CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Making Nodes On A Default Curve
Oct 3, 2012
This has been a feature in CorelDraw for as long as I can remember so I'm hoping that buried in options or customize it can be changed.
When you draw a curved line, the nodes default to Symmetrical rather than Smooth. Symmetrical nodes adjust both sides of the curve when you move the node selection handles which I rarely use. Smooth allows you to adjust once side of the node without effecting the other but still maintaining an in line alignment.
if you can make nodes on a curve default to Smooth rather than Symmetrical?
I am struggling to make a small pattern go along and follow the curvature of a curve. Its shown below. The green dots and the dumbell shape are a group and need to follow the contour of the violet colored shape on its edges. So they have to look like they are following the curve. I have tried repeat patterns and so on but they do not follow the curvature of the edge/sketch.
Is there any way of modifying the Curve Flyout menu such that the Bézier tool becomes the default? (rather than the Freehand tool which I seldom use? I can't see where to do this in the Customize dialog.
Color nodes are blue by defaut. When I draw something with blue, I would like having red nodes, or another color. I guess there is a set-up for that, but I realy don't find it.
I am unable to select nodes and edit or delete them when using an envelope. I double-click or click and drag, and nothing happens. What do I need to do?
Make an object (eg an hexagon), and resize it from it's center radially, by dragging a node (and not those black squares). What I got so far, is, using the pick tool, clicking on it to go to rotation mode, hold shift and ctrl, clicking on a node (eg, from a point or the middle of a side), and dragging it.
It works IF i change it's angle, but strangely, if I keep the same angle (just resizing it), nothing happens, neither it gets resized, neither i can clone it (with right mouse click). It only keeps a blue shadow of what would be the object, without doing nothing.
What I want to do with this is, for example, create a square and an hexagon inside it, allign one of it nodes with a node of the square, and resize the hexagon by draggin another node of it until it touch (using snap to objects) another side/node of the square. As I said, it can be done if I resize by the rotation, but only if I change the angle, wich is strange for me.
Am I missing something? It's really weird that I can almost do this without problems, but then nothing happens at all. I wish I could show this visually, would be way better to explain the problem.
Trying to recreate logo. Traced text. The text is too rough. I've selected it, click the shape tool, and the Smoothing bar does not work. It stays at "0" and does not effect the selected curve.
I've tried just drawing a shape with jagged edges and the Smoothing bar still does not work. Am I missing a step to make the Smoothing bar apply?
I'm working in Corel Draw 12 and I have a problem to connect two nodes of different lines which aren't the nodes at the beginning or end of the lines. That problem I've solved, (by selecting both lines, then using function combine, selecting for e.g. starting node of first and ending node of second line and joining them) but I really have hard time making this out. The function join isn't apparently working for nodes in the middle of the lines.
So I will jump right to the issue. I like to make my edits occasionally in wireframe, and as I began to manipulate or move nodes around, the minute I finish editing the first node or a group of nodes, all of the nodes vanish. The only thing that is present in wireframe after they disappear is the object (or line that I am editing) no nodes.
Now, I have learned that if I zoom in or out, they appear again, I would have to continuously do this in order to make edits in wireframe. I do not have this problem in Enhanced View.
Windows 8 / ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series / AMD Phenom II X4 965
My graphic card is up to date; however, I dont believe this is a graphic issue due to the fact that I can edit in Enhanced view without issues.
How can you use the reflecting nodes horizontally or vertically nothing is happening when I click the nodes how do you make the nodes snaps horizontally or vertically so that your drawing look symetrical.
I would like to know if some users have the same problem : when I vectorize manually a bitmap with the polyline tool of CorelDraw X6, sometimes I have two nodes very close (I don't understand why because I do one click with my mouse...). I change my mouse without improvement.Do you know a macro to clean my polylines and to transform the "double" nodes in a single node (adjusting the gap distance) ? The reduce nodes feature in CorelDraw is not nice to do that.
How to equalize the nodes distance between the curve to apply the brush after making them break apart since here as per the curve size and direction nodes are distributed unequally. how to make them equally aligned.
Is there a way to convert to curve (with handles)? I Ctrl+Q on a object, then it say convert to curve. But it's a bunch of segments. When I drag them they don't have curve handles, they don't curve. I have again to click on a segment, a * appear. Then click To curve in the property bar.
Can I just put curve handles in one shoot to all the segments of a object (ex a square)? Without to have to do all 4 segments one by one?
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
I have created a curved line across my page using the Bezier tool. I need to fill the page below my curve to make it blue (and above the curve to stay white).
I am trying to export my Corel Draw project to a PDF. Everything works as expected except all Curves with lens are not showing up at all in the exported PDF.
I have tried opening the PDF with several different programs with the same result. I have also tried changing the PDF export settings but haven't had any luck.
I have this weird problem where some objects won't work like the usual. The original pic is like this,but when I see it in thumbnail in windows explorer, some objects are missing but they're still there when you open the file!
I marked the status bar, in those missing objects it says "Curve on Desktop" while other objects of corelDraw, no matter what kind of file, they're always written as "Curve on Layer 1".
And then when I Ctrl+G all the objects above in pic 1, all those objects with Curve on Layer 1 and Curve on Desktop, it becomes like this: I don't know what happened. When I made the shape in the 1st pic, I used old file with similar shape, I only edit the sizes & the colors, but previous File is just fine, only this one looks weird.
I used polyline to trace a tree trunk. I wanted it to be just a series of line segments which I was going to export to AutoCAD and then to Sketchup. However, each segment I drew said it was a curve. When I exported to AutoCAD it came in as a spline. If I convert that to lines, where I had maybe 10 lines there are now 100.
I also tried to 2 point line tool. I started each new line from the end of the previous. It gave me the same result.
Is there a way for me to end up with just the 10 line segments? No spline. No curve. Just 10 straight lines.
Can CorelDraw X4 calculate the length of a curve, meaning if I have an organic shape or curve, can it calculate the true length of the line if you follow the path. (think miles on a road)
I'm trying to estimate the time it would take a CNC machine to cut along an exported path.
I know this has been in Draw for a long while, but I wish they'd make the arrow tip start at the end of a curve.
steps to reproduce:
F7, draw a curve
draw a line
change both to have an arrow on one end
change both to 16px thickness so you can see the arrow position well
This problem comes up when I'm doing a detailed diagram and I've got my arrows going around all over the place. I need to tweek one so I convert to curve... but in doing so, the end of the arrow sticks out farther than it used to... and that forces me to change the postions and angles of possibly a few nodes.
I'd like the arrow to end at the node so there's no change in it's position when you do a convert to curves.
This is one of those... "that's not a bug, it's been around forever" type of things I know, but it should be changed IMHO.
I should mention that this is also a pain when you go in with the node edit tool when the line isn't selected and you can't see the nodes... you click around at the end, and eventually find it hiding in the center of the arrow/triangle part.
Here's a macro I've used for quite some time. Feel free to use or modify as needed. Install, select text and run. Hold shift and the selected text will round/curve more.
Why I created? I do a lot of graphics that need the top line of text to be curved. I can easily select the top line and press a button and the macro curves it upwards. If I need more curve I hold shift and run. If I need more or less curve still, I make the item in question, the text, larger or smaller. All done by eye and it's fast.
#If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As LongPtr) As Integer#Else Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer#End IfPrivate Const VK_SHIFT = &H10Public Function ResetKeyStatus(Optional nada As Boolean) As Boolean [Code] .........
I have the list of x,y coordinates for the CIE colour spectrum. How do I import the list so as to draw the spectrum curve?? The curve is the horseshoe shaped curve shown in the figure below [not the straight lines which are colours boundaries] that contains all the spectrum colours. Seems to me I should be able to import the list somehow and CorelDraw would then produce the line.
when i converting my arial font to curve it automatically convert to Italic i have replace my arial font from other machine as well but still the same issue.
I bought Corel X5 to design some 2D templates to cut wood in creating cabinets for a Volkswagon Bus Camper. An old VW Bus doesn't have a straight surface in it.
My objective is to take measurements inside the bus for each piece of the cabinet. Think of the inside roof for example... the mission is to create the front of a cabinet that goes from one side of the bus to the other. Thus, a straight line on the bottom and then an arc for the top of cabinet so that it will meet perfectly with the inside roof.
What is needed is to enter x,z coordinates into Corel Draw to define the shape, then plot the result on paper, verify by holding the paper to the actual roof, and then cut the wood using the paper template.I can see that a B-spline is needed, but I don't see how to enter the periodic x,z measurements in Corel to come up with the shape.