AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Table - Change Units With VB
Jun 18, 2012
I am creating a custom table in a .idw through VB. I was looking for the code that would tell it to make a column have units formattng. For example, instead of my thickness to be 0.5, I want it to show 1/2 in. I know you can do this manually in the table editor, but I cannot find any bits of code that will do it in VB automatically.
When you make a custom table in, adding in the Row Height property in the custom table create line only changes the data cell row heights, not the title cells or the header cell. How do yo do set the title/header cell row heights ?
Is there a way in the description field of an Inventor hole table to have mixed units? Some hole sizes at fractions, some at 2 plc, and others at 3 places.
I created an idw and annotated all the dimensions in default to inches. Is it possible to switch all of the units from inches to mm at one time? If so, how?
My drawing template title block has a section for estimated weight. This value and overall size is used to determine shipping methods of our products. This value is pulled from the Type->Physical Properties-Model and Property->MASS. There is no option to turn off units. When our clients look at the drawing, they often get confused with lbmass unit. example; When someone asks what the weight of the product is, we dont say it is 1300 pound mass, we say it is 1300 pounds. I have looked around all different forums and found no complete answer or solution to this.
The only thing closest to a solution that I found on this forum is to create a rule that creates a custom iproperty within the model. [URL]........
You then have to create a text field in your title block that populates from that custom iproperty but can only be done when a base view is inserted from a model that has the custom iproperty rule applied.
From what I have tried, you can create a .ipt template to save you from creating that rule to create a custom iproperty each and every time, but to populate the title block field, a user needs to create that text field and draw from that custom iproperty once the base view is set on the drawing.
I also found a way to incorporate mass without units but the information will be put into the parts list. So instead of the weight being "automatically" entered into the title block after inserting base view, I could create a parts list for every drawing. (Not a good solution) [URL].........
One last solution that I found, is there used to be a tool called iProperty Collection[URL]....... that gave users the ability to customize some Inventor functions. One being the ability to change the unit displayed for MASS. I haven't tried using this tool because the last update off the website stated in 2009; says the software is not compatible with Inventor 2009 64bit, since I am using Inventor 2012 64bit, I think this is a dead end.
We are doing tank drawings and the company now wants a custom format/style of table (attached as jpg) to be on all the drawings (which are complete already) which will be the cleanest way to get a table like that. I tried making something in Excel and inserting as a Gen. Table, but each of the cell borders show up.
Would I just do a sketch and insert text boxes where necessary?
I would like to know if there is a way to suppress size in a custom table for frame members. So far, I've copied the ANSI hss square tube library to another name and it is not linked to the previous family. What I need to do is make only certain size of these tubes available and the only way I found was to delete them. The things is I don't want to delete them because I may need them in the future. Also, when I have different materials in that table they appear as 2 diferent size in the frame generator insertion window. For example, if I have in my table a 2x2x1/8 tubing 1 in aluminum and the other in steel, I will have 2x2x1/8 X2 in the size selection window.
I am creating a standalone .exe with that opens an Inventor .idw and creates a few custom tables. I want one of the tables to have no border at all.
So far I have tried:
Dim oFormat As TableFormat oFormat = oInvSheet.CustomTables.CreateTableFormat oFormat.InsideLineWeight = 0 oFormat.OutsideLineWeight = 0 oCustomTable_Hardware.OverrideFormat = oFormat
But that does not hide the border lines.
I've found no similar code to try out that dealt with table borders or that sort.
I am looking for assitance with the VB code to change the text style within a custom table when it is created from a VB standalone program. I am using Inventor 2013 and VB 2010 Express.
I have a customtable that is created within a .idw, and I would like to have the data cells set to "Table_Cells" style that I have created. I cannot find anything in the help file with a sample code to build off.
I figure it's got to be something with oCustomTable.DataTextStyle but beyond that I am lost.This is what I have, and VB is kicking it back in my face.
Dim oTextStyle As TextStyleoTextStyle = oCustomTable.DataTextStyle.StyleType("Table_Cells") Error 2 'Public ReadOnly Property StyleType As Inventor.StyleTypeEnum' has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed.
updating the source of a custom table in a drawing. I wrote a design copy rule that takes a template "module" and saves all the files off into the customer's project folder. This latest module has an orientation chart that details the location of key features and is displayed on the drawing. We're driving the chart using an external excel file. I can get the reference in the assembly to update with no problem by just telling the driving rule to look for an excel with matching project and assembly numbers in the same folder as the assembly.
However, when I try and update the reference in the drawing, I can get the "3rd Party" link to change, but it doesn't change the actual link in the table. Here's a pic of the tree and my part of the current code. How can I make it update the actual link?
TryDim oSht As Sheet = oDwgDoc.Sheets.Item(1)Dim oChart As CustomTable = oSht.CustomTables.Item(1) MsgBox(oChart.Title)Dim oChartDesc As FileDescriptor = oChart.ReferencedDocumentDescriptorchartDocName = oDwgDoc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptors.Item(1).FullDocumentNameIf chartDocName.Contains("OrientationChart") ThenMsgBox("The dude contains")End If orientChartName = Left(iProperties.Value("Custom", "OldName"), [code]....
Is it possible to change the units of measure in the iProperties from lbmass to tons for instance? I deal with very large, heavy concrete objects and tons is the way we show mass. Also use cubic yards instead of cubic inches.
I tried Curtis Waguespack's iLogic: Export Parts List with Options, and it works great on Part Lists. I'd like to do the same thing on a custom table, but I don't know what needs to be changed.
I am using to generate a custom table in my .idw files to make a plot stamp. The table is showing up, however, the text is garbled. When you open the .idw, the table properties show the text correctly but the display is coming out messed up. I have attached a picture of what each looks like. I moved the table off the sheet for clarity.
Public Sub PlotStamp() Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim oInvSheet As Sheet oInvSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet Dim oTitles_Plot(0) As String oTitles_Plot(0) = CurrentFilename
I need to insert a table on one of my Inventor drawings, however, it will vary in size (Fixed colums, variable number of rows). I have searched the forum and found this snippet of code to add a 2x20 table.
Sub Main()Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocumentoDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oSheet As SheetoSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet' Set the column titlesDim oTitles() As String = {"Member","Pos. From Datum A"}Dim oPoint As Point2doPoint = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(1, 28.7)' Create the custom tableDim oCustomTable As CustomTableoCustomTable = oSheet.CustomTables.Add("Infill Spacing", oPoint, 2, 20, oTitles)End Sub
The Problem
I now need to be able to do two things:
1. Delete all custom tables that may be on the drawing ( I may have more than 1 custom table on the drawing)
2. Access the individual rows and colums in a specific table so I can write a variable into them.
I have searched high and low for the API commands, but cant seem to find them.
In a simple case I have an extrusion with some attached seals/weather stripping, all implemented as iParts having their own LENGTH parameters.
RailPart.ipt, Seal_A.ipt, Seal_B.ipt
The goal is to encapsulate these IParts within an iAssembly: RailAssy.iam, where a LENGTH parameter can be input when the iAssembly is placed, causing RailPart and Seal_A to have their length parameters set to the LENGTH provided at that time and SEAL_B having Length set by an iLogic rule to LENGTH - 5.
I've been unable to set up a Custom Parameter Column in an iAssembly table. Is this even permitted?
I have been made one load schedule for distribution panel by using table command in autocad. In that table, I have to mention load with units(watts) for each circuit in cell. (example: 6000w).
If I put like 6000w in a cell, the sum formula's is not working. These formula's used to get total load of panel. what should i do to rectify this problem? How to mention this units in a cell?
The hole table has a column named description, but in that column i want to change the defaults for the thread, i don't need the thread class, for example.
I can add or remove thread properties to the table, but i don't want to, i want to use the general Description column, which describes not only threads.
i am learning publishing parts to content centre so as to use for frame generator.Success so far except i cannot work out how to change Fillet sizes with the Family Table.As i increase the sizes of beams i want to also control the fillet size within the Family table.Where do i add the fillet parameter?
I have an iPart in which I want to change the File Name Column from "Member" to "Part Number". These columns are not the same and makes the filenames for the members different when generated.
The challenge is that I already have about 100 members generated and used in different assemblies. I want these to be replaced by the new files and be deleted.
If I change the File Name Column I will get 100 new files (ipart members) that is not used anywhere. The only way I know of to replace the 100 "old" members is to do this in Vault - one by one..