the circle from top to bottom. At the moment, I'm just copying a diamond shape and putting it in, and then using Transform>Distort to wedge it in place. However, it's both slow and not too good. I then had what I thought was a brainwave - draw the parallel lines straight, add the diamonds, and then curve the whole thing into place. I've tried doing this using Transform>Warp, but the amount of swearing emanating from my office is annoying my girlfriend Has everyone got a better way of doing it? I'd really like to be able to almost draw it as a path, just putting anchors in, and then having the pattern follow the path.