AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Inserting Point Of Curve In Alignment?
May 11, 2012I am a fairly new user to C3D so this may seem simple.
Can I insert a point on an alignment at a particular Station?
I am a fairly new user to C3D so this may seem simple.
Can I insert a point on an alignment at a particular Station?
I have an existing alignment issued to me which has been created using all straight lines even where there should be curves. I am trying to insert curves in these areas. Using free curves (2 entities and a through point) I create a curve then somethings happen I can't work out -
1. The curve is created but the original straight linework stays. I would have thought the original linework would automatically delete. See attached pdf between points 60 and 62 the curve and straights can be seen.
2. Then all stations after the curve are changed to the question mark symbol. If i click on the alignment all the grips are still there for the full length of the alignment, indicating the alignment is still in one piece.
3. If I try to create another curve further along the alignment it won't allow it. Stating on the command line "Selected entity must be part of the main entity."
I'm using C3D 2009.
What is the correct way to remove SE from any given curve on an alignment? I have calculated and the angency does not want SE on a particular curve.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
64 Bit Win7 OS
How to generate reverse curve details from the alignment
i.e. i want to generate
length of reverse curve
transition length
deflection angle (delta) of transition curve
etc ........
i want them to generate in the plan.
In LDT listing curve data was as easy as selecting an alignment, clicking edit and printing out a spreadsheet with all the required info. how to do this in C3D. Inifo I need:
I am setting up a template for my company and have noticed that I can't change the line/curve/spiral LTscale:
I have chosen a layer with the CENTER linetype for my line/curve/spiral in the style editor. The Alignment appears correctly with the CENTER linetype. However I want to make the dashes a bit bigger, so I change the LTscale in the style editor to 4, but then nothing changes.
When I change the same setting for the "line_extensions" element to the same layer, these WILL update when changing the LTscale.
All other lines, such as polylines and featurelines, as well as the line extension lines of the alignment update correctly. Its just the alignment line.curve/spiral elements that do not.......
Are these locked somewhere?
Intel Xeon E31230 - 3.20 GHz
4.00 GB RAM
Windows 7 Professional - 64-bit
Nvidia Quadro 600 - 1GB DDR3
Windows 7, 64 bit, Civil 3D 2010
I'm trying to create a surface using feature lines. I have an alignment and profile that I have created a dynamic feature line. However, on a horizontal curve, it apparently creates a vertex at the start and beginning of the curve, and nothing on the curve, so it triangulates between those two points and that's it.
Do I need to play with spiral tessellation (0.25), mid-ordinate distance (0.1) to get some points along the curve?
How the deflection angle can be shown in the horizontal alignment curve? I’m wondering if there is a way to automatically show the deflection angle of the horizontal alignment curve (attached)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to create a Curve table for an alignment.
You are able you get range of properties, i.e length, chord length, start/end chainages, mid-ordinate.
I've notice lets for arguement sake 'chord length' text component editor is: <[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> but is it possible to modify the code so i can insert half a chord length.
Ive tried
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>/2 ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]/2> ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)/2]> ---- doesn't work
<[1/2*Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> ---- doesn't work
How to insert the point table into paper space rather than model space and creating a mview?
Also, is there a way to add the point style symbol to the table?
C3D 2010..I have a alignemnt that I need to move the starting point 120' east of where it is now.
I've treid a slew of thing to no avail. Can this be easily done?I already have existing profiles for the current alignment.
I want to generate Civil 3D point of intersection alignment report including following columes.
PI Row station
Delta Angle
PI Includead Angle
Is this possible?
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP 2
How to create an alignment label expression for Geometry Point that will show the delta angle rather than the instantaneous direction or perpendicular direction?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLand desktop anchored the alignment stationing at the "+" sign directly on the alignment.
Is there a way to do the same in C3D 2010 without adjusting the x,y locations?
I have been provided with Surveyed Utility Locates along an Existing Roadway. These are provided to show conflicts between the New Storm Sewer System and Existing Utilities such as Water, Sewer, Gas, Elec, etc. The survey however is incomplete as it was prepared a few years ago and the Storm Sewer has just been designed. Yes, I can create points and provide them to the County Surveying department. However, before this is done, I must provide an easily-understood format of the new survey locations to the County Project Management.
To provide a Point Table which references the Surveyed Points' location in reference to the roadway stationing (Alignment). I have attached what the point table is to look like.
I am unable to find the desired data reference in the currently provided data field selection. Am I just missing it or is this a "Wish List" item?
I know this. I am aware. This is why I avoid changing the reference point as much as possible if I have profile views or anything else dependent on my alignment. I also have no problem with this dialog giving me a useful reminder.
My problem is this: if I want to make my alignment longer, and I grab the grip at the end of it and drag it to a new location, the reference point moves too! Who in their right mind would want the reference point to move when adjusting the end? Personally I wouldn't want C3D to ever move my reference point automatically. I can have some sympathy with moving it if I am grip-editing the start of the alignment, or the tangent on which the reference point resides. But I'm editing at the end of the alignment, on a different tangent. Why would you move my reference point and make me have to go back and reset it to where it was? How dare you throw your warning message at me for moving the reference point back to where it should be when you secretly moved it to a wrong location with no warning whatsoever?
How can you add the chord bearing, chord length, and tangent to an alignment table with the curve data in it? I have the length and direction but cannot figure out why the others will not load and update in the chart. I am using Autocad Civil 3D 2012
Autocad Civil 3D 2014
Windows 7 Prof. SP1 (64-bit)
Precision T3500
Intel (R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
6.00 GB
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
(aligment by aligment ...... of a whole project ?
Civil 3D (2013)
We're using C3D 2013 SP2. The survey company we use uses point styles to show the blocks. Say they shoot a catchbasin. Instead of inserting the block, the point shows up as the block.
I did a field check & needed to insert a missed CB. When I inserted the block, the other points that were CBs disappeared. I had to insert the block, copy it the clipboard, undo the insertion & then paste the block in. It did this on other drawings & other blocks.
how to match up certain points. I have imported 2 point clouds and have tried to use the 'align' tool to specify three points from the source object (cloud) and three points from the destination object (cloud). When doing this, it does not properly align them. The point cloud makes it difficult to select the exact point I would like to align, since there may not be a point at that exact location, but close to it. Does AutoCAD require the points in alignment to match up perfectly or is it capable of doing a best fit?
Also, is AutoCAD capable of creating a solid 3D piece from the point cloud? I would like to take all of my points and make a smooth object.
i've made a serpantine curve that starts from one line of alignment and end on the other line.
i wanted to know how can c change alignment direction when these two feature line and alignment meet each other in order to change the alignment path?
I using a data reference/shortcut to properly label an alignment in paperspace. However when I reference the alignment in and apply the labels the aren't the same as the original alignment that I am referencing. Is there a setting where I am supposed to apply a new beginning station.
Also it seems as though the stationing(distance) isn't even matching up 1:1 with the original drawing. For example in the original base drawing my alignment starts at 10+00 with the next PI at 14+76.98, but the stationing on the reference alignment starts at 0+83.33 with the very same PI being labeled as 1+23.08. So the very same distance is 476.98' in the real design and the drawing it's being referenced in, but the stationing of the referenced alignment shows it as 39.75 Units.
I've attached a screen of the beginning of the alignment.
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
Using Civil 3d2012, Is it possible to change the alignment label style set after the alignment has been created? For example, for an alignment that was created with alignment label set X - change the label set to alignment label set Y? It seems like this should be pretty easy, I must be missing something obvious.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a question on Alignment PI's. (Point of Inflection/Intersection)I have an alignment where some PI's have curves, others are merely hard bends.
Is there a way to automatically label the PI's even if they have an associated curve? (I'd like PI, PC and PT)Alternatively, can I only show markers at PI's without curves?
I'm trying to edit some existing alignments. When I create new entities, they do not show up in the alignment grid view. Why is this?
Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor
6.00 GB RAM
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
Launching alignment grid view/alignment entities,
I’m wondering if there is a way to launch alignment grid view/alignment entities (attached) without the need to first launching “alignment”? This dialogue box is quite essential in editing the values of radius, degree of curvature and deflection angle for the selected curve.
Can I inherit the station from one alignment as the begin station for another alignment?
For example. Alignment 1 is 1000 ft long and starts at sta 0+00.
At sta 8+01, Alignment 2 begins and goes off in another direction.
I manually enter 8+01 for begin station Alignment 2. Life is good. Still in the design stage, and customer needs to modify Alignment 1 to avoid something. Now Alignment 2 intersects Alignment 1 at sta 8+15, but same N/E coordinates.
I manually enter 8+15 for begin station Alignment 2.
It would be better if Alignment 2 could inherit the begin station based on the new stationing from Alignment 1.
I have ran an analysis and SSA gave me Error 607 on the report. It says "Inlet A9 gutter capture curve is not a valid curve."
A couple things I did different from the video lectures...
I selected user define for the Tc to figure out Q. i computed those manually.
For the Inlets I have selected Maximum Capture Cutoff.
There are some inlets in this model I created that do not capture 100% of the flow so i created conveyance links to account for the bypass flow.Not sure why is not recognizing the Curve?
I am wanting to insert a block at a point, with eastings and northings and an individual number.
For example.
Point 1 -459655,451702
Point 2 -459655,451702
Can I use a script for this, or something else using a .scr or .csv file?
I am developing a tool that will allow a user to select a curve, and dump out the points at given intervals along said curve.
This works well for 2D objects.
If I have a line from 0,0,0 to 10,0,1
it outpus
0, 0, 0
0.9950, 0, 0.0995
1.9901, 0, 0.1990
What I want it to output is the point at the interval (2D plane, with the elevation)
0, 0, 0
1, 0, 0.1
2, 0, 0.2
Is there a way a function I can use that would allow this, or do I need to write my own function?
know a lisp routine that would insert a block @ a specific point on an arc? For instance if I have an arc that has a radius of 20'-0" & I want to insert a block at a set distance from the end of the arc.i could probably use the divide or measure command but I was hoping I could do it with lisp. I would also like to be able to move the object along the path of the arc at a specific distance.
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