AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Custom Horizontal Curve Table
Sep 29, 2012
Can we produce a Horizontal curve table like the attachment Table 1 and i have another queries could Civil 3d Produce a table like the attachment Table 2 i know i can get this table by lisp or macros.
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Sep 18, 2012
How to construct a table to lay out the "horizontal curve" on the ground?
The steps that follow the design of the horizontal alignment is to set up it on the ground. For this purpose a table that contains angles and distances is established to set up the curve on the ground. How this process is performed on the C3D.
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Jun 5, 2013
How to get the Horizontal Curve Report saying left / right curve details in autocad civil 3d.
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Jul 31, 2013
How the deflection angle can be shown in the horizontal alignment curve? I’m wondering if there is a way to automatically show the deflection angle of the horizontal alignment curve (attached)?
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May 11, 2012
Regarding the image below. What is the best procedure to develop such a table automatically in Civil 3D. We are using AutoCAD Civil 3D, and the table was developed with the TABLE command. Everything else was added manually.
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Aug 16, 2011
Is there anyway to reduce the extra space in the table rows. We finally ran into a situation on a job where the tables have to be smaller. So we ended up exploding the line & curve tables and manually adjusting the spacing.... Exporting the table data to excell would be useful, but cant find a way to do that. Reporting the line calls to html and copy clip to excell would work, but cant seem to do that either.
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Jun 12, 2013
I have an alignment that is line and curve tagged for a table. The last segment of the alignment is a 3 point curve. It shows up in the alignment grid view, and is tagged. When the table is produced the everthing comes in except the 3 point curve I mentioned.
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Oct 11, 2013
I've created a Line & Curve table to display my metes & bounds. One of the curves is displaying an incorrect length, off by .01. It was caught as my project was reviewed by the city engineer. I went back to the database (Prospector --> Sites --> Parcels) and my mapcheck does conflict by .01.
Why is the mapcheck different from the Line / Curve table? How can I 'fix' the table to match the mapcheck data?
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Dec 4, 2012
Is it possible to change the row height in a Line and Curve Table.
Civil 3D 2012
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Dec 9, 2013
The vertical spacing in curve and line tables (the space between the text and the horizontal line) is too big. This makes the table too long and hard to fit on maps. For regualr tables, you can modify this. However, for curve and line tables this is not available. Is there a .NET file that creates/formats the tables that I could modify to reduce the spacing??
C3D 2012, but the same is true for 2014.
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Oct 3, 2012
When trying to etransmit a dwg from Civil 3D 2010 which has line/curve tags with tables built from them, we are getting output which has the table headers but no entries below. The cad user on the other end gets no line/curve data. The other user is on Civil 3D 2011.
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Dec 29, 2013
I want to create a Curve table for an alignment.
You are able you get range of properties, i.e length, chord length, start/end chainages, mid-ordinate.
I've notice lets for arguement sake 'chord length' text component editor is: <[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> but is it possible to modify the code so i can insert half a chord length.
Ive tried
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>/2 ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]/2> ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)/2]> ---- doesn't work
<[1/2*Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> ---- doesn't work
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Oct 22, 2012
there has used a non-AASHTO curve widening formula to calculate automatic curve widening for an alignment? I'm trying to use our Agency curve widening formula which is a function of curve radius and central angle.
I'm not sure if it is even possible to use the central angle of the curve for calculating widening, or how one would go about using a non-AASHTO CW formula.
Attached is the curve widening formula that needs to be used. L will be a constant here.
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Oct 16, 2012
Looking for a non-AASHTO curve widening formula to calculate automatic curve widening for an alignment? I'm trying to use our Agency curve widening formula which is a function of curve radius and central angle.
I'm not sure if it is even possible to use the central angle of the curve for calculating widening, or how one would go about using a non-AASHTO CW formula.
Attached is the curve widening formula that needs to be used. L will be a constant here.
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Apr 12, 2012
How can you add the chord bearing, chord length, and tangent to an alignment table with the curve data in it? I have the length and direction but cannot figure out why the others will not load and update in the chart. I am using Autocad Civil 3D 2012
Autocad Civil 3D 2014
Windows 7 Prof. SP1 (64-bit)
Precision T3500
Intel (R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
6.00 GB
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
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Mar 21, 2012
Why in LR4 is the Tone Curve default set to Custom with a contrast lowering curve? I would like the default to be linear, but I can't remember how I set that up in LR3.
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Dec 31, 2013
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
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Mar 14, 2012
How can I rearrange the horizontale order of the table columns which made by (Extraction data).
I know how to rearrange it vertically, But horizontally that what I want to know. Example ( colomns order is : number, X, Y. How to change it to :X, Y , number )
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Jan 8, 2013
There is a brick-like pattern on a geological cross section I could draw this in manually but any way to do it automatically so there is a uniform horizontal distance between vertical separators? I tried creating a brick type swatch, but this created horizontal lines which did not follow the curve of the stratum.
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Sep 16, 2011
How can I change the horizontal line color of a table (not the border line color)? I would like the border to be black, but the horizontal lines to be gray.
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Feb 23, 2012
Is there a way to force the table and table text height to stay constant despite the scale? I can do it for Point Label Styles with an Expression. But in 2011 there is no way to build an expression for a table style.
I want to create tables in the drawing where the points are and then plot them from a drawing they're Xrefed in to. The tables are too small but zooming in doesn't make them any bigger because the scale of the viewport changes and they adjust.
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Feb 18, 2013
I want to know if you can link AutoCad tables to other Autocad tables on different layouts. Say I have ten sheets, each with a table for quantities of pipe length, and one sheet with a total of all quantities. Can I link cells from each separate layout sheet to the main table sheet, so that I can add them all for project totals?
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Jan 8, 2013
I made a custom linetype to represent a pipeline. The line is abbreviated by 5 letters. My problem is when I reach and curve in the pipe (an elbow), the text string does not follow the curve. It remains straight for the remainder of the text. Is there a way (autocad 2013) to have the text follow the path of a curve?
edit: I saw one similar topic from 2008 in this thread: [URL] and the best response there is the one posted by eldon where you break the code down to each letter. Still, the picture in eldon's post makes the text a bit jagged. Have any changes been made to AutoCAD since this post that make this easier?
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Jun 11, 2012
I am wondering if there's a way to keep horizontal mullions from being cut off square with the main vertical profile. For example, if I had a custom shaped cap, like a tapered shape, or a T shape, could the horizontal mullions cope to fit it somehow?
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Jul 21, 2008
The API doesn't appear to provide the ability to turn visibility off on a custom table row. Is there anyway to turn off the visibility of a row?
Auto desk: do you have plans on adding this functionality to the API?
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Sep 24, 2012
We are doing tank drawings and the company now wants a custom format/style of table (attached as jpg) to be on all the drawings (which are complete already) which will be the cleanest way to get a table like that. I tried making something in Excel and inserting as a Gen. Table, but each of the cell borders show up.
Would I just do a sketch and insert text boxes where necessary?
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Feb 6, 2012
I would like to know if there is a way to suppress size in a custom table for frame members. So far, I've copied the ANSI hss square tube library to another name and it is not linked to the previous family. What I need to do is make only certain size of these tubes available and the only way I found was to delete them. The things is I don't want to delete them because I may need them in the future. Also, when I have different materials in that table they appear as 2 diferent size in the frame generator insertion window. For example, if I have in my table a 2x2x1/8 tubing 1 in aluminum and the other in steel, I will have 2x2x1/8 X2 in the size selection window.
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Jun 25, 2012
I am creating a standalone .exe with that opens an Inventor .idw and creates a few custom tables. I want one of the tables to have no border at all.
So far I have tried:
Dim oFormat As TableFormat oFormat = oInvSheet.CustomTables.CreateTableFormat oFormat.InsideLineWeight = 0 oFormat.OutsideLineWeight = 0 oCustomTable_Hardware.OverrideFormat = oFormat
But that does not hide the border lines.
I've found no similar code to try out that dealt with table borders or that sort.
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Aug 13, 2012
I am looking for assitance with the VB code to change the text style within a custom table when it is created from a VB standalone program. I am using Inventor 2013 and VB 2010 Express.
I have a customtable that is created within a .idw, and I would like to have the data cells set to "Table_Cells" style that I have created. I cannot find anything in the help file with a sample code to build off.
I figure it's got to be something with oCustomTable.DataTextStyle but beyond that I am lost.This is what I have, and VB is kicking it back in my face.
Dim oTextStyle As TextStyleoTextStyle = oCustomTable.DataTextStyle.StyleType("Table_Cells")
Error 2 'Public ReadOnly Property StyleType As Inventor.StyleTypeEnum' has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed.
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Sep 5, 2013
updating the source of a custom table in a drawing. I wrote a design copy rule that takes a template "module" and saves all the files off into the customer's project folder. This latest module has an orientation chart that details the location of key features and is displayed on the drawing. We're driving the chart using an external excel file. I can get the reference in the assembly to update with no problem by just telling the driving rule to look for an excel with matching project and assembly numbers in the same folder as the assembly.
However, when I try and update the reference in the drawing, I can get the "3rd Party" link to change, but it doesn't change the actual link in the table. Here's a pic of the tree and my part of the current code. How can I make it update the actual link?
TryDim oSht As Sheet = oDwgDoc.Sheets.Item(1)Dim oChart As CustomTable = oSht.CustomTables.Item(1) MsgBox(oChart.Title)Dim oChartDesc As FileDescriptor = oChart.ReferencedDocumentDescriptorchartDocName = oDwgDoc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptors.Item(1).FullDocumentNameIf chartDocName.Contains("OrientationChart") ThenMsgBox("The dude contains")End If orientChartName = Left(iProperties.Value("Custom", "OldName"),
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Jun 18, 2012
I am creating a custom table in a .idw through VB. I was looking for the code that would tell it to make a column have units formattng. For example, instead of my thickness to be 0.5, I want it to show 1/2 in. I know you can do this manually in the table editor, but I cannot find any bits of code that will do it in VB automatically.
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