AutoCAD Civil 3D :: More Vertices On Curve For Dynamic Alignment Feature Line
Apr 2, 2013
Windows 7, 64 bit, Civil 3D 2010
I'm trying to create a surface using feature lines. I have an alignment and profile that I have created a dynamic feature line. However, on a horizontal curve, it apparently creates a vertex at the start and beginning of the curve, and nothing on the curve, so it triangulates between those two points and that's it.
Do I need to play with spiral tessellation (0.25), mid-ordinate distance (0.1) to get some points along the curve?
I am setting up a template for my company and have noticed that I can't change the line/curve/spiral LTscale:
I have chosen a layer with the CENTER linetype for my line/curve/spiral in the style editor. The Alignment appears correctly with the CENTER linetype. However I want to make the dashes a bit bigger, so I change the LTscale in the style editor to 4, but then nothing changes.
When I change the same setting for the "line_extensions" element to the same layer, these WILL update when changing the LTscale.
All other lines, such as polylines and featurelines, as well as the line extension lines of the alignment update correctly. Its just the alignment line.curve/spiral elements that do not.......
Are these locked somewhere?
Intel Xeon E31230 - 3.20 GHz 4.00 GB RAM Windows 7 Professional - 64-bit Nvidia Quadro 600 - 1GB DDR3
When I try to create a feature line using an alignment/ profile, sometimes it gives me a feature line for the entire alignment, even though my profile is only a small segment. I made sure I selected the correct profile, and I even deleted all other surface profiles just in case. But it still gives me a wonky feature line for the entire alignment.
However, in the same file, other profiles have worked perfectly.
I need elevation data from a surface. I need an elevation every 15' along an alignment or feature line. I would like the information as a table. I am not sure how to do this.
I have an existing alignment issued to me which has been created using all straight lines even where there should be curves. I am trying to insert curves in these areas. Using free curves (2 entities and a through point) I create a curve then somethings happen I can't work out -
1. The curve is created but the original straight linework stays. I would have thought the original linework would automatically delete. See attached pdf between points 60 and 62 the curve and straights can be seen. 2. Then all stations after the curve are changed to the question mark symbol. If i click on the alignment all the grips are still there for the full length of the alignment, indicating the alignment is still in one piece. 3. If I try to create another curve further along the alignment it won't allow it. Stating on the command line "Selected entity must be part of the main entity."
In LDT listing curve data was as easy as selecting an alignment, clicking edit and printing out a spreadsheet with all the required info. how to do this in C3D. Inifo I need:
How the deflection angle can be shown in the horizontal alignment curve? I’m wondering if there is a way to automatically show the deflection angle of the horizontal alignment curve (attached)?
You are able you get range of properties, i.e length, chord length, start/end chainages, mid-ordinate.
I've notice lets for arguement sake 'chord length' text component editor is: <[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> but is it possible to modify the code so i can insert half a chord length.
Ive tried
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]>/2 ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]/2> ---- doesn't work
<[Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)/2]> ---- doesn't work
<[1/2*Chord Length(Um|P3|RN|AP|GC|UN|Sn|OF)]> ---- doesn't work
I needed to remove a feature line that I used as a break line when creating a surface. When I removed the feature line from the definition of the surface, the grading did not change. It appears the points created by the feature line remain which is why grading didn't change. The only work around was to delete these points.
I noticed the same thing happens when I removed the surface boundary and inserted a new boundary. why these points remain and how to remove when I delete boundary and feature line from surface?
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. I am thinking that this may not be possible at this point but I am still going to try. I have an alignment label style for station and offset. I also have created a dynamic block for the border of this label to put around that label. This call out border is not a typical single width border so the borders within the alignment style do not match and cannot be used for our designs. I have attached an image of the border around the label style for a random alignment. So far the dynamic block has been a great fix for the border so that we dont spend a lot of time drawing in these borders for each label, but I was trying to add this dynamic block to the label style so that it would act as the border.
So far I have tried adding the block as a component in the layout tab of the label style but it appears where I anchor it and does not access any of the dynamic attributes to make the callout box larger in reference to the text. I know I can insert it so that in general it will be surrounding the Station, Offset, and Alignment contents, however, we frequently add additional text to our labels to callout pipe bends and other items so the box is not typically the same size.
How I might be able to do this or if it is not possible at this time?
How to start back to curve & line tag number 1 after generating tags?
During Parcel creation I told it to apply curve tags and it did what it said, created curve tags. Never again until I get comfortable with it. Looks great but want to have some order here. It's really random. I know it's not LDD but in LDD you could clear tags and start over. How to do this in 3D? From what I understand even if you do not display tags they are still created right? So where do I set the default starting number? Settings > Parcel > Commands > CreateSite?
How can you add the chord bearing, chord length, and tangent to an alignment table with the curve data in it? I have the length and direction but cannot figure out why the others will not load and update in the chart. I am using Autocad Civil 3D 2012
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 Windows 7 Prof. SP1 (64-bit) Precision T3500 Intel (R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07 GHz 6.00 GB NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
Is there any way to project feature lines into a profile when the plan view is xref'd? I have my plan view "existing topo" with all existing features/Figures and a existing surface.
My profile is a separate dwg with plan view xref'd and surface a data shortcut. Of course there are feature lines and Survey Figures in the existing top I want to project into the profile, but can't because it is an xref. Besides copying .
C3D 2012. I am trying to get the distance from the start of a featrue line to a selected point. My object is "FLobj" and my Point is PT1. I am using the method Get2dDistanceAtPoint. This is the line of code.
I am wanting to add the name of my feature line to a label style. I am trying to create a label style that will show Lot Number and Area. I know i can create parcels, but i dont want to! I have also created a map table that can do exactly what i want on polylines, but will not work on an xref. Labelling featurelines does work in xrefs.
I am building a surface and have back of curb, curb face, and curb flowline going around a curve. I cannot create the lines with the usual pline as they will cross due to poor field collect. I created the curbs with multiple arcs. I was then going to change them into Feature Lines and am wondering if I can then use them as breaklines in a surface.
We have cooridors with features such as terrace drains and flowlines, but we cant seem to get the linetypes to show up correctly. For example a flow line should have arrows but it shows up without the linetype and looks continuous.
I am building a corridor with the right side of the pavement fitting to the existing surface.The subassembly used to link the edge of pavement to the existing ground is LinkSlopeToSurface.
On the corridor created, the feature line (code P2) of the corridor surface (top) starts from the station 0+025, instead of 0+000.
I was wondering why there is no feature line P2 for station range 0+000 to 0+025? Does that mean the linkage to the existing ground surface not exist for the slope defined in the subassembly?
We are running Civil3d 2012. When converting a line or 3d poly to feature line, or just creating one it adds elevation points where it crosses surface breaklines even if you do not assign elevations. We want the feature to just have 2 elevations. The beginning and end. Is this a bug? Or is there another setting somewhere?
I created a label for retaining wall that takes the z value from the start and end of a feature line. Works great except that it isn't dynamic. I have created the feature line in a grading sheet where the surface is data shortcut into it and I'm just using grips to make sure the ends are on the bottom and top of the retaining wall. Is there any way to dynamically pin/tie the feature line to a surface that has been data shortcut?
I draw an alignment for road. I turned off design criteria and i used data from manual for my country Slovenia. I need spiral in, curve and spiral out on alignment. Finally i got that alignment. Then i insert sample lines along the alignment. Then i saved autocad civil 3d file and shut down the program. When i reopen file, i see that sample lines after the spiral in being erased. Sample lines stayed along first tangent, after that they were erased.
The stationing along my alignment line is missing. I do believe it was there yesterday at 5 but hey who knows. How do I restore it the PI stationing is there.