AutoCAD 2010 :: Matching Up Point Clouds Using Alignment Tool / Smooth Object From Point Cloud
May 30, 2012
how to match up certain points. I have imported 2 point clouds and have tried to use the 'align' tool to specify three points from the source object (cloud) and three points from the destination object (cloud). When doing this, it does not properly align them. The point cloud makes it difficult to select the exact point I would like to align, since there may not be a point at that exact location, but close to it. Does AutoCAD require the points in alignment to match up perfectly or is it capable of doing a best fit?
Also, is AutoCAD capable of creating a solid 3D piece from the point cloud? I would like to take all of my points and make a smooth object.
I was doing the following steps when I encountered this problem:
1) I created a V shape with the Pen Tool.
2) After having changed my default selection tool to the Direct Selection Tool (so that I can use it later), I used the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Shift-C) to drag at the V junction to change it to more of a U shape & thus also creating a Smooth Point there, like this:
3) Then I grabbed one of the direction handles & dragged it a bit to make it a Cusp point. Like this:
As soon as I did this, the other direction handle disappeared & the anchor point also became deselected.
4) So I temporarily switched to the selection tool (the Direct Selection Tool in my case) by holding down the Cmd key and clicked on the anchor point.
Result: As soon as I clicked on the anchor point to select it and also make the other direction handle visible, the anchor point became a smooth one & the shape of the path changed dramatically - i.e., the cusp point I created was gone (see fig.)
and I had to rework on the changed path.
Is this expected? BTW, I'm working in Illustrator CS6 (Mac).
I just noticed that 2013 can import point clouds; this is great news.
There is precious little documentation on this feature. I can happily index and attach my points (the scaling seems off...even though I set it to 1.0...) but I cannot seem to do much with the points beyond this. Obviously, I would like to make a surface but the Surface tools don't seem to operate on these points. There were no options during import, unlike other point imports, to make them show as points, splines, surface.
I can't seem to get this working in 2011... the bounding box for the point cloud is all that shows up. How to get a good 3dDWF or 3D PDF of a point cloud out of c3D?
URL....Until Kate fixes the link to Lynn's page, here it is: URL....I suspect LT will not get Point Clouds or 3D features (PressPull, Surface Curve Extraction, Model anything), but you got to love the Strike-Through Text ability. New DWG format? Kate will reveal all soon enough.
Interestingly, AutoCAD2013 details are out in Japan (if you are bilingual) URL....
We are using AutoCAD 2014 and one of the biggest selling points was its improved point cloud functionality. I have been inserting a point cloud with RGB color but when it comes in, I get no color. The preview window show it in color, the details say YES that color is attached but all I get is a plain white point cloud. The Visualization panel is lit up and I can change from scan color to intensity and back. It looks like it is working but I get zero change to my cloud.
I would like to convert many xyz files, representing point clouds, to the isd files. I have found some dll's dealing with point clouds' objects (see bellow), however I could not find any supporting documentation.
Some sample code in VB.NET or direct me to some useful resources?
These dll's are, in my opinion, related to Point Clouds:
We'll get a inventor model of the huge cover . And we need to do a cross check old model to new scanned point clouds.
Inventor is not able to view point clouds, so the idea is to import inventor model to autocad . Do a cross check to point cloud notice the changes and put them into the inventor model . Move the flanges in the correct position.
This is the client mail.
iam not understanding this mail. Presently iam using autodesk inventor 2012 .
what is point clouds?
i know little bit of point clouds.
how to start this work. Client is provided scan files.
I have a small app to create, related to point clouds.
I know VisualLISP pretty well, definitely well enough to accomplish the task.but...I can't figure out how to retrieve information on the point cloud's clipbox using lisp.
I know a little VB.NET; I took a one-semester class at the JC, two years ago. It's going to take time for me to get ramped up enough with VB to do this job, so I don't really want you to tell me the only way to get to the clipbox is through vb.
way to retrieve and modify a point cloud's clipbox with VisualLISP?
I am lucky enough to have access to a developer version of the recent Xbox One Kinect hardware. Naturally there is currently no software on the market that allows point clouds/mesh's to be obtained using the scanner within the Kinect.
I have seen that AutoCAD has been utilised to achieve this and wondered if there is any literature or instructions as to how this is achieved? Is there a plugin required that is able to control the Kinect V2 and output point cloud data from scans?
what the file size limit is for importing point clouds into Inventor? Or is that a how long is a piece of string question that depends on computer ability?
I'm trying to make a LISP routine that will match point style, label style, marker rotation, label rotation and layer for a selected point to multiple other points. I don't know what the exact variable names are or how to find them.
See the post below for code that is similar too what I'm looking for.
I need to convert a number of raw point clouds into PCG files for insertion into Revit. I'd like to do this ahead of time, and preferably without having to open and insert into Revit. I know Revit uses adpointcloudindexer.exe to index the raw file formats, but was unsuccessful at trying to launch it by itself. If this can be used as a standalone convertor, possibly by combining the exe with a switch and a file location?
I can get my stylised map from Promap into Map3d 2011, and I have tried importing the point cloud data which I have as a esri ascii grid file, it is basically 3 columns of numbers:- for north, east and height.
Unfortunately when I choose to format as nez (when importing) it turns the whole lot round by 90degrees ...
I have tried importing it as enz but no joy, and also in niether case will it align with my map (have tried using coords and not using coords).
I am trying to trace part of my point cloud, which has been aligned according to a new UCS I set. Drawing on the top down view, a poly line works fine out in the black ether or the model space, however when I attempt to trace over the point cloud it shoots way off in the distance.
My node snapping is turned off of course, but this only happens when I click over a part of the point cloud, as if it was snapping to the cloud and getting confused.
When I turn snapping off completely I can click anywhere I want and I'm fine. This suggests to me that it is a snapping issue, although I was under the assumption that "Node" was the only snap setting that related to point clouds.
Using Civil 3D 2013, Faro Scene, Kubit PointCloud Pro
Is it possible to turn off the bounding box on a non-Civil 3D, .PCG point cloud that was indexed into Civil 3d directly from the Faro .FWS file using the "POINTCLOUDINDEX" command?
Supposedly there's a way "To Convert One or More Surfaces to Solids":
However, I'm unable to find Home tabSolid Editing panelThicken.
I'm trying to take LIDAR/Point Cloud data and 3D print it (in the end, I need to make an STL file). I've created a 3D surface from Point Cloud data which results in a Raster Layer. I do not know how to convert the surface that's in the Raster Layer into a solid.
How can I rotate my point cloud to have the front view on the top. I want to optimize the surface creation on the lateral surface of a deck and not on the ground (top) surface. I think to rotate 90 degrees on the X or Y axis.
I was wondering if there is a way to select specific 3D points out of a point cloud (.pcg). I am new with Autocad and handling of point clouds .
I can think of various things that you might want to do, as in clean up a bit the data or even delete some areas that you are not interested with. additionally, one might want to do some calculations, so selecting points first and the running a list script to use that points can be handy as well.
I'm working with a point cloud in 2013. The color comes in when I convert to .pcg and import into Revit. But I can't get the color to display in CAD. I've heard it may be a visual style problem, or a setting in my hardware acceleration, but nothing seems to work.
I'm trying to access the style manager to allow classifying LiDAR point cloud based on elevation. I have been able to attached the point cloud and see it on the drawing. For some reason I can't see the Point Cloud Menu, which I believe should be showing up beside "Express" menu on the top toolbar.
I have a point cloud of an excavation surface, i want to create a surface from this points. 3d civil can do it but im not 3d civil user, is there any way to do it in autocad or in 3ds max.